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长期有机无机肥配施对水稻产量及土壤有效养分影响   总被引:49,自引:0,他引:49  
利用中国农业科学院红壤实验站开始于1982年的水稻长期定位试验,研究长期有机无机肥配施对水稻产量及土壤速效氮、磷、钾含量的动态变化(1982—2011年)特征。29年研究结果表明:长期有机无机肥配施(NPKM)能提高水稻产量,培肥地力。长期施用化肥(NPK)导致水稻产量降低。稻谷产量随着施肥量的增加而增加。在等氮投入情况下,增施化学磷肥的增产效应要高于化学钾肥,且早稻表现尤为明显;长期单施有机肥和单施化肥对稻谷产量的影响没有显著差异。随着施肥时间的延长,各处理水稻产量差异越显著。各施肥处理土壤碱解氮增加速率表现为慢-快-慢三个阶段,有机肥的施用相较单施化肥,能够显著提高土壤碱解氮含量(p0.05)。土壤有效磷的累积主要与化学磷肥的施用有关,各施肥处理土壤有效磷历年平均含量变化趋势为:NPKM、NPM、PKMNPKM、NKM(p0.01);土壤速效钾以有机肥和化学钾肥配施的处理(NPKM、NKM、PKM)增加最快,单施化学肥料的处理(NPK)增加最慢。随着氮、磷施用量的增加,土壤中氮、磷素出现盈余,但NPKM处理相比其他处理能够有效降低盈余量;各处理土壤中钾素均表现为亏缺状态,红壤性水稻田至少每年应补充投入钾素200 kg hm-2才能基本维持土壤钾素平衡。  相似文献   
周文昌  崔丽娟 《土壤学报》2014,51(2):226-237
泥炭湿地占全球陆地表面积的2%~3%和全球湿地面积的40%~70%,却存储3.0×1017~6.0×1017g碳。以前有关泥炭湿地碳储量的研究主要偏重于土壤,尤其在北方,缺乏对植被和枯枝落叶层的综合报道。本文综述了近些年来全球泥炭地碳储量(土壤碳储量、植被碳储量和枯枝落叶层碳储量)核算的研究进展。目前,全球泥炭地碳储量的核算仍存在较大的不确定性,其主要原因是全球泥炭地碳储量核算方法的数据信息不足,缺乏植被生物量、地表凋落物、碳质量分数、深度、容重和面积等全面数据,尤其是关于全球泥炭地面积较大的地区或国家;其次,人为干扰活动也进一步增加了全球泥炭地碳储量估算的不确定性,使得碳储量估算变得更困难。我国湿地面积居亚洲第一,世界第四,然而泥炭地/湿地有机碳储量估算与其他国家比较,相差较大,数据信息不足且存在较大波动。因此,为了提高泥炭湿地碳储量的估计精度和预测陆地生态系统应对气候变化响应机制的准确性,进一步加大泥炭地碳储量研究是非常必要的。  相似文献   
江苏省土壤有机质含量时空变异特征及驱动力研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
土壤有机质(SOM)含量是估算土壤碳储量、评价土壤肥力的重要指标,研究SOM时空演变对评估区域土壤固碳潜力,实现土壤可持续利用具有重要意义。以江苏省为例,利用全国第二次土壤普查资料和2006年采样数据,基于地统计学方法和GIS技术,对比研究了1980 - 2006年全省范围内表层(0 ~ 20 cm)SOM含量的时空变异特征及其驱动因子。结果表明:1980年和2006年江苏省SOM平均含量分别为16.55 ± 8.50 g kg-1和18.31 ± 8.32 g kg-1,变异系数分别为51.36%和45.44%。两个时期SOM的变异函数均符合指数模型,块金系数由51.85%增加为56.52%,变程由71.55 km减少至37.83 km,SOM含量的空间自相关性减弱,自相关距离减小。1980-2006年,SOM含量空间分布呈现出北增南减,沿江平原增,宁镇丘陵减,滨海平原基本持平的空间格局,增加幅度由北向南逐渐减小。SOM含量的初始值影响其空间格局的演变,总体上呈现初始SOM含量的高值降低、低值增加的趋势。肥料的大量使用在提高粮食产量的同时也增加了作物残茬和根系的生物量;秸秆还田的大力推行,使得大量的有机物质进入土壤,促进了SOM的累积。不同的土地利用变化对SOM含量变化的作用不同,土地利用方式转变成水田、旱地和林地促进了SOM的增加,而转变成荒地后导致SOM含量下降。  相似文献   
张宁  张如  吴萍  任丽轩  徐国华 《土壤学报》2014,51(3):585-593
采用盆栽的方法,研究了西瓜/旱作水稻间作对西瓜枯萎病和西瓜根系分泌物中酚酸、氨基酸、有机酸种类和含量的影响。结果表明:与对照相比,接种西瓜专化型尖孢镰刀菌(Fusarium oxysporun f.sp.niveum,FON)显著提高了西瓜根系分泌物中酚酸的含量,增加了酚酸的种类如香豆酸,当西瓜/旱作水稻间作时,大部分酚酸的分泌量降低。在接种FON的条件下,西瓜/旱作水稻间作较单作显著降低西瓜根系分泌物中酚酸含量。与对照相比,接种FON提高了西瓜根系分泌中氨基酸的含量,而在西瓜/旱作水稻间作条件下接种FON时,西瓜根分泌物中氨基酸含量没有变化。与对照相比,接种FON显著提高了西瓜根系分泌有机酸的量,当西瓜/旱作水稻间作时,大部分有机酸分泌量降低。在接种FON的条件下,西瓜/旱作水稻间作较单作降低了西瓜根系分泌物中有机酸含量。总之,接种FON提高了西瓜根系分泌酚酸、氨基酸和有机酸的量,西瓜/旱作水稻间作降低西瓜枯萎病发病率和发病指数,并维持西瓜根系分泌酚酸、氨基酸和有机酸的量不增加,因此,西瓜/旱作水稻间作减轻西瓜枯萎病与西瓜根分泌物的调节有关。  相似文献   
有机基质中微生物数量随番茄生育期的变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
