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以耐碱性不同的两种杜鹃花(毛白杜鹃和迎红杜鹃)的组培苗为材料,对其根系Fe3+还原酶活性与铁素和pH值间的关系进行研究,结果表明:培养最初阶段高pH值(NaHCO3提供)与铁素共同诱导根系Fe3+还原酶活性增加;Fe3+对根系Fe3+还原酶活性的诱导作用具有类似于代谢途径中的底物诱导效应;在10d的缺铁处理中,迎红杜鹃根系Fe3+还原酶活性增加,而毛白杜鹃没有增加,说明缺铁对酶活性的诱导存在种间差异;杜鹃花根系Fe3+还原酶活性与植物耐碱性存在正相关。  相似文献   
崔晓阳  曹楷  郝敬梅 《土壤学报》2007,44(6):1111-1118
以培育富硒森林蔬菜为目标,在暗棕壤上进行了荚果蕨、小叶芹、小根蒜、婆婆丁等4种山野菜施硒试验。硒肥种类为亚硒酸钠,施硒量为0.10~10.00mg kg-1,直接施肥范围为0~15cm表土。经过一个完整的生长周期(1a)后测定土壤和植物硒指标。结果表明,典型暗棕壤对外源亚硒酸钠态硒具有较强吸收与保持能力,从低剂量至高剂量施入的硒有90%~70%以上仍保留在原施硒土层内;其中H2O可溶态硒占全硒的6.03%~3.78%,KH2PO4浸提的有效态硒占全硒的19.36%~37.54%,而且土壤全硒、KH2PO4浸提的有效态硒及H2O可溶态硒皆与最初的施硒量呈线性正相关。在土施强化供硒条件下,4种山野菜均能高量富集硒,其含硒量为对照的1.7~158.9倍;不同植物的富硒能力有差异,它们在递增施硒情况下高量富集硒的变化模式也各有特点。总体来看,山野菜含硒量与施硒量之间为非线性正相关关系,但在一定的较低施硒量范围内这种关系则是线性的,线性范围因植物而异;土壤的可溶态硒、KH2PO4浸提的有效硒甚至全硒等指标与山野菜含硒量之间亦均呈明显的非线性正相关,且施硒量较低时其关系亦表现为线性。初步得出,典型暗棕壤控制施硒是在近自然条件下培育富硒森林蔬菜并获取高富硒生物资源的有效途径;不过,强烈搅动的砂砾质暗棕壤却不利于硒肥保持和植物吸收,不适于富硒森林蔬菜栽培。  相似文献   
In this study we used compound specific 13C and 14C isotopic signatures to determine the degree to which recent plant material and older soil organic matter (SOM) served as carbon substrates for microorganisms in soils. We determined the degree to which plant-derived carbon was used as a substrate by comparison of the 13C content of microbial phospholipid fatty acids (PLFA) from soils of two sites that had undergone a vegetation change from C3 to C4 plants in the past 20-30 years. The importance of much older SOM as a substrate was determined by comparison of the radiocarbon content of PLFA from soils of two sites that had different 14C concentrations of SOM.The 13C shift in PLFA from the two sites that had experienced different vegetation history indicated that 40-90% of the PLFA carbon had been fixed since the vegetation change took place. Thus PLFA were more enriched in 13C from the new C4 vegetation than it was observed for bulk SOM indicating recent plant material as preferentially used substrate for soil microorganisms. The largest 13C shift of PLFA was observed in the soil that had high 14C concentrations of bulk SOM. These results reinforce that organic carbon in this soil for the most part cycles rapidly. The degree to which SOM is incorporated into microbial PLFA was determined by the difference in 14C concentration of PLFA derived from two soils one with high 14C concentrations of bulk SOM and one with low. These results showed that 0-40% of SOM carbon is used as substrate for soil microorganisms. Furthermore a different substrate usage was identified for different microorganisms. Gram-negative bacteria were found to prefer recent plant material as microbial carbon source while Gram-positive bacteria use substantial amounts of SOM carbon. This was indicated by 13C as well as 14C signatures of their PLFA. Our results find evidence to support ‘priming’ in that PLFA indicative of Gram-negative bacteria associated with roots contain both plant- and SOM-derived C. Most interestingly, we find PLFA indicative of archeobacteria (methanothrophs) that may indicate the use of other carbon sources than plant material and SOM to a substantial amount suggesting that inert or slow carbon pools are not essential to explain carbon dynamics in soil.  相似文献   
植物形态伴随着植物生长过程而发生变化,植物的三维重建对研究植物形态对植物生物量估测、植物病害虫害、基因型表达等有着很重要的意义。目前三维重建方法重建出的三维点云多包含植物的形态、颜色等特征,无法反应植物营养状况(如叶绿素含量)、病虫害胁迫等原因造成有机质空间三维分布改变,同时以往手段都需要专门仪器,携带和作业都受到很大限制。多光谱图像能够反应有机质含量等化学值的分布,在近地面遥感、农产品质量无损检测等发面取得了广泛的应用。该文通过采集31张4叶龄油菜的多光谱图像,使用运动恢复结构算法(structure from motion)方法对其进行空间三维重建,得到油菜的三维点云,并对点云中噪声点进行滤除。以控制点和控制长度对所得模型进行评价,得到长度最大偏差在0.1023 cm,RMSE=0.052599,证明该方法重建所得模型具有较好的空间均匀性与准确性,最后计算NDVI指数空间分布。证明所得模型对将来研究植物营养与病虫害胁迫空间分布有着重要意义。  相似文献   
