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The effects of the controlled reproduction of African catfish Heterobranchus longifilis after ovulation stimulation with carp pituitary homogenate (CPH; 4 mg kg?1; group I) or Ovopel (1/5+1 pellet kg?1; group II) were investigated. After the application of Ovopel, eggs were obtained from a higher percentage of females than after a CPH treatment (87.5% and 75.0% respectively). The statistically significant (P≤0.05) effect of ovulation stimulator was specified only in the case of the weight of eggs (expressed in grams and in percentage of female body weight), being higher in fish treated with Ovopel compared with CPH‐treated fish (176.02 g, 8.43% and 109.51 g, 5.48%). The quality of eggs expressed in percentage of live embryos after 24 h incubation was higher by 7.5% in fish treated with Ovopel. Latency period did not significantly affect the weight of eggs, fertilization percentage or percentage of living embryos after 24 h of egg incubation. However, the weight of eggs and percentage of living embryos after 24 h incubation were higher in fish spawning after 12 h latency (159.38 g and 85.30%) compared with the weight and quality of eggs obtained from females spawning after 14 h latency (126.15 g and 76.04%).  相似文献   
The research describes for the first time a possible case of pituitary gigantism in fossil mammals, precisely in deer. The pathology was detected in 2 long bones (tibia and metatarsus) belonging to an individual of an unusual large size found at the Bate cave (Rethymnon, Northern Crete). It formed the basis of Candiacervus major, the largest among the endemic deer species recorded in the Pleistocene-Early Holocene of Crete. Radiological and histomorphological examinations highlighted a reduction in cortical bone thickness and the presence of wide lacunae inside of the bone tissue. The pathological conditions suggest a pituitary gigantism diagnosis also supported by some morphological evidence, such as the extremely elongated distal part of the metatarsal diaphysis, the proportionally small proximal epiphysis, and some bone gracility. The diagnosis of a case of pituitary gigantism as presumed responsible for the extraordinary elongation of the tibia and the metatarsal bone is intriguing as they are, respectively, the paratype and the holotype of the C. major. The species represents a case of a deviation from the “island rule” in Pleistocene large mammals. The new evidence recommends a taxonomic and nomenclatural revision of this species. The main outcomes of this research are as follows: (i) a case of pituitary gigantism is described for the first time in an extinct mammal; (ii) it is underlined that paleohistology may provide interesting clues for disentangling taxonomic and nomenclatural issues; (iii) one of the very few cases of gigantism in insular mammals is being questioned.  相似文献   
目的分析两种入路显微手术治疗垂体瘤的临床疗效,以探讨合理有效的手术方式.方法将分别采用经鼻、蝶窦入路和经颅人路手术的92例垂体瘤患者分为两组,对其疗效进行对比分析,并观察两组患者治疗后3~12个月的临床疗效.结果手术结果和随访显示:经鼻、蝶窦手术组患者的症状、视力、激素水平恢复情况均明显优于经颅手术组,肿瘤全切率及术后并发症情况亦较优,两组比较差异具有统计学意义(P〈0.05).结论经鼻、蝶窦入路显微手术治疗垂体瘤是一种安全、有效的手术方法,且并发症少,有进一步临床应用价值.  相似文献   
Cisternography combined with sagittal linear tomography was performed in eight dogs with pituitary-dependent hyperadrenocorticism, in search of pituitary lesions. In one dog with a pituitary microadenoma, the dimensions of the pituitary gland were within normal limits. In six dogs the pituitary gland was enlarged. In the remaining dog the pituitary gland was also enlarged, but could not be measured due to absence of contrast medium in the cisternae around the pituitary gland. In these seven dogs large pituitary tumors were found at autopsy. With linear tomography the height of the pituitary gland could only be measured in the dog with the microadenoma. In all other dogs compression of the subarachnoid space at the dorsal aspect of the pituitary gland interfered with the assessment of the height of the pituitary lesion, and therefore with the assessment of the presence and extent of compression of the hypothalamus. It is concluded that cisternography combined with linear tomography provides information about the size of the pituitary gland and the presence of suprasellar expansion, although the present technique does not allow an assessment of the severity of the suprasellar expansion.  相似文献   
