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Despite the important role that canine skin mast cells play in IgE-mediated allergic inflammation, clinically useful compounds for modulating mediator release from these cells or for suppressing cell response are lacking in the dog. The ability of five compounds to inhibit histamine release induced by non immunological (calcium ionophore A23187 and substance P) and IgE-dependent (concanavalin A) stimuli were compared. Sodium cromoglycate, a mast cell stabilizer, and dexamethasone, a glucocorticoid, failed to inhibit histamine release from isolated skin mast cells following any kind of stimulation. Salbutamol, a β-adrenergic agonist, exhibited inhibitory activity (46.0%) only after concanavalin A activation. In contrast, rolipram, a selective phosphodiesterase IV inhibitor and cyclosporin A, an immunosuppressor, showed potent anti allergic actions, inhibiting both IgE-dependent and -independent stimuli. Rolipram inhibited 42.8%, 44.7% and 19.2% of the mediator release induced by ionophore A23187, substance P and concanavalin A, respectively. Similarly cyclosporin A induced 85.9%, 14.9% and 67.3% inhibition after ionophore A23187, substance P and concanavalin A stimulation, respectively. These results suggest that rolipram and cyclosporin A merit to be clinically tested as agents for the treatment of chronic allergic diseases in the dog.  相似文献   
为揭示牛蛙腐皮病的病理形态和发病的机理,采用透射电镜对病蛙不同病期的病变皮肤进行了观察,皮肤病变早期可见角化层脱落,状上皮细胞连接疏松,桥粒减少,随着病情发展细胞间隙增宽,桥粒进一步减少,细胞核固缩、溶解,细胞裂解;病变后期,表皮层崩解,真皮层胶原纤维溶解,炎症区有大量炎症细胞浸润,并可见吞噬了细菌的单核与中性粒细胞。  相似文献   
试验选用体重约8kg的三元杂交猪(杜×长×大)60头,随机分成3组,每组2个重复,分别饲喂含不同剂量"中华红又亮"的饲粮,研究"中华红又亮"对仔猪生产性能、肤色的影响.结果表明,以"中华红又亮"取代饲粮中部分硫酸亚铁,可显著提高仔猪平均日增重(P<0.05),显著降低料重比(P<0.05),明显改善仔猪肤色.根据试验效果,仔猪饲粮中"中华红又亮"的添加浓度宜为3.0x10-.4 6.0x10-4.  相似文献   
This study investigated the effect of graded levels of organic Zn (Bioplex Zn) on growth performance and carcass traits of broilers fed diets containing organic Se (Sel-Plex). Dietary treatments consisted of adding 0, 15, 30, 45, or 60 ppm organic Zn to a basal diet containing 60 ppm Zn from an inorganic source. Feed and water were provided ad libitum. Body weight, feed intake, feed conversion, and carcass traits were evaluated. Carcass evaluation was also performed on the last day of the experimental period. Body weight, feed intake, feed conversion, and weights of individual meat cuts were not statistically influenced by increasing organic Zn levels in the diet. However, a significant increase in skin tearing strength was observed in response to increasing levels of dietary organic Zn. Zinc plays a role in epithelial cell layers and collagen synthesis, thus affecting susceptibility of skin to tearing. These data indicated that organic Zn does not affect growth performance of broilers but increases resistance of skin to tearing, therefore improving carcass quality.  相似文献   
A retrospective histopathological and immunopathological study was conducted on 86 dogs with Malassezia dermatitis. West Highland White terriers, English Setters, Shih Tzus, Basset Hounds, American Cocker Spaniels, spayed females, and castrated males were found to be at increased risk. The histopathological reaction pattern of lymphocytic superficial perivascular to interstitial dermatitis with parakeratotic hyperkeratosis, irregular epidermal hyperplasia, diffuse intercellular oedema and lymphocytic exocytosis was found to be consistent with a diagnosis of Malassezia dermatitis whether yeast were histologically visible (73.3% of the cases) or not (26.7%). Immunopathological studies revealed that 60– > 90% of the inflammatory cells within the epidermis, and 25–75% of those within the dermis were CD3+T lymphocytes, and that the only immunoglobulin-positive cells were dermal plasma cells.  相似文献   
以简便技术制备鸡胚皮肤(CES)细胞,进而进行了鸡马立克氏病(MD)SB-1株病毒适应于CES细胞和致CES细胞病变效应(CPE)的研究.试验表明,在形成CPE的细胞中可检出核内包涵体,MD的SB-1株病毒的CES细胞毒的蚀斑形成单位(pfu)为105.7201-7.2122/m L.本研究为以后用CES细胞增殖SB-1株病毒以代替鸡胚成纤维细胞(CEF)制造疫苗提供了依据.  相似文献   
