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利用LI6400光合仪测定抗松材线虫病马尾松针叶的净光合速率,研究其夏季变化与生理生态因子的关系。结果表明:(1)抗性马尾松净光合速率日变化趋势呈现“双峰”曲线,峰值出现在10时和15时,有明显的“午休”现象。这种现象不是由于气孔阻力的增大而引起叶肉细胞间CO2亏缺造成的,而是非气孔限制起着主要作用。(2)净光合速率(Pn)与胞间CO2浓度(Ci)、蒸腾速率(Tr)、空气温度(Tair)、叶片温度(Tleaf)、光合有效辐射(PAR)都有极显著的相关关系.但经过通径分析发现,对Pn起作用的最主要因子是PAR。  相似文献   
谷子线虫病是谷子生产中的重要病害,严重发生时可导致绝产。对当前主要谷子生产品种的抗病性进行了鉴定,并对防治谷子线虫病的拌种药剂乙酰甲胺磷乳油和辛硫磷乳油进行了比较试验。结果表明:用种子量0.3%的辛硫磷拌种对谷子线虫病的防效可达到99.2%,辛硫磷可以作为甲基1605的替代药剂用于谷子线虫病的防治。  相似文献   
Polianthes tuberosa is a commercially valuable flower crop in the Mekong Delta of Vietnam that is propagated by the harvesting and planting of bulbs. Cultivation of P. tuberosa is infected by an endemic Aphelenchoides besseyi nematode that damages a high proportion of plants and persists within the bulbs. Here we report on the comparison of hot water and pesticide treatments as control methods to protect P. tuberosa from A. besseyi damage, and conclude that a hot water treatment consisting of soaking bulbs in water for 30 min at 57 °C is the most efficacious method to produce healthy flowers in a cost effective manner.  相似文献   
A five-year field assessment of Meloidogyne exigua-susceptible and –resistant coffee cultivars was conducted in two fields, nematode-infested or –free, in Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil. The nematode-susceptible cultivars ‘IAC Catuaí Vermelho 144’, ‘Obatã’ and ‘Tupi’, own-rooted or grafted onto the nematode-resistant ‘IAC Apoatã 2258’, were compared in their vegetative development (plant height, number of plagiotropic branches and collar diameter) and productivity (during four harvests) with the nematode-resistant ‘Acauã’, ‘Catucaí 785/15’ and ‘Iapar 59’. In the infested field, the high nematode population drastically reduced the vegetative development and productivity of all cultivars, regardless of their nematode-resistance. This indicates that measures aimed to reduce the M. exigua population must be taken prior to planting any of the currently available resistant genotypes to avoid enormous yield losses. In the nematode-free field, the susceptible cultivars (own-rooted) achieved higher productivity, followed close by ‘Catucaí 785/15’ and ‘Iapar 59’. Therefore, these M. exigua-resistant cultivars should be recommended for nematode-free areas to prevent severe yield loss in the event of field infestation during the plantation's life span.  相似文献   
The existence of races within the species Nacobbus aberrans sensu Sher has been confirmed; however, there is no consensus on a consistent system for race determination. Four plant species previously used as differential hosts in some N. aberrans race tests (tomato, pepper, sugarbeet and potato) were tested for susceptibility to seven nematode populations from Argentina. Plants were inoculated with second-stage juveniles and kept under glasshouse conditions at 21 °C for 90 days. The parameters evaluated (root gall index, egg mass index, and reproduction factor) in different nematode populations and plants showed significant differences. The reproductive fitness of the nematode populations differed among the plants that showed some degree of susceptibility. The results showed that N. aberrans comprises populations differing in host preference. Based on the nematode populations’ behaviour on these hosts, two groups were distinguished: i) populations that multiplied on all hosts, ii) populations that did not multiply on potato. The present work contributes to the analysis of criteria for developing a differential host test.  相似文献   
