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为了解我国油菜主导品种的品质发展现状和品种改良趋势,以“油菜品种改良”“油菜育种”“油菜产业发展”为关键词检索了PubMed、SpringerLink及中国知网等数据库,获得1987—2023年已发表的相关文献70篇,并结合农业农村部、国家统计局和中国种业大数据平台发布的油菜主导品种数据,综合分析我国油菜主导品种及产业现状、存在的风险与不足以及未来发展趋势。结果表明:1)我国油菜种植面积趋于稳定,油菜品种数量大幅增长,多样性更趋丰富;2)油菜主导品种含油率提升明显,且单产不断取得突破;3)当前我国油菜品种存在一些风险,如特专型品种含油率和产量较低、油菜品种同质化严重、抗病性不强、生育期短且抗逆性强的品种不足等。综上,我国油菜产业在品种改良和产业发展方面取得了显著进展,但仍需关注品种品质和抗病性等问题。未来可通过加强油菜种质资源收集与利用推进转基因生物育种的研发,推进油菜株型、抗性和光合效能的改造以实现产油率等一系列性状的再突破,满足多元化需求,探索密植增产技术,提升油菜机械化生产水平,推动我国油菜产业的可持续发展。  相似文献   
嫩丰19是黑龙江省农科院嫩江农科所育成,2005年通过黑龙江省农作物品种审定委员会审定命名推广的大豆新品种.该品种生育日数120 d,需活动积温为2 500℃,脂肪含量22.05%,2003年被列入省良种化工程项目.具有高油、耐瘠,丰产性优良等特性,适宜黑龙江省第一积温带中上等土壤肥力条件下种植.  相似文献   
选取数量性状有较大差异的6个近江牡蛎(Crassostrea hongkongensis)作为亲本,成功建赢了9个半同胞家系,并对各个家系的受精、孵化、成活和早期生长的情况进行比较。结果显示,各家系子代的受精率、9孵化率和成活率均受亲本成熟度的影响;各家系的早期生长中,家系CH1、CH4和CH7的生长率大于其他家系;近江牡蛎幼虫的早期生长阶段受母本效应影响明显。  相似文献   
The objective of this work was to evaluate the association between morphometric variables and carcass characteristics in Pirapitinga. We used a thousand specimens of Pirapitinga with an average weight of 1,200 g, which were stunned, slaughtered, weighed, measured, and processed for morphometric and processing yield analysis, to obtain weights, carcass and fillet yields. Initially, the linearity of the variables was verified. Pearson's simple and partial correlation tests were performed between all metrics. Track analysis was performed considering the weights and yields of carcass and filet as dependent variables and the others as independent variables. Ridge regression models were used to eliminate the effects of multicollinearity among the independent variables. Observations showed that the simple correlations between body weights and yields were superior to the partial ones in terms of magnitude. The length and circumference of the specimens were the measures most linearly associated with weight, carcass weight and fillet with rib weight. As for carcass yield and fillet yield, linear correlation coefficients were low and not significant when associated with body weights. With the path analysis, we could observe significant positive correlations between the morphometric measurements for weight, carcass weight and fillet with rib weight. The standard length, body circumference and body circumference/body height ratio are the most correlated. The latter are the most important variables in the evaluation of body weights in Pirapitinga fish. They can serve as criteria for indirect selection in searching for fish with better carcass characteristics. As for fillet and carcass yields, the morphometric variables have not shown to be efficient for indirect selection.  相似文献   
张胜利  林少华 《海洋渔业》2001,23(4):176-177
催产亲鱼采自泉州湾双斑东方鲀产卵场海区,经注射LRH-A催产激素,3个试验组有2组产卵,共产卵61万粒;在水温15-18℃条件下,受精卵经4d孵化,仔鱼全部出膜,共出苗30万尾。  相似文献   
