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膜荚黄芪传粉昆虫的研究(英文)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
[目的]研究膜荚黄芪传粉昆虫的种类及其传粉特点,为膜荚黄芪的育种奠定理论基础。[方法]以膜荚黄芪为研究对象,调查膜荚黄芪传粉昆虫的种类及访花行为。日活动规律观测在晴天进行,7:00~18:00每1h绕样地走1圈,约用时间3min,记录每一时间段出现在视野里的不同昆虫种类和数量。盛花期在样地于晴天7:00~18:00对每种传粉昆虫固定1头进行跟踪观测,用秒表记录其在花上停留时间。访花频率采用追踪法,尽可能连续记录其整个访花过程及时间。[结果]膜荚黄芪访花昆虫共有16种,其中红光熊蜂、明亮熊蜂、蜜蜂、狭带贝食蚜蝇和斑缘豆粉蝶为主要传粉昆虫;主要传粉昆虫的日活动规律出现单峰型、双峰型和直线型3种,活动高峰期有一定交错。在正常气候条件下,蜜蜂和食蚜蝇呈双峰活动规律,蜜蜂在7:30~11:00和13:30~15:00有高峰,食蚜蝇在早晨和傍晚有高峰;斑缘豆粉蝶在11:00~13:00出现1个活动高峰,为单峰型;红光熊蜂和明亮熊蜂在1d中的数量比较稳定,除了在1d中最热的一段时间,都可观察到它们的传粉活动,为直线型。红光熊蜂和明亮熊蜂的每小花停留时间相似,分别为(2.05±0.07)s和(2.57±0.05)s,蜜蜂的每小花停留时间为(3.78±0.13)s,食蚜蝇为(5.28±0.16)s,斑缘豆粉蝶的每小花停留时间最长,达(46.72±2.79)s。红光熊蜂访花频率最高,为11.4次/min,明亮熊蜂、蜜蜂、食蚜蝇的访花频率处于中间状态,分别为10.7、7.1、2.7次/min,斑缘豆粉蝶访花频率最低,为0.9次/min。昆虫的传粉频率与停留时间呈负相关关系。[结论]昆虫访花行为对植物与传粉者相互作用等方面产生直接影响,对理解植物多样性与生殖生态过程具有重要意义。  相似文献   
克氏原螯虾交配行为的初步研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
分别对同性别(全雌、全雄)、异性别小龙虾在繁殖季节的交配行为进行了观察。结果表明:同性别小龙虾雄性个体之间存在交配行为,但交配过程中的交配行为、交配时间、交配频率与异性别小龙虾明显不同;同性别小龙虾雌性个体之间没有观察到有交配行为;异性别小龙虾个体之间存在典型的交配过程。  相似文献   
铝盐絮凝天然橡胶制备及其性能表征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用铝盐絮凝天然胶乳,探讨所得生胶的理化性能、硫化特性及其动态力学性能与传统凝固方法之间的差异.结果表明:通过氯化铝与盐酸溶液的互配,能够获得理化性能指标均达标的生胶产品;氯化铝与盐酸混合溶液凝固胶的拉伸强度较高;铝离子的存在有利于提高天然橡胶的加工安全性,使天然橡胶的损耗因子和损耗模量略有升高,但其储能模量降低.通过红外光谱可以看出,铝盐凝固胶蛋白质的特征吸收峰比酸凝固的弱.  相似文献   
通过对绿洲内部不同环境介质定点采样和室内分析,研究了绿洲主要非点源污染物氮素和磷素在绿洲内部不同环境介质中的分布和相互迁移规律。研究发现绿洲河流中的氮和磷的含量呈现出沿河流流向上升趋势,河水中氮素含量最低值(0.399mg/L)出现在河流出山口,最高值(1.707mg/L)出现在人类活动密集区的绿洲核心地区,该值比源头的第一个最低值增加了3倍,相当于每1km约增加了9.6μg/L;河水中的磷素含量最低值同样是出现在了河流出山口,含量为3.13mg/L,最高值出现在绿洲末端,为26.46mg/L。农田土壤中的氮和磷的含量普遍高于农田边缘地区的非耕作土壤,不同农作物土壤中的氮和磷的含量也有所不同,稻田土壤中氮含量相对于别的农田较高为0.338g/kg,果园土壤中的磷含量较高为0.367g/kg。采集的农田排水中氮和磷的含量普遍比河水中的含量高,最高已高出3倍以上。不同环境介质中氮素和磷素含量相关性而言农田排水和河水氮素含量,农田土壤和河水中的磷素之间的相关性较高说明它们之间氮素和磷素的相互转移比较明显。  相似文献   
In this pager, four full-scale corner joint assemblies of reinforced concrete frame beam and column with different detail structure are tested under low cycle loading, The process of damage development and the characteristics of break of the assemblies in the course of alternately increasing positive and negative bending deformation are learned Strength, stiffness and ductility of assemblies and the various regulations of energy consumption are also studied. Compared with these properties, the anti-seismic behavior is tentatively commented. Besides, the test results of the strain distribution of beam and column longitudinal bars and stress state of joint stirrups are analyzed.  相似文献   
2005年12月~2006年8月,采用瞬时扫描取样法和全事件取样法,对云南野生动物园内5只孟加拉虎行为进行了初步观察。结果表明,在观察期内,笼养孟加拉虎白昼行为时间分配上两性存在一定差异,即雌性的睡眠和卧息多于雄性的睡眠和卧息;雌性的走动和其它行为少于雄性的走动和其它行为。在活动节律上,两性有极大的相似性,只是雌虎在下午的卧息高峰值比雄虎晚约1h。  相似文献   
Microcrystalline cellulose with minimal surface charge was prepared from softwood kraft pulp via hydrolysis by 4N hydrochloric acid instead of sulfuric acid. To this material, sulfate ester groups as surface charge were introduced by treating with 55% (w/w) sulfuric acid. A treatment at 60°C for 2h gave nearly the same level of surface charge as that of the H2SO4 -hydrolyzed microcrystal. The number of sulfate groups were controlled by changing the H2SO4 treatment conditions. Although the microscopic size and shape of the microcrystalline particles were the same irrespective of the preparation method, the introduction of surface charge drastically reduced the viscosity and removed its time dependence. These changes in viscosity behavior are considered to result from charge-induced dispersion of loose aggregates existing in the initial charge-free microcrystals prepared by HCl hydrolysis.Part of this report was presented at the 48th annual meeting of the Japan Wood Research Society, Shizuoka, April 1998  相似文献   
