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利用静水式鱼类急性毒性测试法,分别以黄颡鱼(Pelteobagrus fulvidraco)仔鱼和稚鱼为受试对象,通过六价铬的急性毒性试验,获得24、48、72、96 h相应的半数致死浓度LC50值,比较了六价铬对黄颡鱼仔鱼和稚鱼的致毒敏感性,计算了六价铬对黄颡鱼的安全质量浓度并对六价铬对于黄颡鱼急性毒性等级进行了评价。旨在通过开展我国本土水生生物的急性毒性效应的研究,获得相应的毒理学数据,为推导符合我国生态分区特点的水质基准提供基础信息。结果表明,在水温为(23±2)℃条件下,六价铬对黄颡鱼仔鱼24、48、72、96 h的半数致死浓度LC50分别为28.32、21.99、17.70、15.79 mg.L-1,而对黄颡鱼稚鱼24、48、72、96 h的LC50分别为138.5、88.36、68.55、57.98 mg.L^-1,说明黄颡鱼仔鱼对于六价铬毒性的敏感性明显高于稚鱼。六价铬对黄颡鱼仔鱼和稚鱼的安全浓度分别为1.579、5.798 mg.L^-1,依据急性毒性结果和鱼类急性毒性分级标准,六价铬对于黄颡鱼毒性等级属于中等毒性。  相似文献   
小鼠急性缺氧后心肌肥大细胞的变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用组织化学方法对对照组、缺氧组、雌激素预处理缺氧组小鼠心肌肥大细胞的数量、活性及组化性质作了研究.结果表明,缺氧组小鼠肥大细胞和脱颗粒数目均极显著地高于同期对照组和雌激素预处理缺氧组(P<0.01),随着急性缺氧时间的延长,缺氧组小鼠肥大细胞和脱颗粒也呈直线上升趋势.雌激素预处理缺氧组小鼠的肥大细胞和脱颗粒极显著地低于同期缺氧组(P<0.01),而显著高于同期对照组(P<0.05).AB-S染色显示,心肌肥大细胞多数为黏膜肥大细胞,少数为结缔组织肥大细胞.试验结果为:肥大细胞参与急性缺氧造成心肌损伤的病理过程,雌激素对心肌缺氧损伤有保护作用.  相似文献   
伪狂犬病病毒感染诱导和抑制细胞凋亡   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
用伪狂犬病病毒 (pseudorabies virus,PRV)鄂 A株感染非免疫健康初生仔猪 ,5 d后出现典型的伪狂犬病临床症状。从感染 PRV鄂 A株仔猪的肾脏、肝脏、扁桃体、胸腺、腹股沟淋巴结、颈部淋巴结等组织细胞提取的 DNA,经琼脂糖凝胶电泳呈现大小不等的 180~ 2 0 0 bp整倍数的寡核苷酸片段梯状条带 ,经 PCR方法鉴定为 PRV DNA。末端脱氧核苷转移酶原位标记 [terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase(Td T) - conjugated d UTP nick end labelling,TUNEL ]法显示 ,部分凋亡的阳性细胞呈现染色质凝聚、细胞核固缩、染色质靠核膜边聚集等形态学变化 ,说明 PRV诱导细胞凋亡是造成急性感染时组织器官广泛损伤的重要原因之一 ;而 PRV感染的大脑、小脑、嗅球及脊髓等神经系统组织中未观察到上述细胞凋亡特征 ,说明 PRV可以抑制急性感染时神经细胞发生凋亡。本试验结果显示 ,在 PRV急性感染状态下 ,病毒诱导细胞凋亡是杀伤细胞的重要途径之一 ,同时这一过程又可通过神经系统病毒基因隐性感染及潜伏期的建立而受到抑制  相似文献   
【目的】评价调环酸钙原药的急性毒性,为安全使用调环酸钙提供毒理学依据。【方法】按照我国现行《农药登记毒理学试验方法》(GB15670-1995)规定的方法,以SD大鼠为对象,采用一次最大剂量法,对调环酸钙原药进行急性经口、经皮毒性试验。【结果】调环酸钙原药对SD大鼠的急性经口半数致死量(LD50)〉5000mg/kg·BW,经皮LD50〉2000mg/kg·BW。【结论】调环酸钙对大鼠的急性经口、经皮毒性均属于低毒性,符合绿色农业生产的要求。  相似文献   
The hepatic lipidosis (HL) in fattening turkeys is a disease has been known for a long time, but the cause and pathogenesis is still not clarified. A recent study reported unexplained high levels of iron in liver tissue of fattening turkeys suffering from HL. In this study, the iron status, possible infectious or inflammatory influences in form of an acute phase reaction and the analysis of fatty acid pattern in liver tissue of turkeys affected by HL were examined. Three cases of HL on three different fattening turkey farms were investigated during the outbreak of the disease. Clinically affected and non-affected animals were subjected to a pathological examination, where the diagnosis HL or non-affected was made. In total, 70 birds were examined (40 with HL, 30 without HL) and blood and liver samples were taken. Additionally, samples from 15 slaughtered birds were taken as a further control group. In liver tissue, the iron content and the content of long-chain fatty acids were determined; in blood samples, ferritin and transferrin were measured. The iron content in liver tissue was more than three times higher for animals with HL than among non-affected animals and the control group. The transferrin levels were lowest for animals with HL, highest in the control group and in between for non-affected animals. The fatty acid pattern in liver tissue of affected animals indicated a shift from polyunsaturated fatty acids to saturated fatty acids and monounsaturated fatty acids compared to the control group and the non-affected animals. Overall, the non-affected animals of a flock affected by HL were similar to the healthy animals of the abattoir. The low acute phase protein levels for animals with HL together with high iron contents could indicate a previous malnutrition/starvation period and/or severe liver damage for those animals suffering from HL.  相似文献   
