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普通小麦(Triticum aestivum)地方品种具备了对当地自然生态条件的较强适应性和与之相对应的生产潜力.因此,从地方小麦品种中挖掘产量、品质、抗病虫及耐逆等优良基因资源,扩大当前小麦育种亲本的遗传基础,历来受到小麦遗传育种学家的高度重视.本研究通过对64个四川小麦地方品种进行了2年3个环境的表型精准鉴定,并利用231个小麦产量与品质相关性状的一致性QTL区段中的SSR标记,通过关联分析揭示四川地方品种产量和品质相关性状的遗传特征.表型鉴定结果显示,这些地方小麦品种具有多花多粒、分蘖能力强、成穗率高等特性,总体上属于中筋或弱筋小麦,且有效分蘖数、株高、小穗密度、穗长、可育小穗数、沉降值等性状遗传力较高,达50%以上.关联分析鉴定出18个多环境下稳定表达的SSR位点,与产量和品质性状极显著关联,其中1个(Xgwm372)同时与产量性状和品质性状关联,4个(Xwmc112,Xcfd5,Xwmc317和Xgwm372)最为稳定,3个(Xcfd5,Xgwm328和Xbarc181)关联到新的产量性状.相关分析表明,穗长与小穗密度呈极显著负相关,且有2个共同关联标记(Xgwm328和Xcfd5).还鉴定出2A染色体上的Xgwm448-Xgwm328-Xgwm3 72区段(8.0 cM)在多环境下与穗长显著关联.上述SSR标记位点和区段为通过分子标记辅助选择手段利用和发掘四川小麦地方品种产量和品质优异相关基因或区段提供理论指导.  相似文献   
为了解甘肃小麦地方品种资源HMW-GS的遗传组成及品质效应,检测了340份品种的HMW-GS和其中250份品种的沉淀值、蛋白质和湿面筋含量.结果表明,甘肃小麦地方品种资源Glu-1位点有21种亚基变异,冬、春小麦资源均以null(87.9%和77.4%)、7+8(93.2%和88.7%)和2+12(82.1%和76.7%)为各自位点的优势亚基;有42种亚基组合形式,冬、春小麦资源均以null/7+8/2+12为优势组合(分别占67.1%和56.4%).甘肃小麦地方品种资源中5+10和5+12亚基频率高于国内已报道小麦地方资源.春小麦地方品种1、7+8和5+10亚基在各自位点的品质效应值最高,冬小麦地方品种2*、7+8、5+12亚基在各自位点的品质效应值最高.从供试材料中筛选出在2个以上基因位点具有优质亚基的地方小麦品种48份,其中14份在3个位点都具有优质亚基.  相似文献   
17个玉米地方种质选系的配合力分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
分析玉米地方种质选系的配合力,可以为探明自交系的应用价值提供技术支撑。选用11个自交系为测验种,采用不完全双列杂交设计,对17个玉米地方种质新选的自交系的配合力、杂种优势以及主要性状遗传参数进行了分析。结果表明:单株产量GCA表现突出,且构成产量因子性状GCA表现也较好的新选自交系有P1-1、P1-16和P1-14;SCA值高、杂种优势强的组合是P2-4×P1-10;在株高、穗位高、穗行数等4个性状中,亲本的基因加性效应对F1性状形成起主导作用,而穗长、秃尖长、百粒质量等5个性状的遗传变异主要来自于基因非加性效应。因此,对于高产组合的选配,至少要选择1个GCA高的材料作亲本,并在此基础上兼顾SCA的选择,而利用地方种质选系则应根据性状遗传特性决定其选择时期和选择强度。  相似文献   
On-farm varietal diversity is now highest in marginal agricultural environments because, unlike the case in more favourable areas, modern varieties have not been a sufficiently attractive option for farmers to replace their landraces. However, the continued survival of landraces on farm is dependent on the continuing failure of plant breeding to provide better alternatives. Highly client-oriented breeding can produce suitable modern varieties for areas that were dominated by landraces. We examine here the case of the adoption of two upland rice varieties in three states in eastern India, Jharkhand, West Bengal and Orissa, where our surveys had confirmed low adoption of modern varieties in the upland ecosystem. The two new upland varieties were readily accepted by farmers who rapidly adopted them on large proportions of their land. On-farm diversity is maintained by the need to trade-off among varieties but once a variety with overall superiority was found this incentive was removed. The new varieties from the client-oriented breeding did not have weaknesses that farmers had to trade-off against their landraces so they were more likely to replace them. They also replaced older modern varieties. Farmers had previously maintained them along with landraces because they had to trade-off the higher yield of Kalinga III against the more stable yield of landraces or the higher yield of Vandana against the higher gain quality of the landraces. Only mean count per household could be used to test the significance of the differences between individual years. In all states, this revealed a significant reduction in landrace diversity with the adopting farmers when the addition of the two new varieties was not considered. Trends across years for mean varietal count, total count and Shannon–Wiener index showed a significant decline in Orissa, irrespective of whether the two new varieties were included in the analysis or not. In Jharkhand there was a significant decline only for mean count when the new varieties were not included. In Orissa, it was possible to test if rare landraces were as readily replaced as more common ones. Landrace replacement was unmitigated by increasing rarity yet the most rare landraces have the highest priority for genetic conservation. Some landraces were completely replaced by the farmers in the sample despite a diverse variety portfolio being a risk-reducing strategy in a region where there is a high risk of crop failure. There was little environmental heterogeneity in the marginal, drought-prone areas to slow this decline. The new varieties had an impact on the farming system because sometimes farmers brought additional upland into cultivation. They also introduced these varieties into more favourable, medium land. The strategy of releasing two new upland varieties met with some success in maintaining diversity.  相似文献   
