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In the pork industry, artificial insemination and the storage of boar semen in liquid at 17°C are routinely applied to optimize the ejaculate and bring about rapid genetic changes that are reflected in the animal protein. Although the results are satisfactory, they are below what occurs with natural mating. It is currently possible to preserve boar semen with storage at 17°C and slow freezing, since to date there is only one study on vitrification, with negative results applicable only in the case of implementing an intracytoplasmic sperm injection. In both methods and due to the sensitivity of boar sperm to osmotic and temperature changes, there is a loss in the quality of the initial sample; however, slow freezing in boar semen has greater deleterious effects on the sample that are reflected in the pregnancy rates and number of live births. Therefore, only 1% of all inseminations are done with frozen semen. The aim of this review is to provide advances and results of studies conducted on the preservation of boar semen, delving more deeply into the critical points that each of the preservation techniques presents, including bacterial contamination, extender components, temperature, ice nucleation, use of additives in extenders and the main deleterious effects on sperm quality.  相似文献   
应用扫描和透射电镜观察了白斑红点鲑(Salvelinus leucomaenis)精子的形态和超微结构。白斑红点鲑精子由头部、中段和尾部组成。头部呈椭球形,主要结构是细胞核,核前端无顶体,后端有植入窝,植入窝较深,凹入细胞核的1/3,核中染色质致密,存在着不规则的网络状间隙;中段包括中心粒复合体和袖套,中心粒复合体主要由近端中心粒和远端中心粒组成,近端中心粒为典型的9组三联微管结构,与远端中心粒相互垂直,远端中心粒向下延伸形成轴丝。袖套与细胞核后端相连,含有丰富的线粒体和囊泡,部分线粒体彼此融合,形成复合线粒体,囊泡有两种;白斑红点鲑精子尾部细长,主要结构是轴丝,为典型的9+2微管结构,轴丝被许多囊泡包围,质膜向外突出形成上下对称,但大小不同的两个侧鳍。  相似文献   
应用扫描电镜和透射电镜技术,观察了青海湖裸鲤精子的外部形态和超微结构。结果显示,青海湖裸鲤精子由头部、中段和尾部3部分组成。精子头部呈椭圆形,主要结构是细胞核,细胞质极少;核前端无顶体,后端偏向一侧有植入窝,植入窝约凹入细胞核的1/3;核中染色质致密。精子中段由中心粒复合体和袖套组成。中心粒复合体位于植入窝内,包括近端中心粒和基体,近端中心粒和基体之间成钝角关系;袖套与细胞核后端相连,袖套中含有线粒体。精子尾部细长,主要结构是轴丝,为典型的"9+2"型结构,轴丝外两侧为细胞质膜形成的对称性侧鳍。  相似文献   
青蛤精子的超微结构   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
用电子显微镜对青蛤精子的形态和超微结构进行观察。青蛤精子全长44~46μm,头部长2.8~3.2μm。青蛤精子分为头部、中段和尾部。头部呈尖辣椒形,顶体明显突出,倒“V”字形,高电子密度的顶体物质集中分布于顶体腔内;亚顶体腔呈锥形,内含电子密度较低的均匀物质;顶体下方为细胞核,细胞核呈长柱形,并有一定的弧度。中段具有5个球形线粒体,环绕着2个相互垂直的中心粒,中心粒为中空的圆柱形,末端具有鞭毛领结构,为一电子致密环。尾部细长,由尾丝外包被膜构成,横切面观察,为典型的“9 2”结构。  相似文献   
大鲵成熟精、卵的形态学观察及受精卵孵化中的形态变化   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
