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以云南红河屋顶绿化为主线,从当地人文思想、民族文化、生物多样性等方面分析了红河州的屋顶绿化现状、屋顶绿化特色及物种的特性。同时说明屋顶绿化有利于节能降耗,适合经济发达城市或者经济欠发达城市,特别是在西部土地稀少,又缺水地区具有推广应用价值。  相似文献   
车凤君  钱红军 《湖南农机》2011,(11):246-247
攀缘植物在城市园林绿化中的应用具有悠久的历史,随着城市化进程的发展,其在城市园林绿化中的应用日益广泛。文章对攀缘植物的生态习性以及现代城市的不同垂直立面,对攀缘植物的配植进行系统的探讨。  相似文献   
This paper provides an example of the practical application of multi-attribute trade-off analysis (MATA) to wildfire management. The MATA approach supports more informed decision-making because it exposes important trade-offs among competing management objectives (requiring value-based choices), helps guide and structure necessary technical judgements, explicitly represents uncertainty (i.e., not just expected outcomes but risk profiles around outcomes) and addresses temporal trade-offs. MATA promotes critical thinking about what analysis is required for decision-making. A MATA approach can be applied for all types of forest and fire management decisions. In this paper, we provide a sample application of MATA to an evaluation of landscape-level fuel treatments for managing wildfire risk. The study area is located in southeastern British Columbia, Canada where historical fire suppression policies and expanding development in wildland urban interface areas have resulted in an increase in both the probability and the consequences of stand replacement fires. We specify management objectives and develop measurable attributes for fire management costs, timber supply, property damage, landscape-level biodiversity, local air quality and climate change. We then simulate the effects on these attributes of four alternative fuel management strategies that include combinations of mechanical treatments and prescribed burning over a 100-year period. The evaluation illustrates the key features of MATA while highlighting the benefits and challenges of implementing the approach.  相似文献   
徐琳琳  孟瑾 《山东林业科技》2012,(5):109-111,56
历史街区是一个城市物质和精神的载体,是城市发展的缩影,也是深入解读一个城市所必须考量的重要价值要素。本文选取天津历史街区中具有代表性的休闲空间作为研究对象,在实地调研的基础上,结合相关理论研究,从景观设计角度入手对设计特色及不足进行分析,进而提炼和总结出适用于天津历史街区休闲空间的景观设计原则,以期为城市建设事业贡献微薄的力量。  相似文献   
园林小品是现代城市景观环境中重要的构景要素之一,它以自身独有的特性在具体设计中发挥着其他元素不可替代的作用。该文从分析园林小品概念、功能及分类等方面出发,分析了园林小品在不同类型绿地空间中的应用,挖掘当前小品设计要点,并展望了今后园林小品的发展方向及其应用前景。  相似文献   
乔扬 《中国城市林业》2012,10(3):42-43,50
文章依据对西安儿童公园改造提升重新开放后进行实地调研的结果,总结西安儿童公园的景观设计特点、存在的问题及儿童公园的发展方向。    相似文献   
The importance of ecological benefit analyses about green space systems has been widely discussed on the basis of a per-ceived bias towards the landscaping effect of green spaces to be built in urban areas as opposed to the perception of comprehensive ecological benefits of designed plant communities. Given the basic principle of ecological benefit analyses and evaluation methods widely applied today, the methodology to calculate ecological benefits and to model the expansion of urban green spaces by CITY-green 5.0 and its conditions for application were explored. We propose that aerial images can be substituted by AutoCAD graphics of a green space containing detailed information of plant dispositions by digitizing the key features during the working process in order to evaluate the ecological benefits quickly and to offer proper guidance to the establishment of small scale green spaces in urban areas. The theoretical foundation, potential application range and prospects for extension of the method are introduced by using the analysis of ecological benefits of the green spaces on the campus of Southwest Forestry College, Kunming, as an example.  相似文献   
惠山国家森林公园游憩林小气候与人体舒适度变化规律   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【目的】研究无锡市惠山国家森林公园典型游憩林内小气候及人体舒适度的时间变化规律,以期为惠山乃至江南地区游憩型城市森林的合理经营和生态效益评价提供基础科学数据,也为当地市民选择合适的时间和衣着开展森林游憩活动提供参考。【方法】在惠山国家森林公园最高峰附近,选择20世纪80、90年代营造、位于山顶南坡的香樟林、湿地松林和山顶北坡的栓皮栎林3种典型人工游憩林为对象,以位于山脊的水泥道路为对照,于春、夏、秋、冬季晴好无风天气条件下,在5:00—19:00同步测定3个游憩林及对照点的气温、空气相对湿度和风速,在此基础上计算舒适度指数和衣着厚度指数,量化分析各游憩林及对照点的小气候、人体舒适度的季节变化、日内变化规律,比较不同游憩林的人体舒适度差异,并提出四季游览惠山的衣着建议。【结果】各林分温度的季节变化表现为夏季>春季>秋季>冬季,空气相对湿度表现为夏、秋季大于春、冬季,风速表现为香樟林和湿地松林在夏季最大,栓皮栎林和道路在秋季最大;相同季节不同林分之间的舒适度指数差异不显著,各林分在春季的人体舒适度最高;4个季节白天观测时段内,各林分气温日变化均为单峰型,且峰值出现在11:00—15:00,谷值出现在 5:00 —7:00,空气相对湿度的日变化规律则与气温相反;风速的日变化趋势波动较大,峰值出现在5:00—9:00,谷值出现在13:00—15:00;在春、秋、冬季,各林分人体舒适度在11:00—15:00最高,而夏季这个时间段则最低;3个游憩林在夏季能显著提高人体舒适度,但冬季与对照的差异不大;各林分气候达到“舒适”等级的时间为春季最长(11:00—17:00),秋季次之(11:00—15:00),夏季仅早上气候舒适(5:00—7:00),冬季气候均为“极不舒适”;各林分的着衣厚度指数在夏季均为1,冬季均为7,春季香樟林为5,湿地松林和栓皮栎林为4,道路为3,秋季道路和栓皮栎林为4,香樟林和湿地松林为5。【结论】 3个人工林林分在春季均发挥降温增湿效应,湿地松林在4个季节都具有降风作用;各林分在夏季调节小气候效应更明显,春季的人体舒适度最高,春、秋、冬季的11:00—15:00为白天气候的最舒适时段。  相似文献   
本文从人与自然和谐共处、可持续发展的角度出发,以生态学理论框架为依托,系统地总结了在城市园林建设中生态学理念的渗透及运用,为城市生态园林设计提供了理论指导和设计参考,同时得出我国生态园林的下一步工作重点要放在恢复生态学的应用上,并且要实现现代城市生态园林的建设要多学科、多角度共同协作的结论。  相似文献   
城市森林在城市生态建设中的作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对城市森林及生态城市的阐述,重点阐述了城市森林的作用及它在城市生态建设中不可取代的地位。  相似文献   
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