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本试验旨在通过4个剂量-反应试验,研究30~38周龄产蛋鸡对赖氨酸(Lys)、蛋氨酸(Met)、色氨酸(Trp)和苏氨酸(Thr)4种必需氨基酸(AA)的需要量及其比例.每个试验均采用360只海兰灰产蛋鸡,设5个处理,分别采食5个AA梯度水平的试验饲粮,每个处理6个重复,每个重复12只鸡.采用蛋公鸡回肠食糜法测定饲料原料的标准回肠可消化(SID)值.试验预试期14 d,正试期56 d.结果表明:海兰灰产蛋鸡的产蛋率、蛋重、日产蛋量和料蛋比与SIDLys、SID Met、SID Trp和SID Thr的摄入水平均有较好的折线回归关系;以日产蛋量为自变量(x),AA摄入水平为依变量(Y)分别建立的回归方程为:YSID Lys=51.60-0.041 6(682.5-x),R2=0.96;YsID Met=51.43-0.085(314.1-x),R2 =0.95;YSID Trp =51.17-0.155 4(163.0-x),R2=0.97;YsID Thr=52.85-0.057 6(499.5-x),R2=0.93.在饲粮粗蛋白质12.8%的条件下,以日产蛋量为参照指标确定的30 ~ 38周龄产蛋鸡的SID Lys、SID Met、SID Trp和SID Thr需要量分别为684、313、171和506 mg/(只·d).以日产蛋量为指标建立的30~38周龄产蛋鸡理想SID AA模式为:Lys:Met:Trp:Thr=100∶46∶24∶73.  相似文献   
我国是桑蚕业的起源地,历经几千年的历史,现今又是世界桑蚕业的中心。目前,我国有着丰富的蚕桑资源,桑园面积达80多万hm2,年产茧近70万t,生丝10万t,蚕桑资源的开发利用已成为重要的课题。桑蚕蛹是蚕桑业中主要的副产物,具有丰富的营养和功能活性成分,是一种重要的药食兼用昆虫资源。近年来,桑蚕蛹资源的综合开发利用已成为国内外研究热点,并随着研究的不断深入,其在食品业、药品业和生物工程方面的利用已备受关注,具有极大的开发潜力。根据桑蚕蛹的营养价值和药用价值,对桑蚕蛹的初级和深入加工利用研究进行了综述,以期为进一步推进桑蚕蛹食用化和药用化开发提供参考。  相似文献   
Susceptibility to IVM (IVM) of “strain A” Haemonchus contortus which had been exposed to IVM four times over a 2-year period was compared to IVM susceptibility of “strain C” H. contortus which had no prior field exposure to IVM, by in vivo and in vitro methods. In vivo, the percentage reduction in faecal egg counts (FEC) and the total worm counts (TWC) were compared between control animals (lambs and kids) and animals treated with low dose IVM (20 μg/kg). In vitro susceptibility to IVM was evaluated by larval migration inhibition (LMI) after the two strains of H. contortus were exposed to different concentrations of IVM. The dose response, measured as the proportion of larvae inhibited from migrating, was used to estimate LD50. Although differences in response to IVM in the in vivo determinations were not significant, “strain A” H. contortus had a significantly higher LD50 than “strain C” in the LMI assay. Coincident with the conduct of the in vivo experiment, it was observed that “strain A” H. contortus established and survived better than “strain C” in the control lambs.  相似文献   
家蚕蛾油对蛹虫草液体发酵培养的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对蛹虫草菌丝体干产量以及胞外高分子聚合物和胞内多糖含量的测量分析,研究了添加家蚕蛾油对蛹虫草(Cordyceps militarisL.)液体发酵培养效果的影响。添加4%雄蚕蛾油或2%雌蚕蛾油,蛹虫草菌丝体的产量分别增加76.1%和45.9%,胞外高分子聚合物含量分别增加64.2%和43.0%,均达到最大值;添加3%雄蚕蛾油或雌蚕蛾油使胞内多糖含量分别增加46.8%和47.1%,菌丝体产量分别增加145%和102%,均达到最大值。结果表明,添加一定量的家蚕蛾油对蛹虫草液体发酵培养具有促进作用,而在作用效果上,家蚕雄蛾油要优于家蚕雌蛾油。  相似文献   
