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外销型茄子品种比较试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对7个茄子品种的比较试验,结果表明,乐满田二号、华育二号、庆丰茄品种表现出单果质量较大、肉质紧密、综合商品性状较好、产量高、采收期较长、后期果不易变形、抗挤压和耐储运等特点.可作为外销蔬菜出口基地的主载品种,但需进一步试种,以保证其可靠性.  相似文献   
李邦发 《农业科学与技术》2013,(12):1779-1782,1825
该研究针对中国西南麦区审定品种与生产实践需要之间的矛盾,从生产发展、市场经济和人民需要出发,分析了当时审定小麦品种较多而推广应用较少的现象,总结了小穗小粒红皮种推广速度慢且农民不愿种植、大穗大粒白皮种推广速度快的原因,并提出了"选育商品型高产优质抗病大穗大粒耐穗发芽白皮小麦新品种"的育种创新工程。经过二十几年的努力,培育出了‘绵阳25’、‘绵阳26’、‘绵阳27’、‘绵阳28’、‘绵阳31号’、‘西科麦1号’、‘西科麦6号’等白皮小麦新品种,这些品种成为了四川省小麦第6次大更换的主要品种,为四川省和中国的小麦育种、小麦生产及国家的粮食安全作出了巨大贡献。  相似文献   
现行商品林经营实行的是事业经营,仅是营林生产成本费用核算,存在着严重弊端,不能适应市场经济要求实行企业经营,必须加以根本改革,实行完全经济核算。由于营林生产的长周期性等原因,给实行完全经济核算带来很大困难。依据市场经济理论,针对营林生产的特点,提出了以完整的营林生产周期,以小班为单位,采用“顸、决算式”的办法,实行完全经济核算的创新构想。  相似文献   
通过图书馆文献信息作为商品在市场经济活动中的商品属性,阐述它的3种作用的同时,又着重论述了文献信息作为商品,它在社会经济活动中的价值取量问题。试图从商品经济学的角度,用商品价值等概念,充分阐明文献它不只是一种有形的载体文献,更主要的是在社会的信息活动中,不仅具有承载文献和传递信息的作用,而且完全可以作为一种商品服务于社会,无形的信息亦可作为有形的商品在市场经济活动中具有同等的价值属性。  相似文献   
刘峰  刘玉红  刘英 《安徽农业科学》2010,38(18):9689-9691
在总结《肥料商品学》教学经验的基础上,结合高校教学改革新观念,分析《肥料商品学》的教学现状及问题,探讨其发展趋势,进而提出相应的改革措施,并对其教学效果进行评价,以期为该课程的教学实践提供借鉴。  相似文献   
山旱地马铃薯双垄全膜不同覆膜方式比较试验   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用了秋季、顶凌、播种期三种不同时期覆膜方式,为干旱浅山区马铃薯全膜覆盖获得高产探索最佳覆膜方式,结果表明,秋季覆膜效果最好,比顶凌覆膜每公顷增产5061.8kg,商品率提高5.2%。顶凌覆膜比播种期覆膜每公顷增产4476.8kg,商品率提高1.1%。因此建议采用秋季覆膜方式,其次采用顶凌覆膜和播种期覆膜。  相似文献   
This paper focuses on the environmental and ethical attributes of food products and their production processes. These two aspects have been recently recognized and are becoming increasingly important in terms of signaling and of consumer perception. There are two relevant thematic domains: environmental and social. Within each domain there are two movements. Hence the paper first presents the four movements that have brought to the fore new aspects of food product quality, to wit: (1) aspects of environmental ethics (organic agriculture and integrated agriculture), and (2) social ethics (fair trade and ethical trade). Next, it describes how the actors in the movements (producers, retailers, NGOs, and governments) are organized and how consumers perceive each of the movements. From the perspective of the actors in the movements themselves, the movements are grouped into two “actors’ philosophies.” The first is a “radical” philosophy (the organic production and fair trade movements that arose in radical opposition to conventional agriculture or unfair trade relations), and the second is a “reformist” philosophy (the integrated agriculture and ethical trade movements that arose as efforts to modify but not radically change conventional agriculture). From the point of view of consumers, the classification of the movements is based on perceptions of the “domain” of the movements. That is, consumers tend to perceive the organic production movement and the integrated agricultural movement as a single group because they both deal with the environment. By contrast, consumers tend to group the fair trade movement and the ethical trade movement together because they both deal essentially with social