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BACKGROUND: RNA interference (RNAi) is a breakthrough technology for conducting functional genomics studies and also as a potential tool for crop protection against insect pests. The major challenge for efficient pest control using RNAi in the field is the development of efficient and reliable methods for production and delivery of double‐stranded RNA (dsRNA). In this paper, the potential of feeding dsRNA expressed in bacteria or synthesized in vitro to manage populations of Colorado potato beetle, Leptinotarsa decemlineata (Say) (CPB), was investigated. RESULTS: Feeding RNAi successfully triggered the silencing of all five target genes tested and caused significant mortality and reduced body weight gain in the treated beetles. This study provides the first example of an effective RNAi response in insects after feeding dsRNA produced in bacteria. CONCLUSION: These results suggest that the efficient induction of RNAi using bacteria to deliver dsRNA is a possible method for management of CPB. This could be also a promising bioassay approach for genome‐wide screens to identify effective target genes for use as novel RNAi‐based insecticides. Copyright © 2010 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: Metribuzin is a widely used herbicide that has been identified as a groundwater contaminant. In this study, slow‐release formulations of metribuzin were designed by encapsulating the active ingredient in phosphatidylcholine (PC) vesicles and adsorbing the vesicles onto montmorillonite. RESULTS: The maximum active ingredient content in the slow‐release formulations was 246 g kg?1. Infrared spectroscopy results revealed that the hydrophobic interactions between metribuzin and the alkyl chains on PC were necessary for encapsulation. In addition, water bridges connecting the herbicide and the PC headgroup enhanced the solubility of metribuzin in PC. Adsorption experiments in soils were performed to evaluate the relationship between sorption and leaching. Funnel experiments in a sandy soil revealed that the herbicide was not irreversibly retained in the formulation matrix. In soil column experiments, PC–clay formulations enhanced herbicide accumulation and biological activity in the top soil layer relative to a commercial formulation. PC–clay formulations also reduced the dissipation of metribuzin by a factor of 1.6–2.5. CONCLUSIONS: A reduction in the recommended dose of metribuzin can be achieved by employing PC–clay formulations, which reduces the environmental risk associated with herbicide applications. Moreover, PC and montmorillonite are non‐toxic and do not negatively affect the environment. Copyright © 2010 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   
A six-state, 5 year field project was initiated in 2006 to study weed management methods that foster the sustainability of genetically engineered (GE) glyphosate-resistant (GR) crop systems. The benchmark study field-scale experiments were initiated following a survey, conducted in the winter of 2005-2006, of farmer opinions on weed management practices and their views on GR weeds and management tactics. The main survey findings supported the premise that growers were generally less aware of the significance of evolved herbicide resistance and did not have a high recognition of the strong selection pressure from herbicides on the evolution of herbicide-resistant (HR) weeds. The results of the benchmark study survey indicated that there are educational challenges to implement sustainable GR-based crop systems and helped guide the development of the field-scale benchmark study. Paramount is the need to develop consistent and clearly articulated science-based management recommendations that enable farmers to reduce the potential for HR weeds. This paper provides background perspectives about the use of GR crops, the impact of these crops and an overview of different opinions about the use of GR crops on agriculture and society, as well as defining how the benchmark study will address these issues.  相似文献   
