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管道完整性维护决策系统   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
黄维和 《油气储运》2003,22(11):1-4
介绍了基于风险评价的管道完整性维护决策系统。该系统由风险评价、完整性维护决策和实施效果检测三部分组成。给出了该系统的流程图,并对各组成部分进行了论述。  相似文献   
设计调查问卷,对河北、湖南和陕西3省共计184户农户实施抽样调查,系统分析我国蔬菜安全生产中农药使用现状。结果表明:1.我国农药使用群体以中老年男性为主,其中54.35%教育程度为初中学历,选购农药时主要根据经验判断、经销商推荐的分别占59.24%和48.91%。2.配药过程粗放,简单使用瓶盖量取、估测后直接倒进喷雾器的分别为28.26%、25.54%。3.施药时缺乏安全防护意识,选择戴口罩比例仅为31.52%。4.只有20%的农户遵照农药标签上的安全间隔期收获作物,66.3%的农户从未参加过农药方面的培训。分析认为,我国农药使用群体受教育水平、科学素养、安全和环境保护意识急需提高;加强农药市场监管和技术培训宣传,对推动农户科学使用农药,加速蔬菜安全生产进程具有重要意义。  相似文献   
In its 40‐year history, the science of conservation has faced unprecedented challenges in terms of environmental damage and rapid global change, and environmental problems are only increasing as greater demands are placed on limited natural resources. Conservation science has been adapting to keep pace with these changes. Here, we highlight contemporary and emerging trends and innovations in conservation science that we believe represent the most effective responses to biodiversity threats. We focus on specific areas where conservation science has had to adjust its approach to address emerging threats to biodiversity, including habitat destruction and degradation, climate change, declining populations and invasive species. We also document changes in attitudes, norms and practices among conservation scientists. A key component to success is engaging and maintaining public support for conservation, which can be facilitated through the use of technology. These recent trends in conservation and management are innovative and will assist in optimizing conservation strategies, increasing our leverage with the general public and tackling our current environmental challenges.  相似文献   
天水旱作农业区膜侧小麦不同施肥水平增产效应分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
通过不同施肥条件对膜侧小麦水分利用、农艺性状、增产效应、经济效益等方面分析,研究干旱地区膜侧小麦的施肥问题。结果表明:施肥可以提高水分利用率1.1~3.1 kg/(mm.hm2),促进小麦生长发育;不同施肥水平对小麦的增产效应不同:低肥、中肥、高肥3种施肥水平分别比不施肥的对照增产731.5 kg/hm2,1461.0kg/hm2和1 648.5 kg/hm2,增产率分别为25.5%、50.9%和57.4%;经济效益以中肥水平(折合施纯N118.1kg/hm2,P2O594.5 kg/hm2和K2O 60.0 kg/hm2)最高,产值可达2 045.4元/hm2,产投比为2.7∶1。因此,在低、中、高3个施肥水平中,中等施肥最为有效、合理,有利于增产增收。  相似文献   
Although it is well known that judicious use of adjuvants can increase the performance of foliage-applied sprays of many agrochemicals, little information is available in the public domain about their ultimate effects on pesticide residues in treated crops. In the present work, the influence of Agral (polyoxyethylene nonylphenols), Toil (methyl esters of rapeseed fatty acids) and Bond (styrene-butadiene copolymers) on surface and crop residues of diclofop-methyl/diclofop and propiconazole in wheat and field beans was investigated using a model system simulating field practice. Pesticides were applied as commercial formulations, diclofop-methyl 378 g litre(-1) EC (Hoegrass) and propiconazole 250 g litre(-1) EC (Tilt), at their maximum approved rates, 1135 g AI ha(-1) and 125 g AI ha(-1), respectively, both in the presence or absence of the maximum rate recommended for each candidate adjuvant. No detectable residues of diclofop-methyl or propiconazole were found in wheat 35 days after any of the four applications. However, residues of diclofop were present in this crop, and those from applications containing Agral (0.07 mg kg(-1) fresh weight (FW)) or Bond (0.08 mg kg(-1) FW) were significantly lower than those with no adjuvant (0.14 mg kg(-1) FW) or Toil (0.16 mg kg(-1) FW). Unlike wheat, residues of both diclofop and propiconazole were detected in field beans after harvest. Significantly higher residues of the former were recorded from the applications with Agral or Bond (ca 0.32 mg