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湖北省国家一级保护野生动物的现状与保护对策 总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1
笔者就湖北省分布的23种国家一级保护动物的种群数量、分布情况进行描述,并提出了相应的保护对策。 相似文献
阔叶树落叶分解过程与土壤动物的作用 总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8
本文研究了东北3种阔叶树落叶的分解与土壤动物在其分解过程中的作用。结果表明,3种枯叶的重量损失速度排序:水曲柳>白桦>蒙古栎。3种枯叶的半分解期及分解95%所需时间分别为:水曲柳0.4年与1.7年,白桦0.9年与3.9年,蒙古栎为1.9年与8.2年。在枯叶分解过程中起主要作用的大型土壤动物有蚯蚓、线蚓、马陆、腹足类、昆虫及其幼虫;中小型土壤动物有线虫、螨类、弹尾类等30余种。 相似文献
我国进入市场经济体制之后,必然促进畜牧业产业化的快速发展。畜牧业产业化要求技术含量高,需要高新技术的投入,而畜牧业的高科技投入,实质上是现代工程技术的投入。因此,畜牧业产业化先要解决生物技术的工程化,即以先进的工程技术装备养殖业并实现养殖业产品的商品化。养殖生物技术的工程化,必须做好生产工艺、材质材料和工程技术配套的工作。 相似文献
种养大户融资难问题成为制约其发展的关键因素,促进种养大户的进一步发展必须要满足其融资需求.该研究根据对江苏淮安70户种养大户和山东淄博60户种养大户的调研数据,采用有序Probit模型对两地种养大户融资困难影响因素进行实证对比分析,呈现出种养大户融资现状差异.从种养大户角度探索大户如何规范经营,增强自身的融资能力;从金融机构角度探索如何更好地为种养大户提供金融支持,解决大户的融资困境;从政府角度探讨怎样有效扶持种养大户的发展,引导金融机构加大对大户的支持,进而为农村种养大户的发展注入活力,促进农村经济的发展. 相似文献
The prolificacy of the ewes was measured as the number of lambs born per ewe mated (NLB) when the ewes were 1–4 years of age. The ewe productivity related to the same age interval was measured by special ewe production indices (EPI). The genetic parameters for these traits were estimated by a series of bivariate REML analyses using animal models. The material used for the genetic analysis contained records on 193 213 ewes. The heritability estimates for NLB were h2 = 0.17, 0.13, 0.11, 0.10 for the four respective age classes. Corresponding estimates for EPI were h2 = 0.16, 0.17, 0.17, 0.15. The genetic correlations among NLB at different ages ranged from 0.63 to 0.98 and among EPI from 0.82 to 0.99. The genetic correlations between NLB and EPI were generally low. The material used for estimating the breeding values by the MT‐BLUP Animal Model consisted of 1.5 million individuals in the pedigree file. In total 815 782 ewes had records for the NLB and 763 491 ewes had production index (at least 1 year). The records were registered in the years 1990–2006. All possible missing patterns were present in the data. In the iteration process expected values for missing traits were generated and solutions were obtained on canonical transformed scale. The genetic evaluations were run independently for NLB and EPI for computational convenience given the correlations between these traits were negligible. 相似文献
Because western societies generally see animals as objects of moral concern, demands have been made on the way they are treated, e.g. during animal experimentation. In the case of rodent pests, however, inhumane control methods are often applied. This inconsistency in the human-animal relationship requires clarification. This paper analyses the criteria that must be met when judging the use of animals during experiments, and investigates whether these can be applied in rodent control. This is important, because, until now, animal welfare has been less of an issue in pest control: effectiveness, hygiene and cost efficiency have been leading principles. Two options are available to solve the inconsistency: the first is to abandon the criteria used in animal experimentation; the second is to apply these criteria to both animal experimentation and rodent control. This latter option implies that rodent control methods should not lead to intense pain or discomfort, and any discomfort should have a short duration and should allow escaped rodents to lead a natural life. Adherence to this option will, however, require a shift in the design of rodent control methods: effectiveness will no longer be the leading principle. It will have to share its position with animal welfare and humaneness. 相似文献
采用热融法制备双氯灭痛退热栓剂,经质检合格后应用于临床。将501头发热病猪分成2组,其中248例为双氯灭痛栓剂组,253例为复方氨基比林注射液组,观察比较用药后不同时间的退热效果。结果表明,双氯灭痛栓剂组的退热显效率、总有效率和退热维持时间分别为87.10%、100%和(8.19±1.03)h,其作用明显优于复方氨基比林注射液组[退热显效率、总有效率和退热维持时间分别为27.27%、89.33%和(2.04±0.61)h],且双氯灭痛栓剂给药途径方便、成本较低,适宜于兽医临床推广应用。 相似文献
体温是衡量母猪发情与否的关键生理指标。母猪发情期与间情期体温的明显不同,是运用红外热成像监测母猪体温变化以鉴定母猪发情的依据。该研究基于Y3TB01体温筛查智能摄像机和红外热像仪C3实时非接触拍摄母猪红外热图像,并运用图像分析技术获取体温,为非接触式测温用于鉴定母猪典型生理状态提供支持。试验以空怀期、发情期、妊娠1~8 d和妊娠9~16 d大白初产和经产母猪共720头为研究对象,利用红外设备和电子体温计分别测量母猪的眼睛、耳、耳蜗、乳房、外阴、臀部和直肠温度,筛选不同胎次发情母猪和返情母猪的体表关键部位温度,进行差异分析。结果表明:运用Y3TB01体温筛查智能摄像机可以代替直肠温度测定,准确监测母猪体表温度(相关系数为0.973);红外热像仪C3检测体温异常母猪的体表温度,臀部温度可以作为筛选大白初产发情母猪和返情母猪的测定部位(准确率分别为77%和72%),外阴温度可以作为筛选大白经产发情母猪和返情母猪的测定部位(准确率分别为88%和81%)。因此,Y3TB01体温筛查智能摄像机和红外热像仪C3配套技术能准确监测母猪体温和异常体温报警,明确不同胎次不同生理时期大白母猪体表部位温度和体温分布,准确鉴定出发情母猪和返情母猪。研究为非接触式测温鉴定母猪发情技术提供了科学依据,对规模化猪场母猪的饲养管理与疫情防控具有重要意义。 相似文献