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Three trickle irrigation schedules, two of which were scheduled according to soil water potential ( soil) (tensiometer method) and daily stem contraction (DSC) (dendrometer method) respectively and the other one was a schedule of restricted water supply, were applied to a mature peach orchard.The annual water application based on soil was greater than that based on DSC. However, tree growth, fruit size and leaf water potential (leaf) on the trees in the dendrometer scheduling plot did not differ from those in the tensiometer scheduling plot while the premature fruit drop and fruit bud initiation were greatly different. The restricted water supply treatment limited significantly both tree and fruit growth. In addition, the lower leaf was observed on the trees in this plot.Further study shows that use of the dendrometer method for scheduling irrigation satisfies the water needs of the plant and that the tensiometer method is less accurate.Abbreviations leaf leaf water potential - soil soil water potential - DSC daily stem contraction - LVDT linear variable displacement transducer - PET potential evapotranspiration  相似文献   
将工业自动化通用组态软件KingView和VB开发软件有机结合起来,设计棉花膜下滴灌智能决策与自动监控系统软件,并以数据库、模型库、知识库和方法库为技术核心,通过田间传感器进行数据实时采集、计算、分析与决策,由控制系统发送决策指令来控制灌溉设备开/闭,以提高灌溉的时效性。  相似文献   
The sustainability of self-governingirrigation schemes is currently underpressure in many countries as publicfinancial support is decreasing.Furthermore, growing global concernregarding water scarcity means thatefficient water use is essential.Theoretically the choice and implementationof a water-pricing system should play acentral role in achieving this objective,both by recovering water costs and byencouraging farmers to adopt more efficientbehaviour. In the Senegal River Delta newlyestablished water users associations (WUAs)have chosen low water charges, which areaffordable for the majority of farmers butwhich underestimate long-term maintenancecosts. Combined with the difficulty ofcollecting and managing farmers' fees, thischoice has drawn them into a vicious circleleading to scheme deterioration and poorwater service. New alternatives have beendiscussed with them using a simulation toolthat takes into account both the watercosts and the farmers' incomes. Comparedwith the present fixed water charge basedonly on cultivated land, a two-part optionbased both on equipped and irrigated areasensures the recovery of fixed expenses suchas maintenance, while encouraging farmersto intensify their farming systems byadopting double cropping. Neverthelesschoosing a relevant water charge does notensure by itself the sustainability of anirrigation scheme. Combined supportproviding WUAS and farmers with efficientadvice regarding management andorganisational skills should alsocontribute significantly to achieve thisprime objective.  相似文献   
基于人工神经网络技术的蔬菜施肥决策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
阐述神经网络的概念和特点,着重介绍BP神经网络并在Maflab环境下建立基于BP神经网络的施肥模型,以土壤养分(氮、磷、钾)和实际产量为模型输入,以氮肥、磷肥和钾肥的施用量为模型数输出.进行网络训练,直至获得满意的施肥模型。结合投入产出物的价格对模型功能进行扩展,按利润最大化目标进行施肥决策。  相似文献   
着重论述了机械设备更新决策专家系统的设计过程,包括知识库的设计、推理机的推理方向和方法、知识获取方法的介绍、综合数据库的规划、人机接口等内容。  相似文献   
自压式树状管网的两级优化设计模型与神经优化设计   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
建立了自压式树状管网两级优化设计模型,并用人工神经网络法实现树状管网非线性规划模型的快速求解。采用的人工神经网络技术的两级优化设计模型在适用范围、求解速度和获得最优解能力上,均优于单一的非线性规划模型和线性规划模型,是实现树状管网全局优化设计的一条新途径。  相似文献   
故障树分析法(FTA)是一种将系统故障形成的原因由总体到部分按倒立树形状逐级细化的分析方法,是一种对系统设计、故障分析和排除非常有效的方法。为此,应用故障树分析方法对联合收割机液压系统进行了分析,根据液压系统结构以及组件与系统之间的逻辑关系,绘制了系统的故障树,并通过结构函数表示了各种因素对系统状态的影响。  相似文献   
油松木材幼龄期与株内幼龄材分布   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
半固定沙地樟子松小叶锦鸡儿混交林营造及经营技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在对嫩江沙地樟子松和小叶锦鸡儿人工混交林林分状况和生长指标调查的基础上,采用统计分析方法,探讨了混交林主辅林种间的生长消长关系,结果表明:随着林龄的增长,辅助树种小叶锦鸡儿对主栽树种樟子松的生长发育具有抑制作用,樟子松的生长发育进程减慢,应对小叶锦鸡儿林分进行人工干预,以促进樟子松的生长发育。  相似文献   
相思树种更新木麻黄防护林对林地土壤化学性质的影响   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
通过对相思树种更新木麻黄防护林对沿海沙地土壤化学性质的分析,结果表明:与木麻黄林分相比,在沿海沙地后沿应用相思树种造林使沙地土壤中水溶性C l-和Na+含量降低,而使表层土壤中的水溶性Ca2+含量升高;相思树种能明显地改善沙地土壤中有效养分的供给,然而,对不同的相思树种来说,其改善程度有所差异;相思树种明显地增加了沿海沙地土壤中全氮和全碳的含量,且增加的量以沙地土壤的表层最为显著。  相似文献   
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