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基于多体动力学的双横臂独立悬架线刚度的计算   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
建立了以扭杆为弹性元件的双横臂独立悬架系统的空间多体系统模型,推导出了系统的动力学方程和双横臂独立悬架系统刚度计算公式,并用所编制的软件进行了悬架刚度的计算。在求解系统的动力学方程时,提出了解决动力学方程求解过程中“违约”问题的一种新方法,其基本思想是当约束方程不满足时,进行系统装配。通过应用此方法的软件,对具体车型进行了悬架系统刚度仿真计算。计算结果与试验相当吻合,说明文中所建的模型和提出的约束稳定的方法是正确的。  相似文献   
It is assumed that Agent-Based Modeling is a useful technique for water management issues. In particular, it may provide a suitable framework for representing irrigated systems. The objective of this paper is to demonstrate its potential for a specific use: research on irrigated systems’ viability in the Senegal River Valley. The main assumption to be verified is that Multi-Agent Systems constitute a suitable architecture to study theoretically irrigated systems’ viability using simulations. By using Multi-Agent Systems, virtual irrigated systems can be designed that might then be used as virtual laboratories. These virtual labs constitute an alternative when real labs cannot exist for some reason.

In this paper we report on experiments we have conducted using such virtual labs for exploring an Agent-Based Model through the simulation of scenarios. A scenario is defined as a triplet: an environment, a set of individual rules, a set of collective rules. It is evaluated according to the longevity of the irrigated system. An index is defined, based on the ratio of long-enduring simulations among a set of repetitions of a given scenario. Even if simulation results display significant diversity for a given scenario due to random factors in the processes simulated, the ratio of long-enduring simulations is repeatable. This entails to explore the overall behavior of the virtual irrigated system and to build theories concerning the viability of Senegalese irrigated systems. An example is given showing the need for strong coherence for a given environment among individual rules and collective rules.  相似文献   

应用有限元分析了汽车减振器橡胶支撑件的弹性特性,在此基础上,应用SIM PACK软件建立了整车多体动力学模型,分析了橡胶支撑件的刚度、阻尼对汽车行驶平顺性的影响。分析结果表明:在车身共振区,橡胶件对地板加速度功率谱影响较小,但在4-13Hz中频区,即人体比较敏感的范围内,橡胶件可以使地板加速度功率谱峰值减小6.5%-25.4%,因此悬架橡胶件对汽车行驶平顺性有明显的改善。此外,还得出对于刚度较大的橡胶件应选取较小阻尼,对于较软的橡胶件,可以忽略阻尼影响的结论。  相似文献   
对海南主栽芒果品种台农和金煌芒的叶片养分的变化动态进行了分析。结果表明,相同栽培模式下,芒果叶片养分含量在不同品种、不同生长发育阶段和不同物候期之间存在显著的差异,但总体规律为:Ca>N>K>Mg>P>Mn>Fe>Cu>Zn。营养生长期间,不同月份芒果叶片中N、P、K、Mg含量基本保持在同一水平上;生殖生长期间,养分从叶片转移至花芽中,叶片养分明显下降。对于大量元素N、P、K、Mg而言,8月份至12月份叶片养分波动较小,因此10月份芒果的叶片可以作为叶片营养诊断的采样时间。  相似文献   
赣南脐橙园蜘蛛已知13科38种。脐橙树冠层蜘蛛优势种有3种,其中草间钻头蛛(Hylyphantes graminicola)全年以5 - 6月及9 - 10月份的发生数量最大;斑管巢蛛(Clubiona deletrix)在7 - 10月份发生量较大,2 - 3月份的数量明显减少;鳞纹肖蛸(Tetragnatha squamata)在4月和12月份的种群数量较多,而6 - 9月份较少见到。地面层蜘蛛优势种有2种,其中草间钻头蛛的季节消长同样具有两个高峰期,但跨度较少,仅在6月份和10月份出现;拟水狼蛛(Pirata subpiraticus)种群数量在3月份达到最高峰,在12月份处于低谷。不同季节脐橙树冠层草间钻头蛛和斑管巢蛛的发生数量都与平均气温和日照时数呈显著或极显著正相关,而鳞纹肖蛸的季节发生数量与平均气温间为显著负相关;地面层拟水狼蛛的数量季节变动与相对湿度和降雨量间表现出极显著的正相关性。  相似文献   
