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The quality of wheat for baking is critically dependent on the level of α-amylase (1,4-α-D-glucan glucanohydrolase, EC, which can be present as “late maturity α-amylase” (LMA), or due to pre-harvest sprouting due to high rainfall and humidity at the time of harvesting. The most commonly used method to measure α-amylase in wheat grain is the Hagberg Falling Number method, but values are also influenced by rheological properties of starch in the grain. In this study we describe a simple, rapid, automated method (Amylase SD) for measurement of α-amylase in pre-harvest sprouted (sprout damaged) wheat grain. The method (Amylase SD) measures the release of p-nitrophenol from 4,6-O-ethylidene-α-4-nitrophenyl-maltoheptaoside by α-amylase in the presence of α-glucosidase. The absorbance of p-nitrophenolate measured at 405 nm in a ChemWell®-T auto-analyser is directly related to the level of α-amylase activity present in the milled wheat grain extract. The Amylase SD method generated <6%CV and correlation to the Falling Number method was represented by an inflection point at ∼160 s. The precision, sensitivity and speed of this method provides an ideal alternative to the Falling Number method for measurement of α-amylase (sprout damage) in wheat grain in wheat breeding programmes or at grain receival points.  相似文献   
为了解小肠消化吸收功能对羔羊生长发育的影响,本试验选择60只相同饲养条件、相同断奶日龄(3月龄断奶)的5月龄健康阿勒泰×特克赛尔杂交F1代羔羊为研究对象,从中选择体重大小具有显著性差异的8只羔羊分为大体重组(HBW组)4只,平均体重(37.20±2.80)kg;小体重组(LBW组)4只,平均体重(28.24±3.75)kg。测定两组羔羊十二指肠绒毛组织形态学指标、消化酶活性及其黏膜中钠依赖性葡萄糖转载蛋白1(SGLT1)和葡萄糖转载蛋白2(GLUT2)表达量的差异。结果显示,HBW组羔羊十二指肠绒毛高度、隐窝深度均显著低于LBW组(P< 0.05),而黏膜厚度、绒毛高度/隐窝深度比值差异均不显著(P> 0.05);HBW组羔羊淀粉酶活性显著高于LBW组羔羊(P< 0.05),麦芽糖酶、乳糖酶、蔗糖酶活性均极显著高于LBW组羔羊(P< 0.01),脂肪酶及蛋白酶活性在两组羔羊间均无显著差异(P> 0.05);HBW组羔羊SGLT1表达量显著高于LBW组(P< 0.05),GLUT2表达量极显著高于LBW组(P< 0.01)。综上所述,反刍动物体重增加与十二指肠消化吸收功能密切相关,这些消化酶及葡萄糖运载蛋白的分子生物学上调机制尚需进一步研究。  相似文献   
Chick pea seeds of twenty eight varieties were analysed for alpha amylase inhibitor activity (AIA) using salivary amylase. The effects of heat treatment and germination on the activity of the antinutritional factor was investigated. Heat treatment and germination decreased the activity of amylase inhibitor. Chick pea meal was also subjected to UV irradiation and pressure cooking. These treatments decreased alpha amylase inhibitor activity. The amylase inhibitor activity decreased as the days of germination increased and negligible inhibitor activity was observed on the 6th day of germination.  相似文献   
许氏平鮋消化道中部分消化酶的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对许氏平 (Sebastesschlegeli)消化道内的 5种与消化吸收有关的酶进行分布和活性测定。结果表明 ,(1)肠道各段均具很高碱性磷酸酶活性 ,最适 pH为 9.7。食道和胃几乎没有碱性磷酸酶活性。 (2 )消化道各部位均含酸性磷酸酶 ,肠道活性最高 ,自幽门盲囊起依次递降。食道和胃酸性磷酸酶活性明显低于肠 ,胃和肠酸性磷酸酶的最适 pH均为 5 .3。 (3)肠道中羧酸酯酶活性明显高于胃 ,且 2者羧酸酯酶最适 pH差别较大 ,分别为 8.4和 6 .8。(4)胃蛋白酶活性明显高于肠道 ,胃蛋白酶最适pH为 2 .6 ,肠蛋白酶最适 pH为 9.4。 (5 )胃淀粉酶活性明显低于肠道 ,胃淀粉酶最适 pH为 4 .6 ,肠道淀粉酶最适pH为 7.0。这表明许氏平对蛋白质的初步消化在胃中进行 ,在肠中进一步消化和吸收 ,而对糖类和脂类的消化和吸收主要在肠道进行  相似文献   
