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Expanding tree canopies can be difficult to achieve in built environments because urban land is costly and urban soil inhospitable to vegetation so engineered planting systems offer a potentially valuable tool for achieving sustainable urban forests. Tree water uptake, performance and root distribution were assessed in systems of structural soil and structural cell. Structural soil relies on stone and soil, it is highly porous and designed to support tree root growth and possess pavement strength. The structural cell is made up of rigid structural units with 90% void space which is to be filled with soil. To evaluate tree performance under the conditions of fill and drain regimes in structural soil and structural cell, these two systems were subjected to three simulated infiltration rates. This study was conducted in April 2015 to April 2016 in the tropical equatorial environment of South East Asia. Infiltration rate affected both biomass accumulation and rooting depth. Species and substrate effect was significant for biomass and rooting characteristics but less prominent for transpiration. Biomass was greater for trees in structural cells, and Pouteria obovata was particularly sensitive to prolonged inundation. Rooting depth was always higher in the rapid infiltration indicating the negative effects inundation had on this parameter. Root system in the structural cell was deeper while those in the structural soil were wider. Samanea saman had better adapted to the drain and fill regimes, and this was despite Pouteria obovata being a coastal species and was expected to be flood tolerant. Species and substrate effect was weak (R2 ranging from 0.20 to 0.28) but moderate drainage consistently led to higher transpiration. We conclude that structural soil and structural cell are potential solutions and provide a tool to overcome suboptimal urban growing conditions. The application of these solutions will allow for seamless integration of greenery with urban infrastructure.  相似文献   
测试了有机硫熏蒸剂大扫灭(Dazomet)对三七(Panax notoginsengWall.)根围几种主要病原生物:线虫、细菌和真菌的最低灭生浓度(MBC值)分别为≥7.8、≥31.2和≥125μg/mL。4种主要病原真菌:立枯病丝核菌(Rhizoctoni solani)、根腐病菌毁坏柱孢霉(Cylindrocarpon destructant)、镰孢霉(Fusariumspp.)和黑斑病交链孢(Alternaria tenus)的MBC值分别为≥31.2、≥62.5、≥125和≥125μg/mL。钾-威百(K-Vapam)对线虫、细菌和病原真菌的灭生活性与Dazomet相当。连作三七田播种前和移苗前用98%大扫灭粉粒剂20~40 g/m2和35%钾-威百液剂30~50 mL/m2进行耕作层土壤熏蒸处理,对三七出苗和成苗率无显著影响;杂草和线虫发生量比对照分别减少90%~95%。播前处理比对照苗病发生率降低45.0%~82.5%,移苗前处理苗病发生率降低35.0%~50.0%。适当充足的土壤含水量、适时彻底的土壤毒气排除对提高药效和避免残毒对后茬药害至关重要。  相似文献   
细根性状对土壤养分有效性的影响由微生物介导或由细根与土壤的直接互作而发生,然而前者受到了大量关注,后者却鲜有报道。本研究以亚热带杉阔混交林中6个混交树种(资源获取和资源保守型各3种)为研究对象,采用原位网袋试验,研究了细根对土壤氮、磷有效性的直接、间接和总体效应,及其与细根性状与的关系。结果显示,在两种资源利用策略下,细根与土壤直接接触均能提高土壤氮和磷的有效性;获取型树种对土壤磷的影响更为显著,表现为更强的直接、间接和总体效应,而保守型树种对土壤氮的间接效应更强。细根碳氮比是调控其对土壤氮、磷有效性影响的首要因素。资源利用策略对氮有效性的直接影响差异主要取决于对养分摄取的强弱,间接影响则由有机氮矿化主导。低碳氮比的细根提高了磷有效性,该影响通过产生更多的磷酸酶直接产生,或通过降低土壤pH而间接实现。本研究丰富了细根性状对土壤养分有效性的调控机制,并为杉阔混交林伴生树种选择提供了理论支撑。  相似文献   