The most widely used Iron (Fe) fertilizer in calcareous soils is the synthetic chelate Fe(o,o‐EDDHA). However, humic substances are occasionally combined with Fe chelates in drip irrigation systems in order to lower costs. We investigated the effect of various mixtures of Fe(o,o‐EDDHA) and a commercially available humic substance on Fe availability in a calcareous soil from Murcia, Spain (in vitro experiment) and on leaf Fe content and fruit‐quality attributes of Citrus macrophylla (field experiment). In the in vitro experiment, a calcareous soil was incubated for 15 d with solutions of sole Fe(o,o‐EDDHA) and humic substance and of a mixture of humic substance and Fe(o,o‐EDDHA) to determine the dynamics of available Fe. While the mixture did not significantly increase the available soil Fe, it did decrease the rate of Fe retention in the surface soil compared to sole Fe(o,o‐EDDHA). In the field experiment, the substitution in the application solution of 67% of Fe(o,o‐EDDHA) by commercial humic substance increased leaf P in lemon trees from 0.19% with sole Fe(o,o‐EDDHA) to 0.30% and leaf Fe from 94 mg kg–1 to 115 mg kg–1. Some quality parameters like vitamin C content and peel thickness were also improved with a partial substitution of Fe(o,o‐EDDHA) by humic substances. We conclude that a partial substitution of commercial Fe chelates by humic substance can improve crop Fe uptake and may thus be economically attractive. The underlying physiological mechanisms and ecological implications require further studies.  相似文献   
The effect of copper (Cu) excess (1.5, 4.7, 31, 78, 156 μM) and exogenously supplied succinate on plant growth, chlorophyll content, chlorophyll fluorescence, and isoenzym profiles of some antioxidant enzymes in maize plants was studied. Excessive Cu supply led to a reduction in the relative growth rate (RGR), tolerance index (TI), chlorophyll a and chlorophyll b contents, and the quantum yield of PSII electron transport in the light‐adapted state (ΦPSII). Copper treatment induced several changes in the anionic and cationic peroxidases (PODs), as well as superoxide dismutase (SOD) isoenzyme profiles. After 8 d of 78 μM–Cu treatment, two new anionic and two new cationic peroxidase isoenzymes in the roots were registered. Copper applied at concentrations above 31 μM resulted in higher levels of manganese superoxide dismutase (Mn‐SOD) in the roots and Cu,Zn‐superoxide dismutase (Cu,Zn‐SOD) in the leaves. However, the addition of Na‐succinate (200 μM) to the root medium prior to Cu treatment increased the capacity of the plants to partially overcome Cu toxicity.  相似文献   
Iron (Fe) toxicity is a major stress to rice in many lowland environments worldwide. Due to excessive uptake of Fe2+ by the roots and its acropetal translocation into the leaves, toxic oxygen radicals may form and damage cell structural components, thus impairing physiological processes. The typical visual symptom is the “bronzing” of the rice leaves, leading to substantial yield losses, particularly when toxicity occurs during early vegetative growth stages. The problem is best addressed through genotype improvement, i.e., tolerant cultivars. However, the time of occurrence and the severity of symptoms and yield responses vary widely among soil types, years, seasons, and genotypes. Cultivars resistant in one system may fail when transferred to another. Better targeting of varietal improvement requires selection tools improving our understanding of the resistance mechanisms and strategies of rice in the presence of excess iron. A phytotron study was conducted to develop a screen for seedling resistance to Fe toxicity based on individual plants subjected to varying levels of Fe (0–3000 mg L–1 Fe supplied as Fe(II)SO4), stress duration (1–5 d of exposure), vapor‐pressure deficit (VPD; 1.1 and 1.8 kPa), and seedling age (14 and 28 d). Genotypes were evaluated based on leaf‐bronzing score and tissue Fe concentrations. A clear segregation of the genotypic tolerance spectrum was obtained when scoring 28 d old seedlings after 3 d of exposure to 2000 mg L–1 Fe in a high‐VPD environment. In most cases, leaf‐bronzing scores were highly correlated with tissue Fe concentration (visual differentiation in includer and excluder types). The combination of these two parameters also identified genotypes tolerating high levels of Fe in the tissue while showing only few leaf symptoms (tolerant includers). The screen allows selecting genotypes with low leaf‐bronzing score as resistant to Fe toxicity, and additional analyses of the tissue Fe concentration of those can identify the general adaptation strategy to be utilized in breeding programs.  相似文献   
