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河北省甘薯茎腐病研究初报   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
甘薯茎腐病是近几年在我国发现的一种新的细菌性病害,目前该病已在我国的福建、广东、江西、广西、海南、河南、重庆、江苏等地发生。2013年10月在对河北省甘薯病害的调查中在文安县发现了大量疑似甘薯茎腐病的病株,给当地的甘薯生产造成了严重的影响。经对疑似病株病原菌的分离纯化、柯赫氏法则验证、形态观察以及基于16SrDNA序列的分析,最终确定该病害为甘薯茎腐病,病原菌为达旦提狄克氏菌(Dickeya dadantii)。这是该病害首次在河北省被发现。  相似文献   
三叶草(Trifolium pratense Linn.)为车轴草属,蝶形花科多年生草本植物,原产亚洲南部和欧洲东南部,是一种世界性分布与栽培的优良牧草.因其花叶兼优、草姿美、绿期长而具有较高的观赏价值,近几年作为草坪用草被广泛种植.在自然条件下,三叶草很容易受到不同种植原体的侵染,国外已报道的侵染三叶草的植原体有:三叶草绿变植原体( Clover phyllody phytoplasma,CPh)和三叶草增殖植原体(Clover proliferation phytoplasma,CP)等,这些植原体分别属于16SrI组和16SrⅥ组[1,2].  相似文献   
由槟榔黄化植原体(arecapalmyellowleafphytoplasma,AYLP)引起的黄化病和槟榔隐症病毒1(Areca palm velarivirus 1, APV1)引起的黄叶病毒病是危害槟榔树最严重的两种病害,对海南槟榔产业造成了巨大的经济损失,建立快速的检测技术对于两种病害的预警防控具有重要意义。利用多重PCR(Multiplex PCR)技术同时检测AYLP和APV1,即AYLP巢式PCR第一轮结束后,再使用一次多重PCR对两种病原同时进行扩增,最后进行电泳观察结果。结果显示,通过对多重PCR浓度体系和退火温度进行优化,在一个体系中成功扩增出AYLP和APV1,得到525和311 bp两条特异性大小条带。多重PCR检测与单一PCR检测结果完全一致,并且与单一PCR检测方法比较,多重PCR方法精简了操作步骤,提高了检测效率,显著降低了检测成本,为槟榔黄化病和黄叶病毒病的常规诊断提供了新方法。因此,该技术在AYLP和APV1常规检测中具有重要的应用价值。  相似文献   
泡桐(Paulownia spp.)原产中国,栽培历史悠久.其自然分布或栽培区遍布全国23个省(市)、自治区,北起辽宁,南至广东、广西、云南南部,东起台湾及沿海诸省,西至甘肃.  相似文献   
Bois noir (BN) is an economically important grapevine yellows disease induced by the stolbur phytoplasma and principally vectored by the cixiid Hyalesthes obsoletus. This study addresses the involvement of other planthoppers and/or leafhoppers in BN epidemics in the South Banat district of northeastern Serbia, by performing transmission experiments and multilocus typing of stolbur phytoplasma isolates to determine the vector‐related characteristics of the disease. Transmission trials were conducted with adults of two cixiid congeners, Reptalus panzeri and R. quinquecostatus, which were found to harbour stolbur phytoplasma in the vineyards under study. A molecular characterization of stolbur phytoplasma isolates was performed by sequence analysis and/or RFLP typing of the two housekeeping genes tuf and secY and the two membrane proteins stamp and vmp1. Transmission trials with naturally infected R. panzeri adults from either the BN‐infected vineyards or maize redness (MR)‐affected maize fields revealed a high stolbur phytoplasma transmission efficiency to grapevines. In contrast, experiments conducted with stolbur‐positive R. quinquecostatus originating from BN‐infected vineyards, provided no evidence for a vector role of this species. Seven stolbur phytoplasma genotypes, all of which were tuf‐b types, were detected among the grapevine‐ and insect‐associated field samples according to the tuf/secY/vmp1/stamp typing. STOLg was the genotype most frequently found in naturally infected grapevine (42%), as well as R. panzeri originating from the vineyards (85%) and maize fields (98%). The same genotype was found in all experimental plants inoculated by R. panzeri, confirming its vectorship of the disease.  相似文献   
The phytoplasmas of groups 16SrI (‘Candidatus Phytoplasma asteris’) and 16SrVII (‘Ca. Phytoplasma fraxini’) have been associated with phytoplasma diseases in several urban tree species in Bogotá, Colombia and surrounding areas. The insect vectors responsible for this phytoplasma transmission are unknown. The objectives of this study were to test for the presence of phytoplasmas in leafhopper species (Cicadellidae) collected in areas with diseased trees and to determine the phytoplasma transmission ability of two of these species. Leafhoppers of nine species were collected at two sampling sites and tested by nested or double nested PCR using primers for the 16S rRNA gene. The amplicons were subjected to RFLP and/or sequencing analysis. Phytoplasmas of group 16SrI were detected in morphospecies MF05 (Haldorus sp.), group 16SrVII in MF07 (Xestocephalus desertorum), MF08 (Empoasca sp.) and MF09 (Typhlocybinae), and both groups 16SrI and 16SrVII in MF01 (Empoasca sp.), MF02 (Typhlocybinae), MF03 (Scaphytopius sp.), MF04 (Amplicephalus funzaensis) and MF06 (Exitianus atratus). Transmission tests to uninfected bean plants (Phaseolus vulgaris) were performed using field collected A. funzaensis and E. atratus individuals in separate assays. After 5 weeks, the test plants exposed to individuals of both species of leafhoppers showed symptoms, suggesting phytoplasma infection. Phytoplasma groups 16SrI and 16SrVII were detected in the two groups of exposed plants, indicating that A. funzaensis and E. atratus were able to transmit both groups of phytoplasmas. This is the first report of insect vectors for phytoplasmas of group 16SrVII in the world and of 16SrI in South America.  相似文献   
为探明云南蔗区甘蔗白叶病植原体的昆虫介体及优势种群,丰富甘蔗植原体病害相关理论和技术基础,制定适用于甘蔗白叶病的综合防控措施,2019年采用寻集法和扫网法对甘蔗白叶病发病最为严重的云南省临沧市耿马蔗区进行甘蔗白叶病植原体昆虫介体调查和巢式PCR检测分析。调查检测结果显示,采集到的大青叶蝉(Tettigoniella viridis)和条纹平冠沫蝉(Clovia conifer)2种昆虫介体均被检测为阳性,是甘蔗白叶病植原体的自然携带者,说明2种叶蝉可能为甘蔗白叶病植原体潜在昆虫介体;大青叶蝉若虫呈强阳性,初步确定为优势种群。鉴于目前云南蔗区甘蔗白叶病植原体传播方式主要是带毒蔗种和叶蝉类昆虫介体,建议建立甘蔗无病健康种苗繁育基地,及时杀灭蔗园中叶蝉类昆虫介体,从源头上控制甘蔗白叶病的扩散蔓延,降低田间自然传播速度。  相似文献   
The aim of this work was to assess the effects of a combined inoculum of a rhizobacterium and an arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungus on plant responses to phytoplasma infection, and on phytoplasma multiplication and viability in Chrysanthemum carinatum plants infected by chrysanthemum yellows phytoplasma (CY). Combined inoculation with Glomus mosseae BEG12 and Pseudomonas putida S1Pf1Rif resulted in some resistance to phytoplasma infection (about 30%), delayed symptom expression in nonresistant plants, improved growth of the aerial part of the infected plants (+68·1%), and altered root morphology (root tip number: +49·9%; branching degree: +82·8%). Combined inoculation with the two beneficial microorganisms did not alter CY multiplication and viability. In inoculated and infected plants, phytoplasma morphology was typical of senescent cells. A more active and efficient root system in double‐inoculated plants probably mediated the effects of the two rhizospheric microorganisms in the infected plants. The practical application of rhizospheric microorganisms for mitigating phytoplasma damage, following evaluation under field conditions, represents an additional tool for the integrated management of phytoplasmosis.  相似文献   
Leafhopper Cicadulina bipunctata is represented the main insect as a pathogen for phytoplasma disease occurring by insect-transmitted plant viruses in date palm orchards. Therefore, it is important to investigate the potential effect of some insecticides against such insect. The adults of leafhopper C. bipunctata were collected from date palm orchards in Alhasa, Eastern province, Saudi Arabia. Three insecticides from different classes--beta-cyfluthrin (pyrethroids), imidacloprid (neonicotinoids) and abamectin (natural compounds)--have been evaluated in vivo against adults C. bipunctata. This stage was exposed to residual film of various concentrations of each insecticide on transparent plastic cups using a Potter precision laboratory spray tower. Bioassay test showed that both beta-cyfluthrin and imidacloprid caused 100% mortality by 500 ppm at 24 h after treatment, whereas abamectin gave the same mortality by 50 ppm at the same time. Toxicity values revealed that abameetin was the most potent insecticide compared with beta-cyfluthrin and imidacloprid, where the lethal concentrations LC50 and LC95 were 24.58 ppm and 116.73 ppm at 3 h after treatment, respectively. Therefore, abamectin can be a possible candidate to be applied on date palm or ground grass by the Ministry of Agriculture after successful field experiments.  相似文献   
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