Abstract In the past 5 years advances in the management of wounds in dogs and cats have included the development of materials and techniques used to enhance the healing of both open and closed wounds. New topical and locally injected medications as well as new bandaging materials have been evaluated. The use of omental flaps to enhance wound healing has been found to be promising. Ultrasonography has been found useful in assessing wound tissues to guide treatment. Because tension is a major factor in dealing with wound closure, skin expanders, skin stretchers, presutures and adjustable horizontal mattress sutures have been described as means of overcoming tension. Recently completed research projects at the Scott-Ritchey Research Center studied the woundhealing effects of fibrin sealants, topical bovine collagen, omega-3 fatty acid-enriched diets and magnetic field therapy. Projects underway are evaluating the healing effects of a new biological tissue adhesive, a macrophage stimulant and a thromboxane synthestase inhibitor. Parameters for evaluating wound healing have included histopathology, tensiometry, planimetry, laser Doppler image scanning, biochemistry and immunohistochemistry. Resumen En los últimos 5 años, algunos de los avances en la curación de heridas en perros y gatos ha incluido el desarrollo de materiales y técnicas utilizados para mejorar la curación tanto de heridas cerradas como abiertas. Se han evaluado nuevas medicaciones tópicas y sistémicas asi como nuevos marteriales de vendaje. El us0 de injertos omentales para estimular la curación de heridas ha mostrado resultados prometedores. La ecografia es un método éutil en la valoración de los tejidos lesionados para guiar el tratamiento. Debido a que la tensión es un factor importante en el caso de cerramiento de heridas, se describen como métodos de evitar la tensión productos como expansores cutáneos, estiradores cutáneos, presuturas y suturas cutáneas horizontales acolchonadas ajustables. Algunos proyectos de investigación recientemente finalizados en el Centro de Investigación Scott-Ritchey estudiaron los efectos sobre la curación de heridas de selladores de fibrina, colágeno tópico bovino, dietas enriquecidas con ácido graso omega-3 y terapia de campo magnético. Otros proyectos en realización están evaluando los efectos curativos de un nuevo adhesivo tisular biológico, un estimulante de macrófagos y un inhibidor de la tromboxano-sintetasa. Los parámetros para evaluar la curación de herida han incluido la histopatología, la tensiometría, la planimetría, el scanner por imágen doppler laser, bioquímica e inmunohistoquímica. [Swaim, S.F. Advances in wound healing in small animal practice: current status and lines of development (Avances en la curcion de heridas en pequeños animales: estado actual y lineas de desarrollo). Veterinary Dermatology 1997; 8 : 249–257] Zusammenfassung In den letzten 5 Jahren wurden Fortschritte in der Wundversorgung bei Hund und Katze unter anderem durch die Entwicklung von Materialien und Techniken erzielt, die zur besseren Heilung von offenen und geschlossenen Wunden verwendet werden. Neue lokale und systemische Medikamente sowie neue Verbandsmaterialien wurden untersucht. Die Verwendung von Omentumlappen zur Verbesserung der Wundheilung scheint vielversprechend zu sein. Ultraschalluntersuchungen waren von Nutzen, um Wundgewebe zu beurteilen und die Behandlung zu lenken. Spannung ist ein wesentlicher Faktor im Wundverschluss, Hautexpander, Hautdehner, vorbereitende Nähte und regulierbare, horizontale Matratzennähte wurden zur Überwindung der Wundspannung beschrieben. Kürzlich fertiggestellte Forschungsprojekte am Scott-Ritchie Research Center erforschten die Effekte von Fibrindichtungsmitteln, lokalem bovinen Kollagen, Futtermitteln mit Omega-3 Fettsäurenzusatz und Magnetfeldtherapie. Gegenwärtige Forschungsprojekte bewerten die Heilungseffekte eines neuen, biologischen Gewebehaftmittels, eines Makrophagenstimulans und eines Thromboxansynthetasehemmers. Parameter zur Bewertung der Wundheilung waren Histopathologie, Tensiometrie, Planimetrie, Laser Doppler, physiologische Chemie und Immunhistochemie. [Swaim, S.F. Advances in wound healing in small animal practice: current status and lines of development (Fortschritte bei der Wundheilung in der Kleintierpraxis: Derzeitiger Stand und Entwicklung). Veterinary Dermatology 1997; 8: 249–257] Résumé Durant les 5 dernières années, le progrés dans le traitement des plaies chez les chiens et les chats ont inclus le développement de matériaux et de techniques utilisés pour augmenter la cicatrisation des plaies