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总结了我国桃树设施栽培的现状,包括设施栽培的目的、主要形式、品种选择、环境要求、调控技术和主要栽培技术等,指出了生产上存在的问题并提出了相应的对策  相似文献   
李天奇 《林业科技情报》2020,52(1):53-54,57
在黑龙江盘中自然保护区区位、用地和资源的现状分析基础上,对保护区进行类型划分,确定保护区主要保护对象和规划目标,划分出保护区的核心区、缓冲区、实验区三大功能区域的范围和面积,进而再对保护区的规划管理设施和规划管理措施进行总体探讨,从而保证黑龙江盘中自然保护区的可持续发展。  相似文献   
系统梳理国内外关于林地界定的标准,重点分析我国目前已发布的林地界定标准《林地分类》(LY/T1812-2009)和《土地利用现状分类》(GB/T21010-2017)的差异。以上海市某区为例,具体分析林地界定差异引起的数据统计及相关管理、审批等方面的问题,结合自然资源统一管控趋势,提出增加复合用地分类,统一具体认定口径,建立分类对照表,明确林地界定的状态等林地界定标准修订及相关管理完善建议。  相似文献   
为研究郑州市城区道路行道树的生长及健康状况,以悬铃木为研究对象进行抽样调查。调查结果显示,郑州市城区悬铃木以中型植株为主,株高7.5~12.5 m的占比63.22%;胸径20.0~40.0 cm的占比57.46%;冠幅6.0~14.0 m的占比65.79%。郑州市内金水区大型悬铃木植株最多,生长状况最优,是道路林荫环境最好的区域。研究区内大部分植株处于“亚健康”和“生长维持”状态,Ⅰ级植株所占比例偏小,仅为7.33%,亚健康植株占比最大,近60%,频死植株占比10.86%。二七区、中原区、高新区3个城区的悬铃木健康状况优于其他城区,惠济区、金水区2个城区悬铃木的健康状况较差。在养护管理条件相似的情况下,立地条件较好的绿带植株整体健康水平优于树穴植株,大型悬铃木植株健康状况普遍优于中小型植株,乔、灌、草3层垂直结构的悬铃木的健康水平优于其它垂直结构,三板四带式道路结构类型的悬铃木植株健康水平最为优异。  相似文献   
对长三角地区某市垃圾焚烧行业的环保现状进行了调查研究,结果发现:当前区域垃圾焚烧企业,在保证规模、控制数量及地域上均衡布置的前提下,行业废水、废气污染治理设施齐全,废水、废气均稳定可达标排放,调查时段内未有投诉问题。区域垃圾焚烧行业在做到当下要求的情况下,实现了区域垃圾焚烧行业污染可控,对城市垃圾焚烧行业环保发展具备借鉴意义。  相似文献   
淮河水系沙塘鳢形态特征和分类地位初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
乔德亮  洪磊 《淡水渔业》2007,37(2):20-23
研究分析了淮河水系沙塘鳢(Odontobutis obscura)的形态特征,并对其分类地位进行了探讨。可数性状:背鳍Ⅶ,Ⅰ-9~10,尾鳍14~15,臀鳍Ⅰ-7~8,腹鳍Ⅰ-5,胸鳍14~15,纵列鳞36~41,横列鳞14~18,体侧感觉乳突线鳞28~30,第一鳃弓鳃耙数9~11,脊椎骨数28~29。可量性状:全长是体长(1.23±0.03)倍;体长是体高(3.82±0.45)倍,是头长(3.08±0.49)倍,是尾柄长(5.19±0.54)倍,是消化道长(1.86±0.52)倍,是肠长(6.99±2.86)倍;头长是吻长(2.94±0.42)倍,是眼径(6.09±0.87)倍,是眼间距(3.86±0.61)倍,是口裂宽(1.94±0.27)倍;体高是体厚(0.96±0.11)倍;尾柄长是尾柄高(1.66±0.18)倍。  相似文献   
为掌握云南宝台山国家森林公园的森林资源特点,并为制定森林公园的森林资源保护与利用规划提供依据,对该公园2019年森林资源监测数据进行了分析.结果 表明:该森林公园林地面积占公园总面积的99.4%,森林覆盖率高达90.50%.林地以有林地为主,面积占比为90.9%.森林起源以天然为主,面积占比为77.8%;人工起源为辅....  相似文献   
Two groups of Atlantic salmon post-smolts previously fed diets either unsupplemented or supplemented with Zn, Fe, Cu and Mn were fasted for 6 weeks in order to study the reliability of tissue indicators of element status during fasting. The fish were weighed at 2-week intervals and samples of whole fish liver, vertebrae, serum and eyes were taken for analyses of elements by atomic absorption spectrometry.
Body weight, per cent dry matter, condition factor and haematocrit values decreased during the fasting period. The concentration of elements in whole body remained constant, indicating that whole body is a stable indicator of element status during fasting. Other tissues seemed to be more sensitive (i.e. hepatic Fe concentration and vertebrae Zn and Mn concentrations). The serum concentrations of the elements generally decreased during fasting, especially for P and Zn. Element concentrations in whole body and most tissues during fasting were generally more dependent upon initial element status than on the fasting itself.
Care should be taken in drawing conclusions about the element status of fish based solely upon the examination of serum concentrations, and more than one tissue indicator should be used in the establishment of the element status of fish.  相似文献   
Landings in the blue crab, Portunus trituberculatus, fishery in Korean waters of the Yellow Sea have declined substantially from 11,000 t in the 1980s to 2,300 t in 2004. Blue crab habitat quality in the Yellow Sea has been degraded by anthropogenic activities including sand mining, land reclamation, and coastal pollution. Various traditional management measures have been implemented, including closed seasons during spawning and size limits, but these measures alone have been unsuccessful to conserve blue crab stocks. Consequently, a total allowable catch and a stock-rebuilding program using an ecosystem-based management approach were implemented in 2003 and 2006, respectively to rebuild blue crab stocks and restore habitats. This program involved assessment of both blue crab stock status and trammel-net fishery impacts at an ecosystem-level using an ecosystem-based fisheries assessment method ( [Zhang et al., 2009] and [Zhang et al., 2010]), which considered fishery data from catch and effort time-series, crab population biology, and ecosystem characteristics, including habitats and environmental conditions. Recent (2008) management status indices have shown significant positive change compared to conditions in 2000 with respect to sustainability of the stock and fishery and with regards to biodiversity and ecosystem habitat quality.  相似文献   
本文根据1998-2003年福建海区拖网渔业资源监测以及1995-1997年间闽南台湾浅渔场单拖渔业资源调查、1998年和2000-2001年福建海区拖网定点调查的资料,论述和分析福建海区单拖渔业的现状。结果表明:目前整个单拖渔业虽然船数削减,实际却加大渔船功率,作业时间延长,促使年产量、单位产量不断提高,导致渔获组成发生很大变化,由低质小型鱼类、生命周期短的头足类、虾蟹类支撑,渔获鱼类质量较差,经济效益下降;另一方面头足类、虾蟹类资源量年间波动性较大,易受捕捞过渡影响,很难长时间承担目前捕捞压力。为此,文中提出加强严格实行"双控制度"及控制网目规格等管理建议和意见,为有关渔业管理和生产部门提供参考依据。  相似文献   
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