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施氮时期对扬稻6号颖果发育及稻米品质的影响   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
通过盆栽试验研究了相同施氮量下不同施氮时期(分蘖期和孕穗期)对扬稻6号颖果发育及稻米品质的影响。与对照相比,增施氮肥(尿素)特别是孕穗肥能显著提高稻米精米率、整精米率、蛋白质含量,降低垩白粒率和直链淀粉含量;在分蘖期和孕穗期施氮肥能明显影响颖果发育,提高粒重,而后者的效果更为明显;在颖果发育过程中不同时期增施氮肥能显著降低颖果的总淀粉和直链淀粉含量,但对支链淀粉含量影响较小;不同时期增施氮肥特别是孕穗肥对淀粉体和蛋白质体的发育及结构均有显著影响,能显著改变籽粒中不同部位特别是腹部淀粉体和蛋白质的分布、数目和形状。与对照相比,淀粉体和蛋白质体的排列更紧密、相互间空隙较少、数量增加、密度增大,淀粉体形状多数呈晶状体。  相似文献   
探明红壤旱地花生进行稻草覆盖的最佳时期。通过设定播种后1 d(T1)、出苗后10 d(T2)、始花期(T3)、盛花期(T4)、结荚期(T5)开始覆盖稻草5个处理,以全程无覆盖(CK)为对照,研究覆盖时期对花生产量形成及旱地生态的影响。花生出苗前稻草覆盖会显著降低花生的出苗率,降低产量,而出苗后10 d到结荚期进行稻草覆盖均可以有效的抑制杂草发生,保持土壤水分、降低土壤温度,并有利于减缓花生叶片的衰老,增加后期绿叶数,延长花生叶片的功能,促进根瘤生长,有效的提高花生产量。江西红壤旱地花生稻草覆盖可减少杂草的发生、改善土壤温湿条件,有利于产量形成,适宜的覆盖始期为齐苗后10 d左右,过早或过迟进行覆盖,效果均受影响,甚至会减产。  相似文献   
为明确半干旱雨养区玉米秸秆带状覆盖条件下播种时间对小麦产量和水分利用效率可能带来的影响,在甘肃省通渭县常河镇甘肃农业大学旱作小麦试验基地设7个播期处理,分别为9月14日(T1)、9月19日(T2)、9月24日(T3)、9月29日(T4)、10月4日(T5)、10月9日(T6),以9月24日露地种植为对照(CK),研究了播期对冬小麦生育期、干物质积累及产量等性状的影响。结果表明,T2处理的产量和WUE最高,穗粒数和千粒重也显著高于其他处理。推迟播期缩短了冬小麦全生育其天数,各生育阶段天数抽穗前大于抽穗后;播期对植株干物质积累的影响表现为营养生长期大于生殖生长期,花前干物质向籽粒的转运量及其对籽粒的贡献率随播期推迟呈增加的趋势。综合来看,在半干旱雨养区玉米秸秆带状覆盖条件下9月19日是冬小麦最佳播期。  相似文献   
小麦抽穗至灌浆期蚜虫防治技术研究   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
为了系统研究小麦大田麦蚜防治技术,以弱筋小麦扬麦13为材料,调查了抽穗至灌浆期麦蚜与天敌的数量动态,研究了阿维菌素、吡虫啉、毒死蜱和乐果四种农药对麦蚜的防治效果和对天敌的影响以及麦蚜的防治适期.结果表明,天敌量随麦蚜密度的波动而波动,两者关系达极显著水平(r=0.93**);所选四种农药对麦蚜的防治效果均较好,但生物农药阿维菌素和选择性杀虫剂吡虫啉对天敌的杀伤率较低;在抽穗开花期至花后7 d即麦蚜发生初盛期进行一次性施药防治,可获得较好的防治效果;麦田治蚜对灰飞虱有一定兼治作用,但效果不理想.  相似文献   
中国胡椒疫霉种及交配型的研究   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
1982—1990年,从海南、云南、广东省13个县(市)的60多个发生胡椒瘟病的胡椒园采集大量带菌材料的样本,经分离获得65个疫霉菌株,并鉴定为寄生疫霉(Phytophthara parasitica Dast.)和竦淑疫霉(P.capsici Leon.)两个种。这是国内首次报道。在65个菌株中,寄生疫霉为34株,辣椒疫霉为31株,两者的比例接近1:1。这两个种对中国主要胡椒植区的胡椒瘟病具有同等的重要性。所有菌株的支配型中,两个种都以A~2占大多数,而且都存在个别同宗配合和中性菌株。  相似文献   
There exists a single nucleotide polymorphism, G or T, at the first base of the donor splice site of waxy gene intron 1 in rice. In order to study the relationship between the first base of the donor splice site of waxy gene intron 1 and amylose content in rice, the one-step PCR method was used to determine whether it is G or T in 220 Yunnan indigenous rice varieties from 14 districts, 55 towns/counties of Yunnan Province, and 101 varieties of which were validated by the PCR-Acc I method. According to the G/T polymorphism, 164 rice varieties showed GG-genotype, while the other 56 fell into TT-genotype, accounting for 74.5% and 25.5% of all the test varieties, respectively. When all the rice varieties were divided into indica and japonica subspecies, it was found that 80.5% of indica rice and 67.0% of japonica rice belonged to GG-genotype. The rice varieties with GG-genotype had significantly higher amylose content (18.95% on average) than those with TT-genotype (all below 16%), but 33 rice varieties with GG-genotype still had low amylose content ranging from 3.91% to 15.93%, and most of them came from the Dai minority area in the Southwest of Yunnan Province. However, there was no significant difference in the mean amylose content of the same GG or TT genotypes between indica and japonica rice, suggesting that different genetic backgrounds, indica or japonica, had no effect on amylose content. The coefficient of correlation between the genotype and amylose content was 0.733 (P<0.01).  相似文献   
