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Zea mays has been historically imported to Japan via two independent geographical routes: into southern Japan by trading with Europe in the 16th century and into northern Japan by import from North America in the 19th century. Breeding to genetically improve on quality traits and high yields has led to the current domestic landraces in each region. In a survey of 82 domestic landraces, nine out of 38 landraces originating from southern Japan showed complete immunity to cucumber mosaic virus yellow strain (CMV(Y)) without the formation of necrotic local lesions (NLLs). In contrast, three out of 44 landraces originating from northern Japan developed NLLs, but revealed no systemic spread of the virus. Due to the absence of good documentation on NLL formation in Z. mays, the response of domestic landraces Aso‐1 and Aso‐3, originating from Ibaraki in northern Japan, to a challenge with CMV(Y) and CMV(Ma‐1) was further analysed. Aso‐3 only formed NLL in response to CMV(Y) but not to CMV(Ma‐1). Moreover, in CMV(Y)‐inoculated Aso‐3, virus spread was restricted to the primary infection site and the expression of defence‐related genes was up‐regulated, whereas Aso‐1 became systemically infected with either CMV(Y) or CMV(Ma‐1). The response of Aso‐3 to CMV(Y) was inherited as a single dominant trait. Together, these results pointed towards the induction of hypersensitive response (HR)‐mediated resistance to CMV(Y) in Aso‐3. Although HR‐mediated resistance to viruses has been studied mainly in dicots, the pathosystem CMV–Z. mays may provide a model to investigate HR‐mediated resistance to viruses in monocot plants.  相似文献   
Experimental inoculations of 1000 Toxocara cati larval eggs were carried out in 18 BALB/c mice. The T. cati eggs used for inoculation were collected from the faeces of naturally infected cats. Euthanasia was performed on two mice on days 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 14, 21 and 28 post-inoculation (p.i.). Tissue samples were taken for digestion and histopathology. Larvae were recovered from all infected mice and the average of all larvae recovered was 28.3% (95%; CI: 14.1-42.4). Maximum number was obtained from liver on days 1 and 2 p.i.; from the lung on day 2 p.i. and from the brain on day 28 p.i. In muscle, the recovery was high as from day 3 p.i., with the maximum obtained on day 28 p.i. Superficial foci of congestion and haemorrhage were macroscopically observed in the lungs between days 2 and 5 p.i. and in the brain between days 3 and 6 p.i. Microscopic lesions were observed in the liver between days 2 and 14 p.i., with periportal and subcapsule inflammatory infiltrates. In the lungs, haemorrhages and inflammatory infiltrates can be observed in the alveolar parenchyma, close to bronchioles and large blood vessels. In the brain, congestive areas without inflammatory reactions were seen. In muscle, the presence of inflammatory infiltrates and degenerated muscle can be observed surrounding a parasite larva. These same lesions were observed in myocardium and pericardium. The kidneys were congested with inflammatory infiltrates. The inflammatory cells present in all the tissues studied were lymphocytes, neutrophils and a few eosinophils. Formation of granulomas or signs of larva encapsulation were not observed. The migratory pattern of T. cati larvae in BALB/c mice and its tendency to become concentrated in the muscle reinforce the importance of the mouse as a paratenic host for the parasite's cycle in the environment.  相似文献   
Specific regions in the rat larynx exhibit cellular changes in response to inhaled xenobiotics. These regions include the base of the epiglottis, ventral pouch, and medial surfaces of the vocal processes of the arytenoid cartilages. 1 , 2 In order to collect information on the usefulness of trimming techniques, the influence of different vehicles, the impact of different application routes in toxicity studies, and differences between induced vs. spontaneous lesions, the data obtained from a large number of inhalation and non-inhalation studies performed in Wistar RCCHan(TM): Wist rats at Harlan Laboratories Ltd Switzerland, all evaluated or reviewed by the same pathologist, were compiled for a detailed review. The value of different trimming techniques was deemed to be greatest for transverse and sagittolongitudinal section techniques, as compared to horizontolongitudinally section techniques. The comparison of lesions encountered in control rats of inhalation studies treated with different vehicles did not reveal differences in the type, distribution pattern, incidence and/or severity of spontaneous lesions. The types of lesions were also independent of different application routes in non-inhalation studies compared to inhalation studies. The pattern of spontaneous lesions in