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生物系统分类的数学结构及其令人信服的解释一直以来是生物学界广泛关注的经典学术问题,然而很少有人用统计分布模型对非生物分类系统(如土壤分类系统)的结构进行分析与研究。本文通过计算两种系统分类的幂律和对数正态分布,对土壤植物寄生的线虫类分类体系(垫刃亚目)和非生物系统分类的多样性特征(中国土壤系统分类为例)进行了比较,进而分析它们之间的相似性和差异性。分析结果表明,生物分类和土壤系统分类具有很高的相似性,有着相似的数学结构和多样性特征。据此可认为,两种分类系统都是合理的信息系统,符合相同的分布模型,如幂律分布、对数正态分布等。在两种分类系统中也存在一些细小的差别,垫刃亚目分类体系较中国土壤系统分类具有更丰富的分支体系,而从均匀度指数来看,中国土壤系统分类系统的设计似乎是更加合理。从威利斯曲线可以看出,中国土壤系统分类较垫刃亚目分类体系具有更规则的结构,这一特征可能与两种学科中不同的分类理念有关。  相似文献   
随着生态环境领域研究的不断发展,水土流失状况与区域经济发展之间的相关关系已成为学术界研究的新热点。运用环境库兹涅茨曲线(EKC)理论和回归分析模型,对1995—2008年福建省水土流失面积与人均GDP进行了分析。研究结果表明,福建省水土流失状况与经济增长之间具有环境库兹涅茨曲线特征。当前该区的经济发展所处阶段可有效减少水土流失面积,对水土保持具有积极的促进作用。  相似文献   
生物炭对粉黏壤土水力参数及胀缩性的影响   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
赵迪  黄爽  黄介生 《农业工程学报》2015,31(17):136-143
该文选取2种粒径(细炭0.013~0.048 mm、粗炭0.3~0.7 mm)的生物炭,以2种质量百分比(3%、6%)施入一种粉黏壤土,通过测定不同粒径生物炭及施加比例下土壤的水分特征曲线、饱和水力传导度、收缩性及饱和膨胀率,研究生物炭对粉黏壤土水力参数及胀缩性的影响。结果表明,2种粒径及添加比例的生物炭均降低了粉黏壤土的持水能力。但4种添加生物炭处理相互之间持水能力差异不显著。生物炭可降低粉黏壤土中极微孔隙和中大孔隙的比例,提高微孔隙和小孔隙所占的比例。生物炭的添加降低了该粉黏壤土的饱和含水率和凋萎系数。细炭对粉黏壤土的田间持水率没有显著影响,粗炭降低了粉黏壤土的田间持水率。两种粒径的生物炭均可提高粉黏壤土的有效含水率,并降低离心失水过程中土壤的收缩,在这2方面细炭的影响效果比粗炭显著;细炭的添加对粉黏壤土饱和膨胀率没有显著影响,粗炭则降低了粉黏壤土的饱和膨胀率。2种粒径生物炭的添加均降低了该粉黏壤土的饱和水力传导度。3%和6%的添加比例在大部分研究指标中未表现出明显差异。该研究可为生物炭在土壤环境修复应用方面提供一定的理论指导。  相似文献   
日本鳗鲡(Anguilla japonica)广泛分布于亚洲东部,具有重要的经济价值。但是对于降海洄游的日本鳗鲡年龄、生长特性等的研究有限,以至于不能有效管护。本研究于2012年10月在长江靖江段捕得121尾降海洄游日本鳗鲡,并对其年龄和生长特性进行了分析,结果显示:(1)雌性个体要明显多于雄性,雌雄比例为78∶43;(2)雌雄鳗鲡年龄、生长等存在着显著的差异,雌鳗的平均年龄、体长、体质量以及平均生长速度[(5.50±1.18)龄、(654.9±67.6)mm、(522.1±176.2)g、(110.48±12.76)mm/a)]均显著大于雄鳗[(5.00±1.23)龄、(527.8±40.1)mm、(249.8±63.7)g、(96.46±16.75)mm/a)];(3)整个生活史中生长速度存在很大变化,随着年龄的增加,体长生长速度逐渐趋于0,而体质量生长速度存在拐点,雌鳗出现在4.80龄,雄鳗出现在2.63龄;(4)与其他水域相比,长江口降海洄游日本鳗鲡的年龄结构较小,而体长、体质量、渐进体长和渐进体质量则较大,这表明长江水域可能更适合日本鳗鲡的生长;(5)雌、雄个体生长的差异可能源于生长策略的差异。  相似文献   
The sustainability of growing a maize—winter wheat double crop rotation in the North China Plain (NCP) has been questioned due to its high nitrogen (N) fertiliser use and low N use efficiency. This paper presents field data and evaluation and application of the soil–vegetation–atmosphere transfer model Daisy for estimating crop production and nitrate leaching from silty loam fields in the NCP. The main objectives were to: i) calibrate and validate Daisy for the NCP pedo-climate and field management conditions, and ii) use the calibrated model and the field data in a multi-response analyses to optimise the N fertiliser rate for maize and winter wheat under different field managements including straw incorporation.The model sensitivity analysis indicated that a few measurable crop parameters impact the simulated