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集体林调查规划体系的中欧比较分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以按照欧盟技术规程编制的湖南省永顺县万坪镇战略森林规划为例,从森林资源调查、编案单位选择、方案的深度和广度、方案的检查评定4个方面进行了中国和欧盟森林资源调查规划体系的比较分析.森林资源二类调查存在的主要问题是调查面积大、精度低;间隔期长,时效性差;调查因子单一,难以满足编案要求.森林经营方案存在的主要问题是编案单位面积广,实施难度大;方案内容单一,针对性差;方法落后,科学性不强;深度不够,方案的可操作性差.笔者从改进调查体系、缩小编案单位面积、扩展规划内容、加强森林经营措施规划、提高民众参与程度和高新技术应用力度等方面提出了我国集体林区森林经营方案的改革思路.  相似文献   
基于Excel函数应用的森林资源二类调查数据逻辑检查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
谢中 《林业调查规划》2010,35(6):59-62,68
以海南省保亭和昌江二县森林资源二类调查小班数据录入后的逻辑检查为例,比较了应用Excel函数编程进行检查与利用森林资源二类调查数据处理软件进行检查的工作效率,结果认为,采用Excel可极大地提高数据录入效率.分析了数据录入过程中可能产生的几种逻辑错误,有针对性地编写了Excel函数逻辑检查程序.  相似文献   
The efficiency of a sample-based inventory can be greatly improved if lower cost information on the study area is utilized. It has been observed that the use of airborne laser scanning (ALS) data in the design phase may improve the efficiency of dead wood (coarse woody debris, CWD) volume inventory notably, i.e. a smaller standard error of the mean is observed with the same inventory costs. In the present case, several auxiliary data sources were employed in the design phase by using ‘probability proportional to size’ sampling to select the sample units to be inventoried in the field. It was observed that a combination of ALS data with either aerial photographs or stand-register data can improve the sampling efficiency even more than the use of ALS as a single data source. Since these additional data sources are often gathered for the inventory of living trees, their use does not incur extra expenses for CWD assessment. Thus, the use of these data separately or together with ALS data can greatly improve the cost-efficiency of a CWD volume inventory. It was also observed that the size of the sample units has a slight effect on the sampling efficiency. Even though the improvement in the sampling efficiency was usually greater with larger sample unit sizes, the CWD volume inventory was most efficient with moderate grid cell sizes.  相似文献   
森林资源连续清查是为掌握宏观森林资源现状和动态而开展的重要工作。为了使森林资源清查工作更贴近自然保护区的日常管理需求,本文结合我国自然保护区特点,对保护区内森林资源清查工作的调查因子、调查方法和记录表格等进行了优化,修订并增加了所有动植物名称、植物多度和生活力、动物活体、痕迹和巢穴数量等调查因子;改进了下木、植被和天然更新等的野外调查和统计方法,并优化了其野外调查记录表。并于2015年78月份对北京市6个自然保护区内的森林资源连续清查固定样地进行了调查测试,改进后生物多样性信息量明显增加,调查记录的灌木种类平均每块样地增加了150%,草本种类平均每块样地增加了700%。采用改进的调查方法所调查样地结果能够更好地体现自然保护区内生物多样性的现状,以期能为自然保护区的森林资源连续清查工作的完善提供借鉴和参考。   相似文献   
多水平林木生物量估算方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究不同水平下林木生物量的估算方法,林分水平不同树种组成的样地生物量估算方法,以及不同尺度生物量的扩展问题,以便于探索大区域的森林生物量估算方法。基于国家森林资源连续清查中广东省的数据资料,分别选择针叶树种马尾松、阔叶树种桉树以及针阔混交林为优势树种的182、168、129个样地数据。在单木水平上,利用已有的各树种生物量模型估算单木生物量,在样地水平上以样地蓄积为自变量,样地总生物量为因变量,分别选用方精云的转换因子连续函数法、一元截距式与一元无截距式、联立方程组截距式与联立方程组无截距式以及幂函数6种方法估算样地生物量,从计算原理和过程、方法特点、模型拟合效果等方面比较研究不同水平下林木生物量的估算方法。在样地水平上,转换因子连续函数法预估效果较差,马尾松林的样地生物量估算方法以含截距式的联立方程组模型预估效果最好,一元无截距式模型适用于针阔混交林,而桉树林的样地生物量估算方法以幂函数方程的预估效果最好。对单株树木而言,各树种的生物形态、树枝与树冠的丰富程度,以及木材密度的大小影响树木材积对生物量的贡献率大小。在样地中,树木年龄不同、大树与小树的比例的差异也会影响样地生物量。  相似文献   
温室气体排放清单是目前最常用的城市碳排放核算方法,有助于在大尺度上了解城市不同行业或部门的温室气体排放情况.然而,中国城市温室气体清单研究刚刚起步,研究成果还不多,尚缺乏系统、规范的城市温室气体研究方法和指标体系.概述了城市温室气体排放清单的主要参考编制方法,介绍了国内外城市温室气体清单的编制情况,对目前城市温室气体清单编制的特点进行了分析,总结了城市温室气体清单与国家温室气体清单在关键排放源、编制模式、方法体系等方面的差异;在此基础上结合我国城市实际,对适合中国城市的温室气体清单编制方法进行了探索,并针对清单编制过程中存在的具体问题提出了建议;最后对未来城市温室气体清单的发展趋势进行了展望,以期为中国温室气体清单编制及研究提供借鉴.  相似文献   