本文利用先期从BAC文库获得的NBS-LRR类候选抗病基因克隆序列Pt8a和Pt9a,进一步开发与柑桔线虫抗性主效基因位点Tyr1连锁的分子标记。以Pt8a和Pt9a序列作探针,通过高密度克隆印迹杂交,从BAC文库筛选出200个以上的阳性克隆,以阳性克隆插入序列设计引物,对柑桔抗线虫材料和感线虫材料开展以PCR扩增为基础的集群分离分析,发现一部分克隆序列与柑桔线虫抗性主效基因位点Tyr1紧密连锁;再通过染色体步行测序,分别从3个克隆(7A4,4L17和29F20)获得3个完整的NBS-LRR类候选抗病基因序列。从此类序列开发更高特异性的分子标记,并在利用原有分子标记的基础上,对柑桔线虫抗性杂交后代群体(9145 family)构建较高密度的遗传图谱;同时,将新开发的分子标记应用于柑桔衰退病抗性杂交后代群体(9401 family),以初步估算柑桔线虫抗性主效基因位点Tyr]与柑桔衰退病抗性基因Ctv的遗传距离。  相似文献   
抗线虫基因表达载体构建与转化甘蔗研究初报   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
试验研究利用德国引进的抗线虫基因Hs1pro 1构建表达载体并转化甘蔗 (SaccharumofficinarumL .) ,以获得抗线虫转基因植株。提取克隆载体P1832用NcoⅠ酶切、Klenow补平和SacⅠ酶切 ,回收基因片段 ;提取表达载体pBIL 1用KpnⅠ酶切、T4DNApolymerase补平和SacⅠ酶切 ,回收大片段 ;目的片段用T4DNAligase连接并转化E .coli,鉴定重组质粒 ;用基因枪轰击转化甘蔗品种“ROC”16获得 16株再生苗 ,其中 4株经PCR检测呈阳性 ,通过Southern杂交 ,证明Hs1pro 1基因已整合到其中 3株甘蔗基因组中  相似文献   
应用不同剂量倍克虫复合制剂(伊维菌素,丙硫苯咪唑),对放牧绵羊胃肠道线虫,肺线虫等进行驱除试验,结果表明:中剂量组(伊维菌素0.2mg/kg,丙硫苯咪唑10mg/kg)绵羊的消化道线虫虫卵转阴率达100%,减少率达100%,原圆科线虫幼虫转阴率达70%,减少率为77.35%。  相似文献   
松材线虫病疫木伐桩(根)蛀干害虫种类及分布调查   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
选取2块松材线虫病发生较为严重的松林,伐除枯死松树,选取具虫蛀为害特征的疫木伐桩,每地各10个。将其整个伐桩挖出,携回实验室解剖,收集害虫,并鉴定和统计虫种和数量。调查显示,为害疫木伐桩的蛀干害虫有松天牛[松墨天牛(Monochamus ahernatus Hope)和松幽天牛(Asemum amurense Kraatz)]、马尾松角胫象[Shirahoshizo patmdis(Voss)1和松瘤象(Hyposipalus gigas Linnaeus)等多种害虫幼虫,其比率分别占96.0%、3.0%和0.7%,其它害虫占013%;伐桩地上部有松天牛、马尾松角胫象和松瘤象等多种蛀干害虫,占蛀干害虫总数的9.5%;地下根部仅有松天牛,占总数的90.5%。伐桩根部松天牛幼虫种群数量分布随深度增加逐渐递减,集中分布在0—60cm之间。  相似文献   
Two PCR based markers tightly linked to Cre1 and Cre3 resistant genes against the Cereal Cyst Nematode (CCN, causal agent Heterodera avenae) were used to characterize a number of diploid, tetraploid and hexaploid wheat germplasm consisting of obsolete, advanced lines and new cultivars from the Turkish National Breeding Program and the joint TURKEY CIMMYT ICARDA International Winter Wheat Improvement Program. In addition a number of landraces and wild relatives of wheat collected from the Turkish side of the Fertile Crescent, the centre of origin of cereals, were included. None of the genetic material tested positive for either marker except the land race Sardari which originated from neighboring Iran was found positive for Cre1 gene. Combining both of these molecular markers in one assay for fast and cost-effective screening of the germplasm was not effective, so marker genotyping with germplasm was realized using each primer alone. Most work that has been reported is on the CCN species H. avenae, however the predominant species in Turkey is the closely related H. filipjevi. In vitro resistance assaying for this species indicates that Cre1 is a moderate source of resistance against the H. filipjevi population, however Cre3 gene appears ineffective. It is suggested that a larger pool of a range of germplasm should be screened for Cre1 in Turkey. Furthermore, the landrace Sardari could be used as a parent to deploy CCN resistance in to genetic background of Turkish bread wheat cultivars with a targeted Marker Assisted Selection Backcrossing approach.  相似文献   
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