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小根蒜研究现状及其开发利用   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
介绍了小根蒜的生物学特征、营养价值及其医疗保健功效的研究现状,并对小根蒜的开发利用进行了探讨。  相似文献   
Within a given free-range flock, some hens prefer to spend the majority of their time in the shed (stayers), while others frequently access the range (rangers). Laying performance has been associated not only with the development of these sub-populations but also with different body weights (BW). The purpose of this study was to determine if range usage, BW or a combination of both is associated with energy metabolism and as such contribute to improved hen performance. Forty-eight Lohmann Brown hens at 74 wk of age were selected from a commercial free-range farm based on their BW and range usage over a 56-week period. Using a 2 × 2 factorial arrangement, hens were either classified as heavy (mean ± SEM; 2.01 ± 0.02 kg, n = 24) or light (1.68 ± 0.01 kg, n = 24), and also classified as rangers (accessed the range for 84.1% of available days, 242 ± 3.75 d; n = 24) or stayers (accessed the range for 7.17% of available days; 23.4 ± 6.08 d, n = 24). Stayers had significantly higher metabolizable energy (ME) intake per metabolic BW per d (0.852 vs. 0.798 MJ/kg BW0.75 per d; P = 0.025), higher heat production (0.637 vs. 0.607 MJ/kg BW0.75 per d; P = 0.005), higher heat increment (0.267 vs. 0.237 MJ/kg BW0.75 per d; P = 0.005) and retained more nitrogen (1.59 vs. 1.46 g/hen per d; P = 0.023) compared to the rangers. Light hens had significantly higher metabolic energy intake per metabolic BW (0.854 vs. 0.796 MJ/kg BW0.75 per d; P = 0.018), net energy (NE) intake (0.595 vs. 0.551 MJ/kg BW0.75 per d; P = 0.032), and retained energy (0.225 vs. 0.181 MJ/kg BW0.75 per d; P = 0.032), as well as lower heat production (0.936 vs. 1.003 MJ/hen per d; P = 0.002) compared to heavier hens. An interaction was observed across levels of analysis i.e. between light stayers and light rangers. The light rangers had significantly higher NE intake compared to the light stayers (9.77 vs. 9.27 MJ/kg BW0.75 per d; P = 0.024). In conclusion, light hens were more energy efficient compared to heavy hens. Moreover, light rangers had a more efficient feed utilisation compared to the light stayers.  相似文献   
杨凯健  黄耀志  徐谦 《安徽农业科学》2012,40(16):9015-9017,9026
分析了城镇化、工业化、农业现代化对乡村空间格局所产生的影响,并以长三角水网地区为例,总结水网地区乡村空间格局的典型类型,提出其保护的必要性。尝试通过构建乡村空间格局评价指标体系来诊断长三角水网地区乡村的健康发展程度,以便于指导乡村规划建设。  相似文献   
