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不同绿豆品种萌发期的自毒作用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用晋绿2号、豫绿2号、郑绿5号、中绿8号等4个绿豆品种的幼苗植株浸提液浸种处理后进行种子发芽试验,通过对种子发芽率、发芽势、发芽指数、活力指数及幼苗叶绿素含量、根系活力和过氧化物酶(POD)活性等指标的测定,比较了不同绿豆品种萌发期的自毒作用.结果显示:与用蒸馏水浸种培养处理相比,发芽率和发芽指数变化不明显,种子活力指数、发芽势、叶绿素含量、POD活性和苗高下降,而幼苗根系活力升高,说明4个绿豆品种均有自毒作用;测定结果还表明,4个绿豆品种的自毒作用强弱有差异,自毒效应大小顺序为:晋绿2号>郑绿5号>中绿8号>豫绿2号.  相似文献   
Factors involved in the establishment of Taraxacum officinale (dandelion) seedlings in grasslands and plant mortality in the first growing season were studied during 2008–2011. The study was conducted at 11 grassland sites that differed in the quantity of seed rain and the intensity of seedling predation by slugs. In April, of each study year, 10 plots open to the sedimentation of naturally dispersed seeds were established at each site, five plots of which were also sown with 250 T. officinale seeds each. The amount of natural seed rain, slug feeding activity and number of plants in each plot were then recorded at monthly intervals. Seed rain and seedling predation accounted for c. 50% of the variation in seedling establishment. Populations of established seedlings then declined through October, at which point they were at 25% of the original abundance on average. The percentage of plants that survived varied among sites and years. The temporal and spatial variation in T. officinale establishment and survival of young plants was enormous, even within a small area. Predation of seedlings by slugs can effectively prevent the establishment of T. officinale in grassland. This only occurred, however, at slug abundances not acceptable under conditions of public access.  相似文献   
5种种衣剂防治小麦主要土传病害研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
研究了5种种衣剂对小麦土传病害纹枯病、全蚀病和根腐病的防治效果。结果表明,230g/L吡虫啉·苯醚·咯悬浮种衣剂综合防治效果优于其他药剂处理,对小麦纹枯病的防治效果为73.51%~95.05%,对小麦全蚀病的防治效果为73.01%~87.41%,对小麦根腐病的防治效果为65.51%~92. 09%。按药效其次依次是60g/L戊唑醇悬浮种衣剂、30g/L苯醚甲环唑悬浮种衣剂、25g/L咯菌腈悬浮种衣剂、15%多·福悬浮种衣剂。随着小麦的生长,各处理的防效逐渐降低,但直到枯白穗期还有一定防治效果。同时230g/L吡虫啉·苯醚·咯悬浮种衣剂对小麦增产作用明显。  相似文献   
吉林省向日葵菌核病综合防治措施研究及大面积应用效果   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在重茬4年的重病地块晚播(5月20日—25日)向日葵,其花腐型菌核病比正常播期(4月25日)减少90%以上,而产量提高13%—30%。在农村扩大示范,晚播(5月19日)减少病害59%—75%,产量提高35%。在盛花期—成熟期喷2—3次50%速克灵500倍液可大大减轻花腐型菌核病的发生(防治效果65.9%—92.3%)。经筛选以速克灵(0.5%)拌种防治根腐型菌核病效果最好,在温室中对土壤和种子中的病菌防治效果达83%以上,小区试验和农村示范防治效果达55.8%—100%。土壤中增施钾肥可提高植株抗病力,减轻发病。1990年在吉林省农安、长岭2县8533ha采用晚播、轮作2年以上、种子处理、增施钾肥、盛花期—成熟期喷药的一套综合防治措施,重点调查10块对比田,花腐型菌核病平均防治效果为87.62%(63.38%—100%),对根腐型菌核病防治效果平均为66.77%(50.0%—82.57%)。1991年在长岭、农安等6个主产区推广6.37万ha,重点调查134块对比田,花腐型菌核病防治效果平均为75.86%(46.37%—100%),根腐型菌核病平均防治效果为65.11%(33.33%—100%),增产增收显著。  相似文献   
采用硅胶室温干燥法对陇东紫花苜蓿(Medicago sativa L. cv. Longdong)种子进行超干处理,使其含水量由9.03%(CK)分别降至7.09%~4.59%共八个不同含水量水平,用铝箔纸密封,常温下贮藏1年后,采用沙培盆栽试验,研究种子超干贮藏对苜蓿生长和生理的影响。结果表明,超干贮藏后,紫花苜蓿种子的出苗数、植株的株高比CK显著提高,MDA含量显著降低。播种第30天时,含水量为6.36%~4.59%处理种子的出苗数较CK提高25%~50%;播种第60天时,种子含水量为6.36%~5.46%处理的植株株高较CK提高11.02%~15.68%,各超干处理种子的植株MDA含量仅为CK的44.92%~70.29%;所有处理植株的根体积、地上干重、地下干重和可溶性糖含量仅为CK的55.36%~89.29%、63.06%~88.05%、50.71%~76.69%和63.35%~97.86%;除4.59%含水量处理的叶片数和5.18%含水量处理的根瘤数与CK比差异不显著,其它各处理的单株叶片数与根瘤数均显著低于CK,其中各超干处理的根瘤数仅为CK的63.00%~92.56%。说明超干贮藏能够提高苜蓿种子的出苗数、植株的株高和耐受性,但降低了植株的生物量及根体积,并影响了叶片生长及根瘤的形成。  相似文献   
