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粪水储存过程中会释放大量氨气(ammonia,NH3),不仅造成环境污染,还降低粪水肥效.粪水酸化技术是一种通过添加酸化剂降低粪水pH,减少NH3挥发的有效办法.为探究不同酸化剂对粪水无机氮形态转化的影响,以生猪养殖粪水为试验对象,选择强酸类、盐类和易分解有机物3类共11种酸化剂,包括浓硫酸、硝酸、盐酸、磷酸、明矾、硫...  相似文献   
浅谈水产动物的健康养殖与绿色渔药的开发   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
改革开放以来,我国水产养殖业有了突飞猛进的发展。水产养殖总量连续十几年居世界第一位,但我国的水产养殖也存在着许多问题。文章列举了我国水产养殖中存在的诸多问题,指出这些问题已严重影响了我国水产品的质量,破坏了整个养殖生态环境,实行健康养殖势在必行;同时分析了我国健康养殖的现状,在淡水和海水方面都有一定的发展。健康养殖涉及到许多方面,合理使用渔药是一个很重要的环节。合理用药,要从药物、病原、环境、水产动物本身和人类健康等方面的因素出发,有目的、有计划和有效果地使用药物,达到预防和治疗疾病的效果。而开发绿色渔药是合理用药的一个最有效、最有前途的发展方向。绿色渔药包括渔用疫苗、中草药制剂、微生物制剂和生物渔药。  相似文献   
The Tasmanian salmon industry had remained relatively free of major viral diseases until the emergence of pilchard orthomyxovirus (POMV). Originally isolated from wild pilchards, POMV is of concern to the industry as it can cause high mortality in farmed salmon (Salmo salar). Field observations suggest the virus can spread from pen to pen and between farms, but evidence of passive transmission in sea water was unclear. Our aim was to establish whether direct contact between infected and naïve fish was required for transmission, and to examine viral infection dynamics. Atlantic salmon post‐smolts were challenged with POMV by either direct exposure via cohabitation or indirect exposure via virus‐contaminated sea water. POMV was transmissible in sea water and direct contact between fish was not required for infection. Head kidney and heart presented the highest viral loads in early stages of infection. POMV survivors presented low viral loads in most tissues, but these remained relatively high in gills. A consistent feature was the infiltration of viral‐infected melanomacrophages in different tissues, suggesting an important role of these in the immune response to POMV. Understanding POMV transmission and host–pathogen interactions is key for the development of improved surveillance tools, transmission models and ultimately for disease prevention.  相似文献   
The house fly, Musca domestica L., is a widespread pest of intensively reared livestock, where its presence negatively affects growth and productivity through the irritation their activity causes. Furthermore, adult flies mechanically vector a wide range of animal and human pathogens and, as such, pose a health risk to both livestock and people. The development of resistance in M. domestica populations to most of the insecticides used against them, coupled with diminishing product availability in many regions, means that new fly control methods and materials are constantly required. In the present study, a formulation of allicin, a compound derived from garlic cloves, was evaluated against the eggs, larvae and adults of Musca domestica L.. An in-diet LD50 of 134 ppm against larvae was achieved, whilst marked ovicidal activity was also recorded. Adults were similarly affected when exposed directly and indirectly to surface residues of the compound. The results indicate that allicin exhibits potential to be used against filth flies through incorporation into their developmental substrates and, potentially, for the control of other economically important dipteran pests.  相似文献   
[目的]为昌吉州农林牧渔业产值的合理布局提供科学依据,[方法]基于昌吉州各县市1998~2007年农林牧渔业产值的数据,应用经济学中的洛伦茨曲线及基尼系数的概念进行昌吉州农林牧渔业产值结构的定量化研究.[结果]在空间尺度上,渔业产值(2007年的基尼系数为0.59,下同)和林业产值(0.19)分布较不均衡,农业产值(0.07)和牧业产值(0.08)分布相对均衡;在时间尺度上,林业产值和牧业产值趋向分散,而农业产值和渔业产值趋向集中.[结论]昌吉州各县市农林牧渔业产值的空间分布及其时间变化均具有不均衡性.  相似文献   
内蒙古东部地区绿色畜牧业基地建设探讨   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
李大勇 《安徽农业科学》2011,39(4):2270-2271,2274
对内蒙古东部地区优势资源、畜牧业发展现状进行分析,指出蒙东地区建立绿色畜牧业基地存在的问题,并提出相应对策。  相似文献   
Herbage minerals affect performance of grazing cattle. We investigated the response of herbage P, K, Ca and Mg contents and Ca/P and K/(Ca + Mg) ratios to long‐term stocking rate, continuous vs. discontinued grazing practice, and sampling year. Cattle had been stocked at 2·4 and 4·8 animal unit months ha?1 since 1949. Exclosures were installed in April 1998. Herbage samples were collected near peak herbage mass in 2001, 2003, 2008 and 2012 and analysed for mineral content. Mineral contents were similar between the two stocking rates, but were lower (P < 0·05) under discontinued than continuous stocking, with the exception of similar P contents. The content of P and K in herbage was higher and the content of Ca and Mg was lower (P < 0·05) in years with greater precipitation and lower temperatures. Herbage mineral content, with the exception of P, exceeded minimum recommended levels for cattle. Given the low P content in herbage (0·74–1·19 g kg?1) and high Ca/P ratios during the dry and hot year (of 2001), a dietary P supplement should be considered for cattle grazing rough fescue grassland in drought years. The low K/(Ca + Mg) ratios (<2·2) suggest there is little risk of grass tetany in cattle grazing on this grassland.  相似文献   
种植业和畜牧业是西藏“一江两河”地区的两大支柱产业,发展种植业的资源条件优于畜牧业,前景十分广阔,开发不仅可提供大量的粮食,而且可提供充足的饲草饲料。因而,现阶段开发的重点是种植业,随着种植业的发展加快畜牧业的发展,但重点是依靠种植业发展农区畜牧业,而不是草原放牧。  相似文献   
基于地理信息系统建立全国动物卫生体系管理信息系统,将大大提高动物卫生管理决策工作的深度、广度、实时性与综合性。系统由GIS平台、MIS子系统、指标体系及评估模型有机组成。本文介绍GIS平台和MIS子系统的设计与实现,以及“动物防疫管理技术经济指标体系”和“基于效益和损失评估的动物流行病防疫检疫动态数学模型”的建立。  相似文献   
撒拉溪喀斯特土地整理区动植物物种多样性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了解撒拉溪示范区动植物物种的多样性,使其在土地整理过程中得到有效地保护,对该区域的动植物物种多样性进行了本底调查,其中动物调查集中于脊椎动物。结果表明,该区域共有脊椎动物89种,植物129种,且分布有18种国家重点保护动物和3种国家重点保护植物。  相似文献   
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