Maize (Zea mays L.) grain yield is strongly related to the number of harvested kernels, where kernel number can be increased by synchronously pollinating silks rather than allowing them to be progressively pollinated as they naturally appear from the husks. However, there is scarce evidence on how this practice affects kernel weight (KW) and plant grain yield (PGY), and no report exists on its effects when combined with treatments aimed to reduce apical dominance, like male sterility and detasseling. Field experiments were conducted in two growing seasons (Exp1 and Exp2) using two hybrids, cropped at contrasting stand densities (3 and 9 plants per m2) and including (i) male-fertile and male-sterile versions, (ii) tasseled and detasseled plants, and (iii) natural (NP) and synchronous pollination (SP; pollen added manually to ears bagged 5 days after initial silking) systems. Tassel growth of sterile and fertile versions was also evaluated in a separate experiment (Exp3). Detasseling increased the number of ears per plant reaching silking (P < 0.001) of NP plants, but this beneficial effect of reduced apical dominance did not improve kernel number per plant (KNP) or PGY. Similarly, the early arrest of anther growth in male-sterile plants had no clear benefit on KNP. In contrast, KNP was enhanced by synchronous pollination (range between −13% and +71%; average of +15.4% in Exp1 and +3.9% in Exp2). However, this pollination system promoted a decreased in KW (range between −30% and +4%; average of −11.8% in Exp1 and −7.8 in Exp2) such that the treatment had no effect on PGY (range between −19% and +37%; average of +1% in Exp1 and −4% in Exp2). Because plant growth rate around flowering was not different between pollination treatments, assimilate availability per kernel was reduced from ovary fertilization onwards in synchronously pollinated plants when compared to open pollinated plants. This explains the reduced KW when increasing KNP by synchronous pollination. In summary, none of the imposed treatments allowed grain yield to be increased at the plant level.  相似文献   
为了优化小麦小孢子培养体系,研究了低温处理花药、幼穗及诱导培养时间对小孢子形态、胚胎发生和植株再生的影响。结果表明,经低温处理后,有活力的小孢子体积增大、形态变化明显,据其液泡大小、数目及其与细胞核位置的关系,可分为4种类型。低温处理可显著提高胚状体数和绿苗数,其中处理花药3 d、幼穗7 d的效果最好,平均每皿的绿苗数分别为59株和57株。胚状体发育速度显著影响绿苗分化能力,小孢子诱导培养28-29 d、直径约2 mm的胚状体数目较少,但绿苗分化率高;诱导培养32-38 d、直径为2 mm的胚状体数目达到了峰值,而绿苗分化率极低。在小麦小孢子培养中,应选择诱导28-29 d、直径2 mm的胚状体进行分化培养。  相似文献   
2008年4月初在广东省饶平县对2006年5月人工孵化和培育的2龄条石鲷( Oplegnathus fasciatus)成熟亲鱼进行激素诱导,研究和观察条石鲷亲鱼初次性成熟的繁殖生物学。结果显示,在南海区全人工养殖的条石鲷亲鱼初次性成熟年龄为2龄,成熟亲鱼的最小型为全长245 mm、体质量610 g,最大个体为全长300 mm、体质量1450 g;产卵季节为4月10日~7月15日,产卵盛期为4月中旬至6月下旬;为升温产卵型鱼类,产卵温度为20.0~28.8℃,适宜的产卵温度为20.7~27.6℃;雌、雄亲鱼发育同步,个体大小和成熟年龄差别不大;雌鱼属于一年一次分批产卵类型,产卵期超过3个月;24尾初次性成熟雌性亲鱼的总产卵量为3180.0×104粒,日最高产卵量为341.5×104粒;其产卵量和受精卵质量与水温的变化关系密切,受精卵的浮卵率随温度的变化而变化,在水温相对衡定时,浮卵率相对稳定并维持在80%~95%的较高水平;受精卵平均卵径为(0.860±0.023)mm,油球径为(0.191±0.009)mm。  相似文献   
In order to investigate the effects of straw return on potassium (K) fertilizer application rate and time in the rice–wheat rotation, field experiments were conducted at three sites. The results showed that when the K rate was decreased to 70% of the recommended K dosage, crop yields showed no significant decrease. With K fertilization only at rice phase, crop yields showed no marked difference compared with that provided K fertilizer both at wheat and rice seasons. Though the NH4OAc-extracted K and HNO3-extracted K differed slightly among the treatments, the soil apparent K balance was negative without K fertilization. With crop straw fully incorporated, the recommended K dosage could be at least reduced by 30% at the experimental sites and the K fertilizer could be applied only at rice phase. A further hypothesis can be made that the best K rate was the amount of K took away by crop grain. In the long run, straw return combined with K fertilization would be an effective method to maintain soil K fertility and productivity.  相似文献   
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