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牛奶中乳蛋白和乳脂肪含量的高低直接关系到牛奶的品质和风味。牛奶中乳蛋白主要可以分为酪蛋白和乳清蛋白两种类型,其合成代谢过程均受到mTOR信号分子通路、JAK-STAT信号分子通路、GCN2-eIF2a信号分子通路的影响。牛奶中乳脂肪主要为三酰基甘油酯、磷脂等,对于牛奶的营养和风味均有重要影响,其受到脂肪酸相关酶ACACA、FAS、SCD1的调控。饲料营养是影响牛奶中乳蛋白和乳脂肪的关键因素之一,包括精粗饲料配比及饲料添加剂的应用等方面。本文对牛奶中乳蛋白和乳脂肪的合成调控机理,及日粮组成对其的影响机制进行阐述,为改善乳品质提供参考。  相似文献   
目的 附红细胞体病是由附红细胞体(Eperythrozoon)寄生于人及动物的红细胞表面、血浆及骨髓中引起的一种人畜共患传染病。方法 为调查汝南县奶牛附红细胞体病流行情况,2020年3月到2021年2月选取748 头奶牛采用现场调查、询问和实验室诊断等方法进行流行病学调查。结果 汝南县奶牛附红细胞体病感染率为10.03%,其中,泌乳牛阳性率最高,为13.02%,青年牛次之,为10.20%,犊牛最低,为5.91%,7、8月为发病高峰期,发病率分别为14.55%、14.28%,1月发病率最低,为6.67%。结论 调查为汝南县奶牛附红细胞体病防治提供了科学参考。  相似文献   
[目的]为了解北疆某牧场奶牛隐性乳房炎情况及分析其可能存在的风险因素。[方法]2020年1月至2022年9月通过加州乳房炎检测法(CMT)对该牧场在群泌乳牛进行隐性乳房炎调查,并初步分析该场可能存在的主要风险因素。[结果]该牧场2020—2022年各年奶牛隐性乳房炎平均阳性率分别为3.69%(110/2 980)、5.01%(150/2 993)和3.87%(86/2 220);乳区阳性率分别为0.93%(110/11 856)、1.35%(160/11 880)和0.97%(86/8 860);瞎乳头率分别为0.13%(16/11 920)、0.19%(23/11 972)和0.23%(20/8 880);夏季隐性乳房炎阳性率明显高于其他季节,奶牛各乳区隐性乳房炎阳性率差异不显著(P>0.05),不同胎次间的奶牛隐性乳房炎平均阳性率差异性显著(P<0.05),5胎和6胎及以上牛的隐性乳房炎平均阳性率均明显高于其他胎次。[结论]该牧场奶牛隐性乳房炎发生率较低但仍需改善,夏季炎热潮湿的饲养环境和高龄奶牛更易发生热应激,奶牛身免疫力下降等原因可能是该牧场奶牛患乳房炎的主要风险因素。  相似文献   
【目的】 通过网络药理学对丹参、益母草、黄芩、连翘组成的中药复方进行分析,研究其有效成分治疗奶牛子宫内膜炎的潜在作用靶点,并对靶点作用通路的机制进行阐述。【方法】 利用TCMSP数据库筛选药物成分作用靶点,通过NCBI、GeneCard、geneMap、TTD、DrugBank查找奶牛子宫内膜炎的相关靶点,筛选出药物成分靶点与奶牛子宫内膜炎相关靶点的共有基因靶点,作为该中药复方治疗奶牛子宫内膜炎的预测靶点,并上传到STRING数据库建立蛋白互作(PPI)网络,通过Cytoscape 3.8.2软件根据连接度对PPI网络进行筛选,找到其核心靶点。运用Metascape数据库对核心靶点进行GO功能与KEGG通路富集分析。【结果】 从该中药复方中筛出有效活性成分133种,主要包括槲皮素、山奈酚、黄芩素、丹参酮ⅡA等,通过药物成分找到对应靶点蛋白292个,通过数据库找到奶牛子宫内膜炎的相关靶点130个,筛出中药复方治疗奶牛子宫内膜炎的预测靶点24个,其中核心靶点7个,包括肿瘤坏死因子、蛋白激酶、前列腺素内过氧化物合酶2等。GO功能富集分析得到生物过程20个条目、分子功能6个条目及细胞组分6个条目,生物过程包括脂多糖的反应、白细胞-细胞黏附的正向调节、对无机物的反应等;分子功能包括信号受体活性调节、转录辅激活子的结合、血红素结合等;细胞组分包括细胞膜筏、薄膜侧面、颗粒分泌腔等。KEGG通路富集分析涉及20个基因,参与调控的通路有9条,其中涉及基因较多的包括AGE-RAGE信号通路、癌症蛋白聚糖通路、血流剪切应力与动脉粥样硬化通路及Th17细胞分化通路。【结论】 该中药复方可能是通过调控肿瘤坏死因子、蛋白激酶、前列腺素内过氧化物合酶2等靶点,通过参与AGE-RAGE信号通路及Th17细胞的分化对奶牛子宫内膜炎产生治疗作用。  相似文献   
[目的] 探明内蒙古4种家畜乳的硒含量水平。[方法] 从内蒙古东北部到西部8个旗县采集双峰驼、蒙古马、萨能山羊和荷斯坦牛4种家畜代表性混合乳样48份,涉及188头(只/匹)动物个体乳样。利用原子荧光光谱法测定乳硒含量,并对乳硒含量的地区和畜种差异进行统计学分析和比较。[结果] 4种家畜乳硒含量存在地区差异:阿拉善左旗双峰驼乳硒含量[(5.96±0.41)μg/kg]约为鄂温克族自治旗双峰驼乳硒含量[(2.89±0.12)μg/kg]的2倍;呼和浩特市荷斯坦牛乳硒含量[(8.74±0.22)μg/kg]约为鄂温克族自治旗荷斯坦牛乳硒含量[(2.26±0.41)μg/kg]的3.8倍;正蓝旗蒙古马乳硒含量[(6.65±0.57)μg/kg]约为鄂温克族自治旗蒙古马乳硒含量[(1.02±0.42)μg/kg]的6.5倍;同在西部区,杭锦旗萨能山羊乳硒含量为[(8.95±1.32)μg/kg],略高于五原县萨能山羊乳硒含量[(6.28±0.80)μg/kg],但二者差异不显著(P>0.05)。家畜种类不同乳中硒含量也存在差异:双峰驼、萨能山羊和荷斯坦牛的乳硒含量整体高于蒙古马;萨能山羊乳硒含量显著(P<0.05)高于蒙古马乳。4种家畜乳硒含量数据都较为离散,提示乳中硒含量不仅存在跨东西部地区的差异,还可能存在局部地质丰度效应,也可能与外来饲草料和舔砖等有关。[结论] 内蒙古家畜乳硒含量整体较低,并存在东北部显著低于中西部地区的现象;富硒饲养是内蒙古地区养殖业和乳品加工业高品质发展的一个有效途径。  相似文献   
We investigated the concentration of the bacterial endotoxin lipopolysaccharide (LPS) in the blood, ovarian follicular fluid and uterine fluid of a clinical case of bovine metritis. A 2-year-old lactating Holstein cow exhibited continuous fever >39.5°C for more than 2 weeks after normal calving. The cow produced a fetid, watery, red-brown uterine discharge from the vagina and was diagnosed with metritis. The LPS concentrations in plasma and uterine fluid were 0.94 and 6.34 endotoxin units (EU)/ml, respectively. One of seven follicles showed an extremely high level of LPS (12.40 EU/ml) compared to the other follicles (0.62–0.97 EU/ml). These results might suggest the presence of high concentration of LPS in follicles in cows with postpartum metritis.  相似文献   