yield, while most of the studied topsoil parameters affect the simulated nitrate leaching. The model evaluation was overall satisfactory, with root mean squared residuals (RMSR) for simulated aboveground biomass and nitrogen content at harvest, monthly evapotranspiration, annual drainage and nitrate leaching out of the root zone of, respectively, 0.9 Mg ha−1, 20 kg N ha−1, 30 mm, 10 mm and 10 kg N ha−1 for the calibration, and 1.2 Mg ha−1, 26 kg N ha−1, 38 mm, 14 mm and 17 kg N ha−1 for the validation. The values of mean absolute deviation, model efficiency and determination coefficient were also overall satisfactory, except for soil water dynamics, where the model was often found erratic. Re-validation run showed that the calibrated Daisy model was able to simulate long-term dynamics of crop grain yield and topsoil carbon content in a silty loam field in the NCP well, with respective RMSR of 1.7 and 1.6 Mg ha−1. The analyses of the model and the field results showed that quadratic, Mitscherlich and linear-plateau statistical models may estimate different economic optimal N rates, underlining the importance of model choice for response analyses to avoid excess use of N fertiliser. The analyses further showed that an annual fertiliser rate of about 300 kg N ha−1 (100 for maize and 200 for wheat) for the double crop rotation with straw incorporation is the most optimal in balancing crop production and nitrate leaching under the studied conditions, given the soil replenishment with N from straw mineralisation, atmospheric deposition and residual fertiliser.This work provides a sound reference for determining N fertiliser rates that are agro-environmentally optimal for similar and other cropping systems and regions in China and extends the application of the Daisy model to the analyses of complex agro-ecosystems and management practices under semi-arid climate.  相似文献   
濒危植物景东翅子树种群的分布、年龄结构及其动态特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
调查研究了景东翅子树种群的分布、年龄结构及其动态特征,并讨论了濒危的原因.野外调查的4个种群中,3个分布于季风常绿阔叶林,1个分布于次生灌丛.在4个种群中共调查到景东翅子树99株(含幼树).结果表明,景东翅子树属于衰退型种群,其中缺乏幼树和胸径≥20 cm的大树.景东翅子树种群的存活曲线为DeevryⅢ型,生活史中存在...  相似文献   
3个钓钟柳品种叶绿素荧光特性比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用叶绿素荧光测定技术测定了多年生宿根花卉紫红钓钟柳Penstemon campanulatus ‘Purple Passion’,毛地黄钓钟柳P. digitalis‘Husker Red’和五彩钓钟柳P. barbatus ‘Rondo’等3个钓钟柳品种的叶绿素荧光参数,并对它们进行比较。结果表明:3个钓钟柳品种间的叶绿素荧光参数均达到显著或极显著水平,紫红钓钟柳的可变荧光(Fv),光系统Ⅱ原始光能转化效率(Fv/Fm),光系统Ⅱ的潜在活性(Fv/Fo),光合量子产额(Y),表观光合电子传递速率(ETR),光化学猝灭系数(qP),非炮化学猝灭系数(NPQ)值最高,其次为五彩钓钟柳,最低是毛地黄钓钟柳。说明紫红钓钟柳具有较好的光合生理功能,其次是五彩钓钟柳,最差是毛地黄钓钟柳;相关分析表明:FoFm,qPFm,qPFv,YETR,FmFv,FoF(任意期间实际荧光产量),FmY呈显著正相关或极显著正相关;FoETR,Fv/FoY呈显著负相关。图1表3参16  相似文献   
