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In Salmonidae, subordinate males are exposed to higher risks of sperm competition than dominant males and thus are expected to improve the sperm characteristics (sperm concentrations, sperm velocity and sperm longevity). In this study, we investigated the relationships between body size and secondary sexual characters (breeding colour, hump height and snout length), and sperm characteristics of one‐year‐old (newly matured) Dolly Varden char. Small males displayed higher sperm concentrations than large males. Moreover, males with dull breeding colours, but not with lesser snout length and hump height, displayed an increased sperm velocity compared to males with bright colours, suggesting a trade‐off between sperm quantity and the investment in breeding colour. In addition, sperm longevity decreased as sperm swimming velocity increased. These findings indicate that small males with dull breeding colours improve the quantity and quality of their sperm to a great extent to enhance their chances of reproductive success.  相似文献   
为研究三角帆蚌HcTyr基因与内壳色性状的相关性,本实验根据已分离的三角帆蚌HcTyr基因进行引物设计和片段扩增,并用144只三角帆蚌对其多态性进行筛选和验证,卡方检验分析了SNP位点和三角帆蚌内壳色相关性,并对HcTyr基因进行了图谱定位。结果显示,在HcTyr基因上筛选出8个SNP位点,其中有7个SNP位点与三角帆蚌内壳色L、a及d E呈显著相关性,用这7个SNP位点做单倍型构建和分析,发现Ⅱ、Ⅲ及Ⅳ这3种单倍型在白色群体中出现的频率极显著高于在紫色群体中出现的频率,而Ⅴ和Ⅶ这2两种单倍型在紫色群体中出现的频率极显著高于白色群体。进一步在商业养殖群体中验证发现,Ⅳ和Ⅶ这2种单倍型可分别作为白色和紫色群体的优势单倍型。研究表明,三角帆蚌HcTyr基因可作为内壳色相关的候选基因,其部分SNP位点可用于三角帆蚌分子辅助育种。另外本实验还将HcTyr基因定位在三角帆蚌LG16连锁群上,这为进一步解析该基因调控珍珠颜色形成的分子机制奠定了基础。  相似文献   
为了明确桃树菊花花形、窄叶形、白化与黄化叶色及盘龙形与垂枝形树形等6个性状的遗传特性,以‘粉菊花桃’ב红根甘肃桃1号’、‘红花重瓣垂枝桃’(简称‘红垂枝’)ב粉菊花桃’、‘S9’ב粉菊花桃’、‘粉菊花桃’ב瑞光2号’、‘红珊瑚’×(‘粉菊花桃’ב瑞光2号’)为组合配制F_1和F_2代,研究菊花花形、叶片白化及垂枝树形的遗传特性;以‘98-4-32’ב金蜜狭叶桃’、‘99-7-14’ב金蜜狭叶桃’及‘99-7-15’ב金蜜狭叶桃’为组合配制F_1和F_2代,研究窄叶形遗传趋向;以‘北京2-7’ב白花山碧桃’为组合配制F_1和F_2代,研究叶片黄化遗传特点;以‘红垂枝’ב帚形山桃’及‘96-7-56’ב帚形山桃’为组合配制F_1和F_2代,研究盘龙形树形的遗传。结果表明:在蔷薇花形与菊花花形组合中,"蔷薇形/菊花形"表现出2对等位基因(Ch/ch及Ch_2/ch_2)控制的遗传特性,且蔷薇形对菊花形为显性;在铃形花形与菊花花形组合中,F_1代蔷薇形表现为二者的中间类型。在‘98-4-32’ב金蜜狭叶桃’及‘99-7-14’ב金蜜狭叶桃’组合中,"宽叶/窄叶"表现出2对等位基因(Nl/nl及Nl_2/nl_2)控制的遗传特性,且宽叶对窄叶为显性;在‘99-7-15’ב金蜜狭叶桃’组合中,"宽叶/窄叶"表现出1对等位基因控制的遗传特性。叶片"正常/白化"表现出1对等位基因(Wl/wl)控制的遗传特性,且正常对白化为显性,白化基因可能来自‘粉菊花桃’;叶片"正常/黄化"表现出2对等位基因(Yl/yl及Yl_2/yl_2)控制的遗传特性,其中1对为显性时对另一对具有抑制作用,黄化基因可能来自‘白花山碧桃’。直立树形同时表现为盘龙形与垂枝形及盘龙形与开张形的中间类型;"开张形/垂枝形"表现出1对等位基因(We/we)控制的遗传特性,且开张对垂枝为显性。结论:菊花花形由2对隐性基因(chchch_2ch_2)控制;窄叶形可能由2对隐性基因(nlnlnl_2nl_2)控制;叶片白化由1对隐性基因(wlwl)控制;叶片黄化可能由2对等位基因(Yl_yl_2yl_2或Yl_2_ylyl)控制;仅盘龙形与直立形由1对等位基因(Br_2/br_2)控制,其中盘龙形基因型为br_2br_2;垂枝形由1对隐性基因(wewe)控制。  相似文献   
香蕉和大蕉果实在不同温度下催熟后的色泽变化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
 香蕉和大蕉在20℃和30℃条件下果实催熟期间果皮色泽及几种色素含量的变化结果表明: 在20℃下香蕉、大蕉具有正常的呼吸和乙烯释放高峰, 果皮色泽由绿转黄, 叶绿素含量逐渐降低, 类胡萝卜素含量逐渐上升; 但在30℃下, 香蕉果实虽然出现了正常的呼吸和乙烯释放的高峰, 但叶绿素的降解受到了一定的抑制, 果皮不能正常褪绿, 出现了青皮熟现象, 而大蕉却能正常褪绿转黄。  相似文献   