All the accessions (35) of white lupin (Lupinus albus L.) landraces collected from northwest Iberian plateau and maintained at the Spanish germplasm collection (CRF of INIA), were studied with the general objective of assessing the biodiversity of these landraces and to ascertain their value as genetic resources for the development of germplasm adapted to the areas where they were collected with long and chilly winters. The characterization study comprised 51 qualitative and 50 quantitative characters. Quantitative parameters were analyzed by Principal Components Analysis (PCA). The 2-dimensional plot (49.3% of cumulative variability) formed a main group of accessions and 4 outliers (#1, #9, #27 and #28) separated in the first PC. The characters with a higher contribution to the first PC were inflorescence length, leaf petiole length and leaf central foliole area. The presence of alkaloids, the percentage of plants killed by soil borne fungal diseases, the phenology, the yield per plant and yield components were also assessed. Twenty six accessions (the main group in the PCA plot) showed high homogeneity, with the following highlights: bitterness, indeterminate growth habit, early ripeness and spring sowing with the exception of #18, in which seeding date is unknown and it had a later phenology. By contrast accessions #9 and #27 were bitter of autumn sowing with determinate growing habit and they had the longest values of primary inflorescence length and a later phenology when they were sown in spring. Average values for yield and yield components showed a broad range of variation between accessions. The main yield component was the number of pods per plant. Accession #22 had the highest mean seed mass, although this had not significant influence in yield. Accession #17 showed the highest yield and #1 the lowest. This last also had the lowest values of inflorescence length, leaf petiole length and leaf central foliole area. No significant differences of resistance to soil-borne fungi were found between accessions. The year had a significant effect in the phenology, yield and yield components except for number of seeds per pod. The studied material might be of interest for the development of spring sowing germplasm adapted to north Iberian peninsula.  相似文献   
There is a growing realisation world over that the introduction of modern agriculture has to be supplemented with measures to conserve biodiversity in situ if yield gains are to be stabilized. Hence, there is a growing interest from agricultural development specialists and conservation biologists for understanding the socioeconomic factors determining the conservation of biodiversity in situ. The present study was conducted with the objective of understanding the in situ (on-farm) conservation of agrobiodiversity in traditional agroecosystems taking the Urgam valley in north-western Himalaya of India, as a case study. An inventory was made of traditional crops and wild economic species for subsistence, and the structure of forest resource base, traditional knowledge related to resource management and use. Institutional and scientific challenges for in situ (on-farm) management of crop diversity were studied and are discussed in this paper. Complementarity of in situ (on-farm) conservation with ex situ conservation together with crop improvement in such marginal areas are suggested.  相似文献   
