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饱水和气干状态杉木的压缩成型及其热处理永久固定   总被引:18,自引:9,他引:9  
该研究采用烘箱热处理和真空热处理方法 ,在热处理温度都为 180℃ ,热处理时间分别为 6,10 ,15 ,2 5h的条件下 ,研究比较了饱水状态和气干状态杉木试材的径向压缩成型特性及其在不同方式热处理条件下热处理永久固定的效果 .研究结果表明 :①在相同条件下 ,与气干状态杉木试材相比 ,饱水并经蒸煮的试材在压缩成型后 ,或经热处理后 ,其回复率Rs 较小 ,各项物理力学性质较好 ;②在热处理过程中 ,对照试材的重量损失率WL随着热处理时间的延长而增大 ,而且 ,WL与Rs 之间呈近似线性负相关 ;③在相同条件下 ,与空气介质中热处理相比 ,真空中热处理后试材的材色变化较小 ,但回复率较大  相似文献   
以‘豫甜'桃为试验材料,研究不同包装处理室温贮藏及采后钙处理低温贮藏对其果实品质的影响.结果表明,在室温贮藏条件下,聚乙烯膜包装袋中加入KMnO4(乙烯吸收剂)的贮藏效果明显优于其它2种处理.与对照相比,果实的呼吸速率减小了5.0 mg*kg-1*h-1,果实硬度增加了2.6 kg*cm-2,Vc含量增加了10 μg*g-1,可溶性酸含量增加了0.07 g*kg-1,可溶性固形物含量增加了2.1 g*kg-1,总糖含量增加了2.8 g*kg-1;经ρ为4%的 CaCl2溶液处理后,装入加有KMnO4(乙烯吸收剂)的聚乙烯膜包装袋中,在0~5 ℃的低温下贮藏效果最好,与对照相比果实的呼吸速率减小了1.0 mg*kg-1*h-1,果实硬度增加了2.1 kg*cm-2,Vc含量增加了1.3 μg*g-1,可溶性酸含量增加了0.17 g*kg-1,可溶性固形物含量增加了-0.25 g*kg-1,总糖含量增加了0.5 g*kg-1;综合比较认为采后钙处理再低温贮藏能较好地降低桃果实的呼吸速率,保持果实的硬度,抑制Vc的降解,较长时间地维持果实的营养成分,保持其品质不大幅度下降.  相似文献   
针对常规人工湿地中溶解氧不足的问题,采用页岩空心砖构建自动增氧型人工湿地系统,研究构建系统对废水COD的净化效果。结果表明,自动增氧型湿地内的DO比人工强化曝气型湿地高0.1 mg/L左右,COD去除率达到85%以上,比人工曝气型湿地高2%左右。这说明构建的自动增氧系统可提高湿地系统内部供氧能力,提高湿地系统对废水COD的净化效率。  相似文献   
Characteristics of the treatment processes inside a MSL system were investigated by using a laboratory-scale MSL system, which was set up in a D 10 × W 50 × H 73 cm acrylic box enclosing "soil mixture blocks" alternating with permeable zeolite layers. For the study of the treatment processes inside the system, wastewater, with mean concentrations (mg L−1) of COD: 70, T-N: 12, T-P: 0.9, was introduced into the system at a loading rate of 1,000 L m−2 d−1. Treatment processes in the MSL system were different for the COD, P and N pollutants. Eighty percent of COD was removed in the 1st soil layer among the 6 layers, and the removal rate increased as water moved down and finally reached 90% in the last layer of the system. Phosphorus concentration was lower under the soil mixture layers than under the permeable layers, presumably because P was adsorbed mainly by soil and mixed iron particles. The P concentration in water gradually decreased in the lower layers of the system. The concentration of PO43--P was generally lower in the aerated MSL system than in the non-aerated one. NH4+-N was adsorbed and nitrified in the upper part of the system. The NO3-N concentration was lower in water under the soil mixture layers than under the permeable layers, indicating that denitrification mainly occurred in the soil mixture layers.  相似文献   
在实验中常采用改良Hungate技术、斜面法和平板培养瓶法来进行产氢菌的分离与纯化,但如果事先对所用的样品(材料)进行一些必要的预处理,达到一定的前期选择性培养的效果,就能减少随后的工作量。通过利用简单的酸处理与热处理相结合的方法,并结合平面厌氧操作技术与培养瓶厌氧技术,成功的分离得到了一株高温产氢菌。此菌在45~50℃范围内具有较强的产氢能力。电镜观察表明:此菌为长杆状,无鞭毛。在对此菌进行热处理时,实验结果显示:85℃下处理10min是适宜的。  相似文献   