the rodent larynx was determined by degenerative and inflammatory lesions starting most often in the submucosal glands by desiccated secretion followed by mineralization and local inflammation or were induced by impacted foreign bodies. Squamous metaplasia was recorded in the respiratory epithelium overlaying the ventral gland as a spontaneous lesion in male Wistar rats from inhalation studies with a maxim of 20.0% in an inhalation oncogenicity study. Induced metaplastic changes recorded in the larynx were reversible. Other induced lesions in inhalation studies consisted of submucosal edema, necrosis, inflammation and/or granuloma. Induced lesions in non-inhalation studies were found to be exclusively related to reflux laryngitis or food impaction. It is concluded, that in rodents induced lesions of the larynx differ in type, distribution pattern, severity and incidence from spontaneous lesions.  相似文献   
Contrast-enhanced ultrasound using Sonazoid, a novel contrast medium with a liver-specific Kupffer phase, was evaluated in canine focal liver lesions Twenty-five dogs with a liver mass were given intravenous Sonazoid, and the enhancement pattern in the arterial, portal, and parenchymal phase was characterized. An enhancement defect in the lesion in the parenchymal phase was observed in all malignant lesions, whereas only one of nine benign lesions had a filling defect. The diagnostic value of the presence of a filling defect for malignancy was statistically significant (100% sensitivity, 88.9% specificity, 94.1% positive predictive value, 100% negative predictive value), and was equal to that of hypoenhancement in the portal or delayed phase. The defect pattern (clear or irregular defect) was dependent ( P <0.05) on the types of malignancy (i.e., hepatocellular carcinoma and other types of malignancies). In the arterial phase, five of the six hepatocellular carcinomas had hypervascularity, whereas no other lesion was characterized by hypervascularity. In some dogs, additional lesions that could not be observed with conventional B-mode ultrasonography were detected in the parenchymal phase. The enhancement pattern of Sonazoid, especially in the parenchymal phase, has potential as a diagnostic tool for canine focal liver lesions.  相似文献   
Inhalation of vanadium pentoxide clearly increases the incidence of alveolar/bronchiolar neoplasms in male and female B6C3F1 mice at all concentrations tested (1, 2 or 4 mg/m3), whereas responses in F344/N rats was, at most, ambiguous. While vanadium pentoxide is mutagenic in vitro and possibly in vivo in mice, this does not explain the species or site specificity of the neoplastic response. A nose-only inhalation study was conducted in female B6C3F1 mice (0, 0.25, 1 and 4 mg/m3, 6 h/day for 16 days) to explore histopathological, biochemical (α-tocopherol, glutathione and F2-isoprostane) and genetic (comet assays and 9 specific DNA-oxo-adducts) changes in the lungs. No treatment related histopathology was observed at 0.25 mg/m3. At 1 and 4 mg/m3, exposure-dependent increases were observed in lung weight, alveolar histiocytosis, sub-acute alveolitis and/or granulocytic infiltration and a generally time-dependent increased cell proliferation rate of histiocytes. Glutathione was slightly increased, whereas there were no consistent changes in α-tocopherol or 8-isoprostane F2α. There was no evidence for DNA strand breakage in lung or BAL cells, but there was an increase in 8-oxodGuo DNA lesions that could have been due to vanadium pentoxide induction of the lesions or inhibition of repair of spontaneous lesions. Thus, earlier reports of histopathological changes in the lungs after inhalation of vanadium pentoxide were confirmed, but no evidence has yet emerged for a genotoxic mode of action. Evidence is weak for oxidative stress playing any role in lung carcinogenesis at the lowest effective concentrations of vanadium pentoxide.  相似文献   
急性非洲猪瘟的实验病理学研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
旨在通过对非洲猪瘟临床病理学和组织病理学的研究,探讨病理学变化与疾病发生发展的内在关系及其病理机制。选用体重20 kg左右的长白猪13头,肌内注射非洲猪瘟病毒毒株Pig/HLJ/18,剂量102HAD50·mL-1。试验期间的死亡猪,全部进行系统剖检和取材,制备石蜡切片,苏木素伊红染色。建立病理学评价标准,病变(无序分类变量)用频率和百分比表示,病变程度(有序分类变量)按各组织器官的不同病变进行分级和评分。结果表明,发病猪符合非洲猪瘟急性、热性、高传染性等临床特征,发病率100%,病死率100%。病死猪表现败血症典型特征,尸体易腐败,血凝不良或溶血,尸僵不全。主要病理损伤为出血性坏死性淋巴结炎、急性炎性脾肿(败血脾)、脑水肿、肺水肿和肺实变等。脾和淋巴结是非洲猪瘟病毒攻击的靶器官,病变最为显著,出现时间最早,持续时间最长,发生频率最高。病理变化以血液循环障碍尤为突出,包括水肿、充血、淤血、出血、梗死和弥散性血管内凝血等多种病理表现,出血性病变为其最主要的特征。非洲猪瘟病毒引发的以淋巴细胞渗出为主的炎症反应贯穿始终,在病程的中后期表现更为明显。结果提示,急性非洲猪瘟的主要病理过程为典型的免疫/炎症级联反应和严重的全身血液循环障碍,共同导致急性非洲猪瘟的高发病率和高死亡率。  相似文献   
内毒素对山羊肝脏的病理损伤和654-2的保护效应   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
通过给山羊静注大肠杆菌内毒素(ET)诱导ET休克,探讨ET休克时山羊肝脏的病理损伤,并观察山莨菪碱(654-2)对其影响。结果表明,ET自理组在注射后5h,肝脏表现出明显的病理变化,特征为实质细胞退行性变化,微血管淤血、有透明血栓形成,血管内有淋巴细胞和中性粒细胞粘聚,且肝脏有明显的超微结构变化。654-2能有效地缓解或减轻ET引起的毒性损伤。  相似文献   
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