Diversity among 36 snapmelon landraces, collected from 2 agro-ecological regions of India (9 agro-climatic sub-regions), was assayed using RAPD primers, morphological traits of plant habit and fruit, 2 yield-associated traits, pest and disease resistance and biochemical composition (TSS, ascorbic acid, titrable acidity). Typical differences among accessions were observed in plant and fruit characteristics and snapmelon germplasm with high titrable acidity and possessing resistance to downy mildew, Cucumber mosaic virus, Zucchini yellow mosaic virus, Papaya ringspot virus, Aphis gossypii and Meloidogyne incognita was noticed in the collection. RAPD based grouping analysis revealed that Indian snapmelon was rich in genetic variation and region and sub-region approach should be followed across India for acquisition of additional melon landraces. Accessions of var. agrestis and var. momordica clustered together and there was a separate cluster of the accessions of var. reticulatus. Comparative analysis of the genetic variability among Indian snapmelons and an array of previously characterized reference accessions of melon from Spain, Israel, Korea, Japan, Maldives, Iraq, Pakistan and India using SSRs showed that Indian snapmelon germplasm contained a high degree of unique genetic variability which was needed to be preserved to broaden the genetic base of melon germplasm available with the scientific community. N. P. S. Dhillon and Ranjana contributed equally to this work and are considered the first authors.  相似文献   
为了充分利用地方资源有利基因拓展现代育成品种的遗传基础和改良目标性状,利用15个主要农艺性状对135个太湖流域糯稻地方品种资源进行了分析。结果表明,晚熟、株高和穗颈长偏高、着粒密度和产量偏低为太湖流域糯稻地方品种的主要特征。性状的变异系数范围为3.42% ̄35.01%,单株产量、单株有效穗、每穗总粒数、每穗实粒数、穗颈长短、着粒密度等6个性状居前列。主成分分析显示,PC1-PC5能够解释总体70.4%的变异,而每穗总粒数、每穗实粒数、着粒密度、单株有效穗、株高、千粒重、单株产量等7个性状因具有高的特征向量值,为分析太湖流域糯稻地方品种资源的重要性状。以主成分分析中提取的5个公因子进行聚类分析,可将研究材料分为14类,其中第Ⅰ、Ⅸ、ⅩⅣ和Ⅻ类品种有利性状突出,是改良当地糯稻品种的极有用的种质资源。产量构成因子和单株产量的偏相关分析表明,太湖流域糯稻地方品种对产量的贡献主要是单株有效穗和每穗粒数,这也是地方品种亟待改良的重点。研究还发现,同名异种现象十分普遍。  相似文献   
The management of genebank collections of cultivated potato is costly due to the need for in vitro maintenance and virus eradication. Therefore, it is important to set up conservation strategies, which prevent duplicates entering the collections. In this study, 32 Nordic potato landraces were studied for 57 morphological traits and analysed for amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP). Most landraces could be distinguished based on the morphological characters, except five accessions. Using five primer combinations to generate 114 reproducible AFLPs, of which 63 (55%) were polymorphic, the five morphologically indistinguishable accessions were placed into two groups with identical AFLP patterns, suggesting that some of the accessions were redundant for long-term preservation. The AFLP data showed that the Nordic collection of potato landraces is composed of genetically different clones, and morphological analysis revealed a wide range of variability. This variability seems to be distributed randomly over the Nordic region since the cluster analysis based on AFLPs and morphological traits revealed no grouping based on the country of origin. Principal component analysis suggests that fewer morphological traits than used in this study will be sufficient to discriminate between different genotypes of cultivated potato (Solanum tuberosum L.). Future possibilities for rationalising potato collections are discussed.  相似文献   
Italy has been used as a country for estimating genetic erosion in crops. It was possible to compare early surveys (from the 1920s to the 1950s), especially on wheats, with results of later missions in the 1980s and 1990s. In the early years, a relatively high genetic erosion was observed (13.2% p.a.). From the 1950s until the 1980s erosion rates between 0.48 and 4% p.a. were estimated. In the little island of Favignana there was an erosion rate of 12.2% p.a. leading to the extinction of the last wheat landraces of this island. There have been no significant differences in erosion rates between field- and garden-crops though there has been the impression that garden crops are better preserved over the long run. Interestingly extinction rates of wild plants (0.13% in the Mediterranean) come close to the average erosion rates of crop plants in the area. 1Dedicated to Erna Bennett on the occasion of her 80th birthday 2Lecture presented during the XVIIth Congress of EUCARPIA in Tulln, Austria, 2004  相似文献   
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