通过采用测定200只壶天山羊的体尺体重,统计66胎产仔情况、屠宰6只成年羊,将8只成年杂交羊(壶天羊×马头羊)和50只成年壶天羊作对比等办法,从而真实系统地总结了该山羊的各项生产性能.对以"七化四结合"为主要内容的山羊生态养殖关键技术进行了研究,提出了"羊→沼→稻(菜或草)"生产模式和"企业 农户"的经营模式.  相似文献   
乌苏里江大麻哈鱼的溯河生殖群体结构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1996年9月10日~10月10日于乌苏里江大麻哈鱼(Oncorhynchusketa)生殖群体中随机取样904尾,研究其年龄与生长、体长体重组成、生殖力、成熟系数及肥满度等主要群体结构特征,并与历年群体进行比较分析。结果表明,1996年的生殖群体主要由2 ~4 龄个体组成,其中,3 龄大麻哈鱼占数量优势(743%),该年龄中的雌性数量多于雄性。雌性的性成熟年龄为3龄,而雄性更早些。在1 ~3 龄期间,雄、雌鱼的生长率相近,但达到4 龄时,雄性生长快于雌性。该生殖群体的个体体长平均为(640±296)cm,其中,60~65cm体长的个体占数量优势(315%),个体体重平均为(34±058)kg其中,3~4kg体重的个体占数量优势(442%)。计算表明,生殖群体的体重与体长呈显著相关。在55例雌性样品中,绝对生殖力为2296~6380粒,相对生殖力为03~160粒/g。绝对生殖力与鱼龄、体长、体重增长分别存在线性关系。雄性成熟系数为249~929,雌性为100~3316。这说明雄性成熟系数随体重增加而减少。雌性肥满度为09~101,雄性为102~117,说明肥满度随体长的增加而增加。  相似文献   
为探索中间球海胆(Strongylocentrotus intermedius)在福建沿海季节性养殖的可行性,于2018年11月开展了新品种中间球海胆"大金"南移福州海域养殖试验。试养海胆分为大(壳径3 cm)和小(壳径1 cm)两种规格。采用当地现有的鲍养殖海域和设施,定期投喂海带(Laminaria japonica)和龙须菜(Gracilaria lemaneiformis)。经过6个月的养殖,福州养殖的大规格海胆壳径达(55.90±2.63)mm,体质量(56.30±6.92)g,性腺指数15.02%±1.5%,海胆生殖腺发育处于成熟前期(Ⅲ期),性腺质量良好,且显著高于大连同期养殖的大规格海胆壳径(46.56±3.88)mm和体质量(39.07±5.05)g(P<0.05)。同时,福州养殖的小规格海胆壳径达(40.97±0.87)mm,体质量(23.18±0.37)g,性腺指数9.64%±1.00%。试养结果表明,冬春季中间球海胆可在福建沿海开展季节性养殖,采用现有海上设施和养殖笼,投喂鲜活大型藻类,海胆的生长速度显著优于同期大连养殖。中间球海胆福建沿海南移养殖是满足其日益增长的市场需求的重要途径。  相似文献   
本试验应用膨化饲料养殖欧洲鳗鲡(Anguilla anguilla)三类苗。经过110d的养殖,两个试验组的平均体重分别达到16.13g和15.39g,相对增重率分别为151.1%和142.4%。日均增重量分别为88.3mg和82.2mg。平行养殖试验结果显示存活率分别为97.7%和98.5%,饲料转化率分别为59.1%和58.4%。整个养殖过程基本不换水,完全不用任何药物。  相似文献   
The robustness of Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas (Thunberg), sperm cryopreservation in the context of selective breeding based on family lines was investigated. Irrespective of egg density, high fertilization success was achieved with cryopreserved sperm when sperm:egg ratios of 1000:1 to 10 000:1 were used. Variation among replicate runs on the same oyster batches was minimal, indicating that cryopreservation and larval rearing procedures were repeatable. Twenty independent single male–female crosses were made to assess the utility of cryopreserved sperm in selective breeding. The fertility of unfrozen sperm was generally a poor predictor of cryopreserved sperm fertility. Based on D‐larval yields, 17 of the 20 crosses were likely to yield adequate spat for selective breeding (>105 D‐larvae from 1 million eggs), two were marginal (5 × 104 D‐larvae) and one was inadequate (4 × 103 D‐larvae). An alternative fertilization strategy to improve D‐yield from a given number of sperm was then tested. Fertilizing 10 million eggs at a sperm:egg ratio of 200:1 increased the total D‐yield when compared with fertilizing 1 million eggs at a sperm:egg ratio of 2000:1 for the same male–female pair. We conclude that, despite wide variation in fertility, cryopreserved sperm is useful for family production.  相似文献   
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