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在天津地区的生态环境条件下,通过田间引种试验,比较了不同粮饲兼用型玉米新品种在前期、中期、后期的生长性状表现和籽粒、新鲜秸秆产量性状表现及其适应性、丰产性、粮饲兼用的性能。结果表明,鲁单50和农大108两个品种粮饲兼用的综合性状好于其它品种,比较适合天津地区种植、推广。  相似文献   
王录仓  李巍  王生荣 《草业科学》2012,29(11):1791-1797
草地畜牧业是合作市的主导产业,受自然条件和社会经济发育程度的深刻影响,农牧业经济要素互补性差;畜牧业内部同构性较强,区域分工不明显;畜产品的商品化过程粗放、低质、低效;畜产品加工企业门类不全,规模不大,带动性差;普遍缺少各种形式的中介机构和协会,农牧民自组织能力不足;缺少交易市场,要素流动受阻,致使畜牧业产业化进程缓慢。因此,在保护草原生态环境的前提下,加强基地建设,大力发展龙头企业,强化农牧业服务体系,实现草地畜牧业向现代畜牧业转型。  相似文献   
动物生物化学是高等农业:校畜牧与兽医专业的一门必修专业基础课。针对该课程的特点并结合教学工作经验,阐述了提高动物生物化学理论教学的方法,以期为青年教师的教学工作提供借鉴。  相似文献   
畜牧兽医部门执法人员在行政执法过程中对涉牧违法行为是否涉嫌犯罪和涉嫌何种犯罪的把握,是能否依法、及时向刑事司法机关移送案件、加大对涉牧违法犯罪的打击力度的关键因素。本文依据《中华人民共和国刑法》、相关司法解释和相关法律法规,对畜牧兽医部门在行政执法过程中可能遇到的涉嫌犯罪案件3大类12个主要罪名进行了归纳和解读,可为畜牧兽医行政执法更好地与刑事司法衔接提供参考。  相似文献   
Due to energy crises and stricter environmental regulations, renewable energy sources like bio‐methane produced by anaerobic digestion (biogas) become increasingly important. However, the application of slurries produced by biogas fermentation to agricultural land and subsequent ammonia emission may also create environmental risks to the atmosphere and to N‐limited ecosystems. Evaluating ammonia loss from agricultural land by model simulation is an important tool of agricultural‐systems analysis. The objective of this study was the systematical comparison of ammonia volatilization after application of two types of biogas slurries containing high amounts of energy crops in comparison with conventional animal slurries and to investigate the relative importance of factors affecting the emission process through an empirical model. A high number of ammonia‐loss field measurements were carried out in the years 2007/08 in biogas cropping systems in N Germany. The study consisted of simultaneous measurement of NH3 losses from animal and biogas slurries in multiple‐plot field experiments with different N‐fertilization levels. The derived empirical model for the calculation of NH3 losses based on explanatory variables gave good predictions of ammonia emission for both biogas and pig slurries. The root mean square error (RMSE) and mean bias error (MBE) of the empirical model for validation data were 2.19 kg N ha–1 (rRMSE 29%) and –1.19 kg N ha–1, respectively. Biogas slurries produced highest NH3 emissions compared to the two animal slurries. In view of the explanatory variables included in the model, total NH$ _4^+ $ application rate, slurry type, temperature, precipitation, crop type, and leaf‐area index were important for ammonia‐volatilization losses.  相似文献   
影响粉碎机工作性能因素的分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
锤片式粉碎机是一种利用高速旋转的锤片来击碎饲料的机器。它具有通用性广,对饲料的温度敏感性小,调节粉碎方便,粉碎质量好,使用维修方便和生产率高等优点。但是,由于用户对影响饲料粉碎机的工作性能的主要因素分析掌握不够,致使生产率不高、消耗的动力较大,产品质量等指标无法保证。为此,列举了影响粉碎机工作性能的诸因素,为广大用户高效、优质、低耗、安全地使用粉碎机提供了理论基础。  相似文献   
文章通过柴河林业局野生动物资源现状,分析了保护管理工作存在主要问题,最后提出野生动物资源保护与合理利用的措施。  相似文献   
本文对延边朝鲜族自治州区内野生动物种类、分类地位以及野生动物保护现状、取得的成就与存在问题进行了评价,并提出了今后加强野生动物资源保护的对策。  相似文献   
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