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道路绿化按其所在位置可分为交通岛绿地、广场绿地、停车场绿地、道路绿带四个部分。交通岛绿地位于道路交叉点,既是组织交通的重要节点,又是道路绿化的重要节点。绿化种植宜采用小乔木、灌木、草坪结合,以各种几何图案或变形设计为主。[第一段]  相似文献   
玩蝈蝈、卖葫芦,不仅是山东省临朐县龙岗镇68岁的张春元老汉,驱遣晚年寂寞的好方式,更是他发家致富的好门路。张老汉喜欢养蝈蝈。2001年,他因为养蝈蝈种了几棵葫芦,冬天用葫芦来装蝈蝈。后来他就把用不了剩下  相似文献   
该文论述了“图案”教学与艺术设计的本质关系,并从“图案”教学的目的、教学方法和教学过程等方面,系统地阐述了艺术设计专业中“图案”教学的改进。  相似文献   
针刺无骨花灯的历史渊源 “仙居针刺无骨花灯”,起源于唐朝,又称“唐灯”或“神灯”。传说唐开元年间,皤滩村有一秀才,夜行深山迷路,被一仙女以一盏“神灯”引路。此灯造型别致,制作精美,小巧玲珑,古朴典雅。灯身没有骨架,全由针刺成各种花纹图案的纸片粘贴而成。秀才返家后,依样画葫芦进行精工制作。制成后悬挂在自家门口,人见人爱、赞不绝口。“神灯”在秀才家落户后,仙女即变作村姑与秀才结为夫妇,夜夜夜陪秀才诵读诗文。大考之年,秀才得中状元。后来人们就把这盏无骨花灯称作“状元灯”。随后,  相似文献   
彩色粉末喷涂是十多年来迅速发展的一项新技术、新工艺,具有节省能源和资源、减少环境污染、工艺简便、易实现自动化、涂层坚固耐用、粉末可回收再用等特点.其数千种的色彩和各种光泽、纹理的表面效果更是其它涂装技术所不及的.它的应用领域也极为广泛.如在钢板表面,经过适当的磷化处理后,其表面即可进行粉末喷涂;对铝材表面,则通常是进行铬化处理.  相似文献   
新石器时代的彩陶装饰中,鱼纹形是值得关注的,以鱼纹为内容的图案的艺术构思和作画技巧,不仅达到了那个时代的最高艺术水平,而且奠定了后来文明时代的绘画艺术的基础。彩陶鱼纹图案图案艺术的美学研究有很深刻的意义。  相似文献   
The analysis of the systematic transitions in the forested landscape and the study of the forest fragmentation patterns allow us to deepen our understanding of the changes in the vegetation ground cover. The importance of knowing the intricate patterns of the land usage of the upper basin of the Amazon region is widely recognized. This zone is one of the most diverse biological areas in the world, is home to large areas of mature tropical cloud forest and demonstrates high probabilities of stable climatic conditions in light of global warming. The research quan- tiffed systematic transitions through the "loss" and "gain" of the different categories of landscape during the eighteen-year study period of the Ecuadorian Amazon Region (EAR), the forest fragmentation patterns were also analyzed based on a set of indicators. Therefore, with respect to the entirety of the landscape, the results registered for the ground coverage in forested areas during the first period (1990-2000), show a decrease of 6.99% and an increase of 0.68%; and during the second period (2000-2008), show a decrease of 3.99% and an increase of 2.14%. It demonstrated that forest and agricultural areas tended to replace or be replaced by herbaceous vegetation faster than expected fortuitously. Finally, the indices of fragmentation signaled intense changes during the 1990-2000 period with a reduction during the period 2000-2008. Per- centages registered in the Largest Patch Index (LPI) were between 79.58%; 52.39% and 49.99% respectively; while the Patch Density (PD) varied between 0.04; 0.06 and 0.07. This suggests the propensity of for- est cover to remain intact. The results of this investigation suggest a tendency towards stability in Ecuador's Amazon landscape. Within the framework for development and management of this area, the tendency is natural regeneration. This permits a consolidation of the conservation, reforestation, forestation and agricultural forestry plans, programs and systems for the protected areas in EAR.  相似文献   
为了解和定量评价棕榈藤宏观构造图案的情感心理表达,本实验在设定的3个维度中,通过用手触摸和观察外表的方法,对4种棕榈藤宏观构造图案进行意象调查,并进行主成分分析,结果表明:在视觉特性的评价中,以喜欢-厌恶、人工-自然作为总体评价的主成分,在触觉特性的评价中以高雅-简朴、光滑-粗糙作为评价的主成分,可获得较好的评价效果。  相似文献   
电脑的普及使纸质本子的实用功能日渐淡化,北京一家名为兴穆的小店在本子上做了点小文章,挖掘出了新商机。开店几年来,兴穆积累了不少人气和财气。  相似文献   
玉米皮编织的艺术品时尚新鲜,能美化环境,营造出温馨、美好的艺术氛围,符合现代人的审美需求,具有广阔的市场潜力.介绍了玉米皮编制加工成艺术品的技法.从图案的选择与创作,原材收集、处理等方面探讨了编织技艺,及其它创作方法.  相似文献   
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