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Mucus plays an important role in gut health by favouring colonisation resistance. The aim of this study was to quantify the impact of fibre and protein on mucin recovery in ileal digesta and on goblet cell histochemistry in the proximal colon. A control diet with highly digestible protein and low fibre and three complex diets containing indigestible protein associated with low, soluble or insoluble fibre sources were tested for 14 days in piglets weaned at 28 days of age. Mucin concentration was determined by ethanol precipitation. Goblet cell subtypes in colonic crypts were analysed by histochemistry. The ileal mucin output was higher with the complex diets than with the control diet (31.6 on average vs 21.7 g/kg DM intake). Increases observed with the low and soluble fibre diets were similar (34 g/kg DM intake). This suggests a limited effect of soluble fibre in presence of indigestible protein. Surprisingly, the observed increase was lower with insoluble fibre (27.2 g/kg DM intake). DM and N output and digestibility were not affected by the diets, but a linear relationship was found between DM and mucin output. In proximal colon, crypt depth, goblet cell numbers per crypt and glycosylation subtypes were not affected by the diet suggesting no change in the capacity of mucus to protect the gut. To conclude, introducing highly indigestible protein in the diet increased ileal mucin output, without effects of these factors on crypt goblet cell patterns in the proximal colon. Introducing fibre in a diet containing highly indigestible protein had a marginal effect.  相似文献   
为探讨饲粮的不同营养水平对黄羽肉鸡能量和粗蛋白质表观代谢率的影响,用甘肃黄鸡在4周龄和8周龄分别做2期代谢试验。第1期试验设A、B、C组,第2期设A、BH、B、BL、C组。试验结果表明:能量代谢率,第1期A、B、C组分别为76.68%、69.55%和65.51%,组间差异均显著(P<0.05);第2期BH、A和B组(71.50%、71.00%和69.31%)3组均显著地高于BL和C组(P<0.05)。粗蛋白质代谢率,第1期A、B、C组分别为54.63%、52.27%和51.82%,第2期B和BH组最高(43.80%、43.22%),但两期组间差异均不显著(P>0.05)。由此可得出,营养水平饲粮条件下中速型黄羽鸡能量和粗蛋白质代谢率最高。  相似文献   
不同复种方式下作物的粗蛋白和可消化干物质总产量比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在南京对6种不同复种方式下作物的营养物质产量进行了比较研究,结果表明:多花黑麦草Lolium multiflorum粗蛋白总产量和可消化干物质总产量分别是小麦Triticum eastivum的1.45倍和1.26倍;杂交狼尾草Pennisetum americanum×P.purpureum粗蛋白总产量和可消化干物质总产量平均值分别是水稻Oryza sativa的2.06倍和1.61倍;6种复种方式中,粗蛋白总产量和可消化干物质总产量以多花黑麦草-杂交狼尾草为最高,黑麦Secale cereal-杂交狼尾草其次.集约农区发展草食性畜禽养殖业以二季均种植牧草效率较高.  相似文献   
F. M. Azhar    Z. Ali    M. M. Akhtar    A. A. Khan    R. Trethowan 《Plant Breeding》2009,128(4):356-362
Global temperature is rising because of increasing concentrations of CO2 and other greenhouse gases (e.g. methane, nitrous oxide, etc.) in the atmosphere because of the excessive use of fossil fuels. High temperature causes heat stress which reduces crop productivity. The development of heat-tolerant varieties is feasible and will help mitigate the effects of climate change. Fifty-one cotton accessions were screened in heat-stressed and non-stressed conditions in the glasshouse and field. Relative cell injury percentage (RCI %), a measure of cell membrane thermostability (CMT), was used to assess heat tolerance. Heat-tolerant accessions had more stable yield and yielded more seed cotton with better quality fibre than the heat-intolerant accessions across four environments. The responses of the 51 accessions to all four environments for the measured traits were strongly associated. RCI % of the accessions and hybrids was strongly and negatively associated with yield and fibre traits. CMT was concluded to be a useful technique for identification of heat-tolerant cotton.  相似文献   