本实验对牛垂体混合细胞进行24小时体外无血清培养,对其分泌催乳素的功能进行了观察,并分别在培养介质中加入0、1、10、100ng/ml的孕酮、脱氢表雄酮、雄烯二酮、雌二醇和睾酮,用放射免疫测定法测定培养液介质中催乳素含量,以研究这些性腺激素和中间产物对垂体细胞分泌催乳素的影响。结果表明:孕酮对离体牛垂体细胞无血清培养条件下分泌催乳素的功能没有影响。而脱氢表雄酮、雄烯二酮、睾酮和雌激素均引起催乳素分泌量显著升高,说明这些性腺类固醇激素对牛垂体细胞离体培养分泌催乳素具有促进作用,可能是垂体前叶催乳素分泌调节的重要组成部分。  相似文献   
家蚕垂体同源框激素PITX对滞育激素DH的分泌与作用有直接影响。为了探讨家蚕滞育的信号传导机制,研究了3种典型的滞育发生诱导温度和光周期条件对Pitx基因表达的影响。结果显示,亲代催青期滞育卵诱导发生条件25LL显著上调了蚕卵中Pitx基因表达水平。整个世代持续25LL环境中,3龄前幼虫和成虫体内,Pitx基因的表达水平高于15DD环境中的蚕体;胚后蚕体Pitx基因的表达水平有显著组织差异,幼虫眠中表达水平有下调趋势。子代卵内Pitx基因mRNA的水平变化与亲代诱导所致的蚕卵滞育性差异密切相关,滞育性卵中未检测到母源Pitx基因的mRNA,卵龄12~24h的胚胎发生期则有较高水平的表达,卵龄72h后的滞育发生阶段后只有痕迹量;非滞育性卵中有较高水平的母源Pitx基因mRNA,胚胎发生及发育期,Pitx基因转录水平显著高于滞育性卵;亲代20LD催青条件下所产卵滞育性不稳定,Pitx基因的mRNA水平显著高于滞育性卵,也高于非滞育性卵。亲代卵的孵化温度与光周期决定子代卵的滞育性,也影响到Pitx基因表达水平,子代卵内Pitx基因表达水平高低不是蚕卵滞育与否的关键。  相似文献   
The equilibrium dissociation constant (Kd) and the maximum binding capacity (Bmax) of calcitonin (CT) receptor in the plasma membrane of the anterior pituitary in hens were examined by Scatchard analysis of specific binding of 125I‐labeled chicken CT. Values of Kd and Bmax of CT receptor were smaller in laying hens than in non‐laying hens. A decrease in the Kd and Bmax value of CT receptor was observed in the anterior pituitary after the injection of estradiol‐17β and progesterone into nonlaying hens, but not changed after the injection of 5α‐dihydrotestosterone. During an oviposition cycle, the Kd and the Bmax value decreased 3 h before oviposition. In non‐laying hens, neither the Kd nor the Bmax value changed during a full day period. The present study suggests that the CT action on the anterior pituitary may increase 3 h before oviposition by the effect of estradiol‐17β and progesterone in laying hens.  相似文献   
Rainbow trout (Salmo gairneri) were given slow-release coconut oil implants which contained triiodo-L-thyronine (T3) and were subsequently administered ovine growth hormone (oGH) (either 0.24 or 2.5 g/g body weight) or saline every seventh day for four injections. The purpose of the study was to examine the interactions between oGH and T3 on several aspects of the metabolism in rainbow trout.Trout treated with T3 alone had higher carcass water content, lower liver glycogen, higher plasma T3 levels and lower plasma cholesterol, triglyceride and protein levels compared with the controls implanted with coconut oil implants alone. Trout treated with oGH alone had higher condition factors, lowered carcass total lipid content, elevated liver lipid and RNA content, and elevated plasma T3 and L-thyroxine (T4) levels compared with the coconut oil-implanted and saline-injected controls. Trout treated with T3 and oGH had lower liver glycogen content, higher plasma T3 and fatty acid levels and lower plasma T4, cholesterol and triglyceride levels compared with the controls given coconut oil implants and saline injections alone. There were no apparent effects of either hormone alone or in combination on liver: body mass ratios, liver DNA content, liver RNA:DNA ratios, liver RNA:protein ratios, liver protein:DNA ratios and liver protein content.The data suggest an interaction between oGH and T3 as regards the regulation of condition factor, carcass water content, carcass and liver total lipid content, liver RNA content, plasma fatty acid and plasma protein content.  相似文献   