【目的】构建产蛋前后各期伊犁鹅卵巢转录组文库,结合生物信息学分析揭示不同产蛋期伊犁鹅卵巢组织差异表达基因,并鉴定出影响鹅卵巢发育的关键基因,为伊犁鹅的繁殖调控提供理论参考。【方法】选择处于开产期(KL组)、产蛋期(CL组)及休产期(XL组)的伊犁鹅各4只,屠宰后取其卵巢组织,用于构建卵巢转录组文库。通过新基因挖掘、基因差异表达、基因注释以及蛋白互作网络分析筛选出与鹅卵泡发育相关的候选基因;随机挑选8个差异表达基因,应用实时荧光定量PCR验证其表达情况。【结果】伊犁鹅卵巢组织学结果表明,在开产期时,伊犁鹅卵巢表面有大量初级卵泡,而产蛋期卵巢则显示出卵泡的层级性,在休产期卵巢中可观察到卵泡出现向内凹陷、闭锁的现象。通过转录组测序(RNA-Seq),从构建的12个伊犁鹅卵巢cDNA文库中获得有效读数57 811 186~85 328 377条,Q30值均>93.38%,每个样品所产的测序读数于鹅参考基因组上的比对率在82.79%~89.24%。在卵巢中注释的新基因共有1 112个,单核苷酸多态性(SNP)位点总数为1 642 273~2 425 069个;SNP和插入缺失(InDel)均主要注释于内含子区域;各时期的可变剪切类型主要集中为最后1个外显子可变剪切(TSS)及第1个外显子可变剪切(TTS)。在KL vs CL、XL vs CL及XL vs KL组中分别有337、1 136和525个差异表达基因,共有差异表达基因为α2A肾上腺素能受体(ADRA2A)、表皮蛋白(CP)、非转移性黑色素瘤糖蛋白B (GPNMB)及α-1-抗胰蛋白酶样(LOC106033756)。GO功能富集分析发现,差异表达基因主要富集在肽基酪氨酸磷酸化的正调控、细胞黏附及质膜外侧等过程。KEGG通路富集分析发现,差异表达基因主要显著富集于神经活性配体-受体相互作用、ECM-受体相互作用及类固醇生物合成等。结合蛋白互作网络分析,筛选到与鹅卵巢发育相关的潜在调控因子Bruton’s酪氨酸激酶(BTK)、血小板源性生长因子受体α(PDGFRA)、整合素β3(ITGB3)等。实时荧光定量PCR结果显示,RNA-Seq结果准确可靠。【结论】本研究揭示了产蛋前后各期伊犁鹅卵巢组织中的基因表达差异,筛选到影响伊犁鹅卵巢发育的神经活性配体-受体相互作用、ECM-受体相互作用、类固醇生物合成等重要通路与BTKPDGFRAITGB3等关键候选基因,为了解鹅卵巢组织调控产蛋性能的分子机制提供了理论支撑。  相似文献   
The present study was conducted to investigate the effect of long-term feeding of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) and fish oil on egg quality characteristics, production performance, liver pathology, and egg fatty acid content of laying hens. Single Comb White Leghorn laying hens (n = 112), 21 wk old, were placed in cages and randomly assigned to 4 diets (28 hens/diet, 4 replicates of 7 hens) containing 3.0% yellow grease (control), 2.75% yellow grease + 0.25% CLA (YG-CLA), 2.5% yellow grease + 0.25% CLA + 0.25% fish oil (YG-CLA-FO), and 2.75% yellow grease + 0.25% fish oil (YG-FO). The experimental diets were fed for 12 mo. Eggs were collected daily for 12 mo. Feed consumption, hen-day egg production, and feed efficiency were monitored. At the end of the trial, hepatic tissue was collected for histopathology. No effect of diet was found on feed consumption, hen-day egg production, feed efficiency, egg weight, yolk weight, shell weight, or Haugh unit. The YG-CLA and YG-CLA-FO diets produced an increase in CLA and saturated fatty acids in the egg and liver tissue with a concomitant reduction in monounsaturated fatty acids (P < 0.05). Feeding YG-CLA-FO and YG-FO increased the n-3 fatty acids in egg yolk and liver of hens (P < 0.05). No difference was observed in the number of fat vacuoles in the liver tissue. The total fat content of hepatic and abdominal fat pads did not differ among treatments (P > 0.05). Regardless of the diet, as the hens aged, egg weight, yolk weight, and egg total fat increased, and shell weight decreased (P < 0.05). These data demonstrate that eggs with increased n-3 fatty acids and CLA can be generated by minor diet modifications without affecting the production performance or health of birds.  相似文献   