针对已有方形喷洒域喷头存在喷灌均匀系数低、方形程度差、转动过程精度不高等问题,设计了一种适用于方形喷洒的新型喷灌装置.该装置主要由控制模块、工作模块和喷头组成;通过滚子与空间凸轮的接触,调节喷头仰角,改变射程,实现方形区域的喷洒;采用单片机控制装置的旋转速度,以提高喷灌均匀度.在工作压力0.20 MPa、流量1.30 ...  相似文献   
大连城市森林综合生态效益动态预测研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以大连城市森林资源为研究对象,运用系统动力学原理和方法,通过动态系统仿真模型的构建,对大连城市森林生态效益动态进行了仿真。该生态效益系统模型共选取199个变量、105个常量,其中9个状态变量,27个流速变量。该模型对2005-2025年间各种生态效益的变化趋势进行仿真。仿真结果为大连城市森林规划、合理开发利用森林资源提供数据资料,为森林资源的保护和管理提供决策的依据。  相似文献   
广东省吴川红火蚁生境类型、空间分布和抽样技术的研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
系统调查和研究了红火蚁在广东省吴川市农田生态系统的生境类型、空间分布规律和抽样技术。结果表明:红火蚁的生境类型较丰富多样,表现出较强的环境适应能力,荒坡、荒地、田埂等受到干扰较少的地点红火蚁发生密度高,而耕作农田如水稻田、菜田、花生地、红薯地等红火蚁发生密度很低;单个指标如丛生指数、聚块性指数、久野指数表明活动蚁巢在平面空间上主要呈现随机分布;经对Iwaom*-m回归模型、Taylor幂模型参数分析认为红火蚁活动蚁巢空间分布基本成分为单个蚁巢,蚁巢间存在相互排斥的作用,在所有密度下都是随机分布,且密度越高,分布越均匀。在空间格局研究基础上给出了最适理论抽样数公式和不同密度下的理论抽样数。提出的抽样方法为:先选取具代表性的小面积地块,对发生密度进行初步估计,如密度较低,零星发生,调查面积要大一些,每点面积应在500 m2以上;如密度较高,发生较普遍,根据理论抽样面积进行相应的调整,每点面积可在100~200 m2。一般每个类型的地点要调查3点以上。  相似文献   
In low-intensity grazing systems, patch grazing leads to a mosaic structure of short (frequently defoliated) and tall (rarely defoliated) patches, with the stocking rate determining the proportion of these patch types on the pasture. Little is known about the long-term effects of patch grazing on the productivity of contrasting sward height patches developed under varying stocking rates. On a 12-year low-intensity cattle pasture we investigated aboveground net primary productivity (ANPP) and its seasonal variation in different patch types (‘short’, ‘medium’ and ‘tall’) under three stocking rates (‘moderate’, ‘lenient’ and ‘very lenient’) over two years. Additionally, we determined stocks of soil phosphorus, potassium and magnesium as well as soil pH. ANPP was affected by an interaction of patch type and stocking rate and ranged from less than 300 g/m2 in short patches under very lenient stocking to more than 1,000 g/m2 in medium patches under moderate stocking. In contrast with observations at the start of the experiment, ANPP in short patches was similar to or less than that in medium and tall patches. As topsoil phosphorus and potassium stocks were lowest in short patches, this indicates a long-term redistribution of nutrients by grazing animals, which limits short-patch productivity. Productivity of medium patches increased with stocking rate, and soil potassium concentration showed a similar trend, pointing towards enhanced nutrient cycling under more intensive stocking. We conclude that nutrient redistribution may lead to increasing trade-offs between ecological and agronomic aims in long-term low-intensity grazing systems.  相似文献   
以渭河流域为研究对象,根据流域生态环境现状,建立合理的指标体系,结合GIS与RS技术对研究区进行区划,并针对各功能区的主导生态功能或主要生态问题制定相应生态环境保护与建设重点。结果表明:渭河流域可被划分为7个生态功能区:①防旱抗旱区;②农业种植区;③牧业发展区;④水源涵养区;⑤防风固沙区;⑥植被保护区;⑦土壤侵蚀控制区。本研究为区域有效开发利用资源,合理制定生态环境保护措施提供科学依据。  相似文献   
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