Three, multiparous Holstein crossbred dairy cows with initial body weight of 385 ± 19 kg were randomly allocated to 3 treatments of rice straw (T1 = untreated rice straw; T2 = 5.5% urea-treated rice straw (5 g urea in 100 ml water to 100 g air-dry (91% DM) straw); T3 = 2.2% urea + 2.2% calcium hydroxide treated rice straw (2.0 g urea and 2.0 g Ca(OH)2 in 100 ml to 100 g air-dry (91% DM) straw) according to a 3 × 3 Latin square design. Each period lasted for 21 days in which feed, feces and rumen fluid were collected during the last 7 days for chemical analyses. The findings revealed significant improvements in dry matter intake and digestibility by using 5.5% urea-treated rice straw and 2.2% urea + 2.2% calcium hydroxide treated rice straw. Ruminal pH and NH3-N were found higher (P < 0.05) as compared with urea-treated rice straw fed group, while blood urea nitrogen and milk urea nitrogen were in normal ranges. Volatile fatty acid concentrations especially those of acetic acid were decreased (P < 0.05) and those of propionic acid were increased (P < 0.05), thus acetic acid:propionic acid was subsequently lowered (P < 0.05) in cows fed with 5.5% urea-treated rice straw and 2.2% urea + 2.2% calcium hydroxide treated rice straw, respectively. Moreover, ruminal viable and cellulolytic bacterial counts were enhanced by urea and calcium hydroxide treatments. Milk protein and fat concentrations were additionally increased by respective treatments while 3.5% fat-corrected milk was highest; ranking from 2.2% urea + 2.2% calcium hydroxide treated rice straw, 5.5% urea-treated rice straw and urea-treated rice straw fed groups. Based on this study, implications could be made that using 2.2% urea + 2.2% calcium hydroxide treated rice straw for straw treatment could be an alternative treatment to 5.5% urea treatment with regards to its effectiveness and treatment cost for lactating dairy cows.  相似文献   
利用中试规模的人工湿地对污泥进行生态稳定化处理.第一年污泥生态稳定化系统表面形成了稳定的污泥层,第二年运行中期考察由污泥层和填料层构成的"二元结构"对污泥渗滤液的处理性能.对进泥(0 cm)、泥沙界面(50 cm)、植物根系层(70 cm)、填料中间层(90cm)和出水层(110 cm)进行取样,试验结果表明渗滤液经过...  相似文献   
以毛白杨(Populus tomentosa)、云杉(Picea asperata)为研究对象,测定并分析了40%甘油水溶液预处理木材经过温度分别为160、180、200℃,时间分别为2、3、4 h的不同热处理工艺处理后,热处理材的平衡含水率、吸湿抗胀率、抗弯强度、抗弯弹性模量和顺纹抗压强度。结果表明,160℃甘油/热处理木材的平衡含水率高于素材和相同热处理工艺处理的未预处理材,随着热处理温度的升高和时间的延长,甘油/热处理木材的平衡含水率逐渐降低;在相同的热处理工艺下,甘油/热处理木材的吸湿抗胀率均大于未预处理的热处理材,并随着热处理温度的升高和时间的延长而升高;甘油/热处理木材的抗弯强度、抗弯弹性模量、顺纹抗压强度低于未预处理的热处理材,甘油预处理对毛白杨热处理材力学性能降低的影响大于云杉热处理材。  相似文献   
温度变化对番茄幼苗抗寒性的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在低温(15℃),中温(20℃),高温(25℃)条件下生长的番茄幼苗,定植前15d放置在相同的高温条件(25℃)测定各处理不同时期幼苗叶片中脯氨酸,束缚水,自由水含量,以观察其抗寒性能的变化,结果表明,在低温下生长的番茄幼苗抗寒性较强,中温下生长的幼苗次之,高温下生长的幼苗抗寒性最差,但三种处理的幼苗放置在同样的高温下抗寒性迅速下降,尤其是低温下生长的幼苗下降幅度最大,到定植叶时不同温度处理幼苗的  相似文献   
热处理技术在果蔬贮藏中的应用   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
综述了热处理对采后果蔬及品质的影响,讨论了热处理对果蔬衰老方面的生理特征如乙烯释放、呼吸、软化、色泽变化及固形物和酸等风味的变化,热处理导致果蔬产生热抗性、防止热害和冷害方面也进行探讨,并展望了热处理技术在果蔬贮藏中的应用前景。  相似文献   
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