Tree peony (Paeonia suffruticosa Andr.), considered by many to be the national flower of China, is famous for its ornamental, medicinal and culinary attributes. In this study, a total of 8,663 Simple Sequence Repeats (SSRs) were detected by means of a microsatellite search of unigene sequences identified from the de novo assembly of sequence data from different genotypes of tree peony from the Zhongyuan group. Among 100 randomly selected SSR markers, 25 were successfully amplified and showed polymorphism in 31 tree peony accessions. The number of polymorphic alleles ranged from 3 to 11 for each locus and the polymorphism information content value (PIC) ranged from 0.58 to 0.85, with a mean of 0.73, indicating a high level of discriminative capability. To analyse the genetic diversity, a phylogenetic tree was constructed, which demonstrated that tree peonies of similar flower colour were clustered together. The large number of tree peony SSR markers identified in this study will be valuable in studies in genetic diversity and linkage map construction, in gene localisation and cloning and in molecular-marker-assisted breeding in tree peony.  相似文献   
Early assessment of processing strawberries for colour   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Hedley Williams 《Euphytica》1977,26(3):841-845
Summary It is possible to select strawberry cultivars that give a satisfactory, naturally coloured canned product as an alternative to the commercially dyed one. Spectrophotometric measurements of the syrup from cans, the canned fruit and fresh fruit were compared with visual scoring. A preliminary screening for colour based on visual assessment of fresh flesh colour is possible.  相似文献   
张瑞茂  侯国佐 《种子》2002,(5):21-23
以优良的甘蓝型油菜黑籽双低品系6003和黄籽双低高油分品系408作为基础材料,采用杂交有种程序,经过5年8代(含杂交当代)的连续定向选择,育成了黄籽频率达91.6%-96.2%。含油量46.7%-49.3%,芥酸0.68%-0.14%。硫甙24.6-39.14μmol/g,丰产性与中双4号相当的甘蓝型黄籽双低新品系5862R,并被用作恢复系组配成功一个甘蓝型黄籽双低杂交油菜新品种油研九号,于1998年通过贵州省审定,至2001年秋在长江流域各省已累计示范推广面积达4万公顷左右。  相似文献   
陆秀娟  李祥栋  石明  潘虹  魏心元  陆平  苏跃 《种子》2020,(1):33-35,41
为研究薏苡紫色柱头性状的遗传规律,利用4份材料做亲本构建4个杂交组合,观察并记录其F 1、F 2植株的性状特征和分离比例。结果显示,紫色柱头相对于白色为显性,各F 2群体植株的柱头颜色分离比皆符合3∶1比例,说明紫色柱头是由1对显性等位基因控制。  相似文献   
原木板材的颜色纹理检测以及分类是木质产品生产过程中的一道重要工序。本文讨论分析了板材检测分类系统的硬件设计和系统涉及的算法,在分析不同聚类分析方法的基础上,提出了采用最大最小距离聚类法实现板材聚类,并对有关算法进行了软件设计和相关的实验研究,表明了算法的有效性。  相似文献   
Marine fish larvae exhibit species‐specific sensitivity to light, which changes during ontogeny. Our aim was to explore how visual environment, characterized by light intensity, microalgae addition and wall colour, affects spatial distribution of Atlantic cod larvae. We applied two different small‐scale factorial designs, each of them as a series of independent short‐term trials at fixed larval ages from 5 to 35 days post hatch (DPH). Positive phototaxis increased in larvae from 5 to ≈24 DPH, followed by reduced response at later ages. Effects from the experimental factors on larval behaviour changed with age, and significant interactions between factors were present. Algae significantly affected larvae only at 5 DPH, increasing phototactic response. White wall colour induced distribution of larvae close to the tank walls at all ages. The experimental approach demonstrated clear effects from visual environment on larval distribution, and revealed both relative importance of individual factors, interactive effects and temporal changes due to larval ontogeny. Our results suggest that by fine‐tuning the visual environment in tanks, the larval distribution may be managed to improve overall rearing conditions through a more even distribution with reduced closeness to tank walls.  相似文献   
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