该文测定了宣州龙威公司两栋鸡舍噪音强度和产蛋率、受精率等指标。A栋鸡舍靠近公路15 m,与饲料车间只隔一墙,白天声压级在85 dB以上,噪声污染十分严重;B栋鸡舍环境良好,白天声压级在63 dB左右。试验结果表明:B栋鸡舍产蛋率比A栋鸡舍提高13.6%,破蛋率降低3.73%,受精率提高1.3%,差异显著(P<0.05)。  相似文献   
The effect of phosphine at exposure periods of 24, 48 and 120 h on hatching and mortality of 0- to 1-day-old eggs of susceptible (TN6) and resistant (FC10) strains of Rhyzopertha dominica of field origin was investigated. The fumigant affected hatching in both the strains. In a 48-h exposure at 27 (+/- 2) degrees C, the LD99 doses for the eggs of TN6 and FC10 were 0.56 and 3.25 mg litre-1, respectively. Significant reduction in hatching was observed in treated batches with progressive increase of phosphine dose in the first 2-3 days. On subsequent days the numbers hatching were often similar to those in controls, and sometimes exceeded control hatch, especially following a 5-day exposure. A critical change in the order of susceptibility of egg and adult stages of the two strains was noticed. In 48-h exposures, eggs of the susceptible strain were more tolerant than their adults, whilst the reverse was true in the resistant strain.  相似文献   
为了研究糖萜素对文昌鸡生产性能的影响,选取3 000只文昌鸡随机分为3组,每组2个重复。对照组饲喂基础日粮,试验组的日粮分别在基础日粮上添加糖萜素300、500 mg/kg,结果表明:糖萜素试验组能略微改善平均蛋重、蛋形指数、蛋壳强度、蛋壳厚度、蛋黄颜色、蛋黄比率、哈氏单位,差异不显著(P>0.05),在蛋比重方面,试验组与对照组相比均得到显著改善,差异显著(P<0.05)。  相似文献   
《Veterinary parasitology》2015,207(3-4):346-349
Resistance to currently available anthelmintics is a serious phenomenon which is prevalent globally. Cyathostomins are one of the major parasites, and are of primary concern in donkeys. There have been reports of emerging resistance to pyrantel, but the status of pyrantel resistance in donkey populations in the UK is largely unknown. This report investigates pyrantel resistance in two geographically isolated donkey herds in the South West of England. The first herd had suspected pyrantel resistance, with already established resistance to other anthelmintics. In the second herd the efficacy of pyrantel was not suspected at the time the study took place. Faecal Egg Count Reduction Test (FECRT) was carried out, revealing large scale resistance. Eighty one percent of the first herd and 73% of the second herd had a FEC of less than 95% after treatment, and anthelmintic resistance was confirmed using the World Association for the Advancement of Veterinary Parasitology guidelines. These findings indicate that anthelmintic resistance to pyrantel exists in both tested donkey populations and illustrate the continuing development of resistance through different classes of chemotherapeutics.  相似文献   
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