A study was carried out on a silty clay loam soil (Typic Haplustept) to evaluate the effect of farmyard manure (FYM) vis‐à‐vis fertilizer and irrigation application on the soil organic C content and soil structure. The fertilizer treatments comprised of eight different combinations of N and FYM and three water regimes. The results indicated that the application of FYM and increasing N rate increased soil organic carbon (SOC) content. Addition of FYM also increased the percentage of large sized water stable aggregates (> 5 mm) and reduced the percentage of smaller size aggregates. This was reflected in an increase in the mean weight diameter (MWD) and improved soil structure. The organic carbon content in macroaggregates (> 1 mm) was greater compared to microaggregates, and it declined with decrease in size of microaggregates. This difference in organic C content between macro‐ and microaggregates was more with higher N dose and FYM treated plots. The effect of residual FYM on MWD and organic C content of the soil after wheat harvest was not significant. The effect was less in deeper layers compared to surface layers of the soil. MWD was significantly correlated with the SOC content for the top two layers.  相似文献   
灌溉方法对保护地土壤有机氮组分及剖面分布的影响   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
用Bremner有机氮分组法测定了连续7年采用不同灌溉方法灌溉的保护地土壤各剖面层次有机氮组分含量。结果表明,土壤全氮及有机氮各组分含量均随土层深度的增加而降低,但有机氮各组分占全氮的比例随土层深度增加的变化却无明显规律。用3种灌溉方法灌溉,不同土层间土壤有机氮各组分含量的差异主要存在于0~50 cm土层,50 cm以下差异很小;相同土层,土壤有机态氮含量均以酸解氮为主,且酸解氮中各组分绝对含量和相对含量的大小排列顺序均为,未知态氮>氨态氮>氨基酸态氮>氨基糖态氮。在0~80 cm土层,土壤酸解氮占全氮的比例大多在58%~60%之间,只有渗灌处理0~10 cm,10~20 cm及沟灌处理0~10 cm土层酸解氮占全氮的比例较低,分别为34.21%,50.75%和48.02%;而非酸解氮占全氮的比例大多在32%~36%之间。3种灌溉方法相比较,除个别层次外,酸解氮中氨基酸态氮、氨基糖态氮及氨态氮占全氮的比例在各土层中滴灌和渗灌处理均高于沟灌处理,而酸解未知态氮和非酸解氮占全氮的比例则为沟灌处理高于滴灌和渗灌处理。  相似文献   
Various methods exist for the isolation of particulate organic matter (POM), one of the soil‐organic‐matter (SOM) fractions reacting most sensitive on land‐use or soil‐management changes. A combination of density separation and ultrasonic treatment allows to isolate two types of POM: (1) free POM and (2) POM occluded in soil aggregates. POM fractions are closely linked to their biochemical function for the formation and stabilization of aggregates, therefore methods using different aggregate sizes may result in different POM fractions isolated. We evaluated two physical fractionation procedures to reveal whether they yield different POM fractions with respect to amount and composition, using grassland and arable soils with sandy‐loam to sandy–clay‐loam texture and thus low macroaggregate stability. Method I used air‐dried aggregates of <2.0 mm size and a low‐energy sonication for aggregate disruption, method II used field‐moist aggregates <6.3 mm and a high‐energy–sonication procedure for aggregate disruption. POM fractions were analyzed by elemental analysis (C, N) and CPMAS 13C‐NMR spectroscopy. With both methods, about similar proportions of the SOM are isolated as free or occluded POM, respectively. The free‐ and occluded‐POM fractions obtained with method I are also rather similar in C and N concentration and composition as shown by 13C‐NMR spectroscopy. Method II isolates a free‐ and occluded‐POM fraction with significantly different C and N concentrations. NMR spectra revealed significant differences in the chemical composition of both fractions from method II, with the occluded POM having lower amounts of O‐alkyl C and higher amounts of aryl C and alkyl C than the free POM. Due to the use of larger, field‐moist aggregates with minimized sample pretreatment, two distinctly different POM fractions are isolated with method II, likely to be more closely linked to their biochemical function for the formation and stabilization of aggregates. High‐energy sonication as in method II also disrupts small microaggregates <63 µm and releases fine intraaggregate POM. This fraction seems to be a significant component of occluded POM, that allows a differentiation between free and occluded POM in sandy soils with significant microaggregation. It can be concluded, that microaggregation in arable soils with sandy texture is responsible for the storage of a more degraded occluded POM, that conversely supports the stabilization of fine microaggregates.  相似文献   
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