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Our study aimed to assess the effect of dual inoculation with the selected Rhizobium strain KWN35 and the arbuscular mycorrhizal isolate BEG 176 (Glomus etunicatum) on the growth of Calliandra calothyrsus cultivated under irrigation in the field in Senegal (Dakar) over a period of 24 months. Although plants inoculated with both microsymbionts grew better (height and root collar diameter) than plants from three other inoculation treatments (control, single inoculation with KWN35 or BEG 176), these results were not statistically different except at 1 and 5 months after field transplantation. KWN35 was present in a relatively high percentage of nodules harvested from plants inoculated with this rhizobial strain either alone or with mycorrhiza (approximately 60% and 40% 1 and 2 years after field transplantation respectively). The percentage of mycorrhizal root infections was around 60% in the inoculated plants after 12 months with significantly higher N, P and K foliar contents of trees compared with the non-inoculated controls. However, as for nodulation, by 24 months after transplantation, there were no significant differences between treatments. We conclude that field inoculation of C. calothyrsus with Rhizobium strain KWN35 and arbuscular mycorrhizal isolate BEG 176 did not have a long-lasting effect on the growth of trees, even when a majority of nodules were occupied by the inoculated rhizobia and the roots infected by the mycorrhiza. Several reasons can be postulated for these results, such as a possible effect of soil fertility on the efficiency of the nodules.  相似文献   
松材线虫病是一种通过媒介昆虫携带松材线虫(Bursaphelenchus xylophilus)侵染松树而导致松树迅速死亡的一种毁灭性传染病害。人为调运未经处理或处理不彻底的感病原木、木材、薪材及包装箱等制品是病害扩散的主要原因。随着国际贸易往来和国内各地之间各种形式的交流日益频繁,  相似文献   
Comparative virulence of blue-stain fungi isolated from Japanese red pine   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
 We made inoculations to determine the comparative virulence of blue-stain fungi isolated from Japanese red pine (Pinus densiflora Sieb. & Zucc.). Based on the symptoms caused by each fungus, the most virulent fungus was Leptographium wingfieldii. Also, Ophiostoma minus was relatively virulent while lesions induced by some species did not differ from those in the control treatment. Based on the results, we concluded that the pathogenicity of the blue-stain fungi varied widely, and thus their impact on the host most likely varies too. Received: June 7, 2002 / Accepted: October 4, 2002 Present address: JST Domestic Research Fellow, Forest Pathology Laboratory, Tohoku Research Center, Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute, 92-25 Nabeyashiki, Shimo-Kuriyagawa, Morioka 020-0123, Japan Tel +81-19-648-3961; Fax +81-19-641-6747 e-mail: H_masu@hotmail.com Acknowledgments We thank Drs. Ohtaka and Usuki, Plant Pathology and Mycology Laboratory, Institute of Agriculture and Forestry, University of Tsukuba, for technical assistance. Contribution No. 174, Plant Pathology and Mycology Laboratory, Institute of Agriculture and Forestry, University of Tsukuba. Correspondence to:H. Masuya  相似文献   
陇东子午岭林区针叶树生斑痣盘菌目(Rhytisnlatales)真菌5属13种;其中寄主新记录2种,国内分布新记录7种。  相似文献   
改进马尾松育苗方法的试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对马尾松采用控制苗木密度、芽苗截根移栽和接种菌根菌等技术进行育苗试验,结果表明:苗木密度应控制在150株/m2,芽苗截根以保留主根长度1/2为宜;采用厚环乳牛肝菌进行人工接种效果较好。  相似文献   
黄藤(Daemonorops margaritae),是我国热带和南亚热带森林中的主要伴生植物,是我国的优良商品棕榈藤种,为中国特有种(许煌灿等,1994a)。天然分布以海南岛为中心,延伸至23°30'N以南的广  相似文献   
以灭菌土为生长基质,采用盆栽试验和室内分析相结合的方法,研究不同施氮水乎下接种AM真菌摩西球囊霉和缩球囊霉对刺槐生长和营养代谢的影响.结果表明:接种AM真菌后刺槐根系菌根侵染率、根系活力和植株的生物量以及叶片超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化氢酶(CAT)和硝酸还原酶(NR)活性都随着施氮量的增加先升高后降低,在土壤中施氮量为0.4 g·kg-1水平时最好;相反,刺槐叶片丙二醛(MDA)和游离脯氨酸(PRO)含量却随着施氮量的增加先降低后升高,在施氮量为0.4 g·kg-1水平时最小.AM真菌的菌根效应因菌种不同而异,接种摩西球囊霉后,其菌根侵染率与各指标的相关性显著,更能促进刺槐的生长和营养代谢.  相似文献   
大型真菌与立木腐朽   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
系统地介绍了大型真菌与立木腐朽的特点,包括大型真菌及立木腐朽的概念、立木腐朽的过程和分类、木腐菌的发病规律等;综述了主要的木腐菌和立木腐朽病及其研究进展;并在木腐菌的应用上进行详细的阐述。  相似文献   
The ectomycorrhizas (ECM) formed by Lactarius quietus, an ECM fungus specifically associated with Quercus spp., are abundant all the year long. Root and stem growth, beginning before bud break in oak, are strong carbon sinks partially fulfilled with carbohydrate reserves. We hypothesized that L. quietus contributes to providing trees with carbon at bud break through enzymatic activities before photosynthesis begins. Activities of eight secreted enzymes (xylosidase, glucuronidase, cellobiohydrolase, β-glucosidase, N-acetyl-glucosamine, leucine aminopeptidase, acid phosphatase and laccase) relevant to carbon cycling and the release of phophorus and nitrogen from soil organic matter were measured on L. quietus ECMs before, during and after the bud break. Phenological, climatic and pedoclimatic parameters were also measured. Laccase, glucuronidase, cellobiohydrolase and β-glucosidase activities proved to be significantly related to tree reactivation and climate. All these activities can help the formation of new tissues by supplying carbon. L. quietus can behave saprotrophically, using soil organic matter as substrate. This is consistent with the hypothesis that it provides the oak trees with carbon when demand is high and photoassimilates are not yet available.  相似文献   
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