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以滇西北香格里拉亚高山地区生态严重退化的荒草坡植被类型和基本实现恢复的近原生林地植被类型中主要植物的丛枝菌根真菌(AMF)作为研究对象,对这些植物根系的AMF感染率及其根际土壤中的AMF孢子密度进行了调查研究。结果表明,荒草坡的10种植物和近原生林地的9种植物,均形成典型的丛枝菌根(AM)。荒草坡和近原生林植物根际土壤中的平均孢子密度分别为674±221(SE)个/100g土和290±72个/100g土。单因素方差分析表明,两植被类型的主要植物在根系AMF菌丝感染率以及根际土壤中AMF孢子密度方面的差异都极显著。同种植物在近原生林地具有较高的AMF感染率,而根际土壤中的孢子密度则是在荒草坡为高。相关性分析表明,所调查植物的根系AMF菌丝感染率与根际土壤中的AMF孢子密度间不存在相关性。  相似文献   
We used standard isolation protocols to explore the endophytic fungal communities in three tissue types of two dominant orchids (Bulbophyllum neilgherrense and Vanda testacea) of the Kaiga forest ofthe Western Ghats. We surface sterilized and assessed 90 segments ofeach orchid for the occurrence and diversity of endophytic fungal taxa.The 118 fungal isolates were obtained from root, bulb and leaves of B.neilgherrense, consisting of 17 anamorphic taxa (range, 10 15 taxa) with 1.3 fungal taxa per segment (range, 1.2 1.4 taxa). Four taxa (Aspergillus flavus, A. niger, Penicillium sp. and morpho sp. 1) belonged to the coregroup (11.1% 32.2%). The relative abundance of A. flavus and morpho sp.1 was more than 10%. A total of 130 fungal isolates from roots, stems and leaves of V. testacea yielded 20 anamorphic taxa (range, 11 15 taxa)with 1.4 fungal taxa per segment (range, 1.4 1.5 taxa). Aspergillus flavus,A. niger, A. ochraceus, Gliocladium viride, Penicillium sp. and morphosp. 1 belonged to the core group. Relative abundance exceeded 10% for A. flavus, A. niger, and morpho sp. 1. The Simpson and Shannon diversity indices were higher in leaf than root or bulb/stem of both orchids.Jaccard’s similarity coefficient was higher between root and leaf in both orchids (56.3% 60%) than between other pairs. Our study revealed thatthe endophytic fungal assemblage and diversity of B. neilgherrense and V.testacea of Kaiga forest of the Western Ghats were relatively similar between orchids and their tissues.  相似文献   
2006-2009年从内蒙古中西部林木、花卉病害部位分离鉴定出链格孢属Alternaria 19种,分别寄生在39种植物上;黑腐皮壳属Valsa 2种,寄生在5种林木上;茎点霉属Phoma 1种,寄生在3种林木上;大茎点霉属Macrophoma 1种,寄生在1种林木上;叶点霉属Phyllosticta 6种,寄生在6种林木上;丝核菌属Rhizoctonia 1种分别寄生在5种林木上。  相似文献   
论攀西地区野生经济真菌生态习性及其与林业建设的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
四川省攀西地区自然条件优越,植被类型多样,林地资源充足,茵物资源丰富,有着发展经济真菌的优越条件,特别是近年来的林业工程建设为野生经济真菌的生产提供了基本物质基础,为其扩大生产创造了条件。文章列出了该地区常见的有重要经济价值的食药用真菌(分别归入22科、36属)及其生态习性,指出在林业工程建设中应对经济真菌生产给予足够的重视,并提出了相应的策略。  相似文献   
贾春生 《吉林林业科技》2005,34(3):32-33,36
采用1 0×107conidia·ml-1孢子悬浮液浸染方法,从白僵菌和绿僵菌的10个菌中筛选出1株杀虫活性较高的僵菌Ma01菌株,它对荔枝蝽成虫的感染致死率达73 3%。同时野外杀虫活性试验表明,利用2 0×108conidia·ml-1也取得了明显的杀虫效果。  相似文献   
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The effect of soaking on germination and occurrence of fungal infections on Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) seeds and germinants was studied in three commercial seed lots. Treatments in which seeds were soaked in water for 24 h or in which the water was changed during the soak did not have an effect on the species diversity or on the abundance of the fungi isolated from the seeds. Different fungi were found in different seed lots. Most of those isolated are saprophytic or weakly pathogenic, but pathogens such as Sirococcus conigenus (D.C.) P.F. Cannon &; Minter and Trichothecium roseum (Pers.) Link were also isolated. Soaking increased germination energy but had no effect on final germination percentage. The number of mouldy seeds and germinants with disease symptoms was different among seed lots when seeds were germinated on water agar. When germinated in low humified Sphagnum peat, no differences in the emergence of disease symptoms were observed among seed lots. The frequency of disease was lower in peat than in water agar. Soaking had no effect on disease emergence in germination trials on either water agar or in Sphagnum peat.  相似文献   
