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席颖  贾国梅  王旭  何立 《湖北农业科学》2016,(16):4113-4116
不同植被类型影响着土壤养分的积累、分布与循环,而土壤氮素是植被生长的重要限制性元素。通过分析宜昌点军区3种植被类型(柏树地、橘树地、菜地)覆盖下土壤氮素的变化情况,研究了不同植被对土壤氮素各形态的影响。结果表明,土壤全氮、硝态氮和微生物氮都是柏树地显著大于菜地和橘树地,而菜地和橘树地之间无显著性的差异;土壤矿化氮和微生物氮/全氮的变化顺序是柏树地橘树地菜地。说明不同植被覆盖对土壤氮有显著的影响,柏树地更有利于土壤氮的积累,氮的有效性也最高,由此认为柏树长期生长有益于土壤氮的改善。  相似文献   
奶粉营养成分丰富,为避免罐装奶粉在货架期内出现胀罐情况,保证产品货架期的稳定性,一般采用气调包装并在罐内形成一定真空度。为研究罐装奶粉真空度影响因素,制备罐装奶粉并测试不同条件下罐内的真空度。通过对罐装奶粉进行长期跟踪测试,研究存储时间、存储温度、气体比例对罐内真空度形成的影响。结果表明,随着存储时间增加,罐内真空度呈现先快速增大后趋于平缓的趋势;在存储前期,37℃、47℃条件下的样品形成的真空度较常温更大;二氧化碳(CO2)的比例对罐内真空度形成的影响显著。  相似文献   
为提高马铃薯品种(系)地上部分糖苷生物碱(SGAs)的含量,增强其抗逆性并改良块茎的品质。克隆了马铃薯茄啶鼠李糖基转移酶基因(sgt3)cDNA和1,5–二磷酸核酮糖羧化酶小亚基基因启动子(rbcS P);对sgt3亚细胞定位预测显示,该蛋白不具有叶绿体转运肽、线粒体导肽和分泌信号肽序列,推测可能位于细胞质;将克隆的sgt3 cDNA片段及rbcS重组到pCEPSP载体上,构建了具有草甘膦抗性标记的绿色组织特异表达sgt3基因植物表达载体。通过农杆菌介导法对马铃薯品种‘陇薯3号’和‘夏波蒂’进行转化,共获得了12株抗草甘膦的阳性转基因植株。对转基因植株的目的基因表达水平和SGAs含量分析发现,地上部sgt3基因相对表达量较未转化植株提高1.3~3.0倍,SGAs含量增加20%~37%,而转基因植株的块茎中SGAs含量变化不显著。本研究的结果为进一步培育枝、叶中高SGAs而块茎中低SGAs的马铃薯抗性品种提供了理论依据。  相似文献   
利用不同浓度的茉莉酸甲酯(MeJA)对葡萄组培植株进行处理,进而分析其生理及基因表达变化,结果表明MeJA能抑制植株不定根的分化和伸长,诱导根、茎、叶组织中的脱落酸(ABA)含量升高,但降低赤霉素(GA)、生长素(IAA)和细胞分裂素(ZR)的含量,且影响叶片中叶绿素代谢导致褪绿黄化。MeJA能诱导植物体内茉莉酸合成代谢基因表达进而提高内源茉莉酸的含量,诱导ABA合成代谢和信号路径中的基因表达,但是会抑制生长素、赤霉素、细胞分裂素、油菜素内酯合成代谢基因的表达,抑制了与根发育和延伸相关基因VvXET、VvEXPB2、VvEXPA7和VvWUS的表达,进而抑制不定根的发生,导致植物发育缓慢。因此,MeJA通过影响其他激素的合成代谢来调控它们在植物中的含量,导致内源激素不平衡影响植株发育,并调控植株根的发育状态,在不定根发育方面起负向调控作用。  相似文献   
为优化羊肚菌营养袋的原料组成与配比,以食药用菌栽培基质中常用的4种秸秆及谷壳、麦粒、麦麸,通过主成分分析归纳各原料的营养组成属性,设计出9个营养袋配方进行栽培试验,比较出菇产量,得出高产营养袋原料组合为谷壳和麦粒;再以谷壳与麦粒按11种不同的重量比混合制成营养袋进行栽培试验,综合考量制作成本、出菇产量、经济效益等因素后,最终得到高产高效的羊肚菌营养袋配方(重量比)为谷壳19%、麦粒79%、石灰1%、石膏1%。  相似文献   

Rhizosphere studies are particularly important because of the recently introduced fertigation systems in strawberry cultivation, both in the field and under cover. Because of the need for developing fruit production in a balanced environment, rhizosphere studies help in determining precise doses of mineral fertilizers necessary for proper growth and production of economically important strawberry cultivars with specific requirements. The present experiment was carried out using rhizoboxes and determined pH changes in the rhizosphere of strawberries depending on the dose and form of nitrogen applied. The method enables visualization of pH changes in the rhizosphere and the soil as they become visible due to color changes under the influence of root exudates. To achieve this, the exposed plant roots and the entire soil mass penetrated by the roots in the rhizobox were covered with a thin (0.5 cm) agar filter containing 1% agar and 1% pH indicator (bromocresol purple). The color of the agar filter covering the roots indicates pH levels in various zones of the root system and depends on the applied forms of nitrogen. The highest pH values in the rhizosphere were measured in the root tips, lower in the middle root zone, and the lowest at the root bases. Plants supplied with N-NH4+ had the lowest rhizosphere pH, which was associated with an intensive release of H+ ions to the rhizosphere and acidification in the root zone.  相似文献   