沪茄二号和沪茄三号是适宜国内外茄子设施栽培地区和露地种植的优良茄子杂交一代。沪茄二号单果重153.0 g,每株座果数18.7个。沪茄三号单果重166.5 g,每株座果数16.1个。以上两个杂交一代均表现早熟,果实长棒形,果皮深紫黑色,光泽强,果形直,商品性优良,果实干物质含量和可溶性总糖高,持续结果能力强,前期产量和总产量高等优良综合性状。  相似文献   
杂交稻和常规稻生育后期对NO_3~——N和NH_4~+-N的营养效应   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
杨肖娥  孙羲 《核农学报》1990,4(2):80-86
利用~(15)N示踪技术研究了杂交稻和常规稻生育后期对不同N源的营养效应。结果表明,杂交稻对抽穗前追施的NO_3~--N的利用率比常规稻高7.8%,回收率高13.2%:追施NH_4~+-N时,杂交稻的N肥利用率比常规稻高6.1%,回收率高14.5%肥源之间比较,收获期NH_4~+-N的利用率和回收率都高于NO_3~--N。肥料N在穗中的分配率,杂交稻比常规稻大15.7—20.2%,但NO_3~--N与NH_4~--N处理间无明显差异。试验结果还表明,抽穗前追施NO_3~--N比追施NH_4~--N能更明显地促进水稻对Ca~(2+),Mg~(2+)的吸收,刺激浮根的生长,增加稻谷产量,而且杂交稻的这些效应大于常规稻。  相似文献   
利用^15N同位素示踪技术研究了不同的施氮量和底追比例对小麦氮素利用和土壤硝态氮的影响。结果表明:底追比例均为5:5,处理2(纯氮施用量为168kg/hm^2)与处理1(纯氮施用量为240kg/hm^2)比较,处理2成熟期植株中土壤氮素的积累量,肥料氮的利用率均高于处理1的,但处理2的土壤硝态氮含量低;籽粒产量、蛋白质含量、湿面筋含量和面团稳定时间处理间无显著差异。纯氮施用量均为168kg/hm^2,氮肥全部用于拔节期追施的处理3与处理2比较,处理3成熟期植株中土壤氮素的积累量,籽粒蛋白质含量、面团稳定时间和0~40cm土层土壤硝态氮的含量均高于处理2的;肥料氮的利用率和籽粒产量处理间无显著差异。成熟期不同处理0~60cm土层土壤硝态氮含量均低于播种前,在60~80cm土层形成累积峰并高于播种前,但80cm以下层次与播前相比无明显差异。  相似文献   
猪粪堆肥过程中NH3和H2S的释放及除臭微生物的筛选研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
为了治理粪便臭气污染,测定了猪粪好氧堆肥过程中NH3和H2S的释放量以及堆肥温度、pH值、含水率、水溶性铵态氮等指标。结果表明,NH3在前20天释放量占总释放量的84.6%、H2S在前13天释放量占总释放量的100%。因此,在堆肥初期的前20天是控制臭气的最佳时期。并从畜禽粪便、垃圾、土壤和堆肥中分离、纯化了一些微生物,经过初筛得到能利用NH3的微生物41株,经过复筛得到脱除H2S较好的细菌一株,与对照相比其去除率达85.7%,经鉴定该菌是松鼠葡萄球菌。  相似文献   
烟酸在肉仔鸡体内的利用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
文杰  王和民 《核农学报》1993,7(4):243-248
雏鸡嗉囊注射3H-烟酸后,肝脏、血液中的~3H-烟酰胺下降到最大值的1/2的时间分别为19和41h,下降到最大值1/5的时间分别为78和169h。每kg饲料内添加15~60mg烟酸,并不影响肉仔鸡对烟酸的利用率,添加量高者,可以得到较高绝对数量的利用。烟酰胺在鸡体内分布较均匀,无明显贮存器官。  相似文献   
Landscape variability associated with topographic features affects the spatial pattern of soil water and N redistribution, and thus N uptake and crop yield. A landscape-scale study was conducted in a center pivot irrigated field on the southern High Plains of Texas in 1999 to assess soil water, soil NO3-N, cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) lint yield, and N uptake variability in the landscape, and to determine the spatial correlation between these landscape variables using a state-space approach. The treatments were irrigation at 50 and 75% cotton potential evapotranspiration (ET). Neutron access tubes were placed at a 15-m interval along a 710 m (50% ET) and 820 m (75% ET) transect across the field. Soil NO3-N in early spring was autocorrelated at a distance varying between 60 and 80 m. Measured soil volumetric water content (WC), total N uptake, and lint yield were generally higher on lower landscape positions. Cotton lint yield was significantly correlated to soil WC (r=0.76), soil NO3-N (r=0.35), and site elevation (r=−0.54). Differences of site elevation between local neighboring points explained the soil water, NO3-N and lint yield variability at the micro-scale level in the landscape. Soil WC, cotton lint yield, N uptake, and clay content were crosscorrelated with site elevation across a lag distance of ±30–40 m. The state-space analysis showed that cotton lint yield was positively weighted on soil WC availability and negatively weighted on site elevation. Cotton lint yield state-space models give insights on the association of soil physical and chemical properties, lint yield, and landscape processes, and have the potential to improve water and N management at the landscape-scale.  相似文献   
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