建立头孢泊肟酯片溶出度测定方法,通过比较自制头孢泊肟酯片与参比制剂的溶出曲线,评价两种制剂体外溶出行为是否一致。测定自制制剂及参比制剂在盐酸溶液(pH=1.5)、甘氨酸-氯化钠-盐酸溶液(pH=3.0)、醋酸盐缓冲液(pH=4.0)、磷酸盐缓冲液(pH=6.8)的溶出曲线,并通过计算相似因子(f2)评价溶出曲线的相似性。在4种溶出介质中,3批自制制剂与参比制剂溶出曲线均相似。本研究建立的溶出试验方法能有效控制自制头孢泊肟酯片的质量,自制制剂与参比制剂体外溶出行为基本一致。  相似文献   
本文从理论上阐述了肥效与立地条件,土壤理化性状以及养分利用率的相关性,并在此基础上,建立了理论肥效方程和林木施肥模型.同时,结合目标产量和平衡施肥法,确定了林木定量施肥的基本步骤与方法.  相似文献   
Soil physical properties were measured on field runoff plots established on a tropical Alfisol in Western Nigeria. Evolution of soil physical properties was assessed over a period of 6 years beginning in 1982 (when soil was cleared off its secondary regrowth) till 1987. Changes in soil physical properties were measured for six systems including plow-till, no-till, contour hedgerows of Leucaena leucocephala established 2- and 4-m apart, and contour hedgerows of Gliricidia sepium established 2- and 4-m apart. Soil physical properties were measured once every year during the dry season following the harvest of second season crops.Over the 6-year period, there were no significant differences in relative contents of textural separates of sand, silt and clay for the surface 0–5 and 5–10 cm layers. The gravel concentration of the surface 0–5 and 5–10 cm layers, however, increased significantly due to plowing and mixing of the surface and subsoil layers. Soil bulk density of 0–5 and 5–10 cm layers, respectively, increased in all treatments from initial values of 1.02 and 1.16 g cm–3 in 1982 to 1.43 and 1.65 g cm–3 at the end of cropping cycle in 1986. The maximum increase in soil bulk density was observed for the no-till treatment. Accordingly, there was an increase in penetration resistance of the surface 0–5 cm layer from an average value of 25.3 kPa in 1982 to 210.7 kPa in 1986. The highest penetration resistance (353 kPa) of 5–10 cm layer was recorded for the no-till treatment. In accord with total porosity, the gravimetric soil moisture retention at zero suction was the lowest for the no-till and the highest for a Gliricidia-based system. There were significant improvements in available water capacity (AWC) of the soil by both Leucaena and Gliricidia-based systems. In comparison with the no-till system, increase in AWC by Leucaena- and Gliricidia-based systems, respectively, was 42 and 56 percent by weight for 0–5 cm depth and 12 and 58 percent by weight for 5–10 cm depth. Alterations in pF curves by agroforestry-based systems were attributed to improvements in soil structure and structural porosity.  相似文献   
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