Kutum Rutilus frisii kutum (Kamenskii, 1901), Cyprinidae is an endemic fish of the Caspian Sea. Iranian Fisheries Organization (Shilat) produce up to 200 million fry (1–2 g body weight (b.w.)) to restock the Caspian Sea population annually. Some of these fry are produced by spawning induction in broodfish by carp pituitary extract (CPE). The objective of this study was to assay the effectiveness of the gonadotropin releasing hormone analogue (d ‐Ala6, Pro9‐Net GnRH) alone or in combination with metoclopramide (MET), a dopamine antagonist, on the percentage of ovulated females, latency period, ovulation index and fertilization success. The following hormone treatments were tested: single injection of 2 mg kg?1 b.w. of CPE as a positive control, GnRHa alone 20 and 40 μg kg?1 b.w. and combination of GnRHa and MET as follows: 5 μg+2.5 mg, 10 μg+ 5 mg and 20 μg+10 mg kg?1 b.w. Negative control group was injected with 0.7% saline. The percentage of ovulated females, ovulation index and fertilization success were 90%, 71.3±1.24%, 68.4±2.3%, respectively, in the group treated with GnRHa+MET at a dose of 20 μg+10 mg kg?1 b.w. and were significantly higher than those in the positive control (60%, 64.5±0.23%, 69.1±4.5%) (P<0.05). However, the latency period in this group was longer than that in the positive control (P<0.05). Only 20% and 40% fish ovulated in groups that received 20 or 40 μg kg?1 b.w. GnRHa. No fish ovulated in the negative control.  相似文献   
In an ultrastructural immunocytochemical study we investigated the development of the gonadotropic cells in the pituitary of two to six months old male African catfish in relation to testicular development. In this period, pituitary and testicular tissue samples were collected on five occasions (groups I–V). Blood samples could only be taken from the fish in groups III–V. The testicular development was divided in three stages i.e., immature (only spermatogonia, group I), early (spermatogonia and spermatocytes, groups II and III) and advanced (all germ cell stages including spermatozoa, groups IV and V) spermatogenesis. 11-Ketotestosterone blood levels were low, except for the last group. Antisera were raised against the complete catfish α,βGTH-II, as well as to the separate α- and β-subunits of catfish GTH-II. In the proximal pars distalis of immature fish, undifferentiated cells, somatotrops, putative thyrotrops (pTSH) and putative gonadotrops (pGTH) were found. In the two latter, secretory granules were labeled with anti-αGTH, but not with anti-βGTH-II. pTSH- and pGTH-cells were distinguished on the basis of the size of their secretory granules. During early spermatogenesis, two classes of putative gonadotrops could be distinguished. One type had the same immunocytochemical and ultrastructural characteristics as in immature fish; the secretory granules in the second cell type, which was more abundant, were also immunopositive for anti-βGTH-II. The mean volume of the secretory granules in these GTH-II cells was three times larger than that in the early appearing pGTH-cells. In addition, the later appearing GTH-II cells contained large inclusions, known as globules. These structures labeled with anti-αβGTH-II and with anti-βGTH-II, but not with anti-αGTH. It is assumed that the globules are involved in a differential storage and/or breakdown of the GTH-II subunits. During advanced spermatogenesis the two gonadotropic cell types could still be distinguished, but the early appearing pGTH-cell type was scarce. The present observations permit the conclusion that the early appearing cells may be GTH-I cells. However, definitive proof about their identity depends on the availability of antibodies or cDNA probes specific for GTH-I.  相似文献   
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