The fallout radionuclide cesium-137(137 Cs) has been widely employed as a tracer for assessment of soil loss from thick uniform soils;however,few studies have been conducted on thin stony soils on slopes underlain by carbonate rocks which are widely distributed in karst areas.Information derived from 137 Cs measurement of soil samples collected along a carbonate rock slope with thin stony soil where neither soil erosion nor deposition occurred was used to investigate the characteristics of 137 Cs redistribution in a karst area of Southwest China.The results indicated that the 137 Cs inventories of the surface soil on the slope studied were much lower than that of the local 137 Cs reference inventory and the 137 Cs activities were much higher than those on slopes with thick uniform soils.The spatial distribution of 137 Cs inventories was characterized by considerable variation.The high 137 Cs depletion in the stony soil of the slope studied was mainly because a considerable proportion of the fallout input of 137 Cs could be lost with runoff and the dissolution of carbonate particles in the soil promoted the loss of 137 Cs.These demonstrated that the rates of soil loss could not be estimated from the degree of depletion of the 137 Cs inventory relative to the local reference inventory for the thin stony soil of the rocky slope underlain by carbonate rocks in the study area in the way that has been widely used in areas with thick uniform soils.  相似文献   
本文根据贮木场原木库存生产的随机性和动态性,用CAR模型自动辨识机辨识上贮木场原木库存动态系统的阶,时滞和参数,建立系统的状态方程,在此基础对库存动态进行kalman滤波和预报,并进行了最优控制。  相似文献   
对森林资源二类调查原“技术规定“和新“技术规定“进行了对比分析,提出了几点建设性意见.  相似文献   
Concerns over the effect of greenhouse gases and consequent international agreements and regional/national programs have spurred the need for comprehensive assessments of forest ecosystem carbon stocks. Down and dead woody (DDW) materials are a substantial component of forest carbon stocks; however, few surveys of DDW carbon stocks have been conducted at national-scales around the world. This study uses the DDW survey of the United States as a case study to examine the challenges of inventorying DDW at a national scale, reviews how dead wood carbon pools are currently estimated in the National Greenhouse Gas Inventory (NGHGI), and suggests opportunities for improving such inventories. The US currently estimates national DDW carbon stocks using models with standing live tree attributes as predictor variables, calibrated using preliminary DDW field estimates. In recent years, implementation of a national DDW inventory has resulted in inventory-based DDW estimates. National field-based DDW estimates follow the national patterns of DDW carbon dispersion seen in earlier model-based estimates. Although the current DDW inventory provides fairly repeatable measurements within a statistically defensible national sample design for producing national estimates of DDW carbon stocks, improving numerous aspects of the DDW survey would may improve the accuracy and precision of C estimates reported in the NGHGI.  相似文献   
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