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The hypovirulence-associated mitovirus, Ophiostoma mitovirus 3a (OMV3a), has been shown to be widespread in eastern Canadian populations of Sclerotinia homoeocarpa in the form of latent infection. Latent infection by OMV3a was not associated with an apparent phenotype and did not significantly reduce the growth and virulence of the pathogen. In the present study, we found that isolates of S. homoeocarpa latently infected by OMV3a can change to hypovirulent isolates after storage at 4 °C, and that this attenuation of virulence was associated with increased concentration of the OMV3a virus. Recurrent observations revealed that up to 29.8% of latently infected isolates changed to hypovirulent isolates after 21 months of storage. Transmission of OMV3a dsRNA from latently infected isolates to virus-free isolates resulted in latent infection of the recipient isolates, indicating that latent infection by OMV3a was not associated with genetic differences in the fungal host. The RNA genomes of the OMV3a virus in an isogenic pair of latently infected and hypovirulent isolates were sequenced and compared. Each of the two RNAs contained an open reading frame of 726 amino acids with conserved motifs typical of RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp). The OMV3a RNA sequences in these two isolates share 95.1% nucleotide and 94.6% amino acid sequence identities. The development of hypovirulence from latent infection by OMV3a virus may provide new strategies to improve the biological control efficacy of hypovirulence in dollar spot management.  相似文献   
采用退化迟滞模型,代表叠层橡胶隔震支座的非线形滞回恢复力特性,对基底隔震结构的动力反应进行了研究。通过算例,对叠层橡胶支座水平剪切刚度对基底隔震结构隔震效果的影响进行了定性的分析。结果表明:在峰值位移反应处于允许范围内时,适当的降低隔震系统的刚度值,可以达到较为理想的隔震效果。  相似文献   
不同产区烤烟中主要潜香型物质对评吸质量的影响研究   总被引:76,自引:12,他引:76  
以中国不同烤烟产区C3F烟叶为材料,对烤烟叶中类胡萝卜素及其降解形成的中性香气物和多酚类化合物绿原酸、芸香苷等潜香型物质进行了分析比较.结果表明:各烤烟产区烟叶中上述潜香型物质的含量存在较大差异.烤烟在类胡萝卜素和绿原酸、芸香苷含量较高时,其香气质和香气量也较高.当烤烟中新植二烯和类胡萝卜素降解物各组分之间的含量协调平衡时,烤烟在抽吸时具有较高的香气质和香气量得分.  相似文献   
不同改良剂对酸性土壤的修复效应   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
为明确不同改良剂对酸性植烟土壤的修复效应,采用盆栽试验,分析了施用丰收延酸性土壤改良剂、金叶酸性土壤改良剂及石灰后土壤pH、水解性酸、潜性酸及土壤交换性能的动态变化。结果表明:施用改良剂可提高土壤pH 3.01%~24.11%,降低土壤水解性酸16.08%~50.46%、交换性Al 3+51.80%~64.27%、交换性H+含量84.12%~93.56%,提高土壤交换性盐基总量45.18%~46.16%、阳离子交换量0.33%~20.10%、盐基饱和度21.35%~49.78%。施用土壤改良剂后,土壤pH先升高后下降,至移栽60天后趋于稳定;土壤水解性酸在烤烟移栽后30~90天差异较小,至移栽后120天略有增加。施用石灰的土壤交换性氢、交换性铝一直下降,但施用丰收延、金叶酸性土壤改良剂的土壤交换性铝下降至烟苗移栽后120天略有增加,土壤交换性氢上升至烟苗移栽后120天大幅度下降。施用土壤改良剂后,土壤交换性盐基总量、阳离子交换量、盐基饱和度一直提高,但变化幅度较小。不同土壤改良剂的材料来源及组成成分不同,其对酸性土壤的恢复效果也不同,以施用石灰的效果最好。  相似文献   
Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris induces two types of symptoms, namely, black rot and blight. Black rot symptoms are V-shaped lesions and black veins on the leaf, and blight symptoms are sudden collapse of interveinal tissues following the lack of veinal necrosis at early stages of infection. These two symptoms can occur simultaneously. However, the tendency to induce either symptom type is strain-dependent. Six strains were evaluated for their rate and pattern of spread in misted seedbeds by using strain-specific monoclonal antibodies and miniplate enrichment/ELISA. Data on pathogen incidence was defined as the presence of the pathogen in or on plants rather than