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液体黏性传动是一门新兴技术,是利用液体的黏性来传递动力的一种传动装置。将其应用于人造板生产中的大功率、大转矩设备上,可以降低电动机的额定功率,改善设备的启动性能及调节性能,节约能源,值得在人造板生产设备中应用和推广。  相似文献   
Pork has been traditionally considered an important source of human Toxoplasma gondii infection. Pigs, as other meat‐producing animals, can become infected by the ingestion of oocysts that are shed in the environment by infected cats or by the consumption of cysts present in tissues of infected mammals, commonly small rodents. The objective of this study was to investigate the level of T. gondii infection in swine from southern Chile that can be associated with the ingestion of oocysts and therefore exposure to a contaminated environment. A total of 340 serum samples from swine were obtained from three commercial slaughterhouses located in the Araucania and Los Rios Regions from southern Chile. Study animals originated from local farms, mainly small commercial producers, and the meat is sold locally. Overall, 8.8% (30/340) of the samples showed Tgondii‐specific IgG antibodies. Of these sero‐positive animals, 80% (24/30) were also positive for antibodies specific against the oocyst stage of the parasite, indicating that animals had been infected recently by the ingestion of oocysts. The observed results suggest a high level of environmental contamination with oocysts on the farms of origin. In addition to the food safety problems associated with the consumption of meat from infected animals, the high level of environmental contamination on the farm represents a direct health risk for people living and/or working on these farms. Consequently, there is a need to develop on‐farm monitoring programmes and identify risk reduction strategies (food storage, water purification, rodent control and contact with cats) that are appropriate and cost‐effective for informal and outdoor type of farms.  相似文献   
Using double-circuit transmission line is the developing tide for main 500 kV configuration to reduce line holding ground, so analyzing it's lightning protection performance is important to extend double-circuit transmission line in ultra high voltage network. The lightning protection performance of 500 kV double-circuit transmission line is studied with EMTP and EGM. The statistical method is applied to analyzing the lightning protection performance of back stroke by considering the randomness of working voltage's phase when lightning stroked the top tower. The result is that the line lightning protection level is different when the working voltage of conductor is different. It also improved the EGM by considering the effect of wind speed when analyzing the lightning protection performance of shielding failure. Furthermore, the results are given that wind speed has effects on the protection angle and the rate of shielding failure by using the program to calculate it.  相似文献   
Despite the availability of vaccines, equine influenza virus (EIV) continues to pose a threat to the racing industry. The virus spreads rapidly in unprotected populations and large scale outbreaks, such as those in South Africa in 2003 and Australia in 2007, can cost billions of pounds. Like other influenza viruses, EIV undergoes antigenic variation, enabling it to evade antibodies generated against previous infection or vaccination. The UK has an active surveillance programme to monitor antigenic drift and participates in an international collaboration with other countries in Europe, Japan and the USA to select suitable vaccine strains. Selection is primarily based upon characterisation of the