ethics. Recently, key players such as large retailers and agribusinesses have adopted as part of their overall quality assurance programs both environmental and ethical attributes. Their involvement in and adoption of the goals of the movements have, however, generated tensions and conflicts. This is particularly true within the radical movements, because of concerns of cooptation. Finally, the paper identifies challenges faced by those promoting food products with environmental and social/ethical attributes as they attempt to communicate coherent signals to consumers at this crucial moment in the emergence of a mass market for these products. Jean -Marie Codron is a Senior Researcher at INRA and co-director of MOISA, a public joint research laboratory involved in the social sciences. His research interests focus on three main lines of research: economics of contracts, economics of the firm, and economics of market institutions, with applications to “complex” food sectors, where product quality is difficult to measure and/or to signal to the consumer. Lucie Sirieix is Professor of Marketing and Consumer Behaviour at SupAgro Montpellier, France, a national higher education establishment under the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food. Within the MOISA research unit, her main research topics are variety seeking, risk and trust, environmental and ethical consumer concerns, and sustainable consumption. Her specific research areas include organic products, fair trade, and regional products. Thomas Reardon is Professor of Agricultural Economics at Michigan State University. His work focuses on globalization, consolidation in the retail and processing sectors, and their effects on agrifood systems and trade as well as on the economics of private quality and safety standards.  相似文献   
[目的]筛选出适合杭州地区设施栽培的新品种和品质育种的适宜基因资源。[方法]通过农艺性状观察、VC等果实品质检测、多酚等抗氧化物质与性能指标分析,对13个草莓品种进行综合比较分析,并对品种间营养品质与抗氧化性能参数进行相关性分析。[结果]在单果重表现上越心甘王表现较出色,平均单果重近30 g;甜查理果实硬度最大(556.67 g/cm~2);VC含量最高为幸香(0.61 mg/g),与其他品种呈显著差异;可溶性固形物含量章姬幸香初恋情人均为10.15%,极显著高于其他品种;可溶性总糖含量较高为章姬初恋情人,分别为84.57、84.27 mg/g,与其他品种呈显著差异;抗氧化物质含量与抗氧化性能指标最高者为幸香。多酚与DPPH、ABTS、FRAP呈极显著正相关(r=0.70,r=0.89,r=0.89,P0.01),多酚在草莓抗氧化能力方面发挥着重要作用。[结论]幸香在营养品质、抗氧化物质含量和抗氧化性能上表现突出,是草莓营养品质育种的理想亲本;初恋情人抗氧化物质含量和抗氧化性能指标比幸香稍低,同时可溶性固形物和总糖含量较高,是白果品种选育极佳的亲本资源;多酚是草莓抗氧化能力的重要物质基础。  相似文献   
申雷明  徐梅  王福林  张浩 《安徽农业科学》2010,38(28):15936-15938
以黑龙江商品粮基地所属13个地区为研究对象,选取地区GDP(X1)、人均GDP(X2)、第三产业总值(X3)、财政收入(X4)、城镇固定资产投资(X5)、职工平均工资(X6)、工业总产值(X7)、农林牧渔总产值(X8)、社会消费品零售额(X9)这9项指标,建立了区域经济评价指标体系。根据2006~2008年的《黑龙江省统计年鉴》中各指标的3年平均值作为分析数据,采用因子分析方法进行降维,建立回归模型进行综合评价。结果表明,黑龙江商品粮基地的各地区经济发展极不均衡,根据综合得分排序和实际情况,把这13个地区分为4类:第一类为哈尔滨;第二类为大庆;第三类为齐齐哈尔、绥化、牡丹江、佳木斯;第四类为鸡西、双鸭山、黑河、伊春、七台河、鹤岗、大兴安岭。并为各类地区的后续发展提出了建议。  相似文献   
为了研究夏季高温对苦瓜的影响,以苦瓜15个杂交组合(品系)为材料,在夏季自然高温条件下栽培,并以秋季栽培为对照,对各杂交组合(品系)的产量、商品果数、商品率、平均单果质量及各指标的变化率进行统计分析。结果显示,夏季高温导致所有苦瓜杂交组合(品系)的小区产量、商品率均明显降低,商品果数明显减少;除了杂交组合29×62、9808×68、62×68和品系47外,其余杂交组合的平均单果质量均低于秋季,从而导致苦瓜减产。此结果表明产量、商品果数和平均单果质量的变化率可能可作为苦瓜成株期耐热与否的鉴定指标,但还需结合田间生长势、绝对产量和品质性状等因素进行综合评价。  相似文献   
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