Dogs have been implicated in the zoonotic transmission of numerous pathogens. Whereas cats are known to transmit Francisella tularensis to humans via bite and other routes, the role of dogs in facilitating infection is much less understood. We reviewed tularaemia case investigation records collected through national surveillance during 2006–2016 to summarize those with dog involvement, characterize the nature of dog‐related exposure and describe associated clinical characteristics. Among 1,814 human tularaemia cases, 735 (41%) supplemental case investigation records were available for review; and of those, 24 (3.3%) were classified as dog‐related. Median age of patients was 51 years (range: 1–82); 54% were female. Two thirds (67%) of cases presented with ulceroglandular/glandular tularaemia; pneumonic (13%) and oropharyngeal (13%) illness occurred less frequently. Dog‐related exposures were classified as follows: direct contact via bite, scratch or face snuggling/licking (n = 12; 50%); direct contact with dead animals retrieved by domestic dogs (n = 8; 33%); and contact with infected ticks acquired from domestic dogs (n = 4; 17%). Prevention of dog‐related tularaemia necessitates enhanced tularaemia awareness and tick avoidance among pet owners, veterinarians, health care providers and the general public.  相似文献   
2003~2007年注册茶保健食品的情况分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对2003~2007年经国家食品药品监督管理局(SFDA)批准注册的茶保健食品的产品数量、地区分布、配方类型、产品剂型、保健功能及茶成分添加形式等信息进行统计分析。结果表明,2003~2007年SFDA共批准注册茶保健食品168个,占批准注册的保健食品总数的4.4%,主要来自北京、上海、广东等发达省市。产品配方以复方为主,剂型主要集中在胶囊剂、茶剂、片剂这3种形式上,其他剂型产品数量较少。茶保健食品功能分布广泛,共涉及21项,其中又以"辅助降脂"和"减肥"功能注册的产品数量最多。功能成分以纯茶叶形式添加的产品占47%,以茶叶提取物形式添加的产品占53%。  相似文献   
[目的]考察贡湖湾入湖河道对贡湖湾水质及MC-LR的影响。[方法]对贡湖水体及其主要入湖河道小溪港、望虞河进行了为期1年的水质监测(2014年6月—2015年5月),分析了高锰酸盐指数(CODMn)、总氮(TN)、总磷(TP)、氨氮(NH+4-N)、溶解氧(DO)及微囊藻毒素-LR(MC-LR)的时空分布特征。利用美国EPA推荐的模型——健康风险评价"四步法"对MC-LR进行非致癌评价。并采用SPSS软件分析了MC-LR与典型环境因子之间的相关性。[结果]研究区域内TN、TP是主要特征污染物,小溪港和望虞河水质氮、磷含量高于贡湖湾内部,小溪港、望虞河和贡湖湾内部MC-LR平均浓度分别为0.47、0.46和0.38μg/L,入湖河流对贡湖湾水质污染有一定贡献。MC-LR的健康风险值HIcgw在0.11~0.38,远低于基准值。MC-LR与TP呈显著正相关(P0.05)(R2=0.628);与TN呈正相关,但相关性不显著。TP可能是影响MC-LR生成的主要因素。[结论]贡湖湾水体的主要超标因子为氮和磷,并存在一定浓度MC-LR,有一定的健康风险。今后需控制营养盐浓度,从而控制MC-LR的健康风险。  相似文献   
根据期刊性质和学科分类方法,以文献数量为依据对《中国动物保健》进行分类。结果发现,《中国动物保健》2010年刊登的文献以技术性为主,畜牧、动物医学、蚕、蜂和野生动物保护类文献达到当年文献总量的78.52%,其余学科文献均较少,不能划入相应学科,因此应将该刊归类为畜牧、动物医学、蚕、蜂和野生动物保护类专业技术期刊。  相似文献   
人性化的居住区景观设计   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
闫晓俊  陈其兵 《安徽农业科学》2007,35(32):10280-10281
提出了居住区景观设计应对居民的综合需求进行深入理性思考,并从自然与和谐、文化与美感、健康与交流3个方面对人性化的居住区景观设计进行了探讨。  相似文献   
快速城市化进程与工业发展,使得土壤污染日益严重。污染物进入土壤后,经水、气、生物等介质传输,通过饮水、呼吸、饮食、皮肤吸收等途径引起人体暴露,带来健康风险。污染土壤健康风险评估是制定土壤环境质量标准的基础,是一项新的环境管理技术与手段。我国污染土壤的健康风险评估还非常欠缺,为了推动其发展,本文讨论了其研究进展、方法、存在问题与发展趋势。当前,还缺乏准确定量的风险表征方法,评估过程中还具有较大不确定性。污染土壤的健康风险评估正在向多介质、多途径以及多种污染物暴露的方向发展,模型模拟的方法将会得到更多的应用。为了建立准确定量风险评估方法,在未来研究中需要加强对风险评估相关机理研究。这包括污染物的迁移传输规律、污染物的剂量一效应关系和人群生活方式等。  相似文献   
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