6种热带亚热带豆科牧草抗寒性及营养品质比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了筛选华南地区适宜的优质冬季青饲料草种,本研究比较了旋扭山绿豆(Desmodium intortum)、大叶山蚂蟥(Desmodium laxiflorum)、异果山绿豆(Desmodium heterocarpum)、显脉山绿豆(Desmodium reticulatum)、糙毛假地豆(Desmodium heterocarpum var.strigosum)和柱花草(Stylosanthes guianensis)6种热带亚热带豆科牧草在广州越冬期的抗寒性及营养品质。结果表明,除柱花草外,其它5种豆科牧草均能保持青绿越冬,其中旋扭山绿豆和大叶山蚂蟥的叶绿素含量均显著高于其它牧草(P0.05)。旋扭山绿豆的净光合速率最高(P0.05),其次是大叶山蚂蟥(P0.05),因此这两种牧草具有相对较强的抗寒性;与其它牧草相比,旋扭山绿豆在冬季能保持较高的粗蛋白含量(15.99%~20.26%)(P0.05)以及较低的洗涤纤维(NDF 27.92%~30.89%、ADF 23.96%~27.06%)和缩合单宁含量(6.05~11.95mg·g~(-1))(P0.05),因而具有较高的营养价值。因此,旋扭山绿豆可以作为华南地区冬季豆科青饲料的潜在优选草种。  相似文献   
冯海东  刘涛 《油气储运》1996,15(11):35-37
原油动态计量是油量计量的重要方式,要做到准确计量就应尽量减少误差,根据误差理论对油量动态计量的误差进行了分析,得出在油量的动态计量中,密度、含水率及流量的误差是油量计量的主要误差源。要减少油量计量误差,就必须提高流量计、温度计、含水仪、密度计等仪表的准确度,减少所取油样的密度与含水率与某段计量时间内的非代表性平均值所引起的误差,用流量计系数来修正流量计的示值。提高提高油样代表性的具体方法是动态取样  相似文献   
在三个地区进行了大田试验和盆栽试验,研究农艺因素对杂交棉浙杂166的纤维产量和品质的影响及杂交种若干生理性状的杂种优势。结果表明,最佳种植密度和氮肥用量因地区而异,金华点要比杭州和慈溪要求较低的种植密度和较高的氮肥用量;播种日期以4月15日播种地膜覆盖的处理铃数最多。从纤维产量和衣指上看,最适密度和氮肥用量分别为每公顷4.5万株和180kg,播种日期为杭州和慈溪为4月15日,金华为4月20日,播种后全部地膜覆盖。不同密度、氮肥用量及播种期之间,纤维品质无显著差异,但慈溪点表现为N1(135kg·hm 2)处理的纤维长度显著低于其它氮肥用量较多的处理。叶绿素含量(以SPAD表示)生育期间变异很大,在初花期和吐絮期,杂交种浙杂166高于其双亲和常规品种泗棉3号,而在盛花期和结铃期恰好相反。杂种及其双亲的MDA含量在生育期间也表现出较大的变化,且杂种的变化模式与不育系相似,表现为蕾期较低,而初花期及此后保持较高。与双亲相比,浙杂166具有明显的SOD杂种优势,生育期间的变化模式也与不育系相似。  相似文献   
以龙须眼子菜为代表的沉水植物是一种富含蛋白质、矿物质及维生素的良好饲料资源,但是由于水草表面吸附一层灰分与硫酸钠,作为饲料影响牛、羊的适口性。为了去除水草表面的粗灰分,找出影响水草的粗灰分去除率的最佳工艺参数,以内蒙古乌梁素海龙须眼子菜为研究对象,在不同含水率、转速和筛孔下利用锤片式粉碎机进行粗灰分去除率的正交试验研究,并对粉碎后的水草进行营养成分的检测,从不同的指标对这些数据进行方差分析。结果表明,在含水率约为17%,转速为4000 r/min,筛孔为8 mm时,水草粗灰分的去除效果较好,总的去除率达到70.8%,其中硫酸钠的去除率为34.7%。在方差分析的基础上利用灰色系统理论建立数学模型,预测不同工艺参数时水草的成品率,其最大误差为-1.69%,可以为粉碎机工艺参数的优化提供理论依据。  相似文献   
The paper presented a new micomechanics load-transfer model for single-fibre fragmentation test. The interfacial shear streength and the crack will develop along the interface. The fibre stochastic strength distribution was modelled by a two-parameter Wibull distribution. The influence of the interfacial bonding strength and fibre axial-tensile strength on stress states in components of composites was discussed. The interfacial state during the fragmentation process may be one of following three states: 1) fully bonding; 2) partial bonding; 3) fully debonding; according to the fibre axialtensile strength and interfacial properties (including interfacial bounding shear strength, interfacial friction coefficient and matrix radial pressure) after elastic constants and geometrical parameters of composites phases are given. The necessary conditions for these three states were discussed- Finally, a suitable definition of the critical fibre length was given and the critical length was constrouted by two parts :debonding fibre length and bonding fibre length.  相似文献   
针对石油工业中的蜡沉积问题,利用冷指实验装置研究了单相含蜡原油体系冷却液温度、油流温度和同一温差不同温度区间对蜡沉积规律的影响,得到了单相含蜡原油蜡沉积规律的宏观特性,并利用高温气相色谱(HTGC)装置分析沉积物组分的宏观变化。在相同油温条件下,随着冷却液温度的升高,蜡沉积速率减小而沉积物中高碳数组分比例增大;在相同冷却液温度条件下,随着油温从凝点附近增大至析蜡点以上,蜡沉积量先减小后增加最后再减小,沉积物中高碳数组分比例增大;在同一温差条件下,随着温度区间温度的升高,蜡沉积量的变化有波动但油温在析蜡点附近沉积量达到最大值,沉积物中高碳数组分比例一直增大。针对实际管流,环境温度基本恒定,通过升高入口油温减少沉积的发生,因此,在含蜡原油管输中,入口油温的选取对整个管输过程中蜡沉积的形成以及形成后的清理很重要。根据实验结果,入口油温不是越高越好,应保证入口油温低于析蜡点且整个管输过程中高于凝点5℃左右。(图6,参12)  相似文献   
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