visual symptoms. The results indicated that blight-inducing strains spread to more seedlings than black rot-inducing strains. The high incidences of blight-inducing strains in experimental plots were associated with non-randomness of spatial pattern of pathogen spread, indicating that high incidence is primarily due to the spread from adjacent plants by leaf contact and water splash. Most ELISA-positive seedlings were symptomless, indicating that the sensitivity of the system used in this study was adequate for detection of latent or epiphytic spread.  相似文献   
Using survey data of millennials and older adults in Hamilton, Ontario, this exploratory study sought to identify daily travelers based on their attitudes and perceptions toward transportation modes using latent class analysis. Four daily traveler types are identified—“walk and transit-oriented travelers,” “car-oriented commuters,” “multimodal travelers,” and “car-oriented travelers.” The study also examined the association of different sociodemographic characteristics and trip attributes with the four traveler types. Findings suggest that heterogeneity exists within travel-related attitudes among different traveler types. Further, heterogeneous traveler types exist among individuals belonging to the same generation, with the same living arrangements and possession of a driver's license.  相似文献   
宋末元初文人郑思肖留下了许多吟咏“醉乡”的诗作,他的醉乡之境初看起来是一种神仙式的漫游世界,但其背后则深深寄托着坚定心志、廓清环宇的远大理想。此外,他还根据道教神仙故事创作了许多题图诗,此类作品实际上是他“醉乡”梦景的继续,除了“磨砺”心志的意义之外,他力图创造一种清醇的精神乐园。  相似文献   
证明了LR估计是一个非线性有偏估计,并得到了一个重要的推论。  相似文献   
Parsley latent virus, a hitherto undescribed virus, was isolated from 38 out of 54 samples of seed of parsley (Petroselinum crispum) of 17 out of 24 cultivars and from all five European countries tested, but not from some samples from the USA. It could easily be detected in seedlings and also in seeds germinated on moist filter paper, but not in dry seeds or in seeds soaked in water. Strawberry latent ringspot virus was detected in five samples. The parsley virus is symptomless in parsley and caused latent systemic infection inGomphrena globosa, three cultivars ofSpinacia oleracea and weak and often transient systemic symptoms inChenopodium amaranticolor, C. giganteum, C. glaucum andC. quinoa, but did not infect any other species out of all 32 species of seven plant families tested in total.The virus could easily be transmitted mechanically but not by seven aphid species in the non-persistent manner. Dilution end-point was between 100 and 1000, thermal inactivation between 55 and 60°C and ageing in vitro between 7 and 10 days.Purification yielded a single infectious component. The particles were spherical, ca. 27 nm in diameter, with a sedimentation coefficient of 127.5 S, a buoyant density of 1.449 g/ml, an RNA content of 36% and one type of protein with a relative molecular mass of 22×103. Purificition without Triton and urea resulted in preparations with aggregates each consisting of 12 particles in icosahedral array.The virus differs from all viruses described so far and did not show clear serological affinity with antisera to any of 34 widely differing viruses tested. It does not seem of direct practical importance and may be easily overlooked.Samenvatting In zaailingen van peterselie (Petroselinum crispum) werd een nog niet eerder beschreven virus aangetroffen. Het virus kon niet worden aangetoond door toetsing van droge of in water geweekte zaden opChenopodium quinoa maar wel in op filtreerpapier gekiemde zaden en vooral in zaailingen. Het werd aangetroffen in 38 van de 54 getoetste herkomsten, in 17 van de 24 getoetste rassen en in zaad vermeerderd in alle zes hierop onderzochte Europese landen maar niet in enkele zaadmonsters uit de USA. In sommige monsters bevatten nagenoeg alle zaden het virus. In vijf herkomsten werd eveneens het nog niet eerder in peterselie gerapporteerde latente aardbeikringvlekkenvirus geconstateerd. Dit virus kan bij toetsing gemakkelijk worden herkend door systemische symptomen inC. amaranticolor en komkommer.In geïnfecteerde peterselieplanten zijn geen afwijkingen waargenomen. Het virus kon niet op non-persistente wijze worden overgebracht met zeven bladluissoorten maar wel gemakkelijk met sap. Van 32 getoetste plantesoorten van zeven families, waaronder vier schermbloemigen, kon het virus slechts worden overgebracht op vierChenopodium-soorten,Gomphrena globosa en alle drie getoetste spinazierassen. AllenC. quinoa (Fig. 1),C. giganteum, C. glaucum en soms ookC. amaranticolor (Fig. 2) reageerden met vaak voorbijgaande systemische symptomen. Een lokalelesietoetsplant werd niet gevonden. Zaadovergang bijC. quinoa kon niet worden aangetoond.Voor de houdbaarheid van het infectievermogen werden de volgende waarden gevonden: verdunningseindpunt 100–1000, thermaal inactiveringspunt 55–60°C en houdbaarheid in vitro 7–10 dagen.Zuivering door homogenisatie in fosfaatcitroenzuurbuffer, behandeling met Triton X-100 en ureum en differentiële en daarna dichtheidsgradiëntultracentrifugering leverde preparaten op met uniforme deeltjes van ca. 27 nm diameter (Fig. 3B), een sedimentatiecoëfficiënt van 127,5 S, een zweefdichtheid van 1,449 g/ml, een RNA-gehalte van 36% en een relatieve moleculaire massa van de eiwitondereenheid van 22×103. Bij zuivering zonder toepassing van Triton en ureum werd een extra zone verkregen met aggregaten van 12 deeltjes in icosaëdrische rangschikking (Fig. 4). In ruw plantesap waren slechts met grote moeite enkele deeltjes met behulp van de elektronenmicroscoop te vinden.Het virus reageerde niet met antisera tegen 33 bolvormige virussen en luzernemozaïekvirus (Tabel 1). Of de zwakke reactie verkregen met één antiserum tegen het tomate-aspermievirus een verre serologische verwantschap inhoudt, dan wel het gevolg is van een verontreiniging, werd niet vastgesteld.Het virus wordt beschouwd als een geheel nieuw virus waarvoor de naamlatent peterselievirus wordt voorgesteld. Het lijkt door zijn beperkte waardplantenreeks en symptoomloosheid in de vatbaar bevonden soorten, behalve in enkele als toetsplant te gebruikenChenopodium-soorten, nauwelijks van praktische betekenis.  相似文献   
农田冠层与大气水汽通量耦合分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
退耦因子 (Ω)是表征作物与周围大气水汽交换的重要指标。研究了引入Ω评价冬小麦与大气系统潜热通量的耦合度。一般在早晨和接近傍晚时作物与大气之间有较好的耦合度 ,主要是由于此时冠层导度 (gc)小 ;中午时由于风速很大 ,并且gc 达到全天最大值 ,作物与大气耦合度较差。Ω的季节变化由gc 控制 ,而gc受叶面积指数的影响。在拔节期以前有均衡潜热通量 (LEeq) >实际潜热通量 (LE) >强加潜热通量 (LEimp)的趋势 ,而在拔节期以后则呈强加潜热通量 (LEimp) >实际潜热通量 (LE) >均衡潜热通量 (LEeq)的变化趋势。  相似文献   
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