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旨在挑选出适宜的冬小麦品种稳定性分析参数及其计算方法。利用冬小麦实验数据,首次通过python语言计算了5个稳定性参数,并采用秩相关性和主成分分析,研究了参数的相关性。结果表明,python语言可以方便、灵活的计算各类参数,计算相关性和进行主成分分析。相关分析表明,PCOA和产量显著正相关,CVBi和产量极显著负相关。研究表明,PCOA模型能够同时评价品种产量及其稳定性。多元统计方法是单变量参数模型的有益补充。  相似文献   
本试验通过使用速眠新和异氟烷两种常用全身麻醉剂对缅甸蟒的麻醉效果进行了研究。对15条蟒蛇肌肉注射和腹腔注射(0.1、0.2、0.4 mL/kg)速眠新麻醉剂和对6条蟒蛇使用异氟烷吸入性麻醉后,进行麻醉效果的评估。试验结果表明,常规动物2~4倍的速眠新Ⅱ注射剂对蟒蛇的麻醉效果不明显;4%的异氟烷吸入性麻醉剂可用于蟒蛇的诱导麻醉,2.5%的异氟烷可用于蟒蛇的维持麻醉,其麻醉效果显著,具有诱导麻醉迅速、维持麻醉稳定、肌松作用好、安全性高、可控性强、苏醒快、副作用小等优点。结果显示,异氟烷吸入性麻醉剂可运用于蟒蛇的临床麻醉保定中。  相似文献   
Osteosarcoma of the axial skeleton in an 18-month-old woma python (Aspidites ramsayi) is described. A subcutaneous mass overlying the costal arches enlarged progressively over a period of 5 months and, in that time, became ulcerated and more invasive of surrounding tissues. A punch biopsy of the lesion under general anaesthesia provided tissue for histopathology and diagnosis of low-grade osteosarcoma.  相似文献   
城市公园作为现代城市的重要组成部分,其可达性是影响人们有效利用公园以及衡量城市公园布局合理性的重要因素。本文通过采集实时在线地图交通数据,针对步行、公共交通和自驾车3种不同交通方式下上海市浦东新区所有公园的可达性进行分析研究,以期为城市管理和规划提供科学参考和依据。研究表明:浦东新区北部内环内的区域,有数量众多的小型公园,步行方式下公园的可达性达到了较好水平,而中部和南部区域因为公园数量少,只有少量围绕在公园附近的居民小区可达性较好,其他受距离限制,步行前往公园的可达性较差;自驾车主要受到路况影响,早上的可达性优于中午与晚上;公共交通前往公园的可达性除了受道路拥堵情况的影响,还受限于运营时间,傍晚的可达性略好于早上,早上的可达性略好于中午。从空间分布看,内环区域可达性好于外环区域:靠近市中心的区域公园密集、公共交通网密集,公园可达性高;中部与北部区域公园少、公共交通网络稀疏,可达性低。  相似文献   
Midazolam is a benzodiazepine with sedative, muscle relaxant, anxiolytic, and anticonvulsant effects. Twelve ball pythons (Python regius) were used in a parallel study evaluating the pharmacokinetics of 1 mg/kg midazolam following a single intracardiac (IC) or intramuscular (IM) administration. Blood was collected from a central venous catheter placed 7 days prior, or by cardiocentesis, at 15 time points starting just prior to and up to 72 hr after drug administration. Plasma concentrations of midazolam and 1‐hydroxymidazolam were determined by the use of high‐performance liquid chromatography tandem‐mass spectrometry and pharmacokinetic parameters were estimated using noncompartmental analysis. The mean ± SD terminal half‐lives of IC and IM midazolam were 12.04 ± 3.25 hr and 16.54 ± 7.10 hr, respectively. The area under the concentration‐time curve extrapolated to infinity, clearance, and apparent volume of distribution in steady‐state of IC midazolam were 19,112.3 ± 3,095.9 ng*hr/ml, 0.053 ± 0.008 L hr?1 kg?1, and 0.865 ± 0.289 L/kg, respectively. The bioavailability of IM midazolam was estimated at 89%. Maximum plasma concentrations following an IM administration were reached 2.33 ± 0.98 hr and 24.00 ± 14.12 hr postinjection for midazolam and 1‐hydroxymidazolam, respectively, and 22.33 ± 20.26 hr postinjection for 1‐hydroxymidazolam following IC administration.  相似文献   
快速准确地制作一张教学日历是高校每个学期都需要做的事情,本文分别用php,python,R三种流行的计算机动态脚本语言进行编程,制作出教学日历,从算法来看,用两个简单的嵌套循环就可以实现。由于语言特点不同,各语言具体实现各有特色,本文结合三种计算机语言的特点,分别进行算法优化,php结合html可以生成网页格式的日历,也可以写入指定的文件夹;python语言的pandas框架可以实现数据框的结构;r语言在数据框的基础上还有向量的概念可以利用。本文给出全部源代码,并进行了讲解,在对比分析的基础上,探讨各种语言的特色。  相似文献   
彭景  许杰  程威  尹重超  陈恒玲 《绿色科技》2021,(12):172-174,226
CRISPR/Cas9基因编辑技术可以对细胞特定的基因片段进行定点编辑,sgRNA作为CRISPR基因编辑技术的重要环节,cas9酶在其介导下可以对靶基因组进行相应切割,sgRNA有特定的规则来管理oli-gos的生成.基于此,创建了一个基于Python的Crispr/Cas9 oligos生成器的本地应用程序工具,允...  相似文献   
Thirty-nine healthy boid snakes representing six different species ( Python regius, Boa constrictor, Python reticulatus, Morelia viridis, Epicrates cenchria , and Morelia spilota ) were examined using computed tomography (CT) to characterize the normal appearance of the respiratory tissue. Assessment was done subjectively and densitometry was performed using a defined protocol. The length of the right lung was calculated to be 11.1% of the body length, without a significant difference between species. The length of the left lung in proportion to the right was dependent on the species examined. The most developed left lung was in P. regius (81.2%), whereas in B. constrictor , the left lung was vestigial or absent (24.7%). A median attenuation of −814.6 HU and a variability of 45.9 HU were calculated for all species with no significant difference between species. Within the species, a significantly higher attenuation was found for P. regius in the dorsal and cranial aspect of the lung compared with the ventral and caudal part. In B. constrictor , the reduced left lung was significantly hyperattenuating compared with the right lung. Results of this study emphasize the value of CT and provide basic reference data for assessment of the snake lung in these species.  相似文献   
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