【目的】研究不同有机基质配方中微生物数量在番茄不同生育期的变化,为进一步揭示有机基质对番茄生长、产量和品质的影响奠定基础。【方法】以稻壳、玉米秸秆、玉米芯、麦糠、菇渣等农业生物质为原料,将其腐熟后配成5种复合有机栽培基质,基质A:V(玉米秸秆)∶V(麦糠)∶V(菇渣)=2∶5∶3,基质B:V(稻壳)∶V(玉米芯)∶V(菇渣)=5∶2∶3,基质C:V(稻壳)∶V(玉米秸秆)∶V(菇渣)=5∶2∶3,基质D:V(稻壳)∶V(玉米芯)∶V(菇渣)=3∶2∶5,基质E:V(玉米芯)∶V(麦糠)∶V(菇渣)=2∶3∶5,同时以常规有机生态型栽培基质(V(泥炭)∶V(珍珠岩)=2∶1)为对照(CK)。2009-07-25将番茄幼苗定植于装有上述不同配方基质的基质袋中,定期取样采用平板法测定各基质中细菌、真菌和放线菌的数量。【结果】在番茄生育期内,不同配方基质中的微生物数均以细菌最多,其次是放线菌,真菌最少。基质A、B、C的细菌和真菌数均在番茄结果前期达到峰值,分别为每g干样中5.17×107,6.53×107,6.64×107个和26.80×104,18.00×104,19.33×104个;基质D、E和CK中的细菌和真菌数均在番茄结果中期达到峰值,分别为每g干样中5.34×107,5.06×107,2.54×107个和8.00×104,7.73×104,27.73×104个。所有基质的放线菌数均在番茄结果中期达到峰值,峰值以基质B最高,达每g干样11.27×106个;其次是基质C,为7.81×106个;对照基质(CK)最少,为5.30×106个。【结论】不同配方基质中的微生物数量在番茄不同生育期存在差异。  相似文献   
Background   Under anoxic conditions typically prevailing in disposal sites for dredged sediment, methanogenesis is the terminal step during microbial degradation of sediment organic matter. Sediment gas production may pose several problems to site management and post-closure utilisation. Depending on the magnitude of gas/methane formation and the intended utilisation of the site, countermeasures will have to be effected during and after deposition of the dredged material. For this purpose it may be of interest to pre-estimate the extent of gas formation from simple sediment variables. Therefore, the aim of the investigations presented here was to analyse the interrelations between gas formation and sediment physical, chemical and biological qualities. Methods   Freshly sampled riverbed sediment from nine German federal waterways was analysed for standard solid physical and chemical parameters, pore water composition, cell counts of methanogenic and sulfate-reducing bacteria, and gas formation over a period of 500 days. Particle size and density fractionation were carried out in order to characterise organic matter quality. Correlations between methane formation and sediment chemical, physical and microbiological characteristics were tested using linear and multiple correlation analysis. Results and Discussion   The selected sediments, including two with marine influence, differed strongly regarding texture, chemical parameters, pore water composition, and methanogen cell counts. The course of methane formation was found to follow distinct phases. The commencement of methane formation was preceded by a lag phase of variable duration. The lag phase was followed by a strong increase of the methane formation rate up to a sediment-characteristic maximum of 5–30 nmol CH4 h–1 g dw–1. Eventually, the rate of methane formation decreased and reached a more stable, long-term level. The extent and amplitude