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优质茄子新品种引茄1号的选育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
引茄 1号为杂种一代 ,植株生长势旺盛 ,果实细长、紫红色 ,果面光滑 ,果肉细嫩 ,平均单果质量 6 0~70kg ,抗青枯病和绵疫病 ,产量 30 0 0~ 4 0 0 0kg·(6 6 7m2 ) -1,适于我国喜食长茄地区的保护地和露地栽培。  相似文献   
采用大棚小区随机区组法,研究了不同浓度腐植酸液体叶面肥对2个茄子(龙杂6号和乌龙3号)品种产量和品质的影响,为合理使用腐植酸液体叶面肥提供科学依据。结果表明,喷施600稀释浓度叶面肥综合效果最佳,能显著提高茄子产量,增加维生素C、可溶性糖含量并能降低游离氨基酸含量。  相似文献   
呼和浩特属高寒地区,为了克服气候上的劣势,大量保护地设施被应用于蔬菜种植,其中厚墙体日光温室的应用渐为普及。综合在呼和浩特市合创农业科技研究中心蔬菜种植试验区域内厚墙体日光温室茄子周年栽培试验,总结出适用于该地区厚墙体日光温室茄子栽培技术。  相似文献   
The scarcity of freshwater resources is a critical problem in semi-arid zones and marginal quality water is increasingly being used in agriculture. This paper aimed at evaluating the physico-chemical and biological risks on irrigated soils and fruits of macrophyte treated wastewater (TWW), the nutrients supply, and the effect on tomato and eggplant production in semi-arid Burkina Faso. During three years of experiments, treated wastewater was used, with fresh water as control, in combination with or without mineral fertilizer application at recommended rate (140 kg N/ha + 180 kg P2O5/ha + 180 kg K2O/ha). The study revealed that the treated wastewater provided variable nutrients supply depending on year and element. The treated wastewater without mineral fertilizer improved eggplant yield (40% in average) compared to the freshwater. Both crops responded better to mineral fertilizer (52% for tomato and 82% for eggplant) and the effects of the treated wastewater and fertilizer were additive. As the N supply of TWW was very unsteady (8-227% of crop need), and P2O5 supply did not satisfy in whole crop need (3-58%) during any of the three years of experiment, we recommended that moderate N and P2O5 fertilizers be applied when irrigating with TWW in semi-arid West-Africa. On the contrary, the K2O supply was more steady and close to crop requirement (78-126%) over the three years of experiment and no addition of K fertilizer may be needed when irrigated with TWW. Faecal coliforms and helminth eggs were observed in treated wastewater and irrigated soils at rate over the FAO and WHO recommended limits for vegetable to be eaten uncooked. Tomato fruits were observed to be faecal coliform contaminated with the direct on-foliage irrigation with treated wastewater. Our results indicate that treated wastewater can effectively be used as both nutrients source and crop water supply in market gardening in the semi-arid Sub-Saharan West Africa (SSWA) where freshwater and farm income are limiting. Yet consumers should properly cook or disinfect treated-wastewater irrigated vegetables before eating, and market gardeners should also be careful manipulating treated wastewater to avoid direct health contamination in this environment.  相似文献   
王学梅  谢华  崔静英  裴红霞  秦小军 《安徽农业科学》2011,39(36):22249-22250,22334
[目的]为目光温室茄子长季节再生优质高产栽培奠定基础。[方法]通过种植试验研究了日光温室茄子长季节再生的适宜平茬时间和平茬高度。[结果]日光温室茄子平茬时间应选在8月20~30日进行;适宜的平茬高度宜在门茄分枝以上5~10cm处。[结论]该研究可为日光温室茄子长季节优质高产栽培提供理论指导。  相似文献   
紫藤是以舟山长茄经连续多代定向选择选育出的极早熟自交系E673为母本,以台湾引进的E638为父本选育的茄子一代杂种。早熟,生长势旺盛,定植后40 d(天)左右始收。果实长直,果皮深紫色,光泽度好,果长30 cm以上,横径2.4~2.8 cm,单果质量80~90 g,外观漂亮,商品性好。每667 m2产量3 900 kg左右,抗枯萎病,中抗青枯病和黄萎病,适宜喜食紫色长茄地区保护地和露地栽培。  相似文献   
新茄6号是由从新疆长茄中单株套袋自交选育出的自交系4号长茄和从前苏联长茄品种中单株套袋自交选育出的自交系26号长 茄配组,然后在后代分离群体中通过系统选择育成的长茄新品种。植株生长势强,第1花生长在第5~6片叶腋,果实细长,浅紫红色, 光泽度好,平均单果质量140 g,抗黄萎病能力优于新疆长茄,一般每667 m2产量4 500~5 500 kg,适于新疆早春大棚和露地覆膜早 熟栽培。  相似文献   
冀茄2号(茄杂1号)是以E-901为母本,E-902为父本育成的一代杂种。生长势强,具有早熟、高产、优质等特点,果实高圆形,紫黑发亮,果面光滑,果肉细嫩,味甜,平均单果重592.9g,一般每667m2产量达4200~5000kg,适于我国喜食圆茄的地区进行保护地或露地栽培。至1995年底已在河北、山东、山西、江苏等地示范推广250hm2以上  相似文献   
白衣天使父本E-9801是国外一代杂种经6代选育获得的稳定自交系,母本E-9709是经系统选育获得的稳定自交系。其植株生长势强,分枝力中等,叶色淡绿。果实粗棒形,白皮白肉,果面光滑,果肉细嫩,一般单果质量200g左右,高抗枯萎病和绵疫病,一般产量3500~4000kg·(667m~2)~(-1),适宜保护地和露地栽培。  相似文献   
张其安  方凌  董言香  江海坤  严从生  王艳  王明霞 《安徽农业科学》2010,38(24):12991-12992,13000
[目的]选育高产、稳产、优质白茄子新品种。[方法]以E06为母本、E98为父本配制成一代杂种,命名为白茄3号。并进行组合力测定试验、品比试验、安徽省区试试验和生产性试验示范,并对其特征特性进行了描述。[结果]组合力测定和品比试验结果表明,白茄3号的平均产量比对照分别增加了14.35%和15.90%;区试试验结果表明,2009~1010年白茄3号平均产量比对照分别增加了15.70%和19.30%。[结论]白茄3号果肉细嫩、极早熟、抗逆性较好。适期播种,培育壮苗,合理密植,及时进行肥水管理和病虫害防治,才能夺取高产。  相似文献   
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