本文通过连续9年观察中国大鲵成熟精子,连续10年观察中国大鲵成熟卵子的形态后加以概括描述。正常精子呈尖椒状,全长约190μm,头部约占全长的25%,头尾部之间无明显颈部。中国大鲵产出的卵为念珠状长链型带形卵,卵球含三层膜,卵有单胞卵也有多胞卵,卵的形态多样。受精卵孵化过程吸水增大,第五天吸足平衡,吸水率达185%;胶带也吸水增大,第四天基本吸足,吸水率达150%。  相似文献   
Ultrastructures of spermiogenesis and spermatozoon of commercially valuable tongue fish Cynoglossus semilaevis Günther were investigated by means of transmission electron microscopy. The study shows that the spermiogenesis of C. semilaevis can be divided into four stages, and the course of spermatid differentiation included flagellum development, chromatin compaction, nuclear fossa formation, migration of diplosome and mitochondria with structural change and disappearance of residual cytoplasm. No acrosome was observed in spermatozoon of C. semilaevis. The nucleus of sperm was U‐shaped; the nuclear fossa was deep with a centriolar complex at the bottom composed by proximal centriole and basal body. Five to six mitochondria were located behind the nucleus in a circle, forming the midpiece of sperm. The sperm tail, 43±2.4 μm (n=5) long, had lateral fins and sacciform tissues in some parts of the tail, with axoneme shown of a typical ‘9+2’ pattern. The ultrastructural observation revealed that the sperm of C. semilaevis is of a primitive type among teleostean fish species.  相似文献   
银狐精子冷冻前后超微结构的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用按摩法采集银狐精液,将鲜精和冷冻解冻精液离心、固定,制备电镜样品,通过电镜观察,研究精子冷冻前后超微结构变化,并进一步研究受精机理和精子冷冻的基础理论,以推动狐狸人工授精技术的发展。  相似文献   
通过光学显微镜和透射电子显微镜研究蛇鮈精子的形态学结构。结果表明,在光学显微镜下,蛇鮈精子主要分为头部和尾部,头长为(3.15 ± 0.44) μm,尾长为(37.34 ± 2.24) μm,尾长约为头长的12倍。在透射电子显微镜下可观察到蛇鮈精子由头部、中片和尾部3部分组成,头部无顶体,细胞核呈椭圆形,核内为致密物质,内有较大的核空隙。细胞膜与核膜之间几乎无空隙,后端具有较浅的植入窝,深度约占细胞核体积的1/6,植入窝内包含有中心粒复合体,其近端中心粒与远端中心粒呈“L”型。尾部可见轴丝为典型的“9+2”结构。尾部周围具有侧鳍,近核端具有囊泡鞘结构。研究认为,蛇鮈精子的结构符合体外受精鱼类对精子结构的要求,具有硬骨鱼类精子结构的普遍特点,但又具有一定的特异性。  相似文献   
普洱茶遗传毒性安全性评价研究   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4  
以烘青绿茶作对照,用经典方法对云南产代表性厂家生产的一年、五年和十年三个普洱茶产品进行了遗传毒性安全性评价研究。四个茶样的小白鼠骨髓微核试验、畸形精子检测试验和Ames试验结果均为阴性,表明所测试的普洱茶样和烘青绿茶样对原核细胞、真核细胞和生殖细胞都没有致突变性。排除了普洱茶对引起染色体断裂损伤、基因碱基置换和移码等致突变性。试验还发现试样对其他因素引起的微核率的增加有拮抗作用。从遗传毒性证明了四个茶样具有较高的食用安全性,表明正规厂家生产的普洱茶是安全的。  相似文献   
【目的】构建有轮瑞利绦虫Raillietina cesticllus精子的超微结构示意图。【方法】利用透射电镜技术,对寄生于鸡消化道的有轮瑞利绦虫的精子形态和结构特征进行观察。【结果】有轮瑞利绦虫的精子呈丝状,两端渐尖,具有冠状体,无线粒体,具有"9+1"类型的轴丝。精子从头至尾可划分为5区:I区,头部,具冠状体;II区,皮层微管明显,围轴鞘和蛋白质样横隔壁出现;III区,大量电子致密颗粒出现;IV区,细胞核出现;V区,尾部,轴丝游离。有轮瑞利绦虫和棘槽瑞利绦虫R.echinobothrida的精子具有1个冠状体,其他6种已报道的戴维科绦虫的精子均有2个冠状体;而有轮瑞利绦虫和棘槽瑞利绦虫精子冠状体的旋转角度不同,分别是40°~55°和35°。【结论】精子头部冠状体的数目和旋转角度可以将有轮瑞利绦虫和其他7种戴维科绦虫区分开来。  相似文献   
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