kg(-1) FW) than with those with no adjuvant or Toil (ca 0.15mg kg(-1) FW). All the propiconazole applications containing adjuvants showed a similar significant increase in residues (0.10-0.16 mg AI kg(-1) FW) over the no-adjuvant treatment (0.05 mg kg(-1) FW) in this crop. There appeared to be little agreement between the apparent amounts of uptake, as indicated by the rates of decline of surface residues up to 5 days after application, and final residues in either target species. On wheat, surface residues of diclofop-methyl decreased from initially ca 20 to as little as 0.02 mg kg(-1) FW using adjuvants; the corresponding values for propiconazole were ca 2 to ca 0.03 mg kg(-1) FW. Recoveries of diclofop-methyl from the surfaces of field beans were much higher than those from wheat, declining from ca 30 to only ca 6 mg kg(-1) FW during the course of 5 days; the corresponding residues for propiconazole were ca 2 mg to 0.15 mg kg(-1) FW. These findings are discussed in relation to uptake results obtained with radiolabelled pesticides and adjuvants in the laboratory, and to the mandatory requirements for pesticide residue data for the authorised use of adjuvants in the UK.  相似文献   
制备了环糊精修饰的氟苯尼考PLGA纳米粒(FF-2-HP-β-CD-PLGA NPs),筛选出其最优处方并进行评价。采用乳化溶剂挥发法制备FF-2-HP-β-CD-PLGA NPs,通过单因素考察,以乳化剂浓度、药脂比、药物浓度和2-HP-β-CD浓度为考察因素,包封率为考察指标,正交试验筛选最优处方,并对其进行体外释放试验。结果表明,制备FF-2-HP-β-CD-PLGA NPs的最佳工艺为PVA浓度2%,药物与PLGA用量比1∶15,药物浓度2.0 mg·mL-1,2-HP-β-CD浓度为1.5%。测得平均包封率为(82.02±0.82)%,处方的重现性较好且工艺稳定可行。在体外药物释放试验中,FF-2-HP-β-CD-PLGA NPs释放速率明显较FF慢且平稳(P<0.05),后期可持续平稳释放至72 h,累积释放率为(82.08±1.71)%。结论表明,制备的FF-2-HP-β-CD-PLGA NPs具有较高的包封率,体外释药具有缓释行为。  相似文献   
Babesia sp. (EU1), first characterized in 2003, has been implicated in human cases of babesiosis in Italy, Austria and Germany. It has been identified in roe deer and in its suspected tick vector, Ixodes ricinus, in several European countries. The aim of the present study was to validate the competence of I. ricinus as a vector of Babesia sp. (EU1) via experimental infections. For this purpose, a parasite strain isolated from roe deer was cloned in sheep erythrocytes. After experimental infections, parasite DNA was successfully amplified by PCR in both eggs and larvae originating from infected I. ricinus females and in the salivary glands of females exposed to Babesia sp. (EU1) as nymphs. We also demonstrate that infected females were able to transmit parasite DNA during a new blood meal. Together with previous epidemiological studies, these results validate I. ricinus as a competent vector for Babesia sp. (EU1).  相似文献   
本研究目的在于制备抗猪带绦虫TSOL18单克隆抗体,并分析单抗对六钩蚴的杀伤作用。采用SephadexG-100纯化在毕赤酵母中表达的猪带绦虫六钩蚴TSOL18蛋白;纯化的蛋白免疫BALB/c小鼠,运用杂交瘤技术建立能分泌抗TSOL18单克隆抗体的细胞株;通过ELISA叠加试验进行mAb的抗原表位分析;采用间接ELISA法测定TSOL18单克隆抗体特异性及腹水效价;采用抗TSOL18单克隆抗体对激活的猪带绦虫六钩蚴进行体外六钩蚴杀伤试验,观察单抗对猪带绦虫六钩蚴活力的影响。结果成功获得12株稳定分泌抗TSOL18单克隆抗体的杂交瘤细胞株,识别2个不同抗原表位,不同抗原表位的2株单克隆抗体腹水效价分别为1×102、1×106。抗体体外六钩蚴杀伤试验结果证明,在有补体的情况下,多抗和单抗作用6 d后,六钩蚴结构模糊,边缘不清晰。表明单抗对六钩蚴有一定的杀伤作用。  相似文献   
为确定放牧条件下新疆褐牛的适宜补饲量,试验选取新疆褐牛泌乳牛32头,随机分为4组,每组8次重复,分别补饲0、2.5、5.0、7.5 kg/(d.头)。结果表明:在放牧条件下,补饲可以提高已过泌乳高峰期新疆褐牛泌乳牛的产奶量,还可以提高牛乳中乳蛋白和乳糖的含量。在该试验条件下,新疆褐牛的适宜补饲量为2.5 kg/(d.头)。  相似文献   
以黑龙江省30份主栽水稻品种或品系为试材,在孕穗期设置17℃冷水灌溉处理(20d),以常规栽培管理为对照,分析冷水胁迫对水稻干物质生产的影响。结果表明,冷水胁迫导致所有试材每穴实粒数、结实率、千粒重和产量下降,并根据相对结实率将试材耐冷性分为1、3、5、7和9级,以7和9级最多,1级最少,分别占总材料的30%和10%。在冷水处理下,全部材料抽穗期至成熟期干物质积累量及比例、群体生长率、净同化率、粒叶比、收获指数、叶面积指数、剑叶叶基角、剑叶和倒2叶与倒3叶披垂度均下降,但高效叶面积率增加。相关分析表明,冷水处理的相对结实率与收获指数(r=0.96**)、产量(r=0.91**)、粒叶比(r=0.84**)和干物质积累量(r=0.48**)的冷水反应指数(CRI)呈极显著正相关,与群体生长率(r=0.44*)、净同化率(r=0.44*)和干物质积累比例(r=0.43*)的CRI显著正相关。综上,孕穗期冷水胁迫对水稻干物质生产的影响在品种间存在很大差异,在冷水胁迫下耐冷性极强品种(系)干物质积累量及比例、群体生长率、净同化率、粒叶比和收获指数对冷水反应迟钝,这是耐冷性极强品种(系)保持较高产量的重要形态特征和生理原因。  相似文献   
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