ouvertes et fermées. De nouvelles médications topiques et systémiques ainsi que de nouveaux matériaux de bandages ont étéévalués. L'utilisation de lambeaux d'éplipon s'est révélée prometteuse dans l'amélioration de la cicatrisation des plaies. L'ultrasonographie s'est montrée utile dans le traitement de guidance de l'évaluation des plaies tissulaires. La tension étant un facteur major lors de la fermeture de plaies, expansseurs cutanés, étireurs cutanés et surjets de matelassier ajustables ont tous été décrits comme moyens permettant de vaincre la tension. Récemment des projets de recherche achevés au Scott-Ritchey Research Center ont étudiés les effets des joints de fibrine, du collagène bovin topique, des régimes enrichis en acides gras omega-3 et de la thérapies de champs magnétiques sur la cicatrisation des plaies. Les projets mis en route sont l'évaluation des effets sur la cicatrisation d'un nouvel adhésif tissulaire biologique, d'un stimulant de macrophages et d'un nouvel inhibiteur de la thromboxane synthase. Les paramètres intervenant dans l'évaluation de la cicatrisation des plaies ont inclus l'histopathologie, la tensiométrie, la planimétrie, le laser Doppler, l'imagerie, la biochimie et l'immunohistochimie. [Swaim, S.F. Advances in wound healing in small animal practice: current status and lines of development (Progres de la cicatrisation en pratique des petits animaux: etat actuel et lignes de developpement). Veterinary Dermatology 1997; 8 : 249–257]  相似文献   
A 9-year-old Thoroughbred broodmare presented with a mass rostral to the medial canthus of the left eye. The mass was removed under general anaesthesia and the wound bed infiltrated with carboplatin emulsion before partially closing using a Z-plasty. The mass recurred and subsequently was resected twice. It has not recurred 68 weeks post-treatment. The second case describes removal of a granulomatous mass from the metatarsus of a yearling Thoroughbred colt. Skin expanders and a rotational flap were used to allow tension-free closure. This required two separate surgeries to firstly insert the skin expanders and secondly to remove the mass, the expanders and to close the defect. The wound healed with good cosmesis. There have been few reports on the use of skin flaps in equine reconstructive surgery in the last 30 years. This report details two cases of wound closure where skin flaps were used to achieve primary intention wound healing.  相似文献   
The present report describes a case of cutaneous papillomatosis related to equine papillomavirus type 2 (EcPV2) with concomitant cutaneous habronemiasis. A 2-year-old female Pura Raza Española horse was referred for a dermatological evaluation because of the onset of cutaneous multifocal, nodular lesions on the face characterised by a warty and partially ulcerated overlying epidermis. Multiple biopsies were taken from these lesions, and cutaneous viral papillomas with a concomitant severe focal eosinophilic dermatitis with intralesional Habronematidae nematode larvae were diagnosed. Immunohistochemistry revealed papillomaviral capsid protein L1 in the epidermal proliferative lesion, confirming the presence of a productive infection. Rt-qPCR confirmed the presence of EcPV type 2. To the authors’ knowledge, this is the first report of EcPV2-related papillomas with concurrent habronemiasis.  相似文献   
【目的】 对毛囊角蛋白关联蛋白11.1(keratin associated protein 11.1,KAP11.1)基因进行克隆及原核表达,并对KAP11.1基因在不同品种绵羊皮肤毛囊中表达量进行比较,探究KAP11.1基因在南疆地方绵羊品种间表达差异及其对羊毛品质的影响。【方法】 以平原型和田羊、山区型和田羊和卡拉库尔羊体侧皮肤毛囊为研究材料,以GenBank中绵羊KAP11.1基因序列(登录号:HQ595347.1)为参照设计引物,对KAP11.1基因进行PCR扩增,构建pMD19-T-KAP11.1克隆质粒,双酶切鉴定后构建pET-28a (+)-KAP11.1原核重组表达质粒,经PCR和双酶切鉴定后测序并进行序列分析,转化大肠杆菌BL21(DE3)感受态细胞中表达,采用SDS-PAGE和Western blotting检测;利用实时荧光定量PCR技术检测KAP11.1基因在不同绵羊皮肤毛囊中的表达情况。【结果】 3种绵羊KAP11.1基因CDS区序列为480 bp,编码159个氨基酸,为不稳定的疏水蛋白。相似性比对结果发现,与参照基因相比,2种类型和田羊基因序列相似性均为99.79%,均在423 bp处发生突变,由C变为T,卡拉库尔羊基因序列相似性为99.38%,其69 bp处G变为T、93 bp处C变为T、423 bp处C变为T。系统进化树分析发现,3种绵羊和山羊亲缘关系最近,和瘤牛亲缘关系最远。KAP11.1蛋白二级结构主要由无规则卷曲组成。试验成功构建了pET-28a (+)-KAP11.1原核重组表达质粒,并纯化得到19 ku的KAP11.1蛋白。KAP11.1基因在山区型和田羊和卡拉库尔羊皮肤毛囊中的表达量均显著高于平原型和田羊(P<0.05),在山区型和田羊和卡拉库尔羊中差异不显著(P>0.05)。【结论】 克隆获得480 bp的绵羊KAP11.1基因CDS区序列,成功构建了pET-28a (+)-KAP11.1原核重组表达质粒,并获得19 ku的KAP11.1蛋白,且KAP11.1基因在3个品种绵羊皮肤毛囊中均有表达。  相似文献   
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