Behavioral and ventilatory parameters have the possibility of predicting the stress state of fish in vivo and in situ. This paper presents a new image-processing algorithm for quantifying the average swimming speed of a fish school in an aquarium. This method is based on the alteration in projected area caused by the movement of individual fish during frame sequences captured at given time intervals. The image enhancement method increases the contrast between fish and background, and is thus suitable for use in turbid aquaculture water. Behavioral parameters (swimming activity and distribution parameters) and changes in ventilation frequency (VF) of tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) responded to acute fluctuations in dissolved oxygen (DO) which were monitored continuously in the course of normoxia, falling DO level, maintenance of hypoxia (three levels of 1.5, 0.8 and 0.3 mg l−1) and subsequent recovery to normoxia. These parameters responded sensitively to acute variations in DO level; they displayed significant changes (P < 0.05) during severe hypoxia (0.8 and 0.3 mg l−1 level) compared with normoxic condition, but there was no significant difference under conditions of mild hypoxia (1.5 mg l−1 level). There was no significant difference in VF between two levels of severe hypoxia 0.8 and 0.3 mg l−1 level during the low DO condition. The activity and distribution parameters displayed distinguishable differences between the 0.8 and 0.3 mg l−1 levels. The behavioral parameters are thus capable of distinguishing between different degrees of severe hypoxia, though there were relatively large fluctuations.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT:   It has been reported that the larvae of willow shiner Gnathopogon elongatus caerulescens have many free neuromasts on their body surface. This study examined the ability of the willow shiner larvae to feed on zooplankton by mechanoreception by the free neuromasts. Feeding experiments using untreated larvae and larvae treated with streptomycin, which impairs free neuromast function, were conducted under light and completely dark conditions. The larvae were put into Petri dishes, then nauplii of Artemia salina were introduced. The average number of Artemia eaten by the larvae was expressed as the average ingestion rate of Artemia /10 min. The ingestion rate of Artemia for untreated larvae was 12.3 under light conditions and 10.6 Artemia /10 min. even in complete darkness. The ingestion rate in the larvae treated with streptomycin was 11 under light conditions and only 0.8 Artemia /10 min under dark conditions. The low rate in the treated larvae under dark conditions must be due to impairment by the streptomycin. Therefore, the high ingestion rate for the untreated larvae under dark conditions would be surely dependent on mechanoreception. The results indicate that larval willow shiner is able to feed on zooplankton under limited light conditions.  相似文献   
研究短须裂腹鱼的游泳能力、运动生理及游泳行为,为过鱼设施的设计提供参考依据。实验用15尾短须裂腹鱼于2013年7月中旬采自金沙江上游玛曲河河口处,体长(23.83±2.47)cm,体重(224.95±76.83)g。游泳能力测试装置采用丹麦Loligo Systems公司生产的大型游泳水槽。(1)短须裂腹鱼临界游泳速度为(75.04±7.6)cm/s、(3.17±0.42)BL/s;(2)运动耗氧率与游泳速度呈幂函数关系:MO2=100.00+42.61U1.81(R2=0.995,P0.001);单位距离耗氧率(COT)与游泳速度的关系也呈幂函数关系:COT=0.12U-1+0.04U1.02(R2=0.898,P0.001),最适游速Uopt=1.81 BL/s,COTmin=0.14 mg/(kg·m);(3)随着游泳速度的增加,尾摆幅度的变化不显著(P0.05),变化范围为0.17~0.26 BL、平均(0.21±0.02)BL,而尾摆频率和运动步长都呈线性增加的趋势。  相似文献   
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