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Food safety regulations require the control of the presence of protozoa in meats destined for human consumption. Wild boar (Sus scrofa) meat may constitute a source of zoonoses. A 23.8% (688/2881) seroprevalence of anti‐Toxoplasma gondii antibodies and 72.2% (662/910) Sarcocystis sarcocysts prevalence were detected among wild boars hunted in Southwestern areas of Spain. Identity of Sarcocystis spp. was performed by RFLP‐PCR and sequencing, detecting S. miescheriana (7/8) and the zoonotic S. suihominis (1/8). Risk assessment studies of these coccidian in meats destined to human consumption are needed.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: Equine protozoal myeloencephalitis (EPM) is a serious and often fatal neurologic disease of horses, but few studies have investigated risk factors. OBJECTIVES: To evaluate operation- and individual-level factors associated with likelihood of the occurrence of EPM. ANIMALS: Data were collected as part of a study of the US equine industry from 1,178 operations representing 83.9% of horses and 51.6% of operations with > or =3 horses in 28 states. METHODS: Probability-based sampling was used to enroll representative operations in a cross-sectional study. Interviews were conducted to collect information regarding health and management of horses. A nested case-control study was used to investigate risk factors among individual horses. Interview data were combined with climate data, human population density, and opossum regional ecology categories. Data were analyzed using logistic regression to identify risk factors for the occurrence of EPM. RESULTS: Owners reported that 95% of EPM cases included in this study were diagnosed by veterinarians. Variables associated with EPM occurrence on premises included opossum regional ecology, reported exposure to small wildlife, climate, terrain, housing, choice of bedding material, method of storing feeds, equine stocking density, and primary use of horses. Among individual horses, age was most strongly associated with disease risk. Associations also were identified with sex, breed, primary use, and participation in competitions. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL IMPORTANCE: Because the risk of EPM occurrence on operations is closely tied to factors that impact exposure to opossums, their feces, and their environment, controlling these exposures may be important in preventing the occurrence of EPM.  相似文献   
为了解河南省奶牛肉孢子虫病流行情况,2018年3月至2019年9月用间接酶联免疫吸附试验(ELISA)对采自河南省13个地区58个奶牛场的1 819份血样进行了肉孢子虫抗体检测分析.结果肉孢子虫抗体阳性牛场31个,场阳性率53.4%,阳性样品424份,样品平均阳性率为23.3%;不同生长阶段牛群阳性率差异极显著(P<0...  相似文献   
将含有枯氏住肉孢子虫缓殖子的心肌碎末混悬液,叠加在含有四种不同梯度密度的珀珂(Percll)溶液之上(从底部至上层舶州密度分别为1.10,1.07,1.037和1.02g/ml)的离心管中,然后放在与转轴成45°的离心机内,离心力为1024g(3200转/分),于15℃离心20分钟。然后,从离心管底部获得非常纯净的住肉孢子虫缓殖子。  相似文献   
依据电镜下包囊的超微结构从黄牛肌肉中鉴别出3种住肉孢子虫:枯氏住内孢子虫、毛形住肉孢子虫和人住肉孢子虫。估氏住内孢子虫超微结构的特点是,原囊壁向表面突出形成倒伏的指形突起,突起内无纤丝、微管和致密颗粒。毛形住内孢子虫与人住内孢子虫的年轻包囊很难区别,其包囊突起均为栅栏样构造,突起内有纤丝,而老包囊在毛形住肉孢子虫与人住内孢子虫之间有明显区别,前者突起的壁平滑,突起内有纤丝,而后者突起壁呈波浪形,突起内有微管和致密颗粒。  相似文献   
A 3-year-old Gypsy Vanner stallion was presented for evaluation of intermittent recumbency, muscle fasciculations, weakness, low head carriage, shifting of weight between the hindlimbs and an elevated tail head. History, physical examination and serum alpha tocopherol concentrations were suggestive of vitamin E deficiency and equine motor neuron disease (EMND). Sacrocaudalis dorsalis medialis muscle biopsy identified myositis secondary to sarcocystosis. Treatment with alpha tocopherol, ponazuril and sulfadiazine/pyrimethamine resulted in significant improvement in muscle weakness and body condition with resolution of sarcocystosis and inflammation on repeat muscle biopsy. This case illustrates the importance of muscle biopsy in horses with neuromuscular disease as concurrent diseases may be present that require specific treatment for a positive outcome.  相似文献   
住肉孢子虫病是由住肉孢子虫引起的一种原虫病,本病发生于各种家畜(马、牛、羊、猪、兔等)、鼠类、鸟类、爬虫类和鱼类中,偶尔也寄生于人。我国各地的牛羊,尤其是南方的水牛和黄牛、北方的绵羊和山羊常有发现,有些地区的感染率可达100%。住肉孢子虫寄生于各种家畜的横纹肌,致使肌肉不能食用,引起巨大的经济损失。本文对住肉孢子虫病的产地检疫技术、屠宰检疫技术和实验室检疫技术作以简要介绍。  相似文献   
家畜住肉孢子虫感染情况调查   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对北京,河北,内蒙,云南,湖南等地家畜住肉孢子虫的感染情况进行了调查,黄牛,水牛,绵羊,山羊和猪的平均感染率分别为43.5%、91%、56.6%、59.6%和13.8%。调查还发现,同一畜种不同地方的感染率有着明显差异。在不同饲养方式下对住肉孢子虫的感染率也明显不同。  相似文献   
Equine protozoal myeloencephalitis (EPM) is the most important protozoal disease of horses in North America and it is caused by Sarcocystis neurona. Natural cases of encephalitis due to S. neurona have been reported in raccoons, Procyon lotor. We examined 99 raccoons for agglutinating antibodies to S. neurona using the S. neurona agglutination test (SAT) employing formalin-fixed merozoites as antigen. Raccoons originated in Florida (N=24, collected in 1996), New Jersey (N=25, collected in 1993), Pennsylvania (N=25, collected in 1999), and Massachusetts (N=25, collected in 1993 and 1994). We found that 58 (58.6%) of the 99 raccoons were positive for antibodies to S. neurona using the SAT; 44 of 99 raccoons (44%) had titers of ≥1:500. This prevalence is similar to the reported seroprevalence of 33–60% for S. neurona antibodies in horses from the United States using the Western blot test.  相似文献   
作者于1989年3月到1990年3月对昆明市284只家鸡进行了住肉孢子虫流行病学调查,在6只家鸡中检到了住肉孢子虫包囊,自然感染率为2.1%。包囊呈梭形,大小为865.5×82.3μm,包囊中充满大小为14.3×2.9μm的梭形缓殖子。鸡颈部、背部和大腿部肌肉中包囊密度较高,心肌无包囊寄生。4只犬和5只猫分别于实验感染包囊后第8d和第13d排出孢子,剖检时小肠粘膜固有层中亦查到孢子。10只15日龄  相似文献   
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