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2008年从漳州采集到疑似由柑橘球座菌(Guignardia citricarpaKiely)引起的黑斑病症状的溪琯蜜柚(Citrus grandis(Linn.)Osbeck cv.guanxi-miyou)果实。使用柑橘球座菌(G.citricarpa)特异引物对该果实上的病斑进行PCR检测及序列分析。PCR检测结果表明从溪琯蜜柚果实病斑上扩增到约490bp的条带。序列分析结果表明,与已知的亚洲柑橘叶点霉(Phyllosticta citriasiana)、G.citricarpa和G.mangif-erae的相应序列同源性分别为99.8%、98.2%和94.0%。该序列含有部分的内转录间隔区1(ITS1)、5.8S核糖体RNA基因(5.8S rRNA)和部分的内转录间隔区2(ITS2)序列。结果表明,引起溪琯蜜柚果实病害的病原菌并不是G.citricarpa,而是一种新描述的病原菌——亚洲柑橘叶点霉(Phyllosticta citriasianaWulan-dari,Crous&Gruyter),该病原菌引起的病害称为柑橘褐斑病。  相似文献   
柑橘黄化脉明病毒巢式RT-PCR检测方法的建立及应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探索柑橘黄化脉明病毒(Citrus yellow vein clearing virus,CYVCV)引起的柑橘新病害—柑橘黄脉病的早期快速检测技术,针对CYVCV核酸结合蛋白基因的保守序列设计2对特异性引物,通过优化退火温度,建立了CYVCV巢式RT-PCR检测方法,并对采自不同柑橘品种的54个CYVCV疑似样品进行了检测。结果表明,CYVCV巢式RT-PCR检测中,以55℃和60℃分别作为第1轮和第2轮扩增的退火温度时检测效果最佳;该方法检测样品中病毒总核酸的最低浓度为2.40μg/L,灵敏度较RT-PCR提高100倍。在CYVCV疑似样品检测中,巢式RT-PCR和RT-PCR的阳性检出率分别为59.26%和57.41%,前者更适用于检测不同来源的CYVCV。当尤力克柠檬、锦橙北碚-447、天草和台湾椪柑嫁接接种CYVCV后,巢式RT-PCR比RT-PCR提前10~30 d检测出病毒。表明所建立的CYVCV巢式RT-PCR检测方法适用于田间病树的早期诊断。  相似文献   
The insecticidal activities of essential oil extracts from leaves, flowers and roots of aromatic plants against fourth-instar larvae of the mosquito Culex pipiens molestus Forskal were determined. Extracts of Foeniculum vulgare Mill were the most toxic, followed by those of Ferula hermonis Boiss, Citrus sinensis Osbeck, Pinus pinea L, Laurus nobilis L and Eucalyptus spp with LC50 values of 24.5, 44.0, 60.0, 75.0, 117.0 and 120.0 mg litre(-1), respectively. Combination tests between the LC50 and the maximum sub-lethal concentration (MSLC) were determined. Over 20 major components were identified in extracts from each plant species tested. Five essential oils and nine pure components were studied for their repellency against mosquito bites. Terpineol and 1,8-cineole were the most effective against Culex pipiens molestus bites offering complete protection for 1.6 and 2 h, respectively.  相似文献   
黄龙病是柑橘生产中最具毁灭性的病害,柑橘木虱Diaphorina citri (Kuwayama)是黄龙病的传播媒介,亮腹釉小蜂Tamarixiaradiata(Waterston)是柑橘木虱的优势寄生蜂,在防治柑橘木虱上具有巨大潜力。本文研究了年橘Citrus reticulata Blanco cv.Nianju为载体的亮腹釉小蜂生产的关键技术,建立了年橘-柑橘木虱-寄生蜂的生产体系,实现了规模化生产。明确了年橘新芽繁育的标准化修剪方法,以整体修剪法为最佳,产芽时间为12.6 d,产芽数量为39.6个/株;明确了柑橘木虱若虫繁育中柑橘木虱成虫接种数量,以柑橘木虱:新芽为2:1为最佳;明确了亮腹釉小蜂生产中亮腹釉小蜂接种数量,以亮腹釉小蜂:柑橘木虱为1:10为最佳。按本文生产方法,每笼(5株年橘)可收获亮腹釉小蜂646.67头。  相似文献   
Citrus tristeza virus (CTV), the most devastating viral pathogen in citrus, causes tremendous economic losses to citrus industry worldwide. The CTV isolates exhibit variable pathogenicities on their ho...  相似文献   
