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师萱  杨勇  谭红军 《安徽农业科学》2013,(25):10430-10432
综述了银耳废料的产生及利用现状、综合利用途径等,并详细阐述了银耳废料中的生物活性物质,以期为银耳废料的合理应用提供科学依据.  相似文献   
石礼盛 《广东园林》2009,31(5):14-17
以三峡截流纪念园景观设计项目为例,介绍其利用废旧材料进行景观设计的做法,对废旧材料的再利用不仅能表达废旧材料所代表的特定文化含义,更体现了一种循环经济思想。希望为大家解决工程废旧材料问题提供参考。  相似文献   
赵利平 《安徽农学通报》2011,17(2):53-54,103
广州番禺区建垃圾焚烧厂的规划被迫暂停,反应出目前我国计划大量实施的垃圾简单收集及其焚烧法无法真正实现"资源-产品-再生资源-再生产品"这种投入少、污染小的高效循环经济模式。垃圾处理应产业化,应该和其它产业的链接中实现对同类废弃资源的循环利用。实现这种高效循环经济发展新模式,这其中关键的是生产合适的垃圾分类箱,发挥个人作为垃圾分类回收的主体作用。  相似文献   
乐小亮  何娟  肖娇 《安徽农业科学》2013,41(13):5894-5896
[目的]采用固相萃取-高效液相色谱法测定废水中4种氯苯类有机污染物。[方法]利用固相萃取技术,结合高效液相色谱法(PDA检测器)分析废水中4种氯苯类有机污染物,比较了ODS-C18、Sep-Park Vac Silica、Bond Elut CARBON、Bond Elut SI和Bond ElutPLEXA 5种SPE小柱对4种氯苯类的萃取效率,并系统研究了最佳萃取条件。[结果]氯苯、1,4-二氯苯和1,2,4-三氯苯的紫外检测波长为210 nm,而1,2-二氯苯的检测波长为224 nm;通过比较5种SPE小柱的萃取效率,发现ODS-C18小柱有很好的回收率。甲醇的最佳洗脱体积为4.0 ml;除氯苯外,其他氯苯类化合物的穿透体积都在1.0 L以上,而氯苯的穿透体积为250 ml,表明ODS-C18小柱对二氯苯和三氯苯具有很强的吸附性。在最佳萃取和测定条件下,该方法线性范围为0.005~0.100 mg/L,检出限为0.076~0.105μg/L,完全满足日常环境监测分析要求。[结论]该研究为氯苯类环境监测分析提供了参考。  相似文献   
The siting a landfill or waste treatment facility and the redevelopment of a brownfield or former landfill site are generally treated as independent issues in the research literature. Nonetheless, the two are important elements of community development and urban revitalization efforts. The purpose of this paper is to provide an integrated review of the current literature on attitudes toward waste treatment sites and their potential conversion for recreation use. We begin by examining research on residents’ perceptions of and attitudes toward proposed and existing waste treatment facility sites, including the perceived impacts and determinants of attitudes toward these sites. Next we summarize work that has explored the subsequent conversion of former landfills or brownfield sites, with a particular emphasis on repurposing these sites for green space and recreation use. We conclude by summarizing key issues and implications for future research and policy development.  相似文献   

China is the largest importer of waste paper in the world and is highly dependent on the international market. Thus, the relationship between Chinese and international waste paper markets affects the supply of fiber materials in China’s paper industry. This study examined the dynamic relationship between the two markets and the impact of newly implemented policies on both markets. We used unit root tests, cointegration test, vector error correction model (VECM) and frequency-domain Granger causality test to investigate the integration between Chinese and international waste paper markets and identify which of the two markets is the price leader. The results revealed that the two markets were integrated after controlling for structural breaks, and the Chinese market acted as the price leader. Since the supply of waste paper and wood pulp is insufficient in China to meet the fiber demand of the paper industry, waste paper import restrictions have significantly affected the supply of fiber materials in China’s paper industry. Therefore, the Chinese government should fully consider the benefit of market integration and make full use of international waste paper resources to satisfy the large domestic demand for paper products.  相似文献   
孙克君  林鸿辉 《广东园林》2007,29(B09):99-101
介绍园林有机废物变栽培基质的原因、过程,产品应用实例,表明园林有机废物变栽培基质是节约型园林绿化发展的新途径,具有较好的社会效益和生态效益。  相似文献   
山东省有机肥产业化对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对山东省17地市的有机肥产业化调查,发现山东省有机肥生产企业数量多、分布范围广,有机肥产品种类多,部分地区具有地域优势,个别企业产业链布局合理、规划长远。山东省有机肥产业前景广阔,政策、资源等优势明显,部分地区产业化初具规模,全省有机肥产业配套齐全,但同时仍存在地域发展失衡等问题。预计未来山东省产业化发展中,污泥处理将是新亮点,工业废弃物处理潜力巨大,全省有机肥产业化装备技术将实现新突破。   相似文献   
为了研究基质还田对大田土壤和辣椒生长生产的影响,以日光温室连续栽培蔬菜6年的废弃基质还施露地种植辣椒,测定了不同施用量(0,45,90,135 m~3/hm~2)的土壤理化性质及辣椒生理特性和产量。结果表明:基质还田能够减少土壤pH变化,减小土壤容重、略微增加土壤孔隙度、保持土壤气水比,改善了土壤的理化性状,促进辣椒植株的生长且利于其干物质积累,其中株高、茎粗及干物质积累量均以T2最好。提升了辣椒叶片光合荧光的表现,T2的净光合速率、蒸腾速率、气孔导度、Fv/Fm、ΦPSⅡ均为最高,T1的q P最高,NPQ为T3最低。提高了辣椒果实的品质及产量,T2产量达67.04 t/hm~2,可溶性糖含量以T2最高,为2.21%,Vc含量T3最高,为1.97 mg/g,T1的可溶性蛋白含量最高、硝酸盐含量最低,分别为2.07,204.93 mg/kg。而与此同时,较大的还田施用量(135 m~3/hm~2)在辣椒生长的中前期造成了一定的毒害现象,在生育后期此现象消失,最终各项指标全面优于未还田处理。废弃基质露地还田这样的重复利用方式切实有效,(在种植同科作物的情况下)还田施用量宜选择90 m~3/hm~2。  相似文献   
对中密度纤维板厂木片水洗废水处理方案进行研究:混合絮凝剂的成分和最佳投放量经研究确定为15 g/m3聚合氯化铝和1 g/m3聚丙烯酰胺,对木片质量也不会有较大损害;确定最佳处理水量占总水量的比例为15%,既能使废水水质得到改善,而且处理成本为最小,达到资源回收利用的目的。  相似文献   
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