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探索了畜牧兽医专业"四段式工学结合"人才培养模式,经五年的实践,实现了毕业生"零距离"就业。  相似文献   
概述了兽用氟喹诺酮类抗菌药长效制剂的特点,及其近年来在国内外的研究进展和应用情况,分析了氟喹诺酮药物长效制剂亟待解决的问题,并对其发展前景进行了展望。  相似文献   
《兽医临床诊疗技术》课程教学的改革与探索   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
《兽医临床诊疗技术》是高职高专畜牧兽医专业的关键课程之一,对兽医临床诊疗技术掌握的熟练程度,直接关系到畜牧兽医专业学生临床综合思维能力和诊疗水平。《兽医临床诊疗技术》实践性教学改革是《兽医临床诊疗技术》课程建设的中心环节,搞好《兽医临床诊疗技术》的课程建设将成为提高畜牧兽医专业课程教学质量的突破口。  相似文献   
对《兽药产品说明书范本》编制原则、特点及使用说明进行了详细阐述。对于读者理解、领会和执行《兽药产品说明书范本》将起到较好的帮助作用。  相似文献   
综述了食品动物兽药残留的现状、原因、危害和控制等最新进展。兽药残留在每个国家都存在,区别仅在于兽药残留的量不同,发达国家对食品中兽药残留的要求越来越严格。食品动物疫病防治用药、兽药添加剂的使用、动物性食品中的兽药残留及兽药或饲料添加剂中混有污染物等,成为食品动物兽药残留的主要原因。食品动物兽药残留的主要危害包括毒性作用、耐药性、激素样作用、致敏作用及生态环境毒性。应从完善动物性食品安全法律和标准体系、强化食品动物兽药残留技术体系、重视畜牧兽医工作者在食品动物生产中的主体地位、加强食品动物生产环境监管、严把饲料及添加剂关、合理使用兽药,加大兽药残留监控力度、严把屠宰检疫关,净化动物性食品市场等方面进行食品动物兽药残留的控制。  相似文献   
动物传染病是危害养殖业的重要因素,了解某一地区传染病的流行及病原分布情况,可以有效预防、控制和消灭传染病流行。本文通过对吉林市丸站、丰满、龙潭3个地区,5个养鸡场、3个养猪场及3个地区土壤中病原性细菌的分析鉴定,共分离出大肠杆菌、金黄色葡萄球菌、猪链球菌、多杀性巴氏杆菌、沙门氏菌等6种主要致病性细菌。针对各种病原菌分布情况提出有效的防制方案,可为预防、控制这些常见疫病提供参考依据。  相似文献   
本文论述了畜牧兽医类高职院校化学实验教学中存在的问题,以及化学实验教学改革的措施。主张通过化学实验内容、实验手段、实验方法、考核方式、以及研究性、设计性实验课的开设等措施进行实验教学的改革,提高学生的动手能力和科研素质,为专业课的学习打下坚实的化学基础。  相似文献   
It is popular in some quarters to say that there is no food crisis; that there is food aplenty; and that the problem is one of distribution or other over-arching technical difficulty. To the starving, however, there is a food crisis; and it neither speaks well nor bodes well for humanity if we dismiss their plight so glibly. The United Nations has called for a large and rapid increase in food production. Veterinary parasitologists and industry leaders can contribute to the production of healthier livestock and the expansion of aquaculture, but enhanced production and better delivery of plant foods may provide faster relief. Although livestock farming is not the most energy-efficient way of producing food, meat will remain a significant component of the global diet for the foreseeable future. New measures for parasite control will be needed, and we must improve our methods of inventing them. They need not act directly against the parasite. In the distant future lie other threats to the inhabitants of planet Earth, and here we must acknowledge the cogency of the no-food-crisis argument. In the long term, the production of animal foods and animal feeds will be revamped in ways that depend on how (or whether) we solve the energy crisis, the environmental crisis, the increasingly dire regional population crises, and the current world financial crisis. Throughout the 20th century, the animal health industry had to adapt to industrialization and expansive agribusiness. It will have to adapt to even greater changes in the 21st century and beyond.  相似文献   
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