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改革开放30年来,我国农产品加工业取得了长足发展.但与国外发达国家相比还存在较大差距。提升我国农产品加工业的途径主要有:制定并落实扶持政策:以食品精深加工作为重点,以龙头企业为主干;优化产品结构,大力发展主导产业,优先发展品牌企业;加大技术投入,加快技术创新,提升自主创新能力;按照国际标准完善农产品加工质量标准体系;加强农产品原料生产基地建设;降低农产品加工企业的税负;构建营销体系,发挥协会作用,提升服务水平等。  相似文献   
文章根据乡镇工业发展的特点,研究确定了乡镇工业的分区依据、原则和分区指标,采用模糊聚类和动态聚类分析的数学方法完成了吉林省乡镇工业发展区划,提出了各区域乡镇工业发展的方向、重点、步骤和措施  相似文献   
酶解牛乳蛋白多肽复合果汁乳酒工艺研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
为克服传统乳酒缺陷,该文采用蛋白酶水解法及酒精酵母乳酸菌混合发酵法研究了牛乳蛋白多肽复合果汁乳酒的生产工艺。通过对比和正交试验确定了牛乳蛋白的最佳水解酶、水解条件及牛乳蛋白多肽复合果汁乳酒的发酵条件和配方。结果表明:牛乳蛋白的最佳水解酶是中性蛋白酶,最佳水解条件是:酶用量140 mg/L,温度50℃,pH 6.5,酶解5 h,牛乳蛋白水解最彻底;牛乳蛋白多肽复合果汁乳酒的最佳发酵条件为经中性蛋白酶水解的牛乳,用蔗糖调整其糖度为15%,再配以4%的猕猴桃浓缩汁,添加0.35% kefir发酵剂在25℃发酵12 h,发酵液中的酒精及总酸含量较高;牛乳蛋白多肽复合果汁乳酒的最佳配方组成是:发酵液60%、糖6%、酸0.28%、甜味剂0.1%、稳定剂0.5%、复合香精0.06%、风味增强剂8 mg/L,乳酒品质最好。  相似文献   
The present study evaluated the heat stress response pattern of dual-purpose Guzerá cattle for test-day (TD) milk yield records of first lactation and estimated genetic parameters and trends related to heat stress. A total of 31,435 TD records from 4,486 first lactations of Guzerá cows, collected between 1986 and 2012, were analysed. Two random regression models considered days in milk (DIM) and/or temperature × humidity-dependent (THI) covariate. Impacts of −0.037, −0.019 and −0.006 kg/day/THI for initial and intermediate stages of lactation were observed when considering the mean maximum daily temperature and humidity to calculate THI. Heritability estimates ranged from 0.16 to 0.35 throughout lactation and THI values, suggesting the possibility to expect gains from selection for such trait. The variable trajectory of breeding values for dual-purpose Guzerá sires in response to changes in THI values confirms that the genotype × environment interaction due to heat stress can have some effect on TD milk yield. Despite the high dairy performance of Guzerá cattle under heat stress, estimated genetic trends showed a progressive reduction in heat tolerance. Therefore, new strategies should be adopted to prevent negative impacts of heat stress over milk production in Guzerá animals in future.  相似文献   
西瓜在我国拥有几千年的种植历史,它的种植从古时的品种单一到如今的品种多样,经历了几千年的发展,形成了如今的规模化、产业化生产.优越的地理位置、便利的交通、丰富的水源使西瓜生产成为菏泽地区的支柱产业.但近几年西瓜连作危害严重、栽培品种单一、高效栽培技术推广较慢等问题愈加突显.主要原因是农户对西瓜生产思想认识过于陈旧,缺少...  相似文献   
Realizing sustainable development has become a global priority. This holds, in particular, for agriculture. Recently, the United Nations launched the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and the Nineteenth National People’s Congress has delivered a national strategy for sustainable development in China—realizing green development. The overall objective of Agriculture Green Development (AGD) is to coordinate “green” with “development” to realize the transformation of current agriculture with high resource consumption and high environmental costs into a green agriculture and countryside with high productivity, high resource use efficiency and low environmental impact. This is a formidable task, requiring joint efforts of government, farmers, industry, educators and researchers. The innovative concept for AGD will focus on reconstructing the whole crop-animal production and food production-consumption system, with the emphasis on high thresholds for environmental standards and food quality as well as enhanced human well-being. This paper addresses the significance, challenges, framework, pathways and potential solutions for realizing AGD in China, and highlights the potential changes that will lead to a more sustainable agriculture in the future. Proposals include interdisciplinary innovations, whole food chain improvement and regional solutions. The implementation of AGD in China will provide important implications for the countries in developmental transition, and contribute to global sustainable development.  相似文献   
Feed is a primary factor affecting different milk components and creating a specific milk flavor. Dairy farms in different regions often depend on different feed resources and feeding regimens. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of completely different feeding regimens on the milk fatty acid (FA) profile and milk flavor. Eight lactating Holstein cows were assigned to one of two distinct feeding regimens, one grass silage‐based diet (GS) and one by‐product‐based diet (BP), using a switchback design with three periods of 28 days each. A sensory test of the pasteurized milk was conducted using the paired preference method. Dry matter, crude protein and total digestible energy intake were similar between the groups. There was also no difference in daily milk yields, milk fat, protein, lactose and solids‐not‐fat contents between the groups. Milk FA content with chain lengths C12–C14:1, C16 and C16:1cis and the saturated fatty acid (SFA) content were significantly higher in the GS group than in the BP group. In contrast, the milk FA content with chain lengths C18 and C18:1cis–C18:2 and the unsaturated fatty acid (UFA) content, including mono‐UFA (MUFA) and poly‐UFA (PUFA), were significantly higher in the BP group than in the GS group. The different feeding regimens did not affect milk sensory properties, including aroma, palatability, aftertaste, texture, body and sweetness. Using food by‐products that contain relatively high levels of PUFAs resulted in PUFA‐rich milk. However, even if using a distinct feeding regimen based on conserved or by‐product feeds, it may be difficult to create characteristic milk with an original flavor that is clearly identified by consumers.  相似文献   
对松仁乳专用乳化稳定剂进行优选,并对松仁乳产品稳定性进行研究。结果表明,松仁乳专用乳化稳定剂的最佳配比为:单甘脂0.12%,蔗糖酯0.08%,黄原胶0.02%.瓜尔豆胶0.03%,PURFIYGUM0.02%,海藻酸钠0.02%。松仁乳的HLB值为6,【Ca+】≤1mmol/L,在80℃-85℃,pH值6.5-7.5,40MPa均质两次,松仁乳产品具有较好的稳定性。  相似文献   
近年来,保山市以中药材种植为主的林下经济产业发展较为迅速,进一步提高了林地利用率,切实巩固了集体林权制度改革成果。分析保山市中药材产业发展过程中主要存在着野生资源开发过度、现代化种植进程缓慢、产品加工业发展较为落后,产业效益不明显、市场信息不畅、科技创新不足等问题,提出建设优质中药材基地、培育壮大本土潜力企业等建议以促进产业发展。  相似文献   
沙茜  柯文彪 《绿色科技》2012,(7):155-157
分析了我国造纸业现状及面临的环境压力,指出了我国清洁生产现状及发展趋势。针对造纸业"消耗高、污染大、效率低"问题,结合实际造纸行业案例提出了相应的清洁生产工艺和方案,为促进节能减排实现造纸业经济发展与环境保护的统一提供参考,对于大力发展造纸业清洁生产促进节能减排,提出了相应的建议。  相似文献   
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