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玉米青枯病病原腐霉对其伴生镰刀菌的影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
 本试验以玉米青枯病病原肿囊腐霉(Pythium inflatum Malthews)与禾生腐霉(Pythium gramlnicola Subram)为材料,着重研究了两种腐霉的生长与代谢对其伴生病原禾谷镰刀菌(Fusarium graminearum Schw.)的影响,结果表明:1.腐霉的定殖生长能力弱于禾谷镰刀菌。在腐霉菌落上,禾谷镰刀菌仍可生长,而在禾谷镰刀菌菌落上,腐霉则不能生长。2.在伴生条件下,腐霉被镰刀菌覆盖的时间长短随接种间隔而有变化,接种间隔愈短,则覆盖愈快。3.两种腐霉的培养滤液均对禾谷镰刀菌的孢子萌发与芽管伸长及菌落扩展有明显的促进作用,表明滤液中含有对镰刀菌生长有利的活性成分。4.腐霉培养滤液对禾谷镰刀菌红色色素的产生有一定的抑制作用,其原因可能与腐霉的嗜糖性有关。5.田间结果表明,腐镰复合接种的发病率接近禾谷镰刀菌单菌接种,但低于腐霉单菌接种。  相似文献   
非自然越夏区小麦白粉病模拟鉴定病圃   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作者于1990~1995年根据陕西省关中麦区小麦白粉病侵染循环特点,人工模拟自然发病条件,在非自然越夏区杨陵(省农科院试验地)成功地建立起白粉病菌可周年存活,且秋、春季均能充分诱发感染的混合菌系病圃,宜对小麦种质材料进行全生育期抗白粉病鉴定。利用该病圃已对陕西省1000余份小麦品种(系)及部分国内外抗源亲本材料做了抗病性鉴定和利用评价。  相似文献   
1999年7月云南省元谋县城郊玉米地发现一种玉米新病害,发病面积大约70hm2.其典型症状表现为植株矮化,节间缩短,叶片密集簇生,叶片上有黄绿相间的条斑.叶鞘上有坏死或腐烂病斑,幼穗腐烂,不实,严重者绝产,颗粒无收.从坏死或腐烂的叶鞘和果穗上可镜检到分生孢子及分生孢子梗.纯化培养后,并按柯赫氏法则进行接种试验,病原鉴定为柔弱无枝孢Acladium tenellum(Berk.& Curt.)Subram.comb.nov..本文对病害症状、病原形态、发病情况等进行了详细研究,确定该病为玉米一种新病害.  相似文献   
Intervertebral disk extrusion is rarely reported in the cat. In this case, the clinical, radiologic, and magnetic resonance imaging findings of an acute intramedullary intervertebral disk extrusion in a 5-year-old domestic shorthaired cat are described. Radiographically, there was mineralized disk material within the vertebral canal. On magnetic resonance images, the disk material was found to be within the spinal cord. A linear disk trail extending from the disk space into the spinal cord may be specific for intramedullary disk extrusion.  相似文献   
The ostrich is an important animal in many livestock industries. A significant threat to this industry is losses from diseases. Newcastle disease is a notifiable, highly contagious viral infection of ostriches. Avian influenza may be transmitted from waterfowl, shorebirds and gulls to ostriches. Borna disease virus is a viral neurotropic infection spread mainly by rodents and felines. Crimean‐Congo hemorrhagic fever is a viral disease transmitted by Hyalomma ticks to humans. Avipoxvirus afflicts ostrich chicks and is transmitted by mosquitoes or by direct contact with a pox lesion. Maintenance of a healthy and profitable enterprise requires the implementation, with assistance from the local veterinary authority, of comprehensive, practical and effective methods of health management and preventative medicine.  相似文献   
