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针对山东滨海盐碱地造林树种缺乏的状况,引进了大果沙棘新品种15个,并对其物候期和生长节律进行观测,为大果沙棘新品种选择及其在盐碱地开发利用提供理论依据。  相似文献   
Peripheral blood plasma Cortisol concentration and its diurnal variation was measured in 4 horses. Mean concentration of Cortisol during 24 hrs. was 42 ng/ml (s ± 20 ng/ml). Peak values occurred at 6 a.m. and the lowest values were observed at about 6 p.m. (mean 65 ng/ml and 20 ng/ml, respectively).Long-acting ACTH at a dose of 150 i.u. was given by intramuscular injection to the 4 horses. Peak Cortisol concentrations markedly exceeding the prestimulation level were obtained between 2 and 4 hrs. after injection. During the immediate 24 hrs. after these peaks, the mean Cortisol level was markedly lower and the cyclic variation out of phase with the basal diurnal pattern. After a gradual adjustment during the second postinjection day, no differences could be seen between the 2 patterns on day 3 after injection.  相似文献   
大猿叶虫卵孵化的时辰节律研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
徐强  张庆 《江西植保》2007,30(3):99-100
在20℃,22℃,25℃,28℃和30℃,LD14:10下观察卵孵化的时辰节律。结果表明,在这五种温度下,卵孵化呈现两个孵化高峰:第一个高峰出现在6:00-6:59,也就是黎明这段时间;第二个高峰出现在19:00-19:59,也就是黄昏这段时间,但此时的孵化率明显低于前者。  相似文献   
A simple, non-invasive method, for the monitoring of the respiratory rhythm of insects was developed. The insect was restrained and a force displacement transducer attached to one abdominal segment of the dorsal region was used to monitor the respiratory rhythm. Although the method was applied to four species of insects, the main study focused on the yellow mealworm beetle, Tenebrio molitor, due to the simplicity of the recorded respiratory rhythm. In this case, the recorded rhythmic activity represents the synchronised contraction of the dorsal abdominal muscles, driven by the respiratory central pattern generator (CPG). This non-invasive method allows prolonged and stable recording of the respiratory rhythm. The records showed a decrease in the amplitude and the duration in the rhythmic contractions to about 25 and 31% of the initial values, respectively, in the first 7 h of continuous recording. The respiratory rhythm was strongly influenced by the presence of the CO2, creating the CO2-reflex. In the beginning of the application of CO2, there was total inhibition of the respiratory rhythm and then there was a gradual increase in the tension developed by the dorsal abdominal muscles. Using this recording method, it was possible to quantify the function of the respiratory CPG, measuring the amplitude of the respiratory contractions, under normal conditions and in the presence of insecticides. The insecticides imidacloprid and deltamethrin of certain quantities were diluted in the appropriate solvent to make 50, 100 and 500 ng per insect, and were applied to the cuticle, topical application, of the immobilized insect, while recordings of the respiratory rhythm were made continuously.  相似文献   