为明确在覆膜滴灌条件下玉米品系(种)主要农艺性状与产量的关系,应用DPS软件对15个玉米杂交品系(种)的主要农艺性状和产量性状进行相关性、灰色关联度等分析,结果表明:籽粒重、穗重、产量的变异系数较大;玉米产量与生育期、籽粒水分含量、穗重、籽粒重呈显著正相关关系;聚类分析可将参试的15个品系(种)划分为3类,第Ⅲ类表现良好,值得进行推广种植。灰色关联度分析表明,玉米籽粒重、穗重、生育期、籽粒水分含量等性状是影响玉米产量的主导因素,在玉米高产育种中,应以其为主攻目标,提高玉米后代的有效选择,加速高产育种进程。  相似文献   
在福建省华安县西陂国有林场,对降香黄檀53个家系6年生试验林的生长指标进行综合分析。结果表明:表现最为优良的前3个家系是BS29、BS28、DF35,其次为家系ZQ5、ZQ6、ZQ7、LZ8、BWL84、BWL90、FJ117,均在生长量上表现良好;表现最差的家系是FJ121、FJ120、LD43,其次为家系WC11、BS31、LD42、WZS55、WZS58、GZ106、HK15,均在生长量上表现差。初步筛选出适合于闽南沿海地区种植的10个优良家系:BS29、BS28、DF35、ZQ5、ZQ6、ZQ7、LZ8、BWL84、BWL90、FJ117。  相似文献   
为探明沙漠建群种植物个体周围土壤养分和盐分空间分布及成因,对艾比湖湖区边缘三种类型沙丘下梭梭主根周围土壤含水量,电导率,全量养分和速效养分的变化进行了研究。结果表明:1固定性沙丘在表层(0~10 cm)处土壤含水量最小,流动性沙丘和半固定性沙丘在浅层(10~20 cm)处最小,以距离主根面3m处表现最为显著(P0.05)。2流动性沙丘和半固定性沙丘土壤有机质和全氮的结构性和空间自相关性均较弱,固定性沙丘养分(全量养分、速效养分)的结构性则较好。3三种沙丘土壤养分的空间分布不均,主要以条状和斑块状分布,整体上呈现出一定的集聚趋势,其中流动性沙丘和固定性沙丘集聚范围在0~2 m圈层,但纵向集聚范围中,流动性沙丘以浅层(10~20 cm),固定性沙丘以较深层(20~40cm)出现集聚,形成"肥岛"。4流动性沙丘土壤电导率对沙丘的影响较其他各特征因子占主导地位,半固定性沙丘和固定性沙丘养分因子占主导地位。  相似文献   
长杂2号在襄垣县的表现与高产栽培技术   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
郭晋襄  李会霞  田岗 《山西农业科学》2011,39(11):1174-1176
对优质、高产谷子杂交种长杂2号的特征特性及其在襄垣地区的表现进行了分析,结果表明,该杂交种丰产、稳产、抗逆性强。针对其特点提出了相应的优质高产栽培措施:适时播种、适时喷除草剂并间苗、公顷留苗不应超过30万株、综合防治病虫害、及时抢收,为该品种大面积种植提供技术指导。  相似文献   
开展优质核不育两系杂交油菜早中熟新组合比较试验,结果表明:2种熟期类型杂交组合间产量差异明显,中熟组合单位面积产量极显著高于早熟组合,对比分析产量构成因子,主要是平均角粒数多和千粒重重,2种熟期类型组合间株高和一次分枝数差异较小,油菜菌核病感病程度中熟组合相对较轻。因此,油菜生产不可一味选择和使用早熟类型品种或组合,不然将较难获得理想产量和生产效益。  相似文献   
Despite the uncontested significance of soils for human nutrition and drinking water quality, the majority of ecotoxicological testing is confined to aquatic test systems. Among the standardised tests for soils, the reproduction test with the springtail Folsomia candida is among the most widely used ones. First steps towards its standardisation were undertaken in the late 1980s. Here we review major advances that have been made since then, with respect to mechanistic, pragmatic and ecological aspects. Specifically we address the ecological relevance of any modifications of the standardised tests. We introduce a miniaturised version of the reproduction test which allows reducing the amount of soil per test unit to one third and the number of synchronised individuals to 40% as compared to the standard test. In addition, we developed an assay using Collembola eggs instead of synchronised adults. First results of a three-species test indicate that the presence of other species may affect choice behaviour. We point out a potential biased view of existing ecotoxicological data with Collembola due to the fact that most results refer to metal contamination. Finally, recommendations for future research are given, with special reference to avoidance and microcosm tests involving Collembola.  相似文献   
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