Fungi are often used to induce agarwood inAquilariatrees. This study was conducted to evaluate the effect of several fungi on agarwood formation over time in youngAquilaria malaccensis (Lam.) trees. Typical changes in the length and light intensity of the resulting discoloration were observed after three and six month periods following inoculation. Wood samples were observed microscopically and classified into several light intensity groups. The discoloration length was meas-ured longitudinally. The duration after inoculation affected the mean of discoloration length: the 6-month old sample (1.70 cm) had a wider discoloration zone when compared to the 3-month old sample (1.17 cm). When measuring the discoloration intensity, a positive relationship with time was perceived. Digital images, captured using a camera-equipped microscope, revealed that wood samples collected after six months appeared to be 1.8-times darker than after three months. We concluded that time, not the species of any of the tested fungi, had significant effect on discoloration length and intensity. Gas chromatography/mass spec-trometry (GCMS) analysis of the 6-month old sample yielded some important agarwood compounds such as benzylacetone, anisylacetone, guaiene and palustrol. This demonstrates that the tested fungi have the ability to induce agarwood formation in nurseryA. malaccensis trees.  相似文献   
Fungi cause serious problems in wood utilization, and environmentally benign wood protection is required as an alternative to traditional chemicals. Chitosan has shown promising antimicrobial properties against several microorganisms. In this study, we present the characterization of and antifungal properties of a commercial chitosan formulation developed for impregnation of wood. A broad range of chemical and mycological methods were used to evaluate the uptake, fixation, and antifungal properties of chitosan for wood preservation. The results show that the higher the uptake of chitosan the lower the relative recovery of chitosan in wood after leaching, and the higher the molecular weight of chitosan the higher the recovery. Chitosan with high molecular weight proved to be more efficient against decay fungi than chitosan with low molecular weight. The fungi tested on chitosan-amended nutrient agar medium were totally inhibited at 1% (w/v) concentration. In decay studies using small wood blocks, 4.8% (w/v) chitosan concentration gave the best protection against brown rot fungi.  相似文献   
牡丹红斑病病原菌的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
从8批次,512个样品中分离得到的优势菌株,对其形态特征、及其着 生方式进行显微检测,同时,进行生物学特性和致病性测定。鉴定出牡丹红斑病病原为枝孢霉(Cladosporium Paeoniae Pass)。该菌在山东地区为首次报道。  相似文献   
菌根真菌液泡的分离及特性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
孔繁翔 《林业科学》1996,32(4):342-347
从菌根真菌黑核菌(CenococcumgeophilumFr.)和鹅膏菌[Amanitamuscaria(L.exFr.)Pers.exHook.]菌丝中,采用多元碱化合物诱导原生质体裂解方法,分离出细胞器──液泡。实验结果表明,在加磷的MMNC培养基中培养4—7天的菌丝经水解酶作用所释放出的原生质体具有较高的液泡化程度;液泡产率约为原生质体的5-10%;细胞质特征酶葡萄糖-6-磷酸-脱氢酶活性测定结果证明了液泡的纯度;而等量原生质体和液泡中酸性磷酸酶及α-甘露糖苷酶活性的比较表明这两种酶主要存在于液泡中,因此,它们可以作为菌根真菌黑核菌和鹅膏菌液泡的特征酶。  相似文献   
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