以洛马铃薯8号为材料,设置种薯芽眼向上、向下、侧向3个摆向,研究其对早熟春播马铃薯性状的影响。试验结果表明,马铃薯薯块芽眼摆向不同对性状有较大影响,芽眼向下播种的马铃薯与常规播种(芽眼向上)相比,株高增高4.14 cm,芽眼根增多,匍匐根增加1.1条,地上茎增粗1.12 mm,地下茎增长3.68 cm,匍匐茎增加1.19条,块茎增加1.06个,产量增加272.48 kg/667 m2,而大中薯比例、商品率基本相同,绿薯率极低,品质改善。  相似文献   
用2003-2008年这6 a所制的马铃薯杂交实生种子做发芽试验。试验结果表明,刚过休眠期的种子发芽率高,而贮藏时间长或是未过休眠期的种子发芽率低,随贮藏年限的增加,发芽率逐渐降低。  相似文献   
通过设置样方、样点和运用物候观测,对退化荒漠植物群落进行轻度放牧利用分析,即运用植被状况与降水量的关系,分析限制植物生长的因素;运用不同稳定性沙丘的植被状况和土壤种子库资料,分析荒漠草地的可利用性和可利用程度;运用物候资料分析民勤荒漠区(灌木和草本植物)牧草利用的主要季节。结果表明:民勤荒漠草地土壤种子库中植物种子丰富,影响当地植物密度和植被盖度的关键因素是降水,可进行轻度放牧。轻度放牧时,要依据牧草展叶盛期的开始序列和果熟期的开始序列选择植物群落,实行小规模、间歇式轮牧。展叶盛期为一年中牧草的第1个利用季节,果熟期为一年中的第2个利用季节。  相似文献   
Liebman  & Davis 《Weed Research》2000,40(1):27-47
Greater adoption and refinement of low-external-input (LEI) farming systems have been proposed as ways to ameliorate economic, environmental and health problems associated with conventional farming systems. Organic soil amendments and crop diversification are basic components of LEI systems. Weed scientists can improve the use of these practices for weed management by improving knowledge of four relevant ecological mechanisms. First, multispecies crop rotations, intercrops and cover crops may reduce opportunities for weed growth and regeneration through resource competition and niche disruption. Secondly, weed species appear to be more susceptible to phytotoxic effects of crop residues and other organic soil amendments than crop species, possibly because of differences in seed mass. Thirdly, delayed patterns of N availability in LEI systems may favour large-seeded crops over small-seeded weeds. Finally, additions of organic materials can change the incidence and severity of soil-borne diseases affecting weeds and crops. Our research on LEI sweetcorn and potato production systems in central and northern Maine (USA) suggests that these mechanisms can reduce weed density and growth while maintaining crop yields. Low-external-input farming systems will advance most quickly through the application of interdisciplinary research focused on these and other ecological mechanisms.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: An efficient delivery system for seed‐protectant chemicals is needed in light of several disadvantages of conventional seed treatment methods. This study evaluates the efficacy of film‐coat application in maintaining the persistence and potency of imidacloprid on Lycopersicon esculentum (L.) Mill. seeds after simultaneous storage under ambient and regulated environment in paper and aluminium packages. RESULTS: High‐performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) revealed 0.135 mg kg?1 of herbage material to be the threshold value beyond which absolute control was obtained, and with film coating the latter was achieved even with half‐dosage seed treatment, irrespective of the storage condition. The technique provided early protection to the crop and also nullified the deleterious effects of ambient storage on the persistence and potency of the pesticide. CONCLUSION: Film coating enabled superior pesticide dosage as well as higher biological efficacy to be achieved. Hence, in addition to being an ecofriendly alternative, the technique would be a more economically viable option for storage of treated seeds. Copyright © 2009 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   
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