of each phase varied strongly between sediments and could be correlated well with only a few standard analytical parameters, despite the strong heterogeneity of sediment with respect to chemical, physical, and biological characteristics. Lag phase duration depended strongly on the content of inorganic electron acceptors and also on the number of methanogens present at the beginning of the experiment. Maximum and steady state methanogenesis were mainly determined by sediment total nitrogen. As analysis of sediment density fractions revealed that total nitrogen reflected the share of readily degradable macroorganic matter. Conclusion and Outlook   The results imply that the observed methane formation is a function of the temporally changing balance of the availability of electron acceptors and H2, and the share of easily degradable organic matter. For fresh riverbed sediments, the latter may be deduced from total nitrogen content. Overall, the results showed that methane formation by freshly dredged material may well be pre-estimated from standard analytical data within the first few years of deposition. However, the differently degradable organic matter pools will change over time with respect to size, chemical nature and association with the sediment mineral phase. It can thus be expected that the correlations found in this study will not be readily transferable to older materials. Further studies on the gas formation and organic matter quality by older sediments, e.g. from older dredged material disposal sites of known age, should be conducted and results should be combined with existing organic matter degradation models in order to improve the prediction of sediment gas formation over time.  相似文献   
[目的] 研究优化施肥对黄土高原地区新增耕地土壤质量和作物产量的影响,为新增耕地土壤建立合理的优化施肥处理和区域新造土地的健康可持续发展提供理论依据。[方法] 通过盆栽种植试验,评估有机肥处理(OF)、有机肥配施化肥处理(NP)、常规施肥处理(CF)对新增耕地土壤团聚体数量、结构稳定性、有机质含量和玉米产量的改良效应。[结果] CF处理下新整治耕地土壤有机质含量最低为7.08 g/kg,土壤水稳性大团聚含量低,结构稳定性差。与CF处理相比,优化施肥方式下的OF和NP处理显著提高了新增耕地土壤有机质含量和玉米产量(p<0.05),>0.25 mm粒级大团聚体含量和团聚体稳定性显著提升,其中OF处理对新整治耕地土壤团聚体数量和稳定性的改善效果最佳。在0—10 cm土层,OF和NP处理下土壤有机质含量分别为12.67,11.79 g/kg,比CF处理分别提高了46.2%和36.1%。OF处理下水稳性团聚体MWD,GMD,R0.25值分别比CF处理高了62.5%,21.4%和148.3%,分形维数比CF处理降低了1.7%;NP处理下水稳性团聚体MWD,GMD,R0.25值分别比CF处理高了18.8%,3.6%和40.9%,分形维数比CF处理降低了0.4%。在10—20 cm土层,OF和NP处理下土壤有机质含量、团聚体数量和结构稳定性也得到一定的提升。土壤有机质含量与团聚体平均重量直径(MWD)、几何平均直径(GMD)呈显著正相关关系(p<0.001)。[结论] 优化施肥是有利于提升新整治耕地土壤结构稳定性、保肥特性和土地生产力的有效措施。  相似文献   