Blood samples were obtained sequentially from 10 dairy cows around the time of parturition to assess plasma fluctuations in estradiol-17β (E2) levels in association with those of several bone resorption markers. Plasma E2 concentration increased sharply a few days prepartum and decreased quickly after parturition. In terms of bone resorption markers, the plasma level of tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase isoform 5b (TRAP5b) rose significantly, commencing 1 week prepartum, and was maintained at this level to a few days postpartum. The plasma concentration of carboxyterminal collagen cross-links of type-I collagen (CTx) increased significantly after parturition. These observations suggest that osteoclast-mediated bone resorption was activated after parturition when plasma E2 concentrations decreased.  相似文献   
The association between blood calcium levels and electrocardiographic variables was compared in 137 normal parturient and 36 peripartum recumbent Holstein cows to determine whether hypocalcemia in peripartum dairy cows can be rapidly diagnosed using electrocardiograph. Inverse of STc (ST peak interval/SS interval0.5) and blood ionized calcium or serum calcium concentrations were strongly correlated, and both correlation coefficients were 0.81 (P<0.001). The 95% prediction interval indicated that cows with STc >0.385 ± 0.001 sec are very likely to be hypocalcemic (blood ionized or serum calcium concentrations of <0.9 mmol/l or <7.5 mg/dl, respectively). These findings indicate that hypocalcemia in parturient cows can be non-invasively estimated using the STc.  相似文献   
A problem for dairy cows following milk stasis is to cope with a high risk of intramammary infection and there is a need to initiate an extensive renewal of secretory modules in mammary glands so that milk production in next lactation may be optimized. We recently reported that ultrasonicated Enterococcus faecium SF68 (SF68) is compatible with cow mammary glands and an enhancer of innate immunity during the immediate post‐milk stasis period. The current study further examines the concomitant effect of ultrasonicated SF68 on mammary tissue remodeling. Four Holstein cows each received intramammary infusions of regular antibiotic dry‐cow formula (positive control) and two different doses of SF68 in different quarters. Analyses of individual quarter secretion samples showed faster neutrophil infiltration, earlier modifications in protein composition, including caseins and lactoferrins, as well as more prompt elevation of the specific unit of 92‐kDa matrix metalloproteinase 9 (MMP9) in SF68‐infused quarters compared to the positive controls. Intramammary infusion of ultrasonicated SF68 seems able to accelerate the regression of mammary synthetic capacity and potentiate the breakdown of glandular extracellular matrix, indicating a more efficient mammary gland involution. Correlation analyses imply that the ability of ultrasonicated SF68 to induce faster neutrophil chemotaxis and the associated MMP9 release is partly responsible.  相似文献   
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