Over the past several decades, recognition of acute respiratory failure as the cause of death in patients suffering from various clinical conditions has prompted aggressiv investigation into the area of respiratory physiology and supportive respiratory care. With the evolution of emergency medicine and critical care services in both human and veterinary medicine, many patients previously considered unsalvageable due to the severity of their underlying disease are now being resuscitated and successfully supported, creating a new population of critically ill patients. Where only a decade ago these patients would have succumbed to their underlying disease, they now survive long enough to manifest the complications of shock and tissue injury in the form of acute respiratory failure. Investigation into the pathophysiology and treatment of this acute respiratory distress syndrom (ARDS) has facilitated increased clinical application of respiratory theerapy and machanical ventilation.1 The purpose of this paper is to provide a basic review of respiratory mechanics and the pathophysiology of hypoxemia as they relate to airway pressure therapy in veterinary patients and to review the use of airway pressure therapy in veterinary patients This paper is divided into two parts; part I reviews respiratory mechanics and hypoxemia as they apply to respiratory therapy, while part II deals specifically with airway pressure therapy andits use in clinical cases.  相似文献   
目的 利用斑马鱼胚胎急性毒性实验检测赶山鞭化学成分胚胎发育毒副作用。方法 以孵育6 h的斑马鱼胚胎为实验模型,设DMSO对照组和quercetin,rutin,hyperin,quercertin-3-O-α-L-arabinofuranoside,quercertin-3-O-α-L-glucoside五种赶山鞭单体化合物样品组,观察记录72 hpf(受精后72小时)时的致死率、致畸率、孵化率。结果 72 hpf,在各浓度梯度范围内,5种化合物对斑马鱼胚胎致死致畸抑制孵化效应明显(P<0.05),高浓度时愈加明显(P<0.01),且呈现一定的剂量依赖效应。畸形类型主要为心房囊水肿、体节弯曲。结论 上述5种化合物可能对胚胎发育有一定的毒性。  相似文献   
对达里湖鲫Carassius auratus Linnaeus 3月龄幼鱼(体长为4.16 cm±0.47 cm)分别在不同浓度梯度下进行盐度和碱度急性胁迫试验,分析盐度、碱度以及盐碱混合对达里湖鲫的毒性影响,并在此基础上采用水生态毒理联合效应相加指数法进行了氯化钠(NaCl)和碳酸氢钠(NaH-CO3)浓度的联合毒性试验,探讨了在不同类型盐碱水质条件下开展增养殖活动的可行性.结果表明:在pH为7.0±0.5,碱度为0.44mmol/L时,盐度对试验鱼的24、48、72、96 h的半致死浓度(LC50)分别为11.57、11.14、10.89、10.61,安全值(SC)为3.10;在pH为8.5±-0.5,盐度为1.9 ~4.3时,碱度对试验鱼的24、48、72、96 h的LC50分别为71.93、67.80、65.80、63.42 mmol/L,SC为18.07 mmol/L;在96 h内NaCl和NaHCO3的关系全部为拮抗作用,且其拮抗效应逐渐减弱并趋向于相加作用.本试验结果可为今后在内陆盐碱水域开展达里湖鲫增养殖提供科学依据.  相似文献   
Tumours shows aberrant DNA methylation patterns, being hypermethylated or hypomethylated compared with normal tissues. In human acute myeloid leukaemia (hAML) mutations in DNA methyltransferase (DNMT3A) are associated to a more aggressive tumour behaviour. As AML is lethal in dogs, we defined global DNA methylation content, and screened the C‐terminal domain of DNMT3 family of genes for sequence variants in 39 canine acute myeloid leukaemia (cAML) cases. A heterogeneous pattern of DNA methylation was found among cAML samples, with subsets of cases being hypermethylated or hypomethylated compared with healthy controls; four recurrent single nucleotide variations (SNVs) were found in DNMT3L gene. Although SNVs were not directly correlated to whole genome DNA methylation levels, all hypomethylated cAML cases were homozygous for the deleterious mutation at p.Arg222Trp. This study contributes to understand genetic modifications of cAML, leading up to studies that will elucidate the role of methylome alterations in the pathogenesis of AML in dogs.  相似文献   
四种稻田农药对克氏原螯虾的急性毒性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用半静态方式水生生物急性毒性实验法,研究了在实验室常温条件下敌百虫、稻瘟灵、毒死蜱、阿维菌素四种稻田杀虫剂对克氏原螯虾( Procambarus clarkii)的急性毒性。结果显示,敌百虫、稻瘟灵、毒死蜱、阿维菌素对体重为(34.43±7.04)g克氏原螯虾的24 h半致死浓度(24 h LC50)分别为65.07、42.16、0.71、1.23 mg/L,48 h半致死浓度(48 h LC50)分别为35.75、33.49、0.59、0.84 mg/L;96 h半致死浓度(96h LC50)分别为12.54、18.83、0.45、0.37 mg/L。其安全浓度分别为3.24、6.34、0.122、0.117 mg/L。根据国家标准和本实验数据可以看出,敌百虫和稻瘟灵对克氏原螯虾中毒,毒死蜱和阿维菌素对其高毒。  相似文献   
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