为提高烟叶品质,进行了对植烟土壤不同覆盖方式的比较试验,结果表明:高C/N比秸秆与地膜双覆盖能够协调烤烟生长全过程的土壤温度,并且地温日变化幅度小,蓄水保墒作用显著,有机质积累明显,腐殖化作用强,使得烟叶内在化学成分比例更协调,产值高。秸秆单覆盖对土壤性状改良与秸秆和地膜双覆盖相似,烟叶内在化学成分较协调,品质较好,但由于在烤烟生长前期不能提高土壤温度,使得烟叶生长速度较慢,产量下降,产值与地膜单覆盖差异不显著;由于没有新鲜的有机质补充,地膜单覆盖对土壤性状改良不及秸秆单覆盖和秸秆与地膜双覆盖,从而使得烟叶品质较不协调,但产量较高,产值也较高。  相似文献   
为了探讨有机硫化合物在无机汞甲基化过程中所起的作用,以泉州市某企业周边的汞污染稻田土壤为试验材料,以还原型谷胱甘肽为有机硫,采用室内土壤模拟试验的方法,研究了3个浓度(0、500、1 000 mg·kg~(-1))的有机硫施加对土壤中汞甲基化及甲基汞生物有效性的影响。结果表明:和对照组相比,谷胱甘肽添加显著提高了土壤中铁、锰的溶出以及土壤中可溶性碳的含量。此外,谷胱甘肽施用也显著提高了土壤中甲基汞的产生和甲基汞的溶出,对土壤固相中甲基汞的增加率为87.36%~212.48%,对土壤溶液中甲基汞的增加率为4 380.00%~5 890.30%。相关性分析和逐步回归模型表明,土壤中可溶性铁的含量是影响汞甲基化和甲基汞生物有效性的关键因子。研究表明,有机硫促进了汞甲基化,有机硫化合物影响汞甲基化过程不只是有机硫和汞的络合作用,土壤中铁、锰氧化物所起的作用也不容忽视。  相似文献   

We studied the effects of the application of organic matter (OM) and chemical fertilizer (CF) on soil alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity and ALP-harboring bacterial communities in the rhizosphere and bulk soil in an experimental lettuce field in Hokkaido, Japan. The ALP activity was higher in soils with OM than in soils with CF, and activity was higher in the rhizosphere for OM than in the bulk soil. Biomass P and available P in the soil were positively related to the ALP activity of the soil. As a result, the P concentration of lettuce was higher in OM soil than in CF soil. We analyzed the ALP-harboring bacterial communities using polymerase chain reaction based denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) on the ALP genes. Numerous ALP genes were detected in the DGGE profile, regardless of sampling time, fertilizer treatment or sampled soil area, which indicated a large diversity in ALP-harboring bacteria in the soil. Several ALP gene fragments were closely related to the ALP genes of Mesorhizobium loti and Pseudomonas fluorescens. The community structures of the ALP-harboring bacteria were assessed using principal component analysis of the DGGE profiles. Fertilizer treatment and sampled soil area significantly affected the community structures of ALP-harboring bacteria. As the DGGE bands contributing to the principal component were different from sampling time, it is suggested that the major bacteria harboring the ALP gene shifted. Furthermore, there was, in part, a significant correlation between ALP activity and the community structure of the ALP-harboring bacteria. These results raise the possibility that different ALP-harboring bacteria release different amounts and/or activity of ALP, and that the structure of ALP-harboring bacterial communities may play a major role in determining overall soil ALP activity.  相似文献   
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