viral haemagglutinin (HA), the surface protein that induces a protective antibody response; this protein is an important component of commercial vaccines. In recent years vaccine technology has improved and diagnostic methods have become increasingly sensitive, both play a crucial part in facilitating the international movement of horses. Mathematical modelling techniques have been applied to study the risk factors involved in outbreaks and provide valuable information about the impact of vaccination. Other factors, such as pathogenicity, are poorly understood for EIV yet may play an important role in the spread of a particular virus. They may also affect the ability of the virus to cross the species barrier, as seen with the transfer to dogs in the USA. Severity of infection is likely to be influenced by more than one gene, but differences in the NS1 protein are believed to influence the cytokine response in the horse and have been manipulated to produce potential vaccine strains.  相似文献   
Hepatitis E outbreaks are a serious public health concern in developing countries. The disease causes acute infections, primarily in young adults. The mortality rate is approximately 2%; however, it can exceed 20% in pregnant women in some regions in India. The causative agent, hepatitis E virus (HEV), has been isolated from several animal species, including pigs. HEV genotypes 3 and 4 have been isolated from both humans and animals, and are recognized as zoonotic pathogens. Seroprevalence studies in animals and humans indirectly suggest that HEV infections occur worldwide. The virus is primarily transmitted to humans via undercooked animal meats in developed countries. Moreover, transfusion- and transplantation-mediated HEV infections have recently been reported. This review summarizes the general characteristics of hepatitis E, HEV infection status in animals and humans, the zoonotic transmission modes of HEV, and HEV vaccine development status.  相似文献   
利用2头人工感染中等毒力猪瘟野毒耐过猪进行配种,诱发了猪瘟野毒垂直传播.带毒母猪于带毒后171 d产下9头仔猪,其中3头为死胎,6头为木乃伊.直接免疫荧光抗体试验和RT-PCR检测,9头均为阳性.测序结果表明,3头测序仔猪中,2头仔猪所分离病毒E2基因主要抗原编码区序列与公猪所接种病毒的一致;另1头仔猪所分离病毒E2基因主要抗原编码区序列与公猪所接种病毒的同源性高于与母猪所接种病毒的同源性.母猪在与公猪配种前后,其所分离病毒E2基因主要抗原编码区序列发生了变化,配种后与公猪所分离病毒的一致,说明猪瘟病毒在猪体内的繁殖存在一定的优势选择现象.  相似文献   
基于混合遗传算法的谐波齿轮传动优化设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以谐波齿轮传动体积最小为优化设计目标,建立了混合离散变量优化设计数学模型。引入混沌移民算子,对基本遗传算法进行了改进,以维持群体的多样性,提高全局收敛能力。提出了一种设计变量的离散化处理方法,结合染色体编码的修正技术,在遗传算法中染色体按离散化后的设计变量进行离散搜索。开发了混合离散变量优化的改进遗传算法程序,给出了谐波齿轮传动的混合离散变量优化设计实例,所得优化设计参数符合设计规范,不需进一步处理就可直接用于制造。  相似文献   
现有产品的切纵流脱粒清选装置传动系统设计可靠性较差,脱粒分离传动系统布局较复杂,脱粒滚筒转速固定,对作物的适应性较差。为此,以太湖TH988型切纵流联合收割机为研究对象,根据切纵流脱粒清选装置工作部件的作业流程和相互位置关系,结合传动系统设计原理制定新的传动方案,并对关键传动参数进行验证,在脱粒分离装置动力布局上,设计了一种两挡换向传动箱。优化后的脱粒清选装置经过制造加工、装配到台架上,对其传动系统进行试验,通过检测发现:工作部件的转速满足工作要求,整个传动系统运行通畅,为切纵流联合收获机传动系统设计提供了依据。  相似文献   
围绕拖拉机动力换向离合器充油流量易受温度、回位弹簧刚度和预紧力等因素影响,液压油在加注及工作过程中易受空气污染,导致液压油空气含量增加的工程应用问题,探究了不同充油流量及曝气程度对动力换向性能的影响。以换向时间、冲击度、滑摩功和磨损量为评价指标对换向性能进行了评估,以期提高拖拉机动力换向品质、工作效率和传动系使用寿命。以东方红LF2204型拖拉机TX4A传动系为研究对象,建立了考虑充油流量和曝气程度的动力换向过程数学模型,基于ADAMS、Matlab/Simulink和AMESim平台分别建立了换向离合器机械模型、控制模型和液压模型,对拖拉机Ⅰ挡作业时前进挡切换为倒退挡的工况进行了仿真分析与台架试验验证。仿真结果表明:当液压油曝气程度为0.1%,充油流量分别为16、14 L/min时,与20 L/min流量相比,换向时间分别增长20%和43%,变速器最小输出转矩分别下降26%和52%,滑摩功分别上升33%和78%,最大冲击度分别下降11%和18%,最大磨损量分别上升24%和44%。当充油流量为20 L/min,曝气程度分别为1%和5%时,与0.1%曝气程度相比,换向时间分别增长26%和...  相似文献   
SUV车自动变速器换挡规律的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据发动机和液力变矩器的工作特性图,找出两者匹配时的工作点。在此基础上以相邻两挡加速度相等为换挡点,推导出了发动机和液力变矩器共同工作时换挡规律的理论模型。并根据此理论模型进行仿真,得出了自动变速器的换挡规律图。得出的结果对进一步研究换挡延迟等特性有重要的参考价值。  相似文献   
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