This study quantified nitrogen mineralization and nitrification potentials in soils of hardwood forests of southern Ohio at three spatial scales: (1) the regional scale, represented by four study areas of 90–120 ha separated by 3–65 km, (2) the local scale, represented by three contiguous watersheds within each study area, and (3) the topographic scale, represented by xeric, intermediate, and mesic sites within each watershed, as defined by a GIS-generated Integrated Moisture Index (IMI). Organic C, NO3 pool size, net N mineralization, proportional nitrification, and net nitrification potentials all varied among study sites (i.e. at the regional scale). Using path analysis, we were able to construct scale-independent causal models explaining 30–35% of the variance in organic C and potential net N mineralization and 70% of the variance in potential net NO3 production. Site- and scale-specific differences in geology and/or land use history among study sites were likely responsible for the variation not explained by the path analysis. At the local scale, there were significant variations in organic C and inorganic N pool sizes among watersheds within a study site in two of the four study sites. In addition, most parameters we measured varied significantly along the topographic gradient (i.e. with long-term soil moisture availability/IMI). Based on our results, scaling up models of nitrification from plot scale to the regional scale should be straightforward, whereas scaling up organic C storage and N mineralization will require incorporation of independent scaling paradigms at three (or more) spatial scales.  相似文献   
田间试验表明,室外存放3 a的马铃薯黑胫病组织播种时撒入土壤,具有较强的侵染性。马铃薯病根组织处理的发病率最高,达到9.03%,病茎叶和无症状植株两处理的发病率均为5.16%,显然病组织对土壤传播马玲薯黑胫病有巨大影响。  相似文献   
周博  许维倩  李娜  徐娜  姜长阳 《北方园艺》2010,(17):150-152
以银线伞莎草的总苞片为材料,进行了组织培养研究,成功地建立起快速繁殖体系。结果表明:1/2MS+BA0.4mg/L+NAA0.1mg/L+蔗糖20~30g/L是总苞片萌发生长为无根苗的适宜培养基;1/2MS+IBA0.2mg/L+IAA0.3~0.4mg/L+蔗糖20g/L是无根苗生根培养的适宜培养基;MS+IBA0.2mg/L+IAA0.3mg/L+BA0.2mg/L+GA30.5mg/L+蔗糖20g/L是银线伞莎草根茎萌发生根培养和根茎萌发生根继代增殖培养的适宜培养基;在温室中试管苗移栽易成活,移栽的试管苗保持了银线伞莎草的特有性状,且生长旺盛。  相似文献   
鸭梨、黄金梨果实结构与耐贮性的关系   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
以耐贮性强的鸭梨和不耐贮的黄金梨为试材,分别研究了果实组织结构的差异,结果表明:鸭梨果实表面角质层厚,且深入表皮细胞间隙,表皮细胞较厚,排列紧密,表皮下有4~5层含有大量被染成紫红色的单宁类物质;黄金梨角质层薄,表皮细胞少,不连续,甚至没有表皮细胞,表皮下细胞含单宁物质较少,有的几乎没有。此外,鸭梨近果皮果肉中石细胞多、石细胞团大;黄金梨近果皮果肉中石细胞少、石细胞团小。  相似文献   
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