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将仙客来种子用高锰酸钾质量分数1000×10 6液浸泡26h左右,进行种皮软化和消毒处理,然后播种在泥炭基质内,深度为(0 6±0 1)cm。在无光条件下保持温度(20±5)℃,湿度90%左右,在50~60d后即可发芽。发芽后应注意增加光照和施肥,也可以用稀释的肥料代替喷水,成苗率达89 9%。  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) biotype B is one of the most important pests on cotton around the world. Laboratory, greenhouse and field experiments were conducted to determine the efficacy of thiamethoxam and imidacloprid seed treatments against B. tabaci on cotton. RESULTS: Under laboratory conditions, the two treatments caused whitefly adult mortality, reduced oviposition and increased mortality of nymphs at 10, 20, 30 and 40 days after germination (DAG). The longer the adults fed on plants from treated seeds, the higher the mortality. The two treatments did not have any effect on eggs. The efficacy of the treated seeds against B. tabaci gradually decreased from 10 to 40 DAG, being the lowest at 40 DAG. In laboratory experiments, the efficacies between the two treatments were similar. In greenhouse experiments, the two treatments were equally effective with lower numbers of whiteflies than untreated controls. With both treatments the concentrations of the active ingredient were gradually reduced with aging of the plants and from the bottom to the top leaves of the plants. Numbers of live whiteflies were well correlated with the dosage of active ingredients. Under field conditions, the seeds treated with both insecticides exhibited similar efficacy against B. tabaci for up to ~2 months. CONCLUSION: Cotton seeds treated with imidacloprid and thiamethoxam were effective against B. tabaci for up to 45 days under laboratory and greenhouse conditions, and up to ~2 months under field conditions. Use of imidacloprid‐ and thiamethoxam‐treated seeds can be an important alternative for management of whiteflies on cotton. Copyright © 2010 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   
由于工程老化,年久失修,北墅水库输水暗渠墙体多处发生位移破坏,严重影响工程的正常使用。通过对输水暗渠墙体破坏区受力状态的初步分析,找出了输水暗渠破坏原因,得出了破坏区墙体与拱座是分离的、直墙顶不承受拱荷载作用、在墙背回填料和较高外水压力作用墙体不满足抗倾安全要求而破坏的结论,提出了衬砌加固处理措施。  相似文献   
采用不同热处理温度、热处理时间、保鲜剂浓度对甜瓜进行三因素三水平的正交设计试验,通过定期对处理后贮藏甜瓜硬度、失重率、可溶性固形物等指标的测定及统计分析来说明热处理及保鲜剂Amistai Dip对甜瓜贮藏的作用,并探讨其保鲜效果的优劣。用40℃、50℃、60℃热水对甜瓜分别进行2min、3min、4min浸渍,之后,喷施50mg/kg、100mg/kg、150mg/kg不同浓度的保鲜剂。实验结果表明:50℃处理3min,浓度为150mg/kg的AmistaiDip可明显改善甜瓜的品质,延长甜瓜的寿命,延缓其衰老。  相似文献   
为了统计和研究石河子垦区大中型奶牛场临床型乳房炎的发病规律及治疗情况,选择石河子垦区6个大中型奶牛场2 600头奶牛作为调查对象,通过对临床型乳房炎进行鉴定及不同治疗方法进行比较。结果表明2 600头奶牛在4—9月份临床型乳房炎发病270头,发病率10.38%;10—3月份发病163头,发病率6.99%。目前在石河子垦区大中型牛场一般常见的治疗药物主要有左旋咪唑拌料、青霉素钾或先锋Ⅴ等+糖皮质激素、中草药组方和青霉素钾或先锋Ⅴ等+中草药组方等。结果,经过预防和治疗后,在4—9月份奶牛临床型乳房炎发病率降至4.92%;10—3月份奶牛临床型乳房炎发病率降至3.00%。调查结果表明:中西医结合用药对临床型乳房炎起到了积极的治疗作用。  相似文献   
Based on introducing fieldbus and fieldbus control system, in this paper, a distributed monitoring system for city wastewater treatment network based on LonWorks is given, the construction, function and character of this network are analyzed.  相似文献   
为了对小豆的高产栽培提供理论依据,以中晚熟小豆品种冀红4号为材料,在出苗到开花阶段进行 SD-14(光/暗,14 h/10h)、SD-12(光/暗,12 h/12h)和 SD-10(光/暗,10 h/14h)3个短日照试验,观察了小豆开花和结荚情况。结果表明:短日照处理加速了植株的生育进程,花期缩短了9~10 d,荚期缩短了3~7 d,总花荚期缩短了5~6 d,差异达显著水平;植株的开花期提早,开花高峰期提前18~20 d,日开花量呈先增后降的趋势;植株的初花节位降低1~2节,单株总荚数达最大值时间提早12 d,结荚数集中于1~10节位,占88.49%以上;各短日处理单荚粒数差异不显著,百粒重均高于对照,单株荚数则低于对照,产量均低于对照,差异不显著。综合比较,短日照处理以 SD-12较好。  相似文献   
介绍了冷凉地区繁育的百合种球的采收和冷处理技术,包括采收时间和标准、挖球、冷库消毒及摆放等.  相似文献   
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