The activity and capacity (activity × tissue weight) of digestive carbohydrases (total carbohydrase, α‐glucosidase, α‐amylase) was examined in vitro under a range of (more realistic) incubation temperatures (5, 18 and 25°C) and pH (7.6) more likely to be encountered during rearing, along the digestive tract of important teleost species for aquaculture (Dicentrarchus labrax, Sparus aurata, Oreochromis aureus, Oncorhynchus mykiss and Salmo salar). Results indicate, among other things, an overestimation of digestive carbohydrase levels when performing assays at 37°C, a different effect of temperature on digestive enzyme performance along the digestive tract of examined species, and the increased importance of α‐glucosidase towards carbohydrate digestion. Implications regarding the capacity of each species for carbohydrate digestion in nature, as well as feed manufacturing, are discussed.  相似文献   
以15年生华农本地早为材料,研究了5种调控措施对柑桔树的3种酶活性和蛋白质含量的影响。结果表明,叶片和芽的试验结果是一致的。6-BA和GA3程度不同地提高了α-淀粉酶活性;PDJ—B、PP333和环割程度不同地降低了α-淀粉酶的活性;6-BA和GA3大多数情况下显著地降低了APP活性,PP333和环割,总的来说提高了APP活性,PDJ—B规律性不强;6-BA和GA3都不同程度地抑制了POX活性、PDJ—B、PP333和环割都不同程度地促进了POX活性;PP333、环割和PDJ—B不同程度上有提高可溶性蛋白质含量的趋势,GA3大多数情况下降低了可溶性蛋白质含量,6-BA在前期(10月)提高了可溶性蛋白质含量.而后期则降低了含量;此外,可溶性蛋白质含量在10月中旬、11月中旬的两次低峰,可能与花芽分化消耗有关。  相似文献   
不同蛋白能量比饲料对草鱼幼鱼消化酶活性的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
以鱼粉和豆粕为蛋白源,鱼油和豆油等比例混合油为脂肪源,共配制4个蛋白水平(20%、25%、30%、35%),每一蛋白水平设4个脂肪水平(4.5%、8%、11.5%、15%),共16组饲料。每组设3个重复,在水温23~29℃下,连续投喂初始体重为(16.84±0.28)g的草鱼(Ctenopharyngodon idellus)10周,研究不同蛋白能量比饲料对草鱼幼鱼消化酶活性的影响。结果显示:肠道蛋白酶的活性随着饲料蛋白含量的升高而显著升高(P<0.05),饲料蛋白水平在20%~30%时,饲料中的脂肪水平对蛋白酶活性影响不显著(P>0.05),蛋白水平在35%时,高脂肪抑制了蛋白酶活性,肝胰脏的蛋白酶变化规律类似于肠道;肠道和肝胰脏淀粉酶活性在饲料蛋白含量相同的情况下,随着脂肪含量的升高呈现显著的下降趋势(P<0.05),但饲料中蛋白(30%,35%)和脂肪(8%,11.5%,15%)含量较高时,淀粉酶活性较稳定;肠道和肝胰脏的脂肪酶活性在饲料蛋白含量相同的情况下,随着脂肪含量的升高,呈显著上升的趋势(P<0.05),但在蛋白含量(30%,35%)和脂肪含量(8%、11.5%,15%)的6个试验组之间差异不显著(P>0.05);在脂肪含量分别为4.5%、8%和11.5%时,饲料的蛋白含量对肠道的脂肪酶活性无显著性影响(P>0.05),当脂肪含量为15%时,随着蛋白含量的升高,肠道的脂肪酶活性显著降低(P<0.05)。结果表明,草鱼饲料中蛋白含量为30%和脂肪为8%(即蛋白能量比21.7 mg/kJ)的试验组草鱼获得较高的消化酶活性。  相似文献   
Serum amylase and isoamylase values were determined in three groups of dogs. The first group contained control dogs while the other groups contained dogs with confirmed exocrine pancreatic insufficiency and diabetes mellitus respectively. The trypsin-like immunoreactivity test was also carried out on sera from dogs with exocrine pancreatic disease (EPI). A significant difference was detected in the serum amylase values between the three groups which may be of limited diagnostic value. Dogs with EPI had values lower than normal while those with diabetes mellitus had values higher than control dogs. No evidence of exocrine pancreatic insufficiency was found in dogs with diabetes mellitus.  相似文献   
用4种等能不同质量分数的蛋白质饲料(30%、35%、40%和45%)饲喂克氏原螯虾(Procambarus clarkii Girard)幼虾(5.46 g±0.51 g )28 d后,分析不同蛋白水平的饲料对克氏原螯虾幼虾肠道和肝胰脏消化酶活性和体成分的影响.结果表明:(1)饲料蛋白质浓度对脂肪酶和蛋白酶活性均有显著性影响(P<0.05);并随着饲料蛋白水平的提高,两酶活性都呈现先升高后降低的趋势.其中肠道蛋白酶和肝胰脏蛋白酶活性分别在饲料蛋白质浓度为40%和35%时最高;肠道和肝胰脏脂肪酶活性均在饲料蛋白质浓度为40%时最高,且各饲料组肝胰脏脂肪酶活性差异显著(P<0.05),而35%组和40%组之间的肠道脂肪酶活性无显著性差异(P>0.05).克氏原螯虾幼体的肠道和肝胰脏淀粉酶活性随饲料蛋白质水平的升高均呈波浪式变化;35%组与45%组之间的肠道淀粉酶活性和30%与45%组之间的肝胰脏淀粉酶活性均无显著性差异(P>0.05).(2)随着饲料中蛋白水平的升高,克氏原螯虾肌肉中蛋白质含量只有45%组显著升高(P<0.05),其他饲料组肌肉蛋白含量虽有上升趋势,但差异不显著(P>0.05).随着饲料蛋白浓度的增加,肌肉中脂肪含量反而下降,除30%组外,各组间差异显著(P<0.05).对克氏原螯虾肌肉灰分的测定表明,饲料蛋白浓度对肌肉中灰分含量的影响不显著(P>0.05).  相似文献   
ASI是抑制小麦α-淀粉酶活性及改善小麦品质的一种重要蛋白,目前已将编码ASI蛋白的基因定位于麦类作物第二同源染色体的长臂上。ASI蛋白具有高度的多态性。大麦中ASI蛋白对小麦α-淀粉酶的活性抑制作用较强,在小麦中导入大麦ASI蛋白基因能够延缓小麦穗发芽。抗ASI蛋白的单克隆抗体具有特异性,依赖抗小麦ASI蛋白的ELISA是测定ASI蛋白浓度的一种有效方法。本文对α-淀粉酶抑制蛋白的特性及应用进行  相似文献   
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