Objective: To evaluate plasma sodium and glucose concentrations in dogs with congestive heart failure (CHF) prior to treatment and evaluate the differences between survivors and non‐survivors. Design: Retrospective study. Animals: Fifty‐nine dogs with CHF prior to receiving cardiac medication. Interventions: None. Measurements and main results: The mean plasma sodium concentration in dogs with CHF was below the reference range (144–156 mmol/L) and significantly lower (P=0.009) in non‐survivors (141±6 mmol/L) compared with survivors (147±4 mmol/L). The mean plasma glucose concentration was above the reference range (76–117 mg/dL) and significantly higher (P=0.004) in non‐survivors (128±52 mg/dL) compared with survivors (100±13 mg/dL). Forty‐four percent of non‐survivors had concurrent low plasma sodium and high plasma glucose concentrations, whereas no survivors had both abnormalities (P<0.0001). Conclusions: Lower plasma sodium and higher plasma glucose are associated with a worse outcome in dogs with CHF.  相似文献   
为了明确苹果锈果类病毒(apple scar skin viroid,ASSVd)引起的苹果花脸病在田间的病情发展情况以及ASSVd在组培条件下的传播方式,2012—2015年对河北省顺平南神南村3个果园进行持续调查和检测。结果显示,果园A、B、C的显症率分别从3.00%、19.35%和10.00%上升至10.00%、34.41%和22.00%,带毒率分别从11.00%、20.43%和14.00%上升至23.00%、37.63%和30.00%,带毒率和显症率都逐年增加,而且带毒率大于显症率,即有些带毒果树不显症。发病果树田间分布有明显的发病中心。通过高通量测序发现显症果树ASSVd vsiRNA reads数是带毒未显症reads数的4.08倍,同时实时荧光定量PCR检测发现显症树ASSVd病毒积累量显著高于带毒未显症树。以携带ASSVd的组培苗和无毒组培苗为试材,利用RT-PCR检测明确了ASSVd可通过伤口沾染带毒汁液、组培剪污染、含毒培养基、根系接触进行传播,其中根系接触传染率较高。  相似文献   
调查发现河南省开封市祥符区和郑州市中牟县西瓜田病毒病严重发生,症状表现为叶片黄化、蕨叶、皱缩、卷曲,枝梢翘起,果实变小和瓜纹不清。为明确其病毒种类,通过小RNA测序及生物信息学分析发现采集的西瓜样本中存在8种病毒。其中包括5种已知病毒:小西葫芦黄花叶病毒(Zucchini yellow mosaic virus, ZYMV)、甜瓜蚜传黄化病毒(Melon aphid-borne yellows virus, MABYV)、西瓜花叶病毒(Watermelon mosaic virus, WMV)、黄瓜绿斑驳花叶病毒(Cucumber green mottle mo-saic virus, CGMMV)和西瓜隐潜病毒(Citrullus lanatus cryptic virus, CiLCV);3种为新检出的RNA病毒:西瓜病毒A(Watermelon virus A, WVA)、西瓜皱叶相关病毒1号(Watermelon crinkle leaf-associated virus 1, WCLaV-1)和西瓜皱叶相关病毒2号(Watermelon crinkle leaf-associ...  相似文献   
在播种前和定植后分别向基质中添加FZB-42、GM以及Bio微生物菌剂,研究其对黄瓜生长和基质环境的影响。连续3茬试验结果表明:添加GM菌剂减缓了基质pH值的升高速度,提高了基质的电导率,改善了基质营养供应能力;FZB-42处理能显著减少基质中细菌数量,增加放线菌数量;FZB-42、GM和Bio处理的黄瓜根长分别比对照增加57.1%、51.8%和44.9%,根表面积增加了56.5%、51.5%和44.3%,根体积增加了35.4%、82.3%和61.1%;不同菌剂处理均能提高黄瓜单株产量,Bio和GM处理增产效果明显。  相似文献   
目前化学农药的缺点日益突显,研发环保的生防菌剂是当前绿色安全的一种方法,筛选具有抑制橡胶树炭疽病的生防菌株,为研发新型生防菌剂储备资源。本文采用组织培养法分离纯化橡胶树内生菌,平板对峙筛选拮抗菌株;通过菌株培养特征、生理生化、根据16S rRNA和gyrA基因序列构建系统发育树确定其分类地位;采用平板对峙法研究内生菌株的抗菌持久性、稳定性、广谱性;采用牛津杯法研究拮抗内生菌对杀菌剂的敏感性。从橡胶树健康的根组织中分离得到4株对橡胶树炭疽病具有抑制作用的细菌(Bac RZS3D4-1、Bac RZS3D4-2、Bac RZS3D4-3、Bac RZS3D4-4),系统发育树分析结果显示这4株细菌与解淀粉芽孢杆菌(Bacillus amyloliquefaciens)亲缘关系很近,且培养性状和生理生化特征也与解淀粉芽孢杆菌相似。这4株内生菌的抗菌持久性强,抗菌稳定性好;对尖孢炭疽菌(Colletotrichum acutatum)DFMP1E和MLZZP3、小孢拟盘多毛孢(Pestalotiopsis microspora)MF375898均有较强的抑菌能力,对茄类镰刀菌(Fusarium solani)XJ160901的抑制作用较弱;对多菌灵、异菌脲、百菌清、苯醚甲环唑4种杀菌剂均不敏感,有望开发为生防菌剂。  相似文献   
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