小果宜昌橙—柑桔属宜昌橙的新变种   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文对柑桔属宜昌橙(Citrus ichangensis Swingle)的一个新变种——小果宜昌橙进行了定名,并介绍了该变种的主要特征。 该变种形态类似宜昌橙,与宜昌橙的主要区别是子房心室少(5-7个),每个心室中胚珠少(3-4个),果实小。而宜昌橙子房心室7—10个,每个心室胚珠4-8个,果实较大。本变种为常绿乔木,树高3-5m,枝梢有刺,叶、花、果上均有油胞。果实长圆形,果皮紧、淡橙黄色,汁胞柔软,味酸苦,具有5—7个囊瓣。种子大、单胚,子叶白色。叶柄具翼,很宽大,大体上与叶片等长。主要分布于云南省的漾濞、巍山、保山、腾冲等县。  相似文献   
During the last three years, a new disease was observed in northwestern Greece on Minneola trees, hybrid of mandarin and grapefruit. On May small brown necrotic leaf spots surrounded by yellow halo areas of various sizes appeared and covered a major portion of the leaves with extension of necrosis into the veins. On young fruits small, slightly depressed black spots were the first symptoms, which later became 2–7 mm in diameter. Brown spots were observed on the leaves and fruits in several orchards in the same area, causing leaves and fruits to drop. In some orchards over 50% of the fruits were affected. From the fruit and leaf spots the typical small-spore species Alternaria alternata was isolated. Pathogenicity tests were performed by artificially inoculating fruits of Minneola, common mandarin and Clementine. The symptoms of the disease were reproduced only on fruits of Minneola hybrids by the specific strain of the fungus Alternaria alternata pv. citri. Different citrus susceptibility tests indicated that mandarins Minneola, Nova and Page were very susceptible to tested isolates while Clementine SRA and Poros Clementine were not. All lemons and lime Seedless were not susceptible. Grapefruit New Hall was not susceptible, while the Star Ruby was. Orange Lane Late, Navel Late, Oval Poros, Olinda, Navel Athos were not susceptible and only Moro showed reaction being slightly susceptible only to one isolate.  相似文献   
杂柑类新品种——建阳橘柚的选育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘韬  吴瑞东 《果树学报》2007,24(2):250-251,F0002
建阳橘柚是从国外引进的橘柚品种中通过芽变选育成的杂柑类新品种。该品种果实扁圆形或圆球形,平均单果质量为171g,果面亮黄色,有蜡质光泽,油胞较突出,果皮较厚,较耐贮藏,果肉橙黄色,无核,肉质细嫩,多汁,兼有橘和柚的风味,可溶性固形物14.0%,12月上中旬果实成熟,果实生育期220~230d。该品种具有品质优,风味独特,适应性广,抗逆性强等特点,适宜在福建省温州蜜橘种植区推广。  相似文献   
孟祥春  向旭  钟云  刘岩  易干军 《果树学报》2007,24(6):796-798
利用RT-PCR技术对广东砂糖橘碎叶病毒的外壳蛋白(CTLV-CP)基因进行了克隆和测序分析。DNA序列分析表明,砂糖橘CTLV-CP基因的cDNA序列全长为786bp,编码262个氨基酸。BLAST分析结果显示,所得序列与苹果、梨茎沟病毒(ASGV)外壳蛋白基因及其它柑橘CTLV-CP基因的同源性在87%~91%,证明所克隆的片段为CTLV-CP基因。  相似文献   
Inter-simple sequence repeat (ISSR) markers were used to study phylogenetic relationships among 33 citrus genotypes including several undefined local or native varieties as well as some known varieties in the Fars Province of Iran.  相似文献   
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