朱文颖的小说强调凸现小说与不可言说之物(即我们生命本身经常会面临的障碍)进行的对质、理解与包容;反复出现的意象.既勾勒出一个阴柔古雅的背景.又是推动故事发展的有效手段,更是主人公若即若离、稍纵即逝的心理意绪的揭示与固有心理结构的象征;任何具形或抽象的现实事物,都被作家丰富的想象力转化成了种种经验性的阐述,成为极具个人色彩的感觉化抒写;一种贯穿于小说始终的缓慢、凝滞、缠裹的叙述节奏愈加凸显了这种感觉化书写。  相似文献   
2004年4月26日至5月25日,在贵阳黔灵公园动物园,采用扫描取样法对其笼养状态下的黑叶猴的日活动节律及活动时间分配行为进行了观察记录并对引起群体活动时间分配的内在和环境因素进行探讨分析。研究结果表明:1.黑叶猴的日活动具有一定的节律性,一天中有9:00~10:30和15:30~16:30两个明显的行为活动高峰期。2.黑叶猴在活动时间分配中:休息占62.3%,取食占15.1%,移动占8.9%,梳理占6.1%,戏耍占2.6%,威胁占0.5%,其它行为约占4.5%,但在活动时间分配上个体间(P<0.01),成体-青年体间(P<0.05)存在明显差。3.统计分析表明黑叶猴的群体、成体、青年体、雄性、雌性以及大部分个体具有显著(P<0.05),或极显著(P<0.01)的左侧优势现象。  相似文献   
生物体内的生物化学反应是按一定规律、持续不断进行的动态过程。营养物质是维持生命体物质组成和生理机能不可缺少的要素,也是生命活动的物质基础。随着对动物营养需求动态变化规律认识和养分生物学效价评定知识的不断深入,研究人员发现机体对营养物质的消化、吸收和利用存在明显的空间分布差异,且机体对营养的消化代谢等方面的生理活动表现出典型的周期性变化。以猪为代表的单胃动物,其消化器官在夜间的机能状态和基础代谢率低于白天;在营养物质代谢受生物钟节律性调控的同时,机体的营养物质也影响生物钟节律性的代谢活动。营养物质在动物机体内的代谢是复杂而系统的生理活动,这使机体内环境的营养水平保持相对的动态平衡。本文针对单胃动物动态营养学的概念、理论基础和科学意义等方面进行分析讨论,旨在为单胃动物动态营养学的研究和应用提供理论基础和指导。  相似文献   
以江西井冈山国家级自然保护区内的罗浮栲为研究对象,利用典型样地选择、每木检尺及树干解析等方法,对罗浮栲的生长过程及各器官生物量分配情况进行了初步研究。结果表明:罗浮栲胸径连年生长量为0~10、30~40 a,胸径生长迅速,连年生长量高峰达0.585 cm,60 a 胸径达到27.2 cm;罗浮栲高生长量在30 a 达到9.80 m,成为优势木;罗浮栲材积生长量在0~20 a 生长缓慢,20~60 a 一直处于快速生长阶段,连年生长量60 a 达到0.0226 m3;罗浮栲平均生长量与连年生长量曲线没有相交,说明罗浮栲到60 a 还未达到数量成熟龄。罗浮栲的生长发育分3个时期,0~20 a 为幼龄期,20~50 a 为速生期,50~60 a 为壮龄期。  相似文献   
Melatonin production by the fish pineal is under the control of photoperiod. In addition, in some fish species pineal melatonin production is self-sustained by an intrapineal circadian pacemaker, not in salmonids, though. The aim of this research was to test melatonin release in vitro by the pineal of sea bass held under LD 12:12 and DD conditions to determine the endogenous nature of melatonin rhythm. Circadian rhythmicity ( = 28.3 h) was found since rhythmic melatonin release persisted on DD.  相似文献   
The feeding rhythm and growth characteristics of the early life stages of the tongue sole, Cynoglossus semilaevis Günther, were studied. Larvae began to prey on rotifers about 2–3 days after hatching at 23°C. About 12 days after hatching, larvae had grown to 8–9 mm in total length and were able to prey on Artemia larvae. As the larvae grew, they showed an increasing feeding capacity and a distinct feeding rhythm. Feeding intensity for day‐6 larvae was highest at 12:00 and 18:00 hours, about 2–3 h after the maximum feeding incidence. The highest levels of feeding intensity for day‐16 larvae occurred between 09:00 and 18:00 hours. By day 26, when the larvae had metamorphosed, feeding capacity had again increased considerably and, in contrast to the earlier stages, feeding intensity peaked at 18:00 and 24:00 hours concurrently with feeding incidence. Thus, tongue sole were found to have different feeding rhythms in the pre‐ and post‐metamorphosis stages, with the highest feeding activity in the daytime during the larval planktonic stage, and at night during the juvenile benthic stage. The estimated maximum daily feeding rates were 65%, 40% and 11% of body weight on days 6, 16 (larvae) and 26 (juveniles) respectively. Size variation increased markedly with development.  相似文献   
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